End of My World 4

Story by Maser Ayell on SoFurry



"And there's the doorbell!" exclaimed Mr. De La Maria. "I get it t...

"And there's the doorbell!" exclaimed Mr. De La Maria. "I get it this time." He got up from his armchair in the lounge and opened the door. He paid for the food and carried in two huge bags filled with food. He proceeded to dump the contents of the bags on the kitchen counter and I counted eight, small, white boxes, which had the food it contained, scribbled on the top in black marker.

"Kayla, food!" He called out and the eldest of his children suddenly appeared. He tossed her a box marked F/R and she headed to the cutlery drawer and extracted a fork, then headed back upstairs to her room. Meanwhile Mr. De La Maria had claimed his own meal and Mrs. De La Mara was setting up Bella with a plastic spoon and bowl, filled with a steaming mess of Chinese. Beckham pulled four out of the last five remaining boxes toward himself as well as two pairs of cheap, disposable chopsticks and he expertly opened the boxes with the ease only practice brings. I saw he had ordered a satay, a sweet and sour something, fried rice filled with bacon, and a box of spring rolls. It looked as if there was a week's worth of food to someone of my size but to Beckham it was obviously just what he could eat. Being on the B&MMA team would have meant weight divisions and I assumed that he wanted to be in with the big boys.

He snapped open a pair of the chopsticks, handed them to me and commanded, "Eat." He grabbed the other pair for himself and shovelled some of the sweet and sour something into his mouth. I delicately picked up one of the spring rolls between the chopsticks and placed it on my tongue. It wasn't bad but, then again, it was nowhere near amazing. Generic Chinese takeout. Oh well.

I closed my eyes for the briefest of moments as I swallowed the spring roll and when I opened them some of the sweet and sour something was dangling enticingly in front of my nose. Beckham tilted his head to one side like a puppy and gave me a not-so-subtle look to eat the pink glob of noodles and (I hoped) some kind of meat.

'Oh, you want to play games.' I opened my muzzle wide and stuck out my tongue ever so slightly. I looked up at him from underneath my lashes and waited. He took the hint and gently placed the 'food' in my mouth, he then used his other paw and pushed up on my jaw, closing my mouth for me.

'You win this round.' I thought to myself as he chuckled at my defeat. I chewed and swallowed the saucy noodles and found them to be of a much higher standard than the spring rolls, perhaps they had been a frozen variety and this had been made fresh? Whatever the reason I helped myself to some more and that brought a huge, toothy grin from the big wolf sitting next to me.

Next I tried some of the satay, heaven; then some of the fried rice also heaven. It was no wonder the menu had been so worn and Beckham had ordered 'The Usual.' I sampled everything aside from the spring rolls a couple more times but then my stomach told me no more. I felt sick but not in a food poisoned way, in the 'I just lost my only relative' kind of way. I put my chopsticks down and lent my head on Beckham's arm. It was big, soft and warm and more like heaven than any of the food I had just eaten.

"Tired?" He asked, I nodded in reply. Adding a small involuntary yawn for good measure. "C'mon, don't be like that! You can sleep once Coco and Patrice get back, now is the time for fun distractions!" He picked me up with one arm and slung me over his shoulder, giving me a great view at the expense of driving the air out of my lungs. He then spun around on the stool and marched upstairs like he was from the military. He stopped at a plain white door and using his free hand, he turned the handle and walked in a few paces before proceeding to dump me on the soft bed like a sack of potatoes.

Beckham's room was messy. There were dirty clothes, socks and underwear all over the grey carpet and it smelt like stale Beckham... a not entirely unpleasant scent when fresh but it was strong in here and it was intoxicating. The big grey wolf started rummaging around in my bag with a look of intense concentration and as the seconds passed the expression became more prominent. When he reached the bottom of the bag he gave up.

"Guess what we forgot?" He asked.

"Um... I don't know..." I said slowly.

"We forgot pyjamas!" He exclaimed. By the way he said that I got the impression that he hadn't forgotten. He was planning for this exact moment. He tossed my bag from the end of the bed into the corner of the room and bent over to gather up a used pair of pink and white striped flannelette pyjamas; to which he threw into my lap.

"I wore these last night but you can borrow them." Beckham said, innocently smiling. I tried to hold them up and give him a sarcastic look but I failed miserably. The top was wider than my arm span and for me to still be able to see over the top, most of the fabric was still in my lap. "I'll turn around if you don't want me to look..." He said kind of sadly and he turned slowly, obviously hoping that I would let him watch.

"You aren't exactly shy, are you?" I asked while he was mid-way through his sluggish pirouette.

"Nope." He said bluntly, his smile widening.

"Well I AM shy, so you keep right on turning around over there!" I scowled at him, bringing out some full blown chuckles from the wolf as he finally turned his back to me. I took off my fake glasses and set them gently on the bed-side table. I tucked my mid-length hair back and pulled off the black V-neck. I thought of throwing the shirt at the back of Beckham's head but I decided not to push my luck, the way things were going was plenty good enough for me... even if a little faster than I was comfortable with. I slipped on the oversized pyjama top and pulled the sleeves up to expose my paws.

"Can I look yet?" Asked Beckham.

"NO!" I said quickly. "God, you 're a perv!" He laughed again and I decided that throwing my shirt at the wolf was appropriate after all. I gathered up the black material into a ball and hurled it at the back of his grey-furred head. It connected with a soft 'thwump' and he brought his paws up and expertly caught it before it fell.

"Now I can look!" he exclaimed, whirling around like a demon. He bounced over to the bed and pounced on me. "What are you doing?" he asked softly. "You haven't finished getting changed."

He reached for the button on the front of my jeans and popped it open with two fingers before proceeding to unzip the fly slower than I thought was possible. I was speechless. I could only watch as he slid the tight jeans from my legs and threw them into the corner on top of my bag. He then grabbed the pink and white pants and easily slid them up to my hips, careful to brush my thighs and underwear with the outsides of his fingers.

"You're cute when you're surprised." He whispered into my ear. "And you look way better without the glasses." He picked my glasses up from their resting place and held them up in front of his eyes to test them out. His expression went from one of a playful puppy to that of a confused one. He tilted his head to the side. "Hey, these don't do anything... you aren't a hipster are you?"

"No, I'm not a hipster..." I was frantic inside my mind. What was I going to tell this gorgeous wolf? I had known him less than a day and he was close to finding out my secret... but I couldn't tell him yet, or not until he actually asked me to be in a relationship at least. If I was going to be with someone I would have to let them know at the beginning of the relationship or it could cause the end of it. It wasn't fair to them that I would keep such a huge, important secret. If they found out, they would never trust me again.

"You just wanted to look cute and win the attention of the honourable Sir. Beckham Charles De la Maria then?" He said putting on a faked British accent and adopting a pompous manner, placing the glasses back on the table. He folded his arms to await my answer, kneeling over me in an oddly intimidating way. Almost in answer to my silent prayers Patrice and Coco chose this exact moment to enter the room. It must have been an awkward sight to see the big grey wolf kneeling above me looking as if he just asked me a less than innocent question and me dressed in his big pyjamas underneath with a stunned expression.

Coco cleared his throat loudly and without moving his body, turned to face the two new arrivals with another one of his gigantic, toothy smiles and simply said, as if nothing were happening. "Hey lover-boy -and-girl, how was the date? Have you two got all smoochy and huggy yet!?"

"I stand by my opinion of you." I said dryly. He ignored me. He flapped his paws at Coco, clearly asking him to tell us everything. Coco wisely refused and I took it as a sign that the date did go well along with the fact they were standing so close together they were touching.

"Soooo... where are we sleeping?" Asked Coco.

"On the floor of course!" exclaimed Beckham. "Let's slumber party this shit up!"

"I'm not sleeping on the floor! Why would you say that! I mean, at least a mattress or something! Patrice gushed immediately with more on how she was most certainly not sleeping on the floor when Beckham's Father dragged a brand-new double mattress into the room, followed by his wife carrying pillows, sheets and blankets.

"Here 'ya go kids! Sleeping supplies have now been provided!" He gave me an odd look as he noticed I was wearing Beckham's pyjamas but he paid no mind and dumped the mattress at the foot of Beckham's bed.

"Here, Mrs. De La Maria. Let me do the bed-making for you." Patrice said with a smile as she took the bedclothes from the wolf.

"Are you sure, dear?" She asked the talkative mouse.

"Yes I'm positive!" Patrice busied herself with bed making and Beckham's mother left us to our own devices.


"Good morning you soul-less, red-headed creature." A warm, disembodied voice broke through my deep slumber, dragging me out of blissful oblivion. I turned toward the source of the deep, comforting voice. I opened my eyes to find myself staring into the deep, golden eyes of Beckham De La Maria. In the beautiful moments before I remembered why I was sharing a bed with the large grey wolf, who had his thick arms around me, I just mumbled.

"I do have a soul..."

And that is when my memory of yesterday returned. I sat bolt upright and pressed both of my paws against the pain in my heart. I gasped a few breaths in the time it took for Beckham to pull himself up and hold me against his (surprisingly) bare chest. He made soft shushing noises and rocked me back and forth. I pressed my face into his chest and tried to curl up into a ball again. The commotion I was causing must have woken Patrice and Coco because in a matter of seconds I had two more pairs of arms wrapped around me.

"I'm not letting you go to school today. Not like this." Said Beckham sadly. Patrice and Coco retreated to their bags and began the process of getting ready for the day. As Patrice moved to exit the room, Beckham raised one massive hand toward an inconspicuous door near the bed.

"Ensuite!" he said wagging his tail. Patrice shook her head and smiled, moving away from one door and then disappearing into the other. The unmistakeable sound of a shower started and Coco asked if he could use the master bathroom. Of course Beckham said yes and Coco gathered up some things and left Beckham and I alone in his bed. "Come on you, time to lie back down." He lay himself back on the bed, bringing me along with him "Go back to sleep." He crooned at me while mashing his paw down over my face, forcing me to close my eyes. I opened them again and continued staring at him, earning myself another face-mash. "You're beautiful..." He crooned. My heart melted. "Be Mine, Yes!?" he asked, typically upfront.

"Yes." I mumbled before stifling a huge yawn.

"Oh yeah! I am GOOD!" He lay back and put his hand behind his head in victory... I jabbed his solar-plexus with my finger, causing him to lose his breath and jerk upwards with a wonderfully bewildered expression covering his grey-furred face.

"Well now that things between us are moving along nice and incredibly quickly, I've known you for, I don't know but certainly less than twenty-four hours and we are already an item. Yay efficiency." I said, giving him the most sarcastic look I had ever given anyone, ever.

"I just don't like waiting for something that I can have now." He replied simply. He ran his paw through my head fur. "You know if you grew it out even longer it would be so pretty..." He trailed off, lost in thought with a lock of my hair between his fingers.

"Beckham De La Maria! I hope that you will be ready soon, I know that you want to use poor Maser as an excuse to stay home today but YOU still have to go to school!" Beckham's mother's voice rang clearly through the room and my new 'special friend' rolled his eyes in an overly dramatic way before throwing the covers off the bed and onto the floor... exposing how little he was wearing. Bright red boxers were the only piece of clothing interrupting my view of his soft, yet muscular body. He yawned and stretched before crawling out of bed and rummaging around for a uniform, pulling a fresh blazer and pants out of a drawer.

"Be back soon, beautiful." He told me as he winked and walked out of the room still practically naked and I heard him loudly proclaiming to a still sleeping Kayla that he was using her bathroom as he loudly burst through her door and stomped through her room.

'You big jerk!' I laughed to myself. I crawled to the edge of the bed and retrieved Beckham's discarded bedclothes, wrapping myself into a bundle and stealing his vacated warm spot. I snuggled in and tried to fall back asleep... I failed miserably. I tossed and turned for a few minutes before giving up and waiting for someone to come back from a bathroom. Patrice was the first to return and as she finished getting ready we chatted mindlessly about nothing purely to distract myself from yesterday's events.

Beckham and Coco appeared at almost the exact same time, both fully dressed. I wondered what the patches and flags sewn onto Beckham's uniform meant but that was driven out of my mind when Beckham reached under a pile of clothes on the floor and pulled out an iPad. He threw the tablet onto the bed next to me. "There we go, now you have entertainment for the day. And if you get bored of that, that big thing on the wall is called a television! You press a button on that remote and it shows moving pictures and sounds!"

"Oh my god, really!? Wow! Technology sure is amazing!" I was back to being sarcastic. He grinned and dragged Coco from the room laughing like a maniac.

"What is with that boy? He is such a good mood this morning! I think we will be back later Maser, try to have a good day, ok?" I nodded my head and she followed the two boys out of the room. I thought for a moment about how I should occupy myself and I decided today's mission was to find a less attention grabbing car. I picked up Beckham's iPad and started browsing some sites but nothing caught my interest for long. Of course I could have just went with a typical BMW or Mercedes, an Audi even but no matter how big the M-sport or AMG badges were they just weren't doing anything for me.

I had almost given up and started to try and contact the closest Audi dealer for a silver V10 RS-6 Avant wagon that in all honesty bored the hell out of me (Apart from the Lamborghini engine).

But then I remembered that there were some really interesting cars that weren't readily available around here. I started searching and found the perfect thing. An Australian specialty, the HSV Grange. Pretty much just a big long wheel base sedan with a huge V8 and racing pedigree. I visited the HSV site and specked out my new car. I opted for white paint, big wheels and a crème leather interior.... as well as upgrading every single option I could. I even organised shipping and registration while I was at it. I felt very productive indeed. I decided to keep it right hand drive so I would have it sooner and after everything was finished I sat back and waited. Turns out that they had one to the exact same specifications that I ordered that someone else had cancelled so the waiting time would be slashed, I would have it in a week.

I glanced at the time and I realised I had spent hours searching for cars and that single fact comforted me. I switched on the TV and started flicking through the channels, settling on a dedicated cartoon one. I watched the animated adventures of whatever was on screen but soon got bored of the repetitive storylines and preachy themes that were trying to teach kids 'morals'.

I took one look around Beckham's room before I knew what had to be done... I had to tidy his room... But perhaps food first, I hadn't felt hungry until now so I peeked outside into the hallway before heading downstairs to find Beckham's mother. I glanced around but the obvious silence gave away the fact nobody was home. I brushed my paw through my hair and turned around to climb the stairs again, coming face to face with Kayla.

"Hungry?" she asked in a caring voice. I nodded. "Wanna order a pizza?" I nodded again, smiling this time. She pointed to the stools lining the kitchen counter and commanded me to sit. I complied simply because I love pizza. She asked me what I wanted but I didn't really feel like anything in particular so I just told her to get whatever she wanted. Kayla picked up the phone and ordered a Spinach, bacon and fetta with barbecue sauce and as we waited for it to arrive I noticed through the doorway leading to the lounge the large CD collection arranged neatly in shelves. I saw one VERY familiar case. One of mine. My debut to be exact. As usual my stomach dropped and I dreaded the day when I had to tell Beckham (and by extension his family) exactly who I was.


"I'm Hoooooommmmeee!" shouted Beckham as he barrelled through the front door behind his mother. Kayla and I both turned to glare at his goofy, grinning face.

"Oh, really I didn't notice." Kayla said bluntly, being the typical older sister. Beckham then decided to mimic his sister in a high, sarcastic voice ("Ner, ner, ner! 'Oh, really I didn't notice!' My name is Kayla and I whinge lots, Blah, blah, bla.") Kayla cut him off mid 'Blah' by hurling a cushion at his face.

The pillowy missile hit Beckham, hiding his goofy face for just a microsecond and when it fell his expression had turned into one of wide-eyed bewilderment. That was far too much for me and I burst into a hysterical fit of laughter which brought the goofy grin back to Beckham's face and crinkly-eyed one from Kayla, mirrored exactly by their mother as she watched on. My fit of laughter lasted only a minute until I settled down, wiping away the tears of laughter with the back of my paw. As the giggles disappeared they morphed into hiccups and I found that Beckham had moved to sit next to me and Kayla and Mrs. De La Maria had disappeared into the kitchen to prepare some food.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked quietly as he put one huge arm around me to pull me closer.

"Yes." I whispered as I snuggled back into him and closed my eyes.