The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon 3
#3 of Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter
The Legend of Sypro: Rising Dragon 3
(Characters belong to their respective owners, including Aurora, the New Guardians and the rest to the Sierra Company.
I awoke next morning to the sound of snoring next to my ears. I slowly opened my eyes to see that Tinker still snoring a bit loudly, not much of a surprise since she takes that from her father.
I then saw that it was morning but barely had dawn began showing. The sky was still a little dark but the rays of the sun was way off. Oh to the ancestors! Why am I awake before the sun? I sighed before yawning softly, not to wake my parents. I then slowly stood up, stretching my legs, giving them a few cracks before standing up and headed to the balcony. I walked slowly and felt the first way of morning air hit my face. The smell of morning dew, the heavy aroma of resting paint of the walls and the beginning of morning breakfast down below. I stretched my wings and looked to my mother and father, seeing that they are still asleep. I slowly opened my wings and jumped out the window.
I let the air passed my wings and I flapped once and soon flew above the great city of Warfang. I could only see small signs of life as the citizens of Warfang were barely begging their morning routines.
The moles had begun working on the meals of the mornings; some of the cheetahs are starting to practice their morning training and helping with the moles. Some of the newer species that had come out of hiding after the war began helping. Most of the species which included the bears, wolves, some of the insects like dragonflies and last were the less common but are still around, fairies, had all become involved in the morning work.
I flew over the city, slowly watching down below as the citizens down below worked around their daily lives. I sighed and just flew north of me, not caring where I was heading.
My mind just wondered off as I flew over the walls of Warfang. I stared out into great land which once raged by large armies of goblins, apes and wyverns, now was just a growing forest. It was dead lands during the war but when my mother and father saved the world, the world regained its lost beauty and soon, plants, animals and the land became flourished with life.
Most of the occupants now leave the city walls with renewed hope to travel the lands without fear of war and death. They left to trade with other surviving cities or other places that had valuables.
They would come back in no hurry, no injury or just came back all together with more goods and money. Other things that were starting to appear are more dragons as well.
Seeing that many had perished during the war, most of them had been in hiding, began to surface and began to roam around the lands again. In fact, the dragon population had spurted greatly nearly twenty years after the war.
Only twenty because of the several times that many of Malefor's followers tried to resurrect him back up again. The apes, goblins, wyverns and a few dragons that were still under the dark influences of Malefor had tried so many times, only to be defeated by my parents. Not only was Malefor one of the many threats but so were a few lesser evils that wanted to take advantage of the fallen. With the help of my parents, everything seemed too settled down and because they looked up to them with such high hopes, lots of dragon began fighting and helping alongside them; some more so then ever.
When I was born, the guardians had left their positions to their family members. Since Ignitus had...passed away, his younger nephew had taken over as well as the other guardians. Ignitus's nephew Lumadore had taken over in his position. Lumadore was young but still the oldest of the guardians. He is almost as wise as his uncle but is still learning. Volteer's youngest cousin, Altore had taken his place. Though even if they are cousins, Altore still talks just like Volteer. Cyril's younger brother, who had remained hidden during the war, was Frost. It comes to no surprise that he acts like his older brother, nor does that he despises Altore just like his brother despises Volteer. Last was Terrador's younger yet smart brother, Trigen. Though they have little in common, Trigen tended to be the quiet one but let's everyone know what's going on and how he feels, much like Terrador.
Before the first guardians had left, they left explicit orders to train me to control my elements and to see if there were any other elements to discover or other guardians.
However I noticed that my mother had a mission of her own to find others of her kind. She had discussed it with the previous guardians and the new ones.
To say that my mother is the only one of her kind would be highly doubtful. For one thing is that she had been an egg and that the egg always has to have a sire and dam. Now, nobody but the ancestors and Chronicler knows who my mother's parents were or if she had a race of her own.
I had been so occupied with thinking that I almost flew past trees that were hundreds of feet high. I quickly arched my wings up and flew upward. I saw the world spin over me before quickly twisting on my side and turned around to that I was far away from Warfang. I knew that my parents will awaken soon.
Gods only know how long I have been out here for. I saw the sun towards east rising and its bright orange color starting to shine.
I quickly turned my black wings forward and with a hard flap launched myself forward and straight to Warfang. I flapped as hard I could to get back home before mother and father wake and kill me!
I quickly landed on the balcony and quietly entered through the curtains, poking my head to see if my mother and father were still asleep. I saw that they both were seemingly asleep but that is what confused me. They both should have awakened by now. I quietly walked in, almost on my claws and headed to my bed.
I saw that Tinker was still asleep, snoring lightly. My mother seemed to have moved for the pillows were slightly misshapen. I walked over to my mother's large head to see if she was awake. I inched closer and jumped back as one of her eyes shot open.
"Ahh!" I cried as I fell on my rump. My father awoken to my cry but Tinker only stirred. My parents both watched me as I slowly stood up on all fours before looking at my mother who was a bit crossed.
"Why did you leave the room, Aurora?"
I was in for it now. They hate it when I leave anywhere, including the room. I often feel as a princess here and it makes so much harder for me to leave since everyone knows how my parents are with me.
"I...I." I couldn't even come up with a simple excuse.
My father was now the one to be crossed but he just slowly stood up from the pillows.
"Well deal with this later Aurora." He said, yawning loudly and stretching his legs like a feline almost before cracking his neck and slowly standing up to his height of eleven feet tall. Not the tallest dragon yet but he is almost to the height of the guardians.
Again I got only a few things from my father but I still liked the way my father had turned out over the years. Since a few paintings and sculptures were made of my father and mother, I got to see how they somewhat looked like when they were younger Now they looked better older.
My father was still purple but now he was almost darker in color. His horns turned to an almost golden shine that made regular gold look like dirt. His wings were massive and darker orange but stronger with veins and muscles. His spines on his back and horns have grown through extensive lengths. His tail spikes and length have grown as well. However the only thing that hasn't changed from my father is his love for everyone and selflessness for anything. Which is why I hope he still is nice enough to forgive this little incident.
My mother on the other hand was still the pitch black dragoness that many today still fear. Her wings were, to say, still terrifying with its almost demonic looks of blood red and pitch black. Her scales were still the hard to shine light with and her shoulder markings look just as menacing. Though my shoulder markings came almost close to her but with less... darkish looks, she carried herself with pride and joy now. Her tail blade still as sharp as ever and her teeth were just as strong. Out of all the things that I love that I got from my mother was the tail blade and markings. Mine were different but something made them glow when I used my more.... Superior attacks when I am training.
He looked at me before looking at Cynder,
"We need to go talk to the guardians about Aurora. We'll see if they allow her to have a break from her training."
Cynder nodded and looked at me.
"Please don't make smart remarks Aurora. We don't want them angry at us."
I rolled my eyes at my mother.
"I'm not the one who makes smart remarks mother. That is uncle Sparx... or if on rare occasions, Tinker."
My mother chuckled at that but still said,
"I still want you to be nice. They haven't really got to know you well to understand. I ask that you try to convince them to let you have a break. There is no immediate danger."
"Don't jinx us yet, Cynder," said my father. "We thought we got rid of all evil when we defeated Malefor, only to still have his followers try to attack us and try to resurrect him. That almost didn't end well when he almost came back and try to attack us again."
The memories of their near encounters with Malefor before had had them experience near death again with his near-resurrection.
My mother nodded.
I wasn't born till after all of this and yet I am still trained to fight, control elements and... learn to become stronger then my father. Why that was, I will never know. I guess since Malefor screwed the whole, 'purple-dragon-is-born-every-ten-generations,' thing, and my father and mother defeated him only a few years later, it really messed us up.
I followed my father as he turned out the door. I decided to leave Tinker since she seemed really tired from... something.
When we walk down the hallway, I swear I often do feel like a princess. Moles, dragons, cheetahs, etc, all either bow to us or greet us like royalty. I hate it but my father and mother say it is a sign of respect. Everyone knows that we are not royalty but they treat us like it because they are thankful for saving the world, their children, their lives and so on and so forth. I mean, it is a very nice gift to treat us like this and give us whatever we want and all but I just sometimes feel it's too much. But not to my parents... or uncle Sparx.
I guess since they had never had a chance to relax or be treated with respect, especially my mother. The Terror of the Skies has now been changed to The Terror of the Room Cleaners. Reasons why, when my mother and father mate, each other, yes even now they still do, my mother ravages the pillows, the beds and the room.
It is quite funny to see the reactions of the moles when they come clean the rooms. My mother leaves more than a mess not just with the ripped pillows, and ravished carpet and all but the fluids from my parents which stain the pillows. The cleaners tend to be... offended and uncomfortable with trying to wash the material.
They don't mind but they are uneasy about it. Me, well, I am completely other story. I am sometimes found in between my parents mating sessions. I am either asleep when they mate or... I am involved somehow. Not to say that my father... ehh puts... his 'thing' inside of me but my mother does sometimes... uhh help me out or she just licks my vent when... I get involved. I am embarrassed that I'm involved with them but it is something that my parents told me was normal. Why that is, I don't know. They want to interact with me like any other parent could and carry a deeper bond.
We arrived on two giant doors, almost taller than my father. They were painted bright gold with brown arching and designs. Since after the War and the previous guardians, there have been changing's to the rooms where the guardians usually are at for their meetings, locations and what not. That was their primary quarters and so far, only the ones that they called upon or asked for, are only allowed to go in.
My father opened the door and we entered a very large room where the four guardians were all seated at and talking amongst each other.
When they saw my father, they looked at him and acknowledged him.
"Greetings Spyro," said Lumadore. The fire guardian was just the size of my father. He was all red, like fiery orange red. Though he is young, he is almost as old as my father and takes after his uncle so much. Horns were curved and slightly orange with still a few years till there nice and tall. Though his underbelly is slightly yellowish, it didn't stop him from looking like his uncle so much. He may not have much of the wisdom as him or the leadership, but many still look up to him.
However, father wasn't to trilled the day they decided to replace Ignitus so easily. He was actually quite upset and hurt that they could have forgotten about him easily. A lot of others agreed with him but when the guardians had chosen a nephew of Ignitus, Spyro was willingly to let Lumadore a chance. So far after ten years when he taken his role as the fire guardian, he has shown great potential and care, much like Ignitus. His knowledge, care and wisdom had grown a long bit from the start.
"Greetings guardians," my father said, giving a slight bow. I did the same, out of respect and looked at the others. Altore, the electric guardian is all yellow with blue under belly but was a lot younger in body and had only a few different body features from Volteer. He did have a unique feature just like his uncle to breathe out electricity from his nostrils but he mostly causes a spark to appear in between his horns.
The other was Cyril's younger brother Frost. He wasn't the nicest of the guardians you could meet but just like his brother, he has a short temper with Altore. Though the pride that his brother had now been passed onto him but less annoying.
His scales were darker in color, closer to purple then his brother. In fact, his under belly was as dark of a purple as my mother. However his overall scales looked like ice that had froze in deeply with his scales and had become a darker shade of blue. Again much like his brother, Frost a bit cold hearted at times but knows what to do or what to say when the time is right. He still sometimes becomes a jerk to Altore but never has given or been mean to me.
Last was Trigen who is the brother of Terrador. He is the quite one but speaks his heart. He is unlike his brother by a whole lot. Has a heart but knows when to use it or how strict he must be on someone. His scales are not like his brother but in fact all brown, his underside a little lighter like tan color.
That was the last of the guardians and they all looked at my father and me.
"What brings you here today, Spyro and Aurora?" asked Altore.
My father stood up straight and cleared his throat.
"Guardians, I have come before you to ask for a favor."
"Speak your favor Spyro," said Frost,
He looked at me and gave a smile and wink before looking back at the guardians.
"As you know, the previous guardians asked that you train my daughter to use her elements. That me and Cynder as well train her to control her elements."
"Yes." Answered Altore. "Go on, speak."
"Well, me, my mate and... Aurora suggested that she would get a break from her training..." he paused before clearing his throat again. "For the time being."
There was a moment of silence before quiet guardian, Trigen spoke.
"Why do you wish of this Spyro?" he asked in a deep voice. He stayed quiet and that kind of annoyed me.
Spyro gave a small grunt as I hit him on his arm, reminding him. He sighed and nodded,
"Aurora whishes that she should stop her training because she believes that there is no immediate danger. She wants to live her life the way it is instead of being taught how to fight."
Everyone had their eyes focused on me before back on my father.
"You wish for this to stop because you believe that there is not threat. Spyro?" asked Frost, who seemed a bit reluctant about the whole ordeal.
"Not me," he stated. "My daughter."
Now their eyes are focused back on me.
"Aurora," spoke Lumadore with a deep yet gentle voice.
"Why do you wish to stop? Do you truly believe that there is no threat, Aurora?"
I was a bit shy when I had everyone focused on me but spoke a little bit hesitantly.
"I don't believe that there is no threat. I just believe that there is nothing to harm me." Lumadore gave a small jerk on his head but remained quiet and let me continue. "I... I mean that there is no war to harm me or any enemies that can hurt me. I mean... I know that natural or something bad can happen, the Ancestors forbid, but I don't think it is necessary that I learn to fight when there is nothing to fight. That is why I wish to stop and enjoy my life."
I exhaled and sighed before staying silent and let the guardians think. My hopes were a bit on high tide as they slowly thought on it.
It honestly didn't take too long before Altore spoke a bit harshly and... a bit fast.
"Absolutely not! We cannot have you unprepared for this young Aurora." I felt my hopes die down immediately and my tail dropped heavily but I regained my hope when Lumadore spoke out against Altore.
"Altore, we cannot push the child into doing something that it isn't really necessary at the moment."
"But a threat could arise quickly," he said speaking quickly. "We must prepare...."
"Prepare for what?" asked Trigen. His voiced silenced the room. "Aurora is right. Why should she train on her elements and fighting skills when there is no one to fight?"
"I hate to say this," said Frost. "But Altore is right. What if another threat arises? We should have her ready to fight. The previous guardians had Spyro training as the purple dragon to defeat Malefor."
"But Aurora isn't the purple dragon, is she?" asked Lumadore. They remained quiet as the leader spoke. He slowly stood up and walked to me. "Aurora may have the elements of both of her parents but she is not destined to fight anyone nor does she need to prepare for any threat. Spyro, Cynder and us guardians more then capable enough to handle anything from here." "But..." tried to counter Frost.
"But I expect you to listen, Frost. If we have Aurora train now, then are we not going to provoke what the guardians in Malefor's time had did to him? Are we to create the same mistakes that they did when they tried so hard to make him into a powerful dragon, into an evil destroyer? Not to say that Aurora would turn evil but do we wish the mistake?"
They all remained silent. Lumadore turned his attention on us.
"We will discuss this later. For now young Aurora, your training will be on hold immediately. Go and enjoy your break for now. When we summon, we will have decided whether to continue your training."
I smiled brightly and leaped for joy.
"Thank you Lumadore!" My father smiled and bowed to the guardians before we both turned around and left. As soon as the doors closed, we already began to hear arguing amongst the guardians. I knew this will end in trouble.
I didn't worry about it too much for I has just been handed my break! My father was smiling at me as I expressed my joy by jumping up and down and flying circles around my father.
When we got back to our room, I leaped for my mother as she was starting to stand. She was smiled as I jumped onto the pillows with joy.
"Mother! They allowed me to have a break!"
She smiled.
"That is great Aurora. Now that you have your break, what are you going to do?"
This caused me to pause in my place. I honestly didn't know what to do. I had no friends, other than Tinker but I had no friends outside the safety of our room. My mother saw my own concern and brushed her head against me.
"It's alright Aurora. I know you don't know the outside world much but we will help you to learn." My father nodded.
"And since you haven't been outside to long or know anything about the others that live here, well show you around."
With my training in halt, I now had the chance to look outside of the walls of my room and see for the world as it is. I have been outside before but never by myself or with others in fear of me losing control. I'm free for now but a sudden feeling of darkness flowed through the back of my head. I just hope that I can enjoy myself before something bad happens to me.
SOrry took me so long but life is a bitch when you have no ideas.