The Warshade Awakes (Based on the MMORPG City of Heroes)
The Warshade Awakes by thwale/Krll/Anachron © 2006-2011
The Warshade Awakes by thwale/Krll/Anachron © 2006-2011
( Cause' I have nothing else ready to be posted, yet )
**_Hero name: Krll (Warshade Lvl 50+3) Champion Server (7 years) aka thwale (me) Characters ©NC Soft/CrypticStudios/CityOfHeroes
This RP story is based on charactors from the MMORPG CityOfHeroes. It was written by me in 2006. If you know of Kheldians and Paragon, it will make more sense, if not then get to know them. I hope you enjoy this odd story.
(The names of characters in this story are fictitious and any resemblance to Heroes or Villains living or dead is completely intentional.)_**
Krll's Backstory:
_ I am an old entity having witnessed and assisted with the rise and fall of many civilizations. When the universe was young all dimensions existed as one and were ripe for the feasting. My hunger was part of my design and remained unsatiated as I and others of my kind tested the worthiness of life in the Machines name. Pass and survive to evolve; fail and be devoured - these tests involved pain and suffering for true growth and knowledge come from these. During my travels I happened upon a primitive Kheldian race that needed not my testing and there found understanding. Thusly I was given a soul through the melding of energy and matter. Good and Evil now made plain. I witnessed the struggles of humans and decided to lend a pseudopod. To this end I now assist Paragon and Statesman. My past is my past but the Machine still exists..._
"A joining can sometimes blur the line between Souls and Mercurial Silicon" ---Warshade Proverb
Swimming over Faultline I noticed some Council troops in a battle with Heroes and decided to offer my assistance...
"Do you need any assistance?"
"No thanks, we have it covered"
Normally I would then acknowledge the response, wish them luck and leave, however this time I noticed a group of Freakshow rushing them, ambush! They did not notice.
"Incoming! from your 9 o'clock position, 6 Freakshow!"
I do not think these Heroes were ready for the Freaks, for the moment they attacked two of the Heroes dropped and the other 3 were in trouble, one stunned. I decided to help...
Pow! Wap! Sizzle! Snap! Snap! Body Blow! Emination! Blast!
Once the Freakshow had been arrested, I inquired "may I be of further assistance or do you have it covered?" in response I was asked to join their team, I joined greeted and was greeted by them.
"So what is our first mission?" the leader responded "Rescue a Hostage from Freakshow, lets go!..." I followed as always ready to battle evil.
As we entered the office building the damage was evident as was the smell of ozone, it seemed there hadn't been much of a battle basically a smash and grab. I waited for the two defeated Heroes to return from the Hospital. I suddenly got a request from them for Teleport, seemed they were under attack, I told them to prepare...
As I finished we got ambushed by a small group of Freakshow. Our leader threw up Bubbles and the battle was on... these Freaks were much stronger then the earlier group and we almost lost a Hero.
After many mob battles and a few bosses we reached the Hostage, of course she was guarded by a large and smelly Freakshow boss... wait, this was not just any boss it was an Arch-Villain!
Bubbles went up and our Fire Tanker "BalzOFire" decided to rush in and draw the attention of said AV, we gave him a moment to draw its aggro then we attacked. I really appreciated my teammates energy, it was very helpful. Our Tanker had his hands full and our healer was doing all she could to keep us alive, I decided to switch to Dwarf and assist our Tank.
The battle raged, eventually we managed to defeat the AV but these Freaks had a nasty habit of rezzing after defeats and this of course happened... battle was rejoined. We eventually took him down, the Tanker grabbed the hostage and we exited the room. The expected ambush came as we got near the exit, Bubbles went up and Freakshow went down...
Our hostage was safe upon leaving the building, "good job all" being a Hero certainly had its rewards, for the Hostage we had rescued decided to give each of us a hug and profuse thanks for her rescue. Even in my Dwarf form I found it most pleasurable.
We then said our good-byes and went our own ways, I made a few new comrades and pledged to be available if ever needed.
Returning to patrol it wasn't long before I spotted some Hellions breaking into a warehouse... "when will they ever learn?" down I swam...
After a joining, Energy and Mass; are interchangeable, only the new identity remains unchanged from form to form. ---Dvek Ordson "Kheldian Observations"
"IT WAS SUDDENLY NOISY!" ...Is all I could think... "Wait... I am able to think?..."
"If I can think then I must be..."
"I wonder if my memory is intact?"
"Ah yes!... I had just been ambushed by that Void Hunter, I should be used to this by now..."
"I guess I am lucky for the Paragon Hero Rescue System... once I get my bearings back I shall be off again to make war with evil."
"Much better..." as I headed towards the Hospital Exit I noticed other Heroes who had been defeated yet were once again ready to fight, willingly returning to duty, defeats meaning nothing to a true hero.
As I stepped out the main door I noticed off to the left the Rotunda of City Hall and the pedestrians passing it on all sides... "this is what I fight for, this is my redemption..."
"Time for me to go to work..."
" forget how good it feels to swim on currents of gravity with only your form linking you..."
"this has been a good day, but sleep I will not for I know the night is coming, and my service is far from over..."
_ ***** _
The act of "Reproduction" among the Kheldians is a highly guarded secret, not even I who have lived among them for so many decades knows, but then again I'm only human... ---Dvek Ordson "Kheldian Observations"
_As a Nova or Dwarf there really is no ability to reproduce but in true form things change...
During one of my earlier excursions I met a Peacebringer by the name of Mistwind, we immediately were drawn to each other by some unknown force.
To this day I will never forget her, we have since agreed to part ways but for good reasons. She has many interests and occupations that require her to be gone for long periods of time and I, I have obligations that require me to fight evil and injustice until my debts are paid.
We are still close and perhaps one day will be together again...
Ever since the War, Peacebringers and Warshades have been considered enemies, but those in Paragon and on Earth are seldom at odds, yet there is still some mistrust and genuine dislike, mine and Mistwinds relationship shocked and angered more then a few individuals but that didn't matter..._
...I was suddenly drawn out of my revere by a scream, someone was being assaulted.
The three Skulls attacking her we're quickly defeated "Thank you, I guess I was wrong about Heroes" I wonder what she meant by that?
In the excitement I had forgotten I was still in my Dwarf form, its the safest form for resting you know.
Switching to Nova form, the most graceful of forms.
Much much better... my patrol for this day seemed to have started with a scream, little did I suspect that was only the beginning for what occurred next took me completely by surprise...
"Hello Warshade..." that voice... that energy pattern... only one being... Mistwind!!!
"Hello Mistwind, it has been some time since we last saw each other" I know it sounded a bit weak but I was at a loss.
"Yes it has, and do not think I have forgotten our relationship either."
Her form was as lovely as ever, her energy pattern could still cause my sense nodes to overload.
She continued "Although I have been away I have looked forward to this meeting for it's now my time and I can think of no one else I would rather be with."
"I have oft times thought of this, have you decided on a place for us?"
"Yes... yes I have, a small secluded island in Talos, it is sheltered and seldom traveled, we will not be disturbed."
Nothing else needed to be said as I followed her to the Talos gate...
Upon entering Talos we flew South until we spied the island, it was indeed sheltered and we would have few if any intrusions or interruptions, this was important for if we were to be interrupted it could be fatal to us both.
We were both in Nova form as we landed, however this was not our true form and as such we would need to switch for what was to come, as a Nova or Dwarf reproduction is impossible since those forms are but an energy copy of the originals. As a solid there can be no combining of energy. The act of reverting to true form requires no thought just a simple twitch...
We floated in our true forms, similar to unbound Nictus, her energy just as radiant and stunning as always and I must have looked the same for no sooner did I have the thought then she moved next to me and slowly our energy patterns merged, we became one...
I was her and she was me and no mere words can explain the next several hours...
After what seemed like forever our energy patterns slowly separated, we were once again ourselves and both switched to Nova form.
The sun was close to setting, and I was the first to speak "that was most enjoyable, have you decided where to birth?" this might sound strange to the non Kheld however its quite normal and proper to ask such a question at this time and infact would have been considered rude if I hadn't..."
"Yes... I have decided to travel to our homeworld and will return as soon as possible, oh by the way when you have some time Shadowstar would like to speak with you."
I already missed Mistwind, even while apart I knew she was always on this planet (or linked through portals) somewhere and that made it easier. Now I must face the next few hundred years without her even in this sector of space, though it pained me it was proper and her choice and accept it I must.
"I will miss you you know, your pattern is forever etched into my memory, how is your solid taking it?"
"That part is upset but understanding..."
I had one more thing to say, perhaps that human part as well "until next we meet."
"Yes Warshade until then, off to Sunstorm then the homeworld... farewell my powerful Warshade."
"And fare you well my precious and lovely Peacebringer Mistwind."
We swam together and twined around eachother in a farewell embrace, we flicked tails together once in a Nova Hello/goodbye then she swam off towards The Green Line and was gone...
Once she was out of sight I headed to Founders Falls and began my nightly patrol, however this night was darker then the rest. For a special light had left my world and I would feel that loss for a great while. Sometime in the next few days I must visit Shadowstar but for now I just want to be with myself...
Conceal not the truth- For then nothing when revealed- Light for darks genesis- Forgiveness then unconcealed. ©Krll/thwale
-Due to the sneaky and backstabbing nature of NCSoft pulling City of Heroes from their servers, this will NOT be the only Warshade Awakes Story. However it will be the beginning of my boycott of NCSoft and all future releases of any of their games.**_
_ City of Heroes is slated to shut down on November 30 2012, destroying a community that has fostered and created good friends and memories. For a game where you can't cheat and the players are positive, helpful and yes NICE, this is a slap in the face. _
_ This "Sunsetting" of City of Heroes came without any real advanced notice, new content and material remained unpublished. Stories and mission arcs started 7+ years ago will go unfinished.We were told of its demise on August 30th 2012, no new content and shut down on November 30th 2012. _
This was a game that people paid for monthly, then they released Freedom and there was a (Free To Play as well), it was a community where you had value and where you mattered.
_ Imagine them suddenly telling you that this wonderful site Sofurry was vanishing, imagine paying US$14.00 to US$16.99 each month to use the site, and then it just goes away taking all your badges and artwork with it. This is what is happening to City of Heroes. _
All our Charactors (Avatars) are being deleted, many taking up to 8 years to design and perfect. All our badges and rewards earned over years of dertermined (paid for) play and dedication are vanishing as well.
_ This was a shock to Paragon Studios as well, they are the group that designed and updated CoH with content and imagination, this wonderful team of expert designers and story tellers are also instantly out of a job thanks to the greed and ignorance of NCSoft. _
_ I will publish more stories, I will attempt in my own way to keep my Avatars and virtual world alive, The Kheldian race and beings of City of HEroes will not go quietly into that dark night. THIS I SWEAR! -Ed _.