This is my first story so please go easy on me. I'll try to make as few errors as I possibly can and if I do make some I'll fix what I can but we are human and all make mistakes from time to time. Any feedback or constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and I hope you guys enjoy it^^ If I get mostly positive feedback I will make it a series but I'm pretty busy so the wait may be long between chapters:/ This will be just a short introduction.
Craig Thompson: 18 year-old husky/wolf hybrid, he comes from a Christian family but doesn't believe it himself. Generally quiet but he opens up to people given some time.
Trey Stevens: 19 year old German shepherd, his family background isn't talked about much but he's been on his own since he was 17. He's very outgoing and loud but also friendly and intelligent.
"Get up, get up! Sing it like you're screaming at me...."
I reached over and slammed my paw down on the snooze button for my iHome. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes, grabbing my iPhone to check my alerts. Today was THE day; I was starting college and couldn't believe it already happened, the summer had gone by so fast and it seemed like just yesterday was my high school graduation; I hated that school and that day was the best day of my life besides starting college, I couldn't wait to get away from there and now I had my chance.
I climbed out of my bed and yawned loudly before standing up; making sure to grab my glasses before goinganywhere away from my bed. I walked into the bathroom to put in my contacts and looked myself over in the mirror; my fur was a little messy so I figured I'd have to shower for sure. I'm a husky/wolf hybrid that's about 5'11, I'm 180 pounds but most of it is lean muscle because while I do enjoy sports I like running and soccer keep myself toned. I'm a typical husky with white and grey fur but I'm more slender because of the wolf in me; I have the typical ice blue eyes and to be honest I think they are my best feature. I threw off my athletic shorts and stood in my boxers for a minute to get the water ready, by the time I finished relieving myself the water was plenty warm. I love taking hot showers; if the mirror is completely covered I know I've done well.
By the time I finished enjoying my shower it was about six thirty so I knew I had to hurry to make my first class at seven. I ran into my room, drying my fur as fast as I could but still fairly damp, and picked out what I was going to wear to make my first impressions good ones. I grabbed my favorite pair of skinny jeans that I got in the girls section of Zumiez a year earlier, my black To Write Love On Her Arms V-Neck and my favorite pullover, a grey lightweight one that is slim so I can show off my lean frame and my black Vans. I made sure to put on the necklace my best friend made for me out a guitar pick as well as the Rasta bracelet my other bestie made for me for my 18th birthday. I left and went into the kitchen to grab my fresh made coffee and keys and I was out the door by six forty, looking in the mirror as I passed making sure my head fur was messy but looked planned, just how I like it.
I walked over to my pride and joy, admiring all the work I had put into it. It was a 1998 Subaru Impreza coupe that I swapped a 2004 STI power plant into and had painted it just like I imagined it, neon green with a white spoiler and white rims. The last finishing touch was a bright purple Subaru emblem I just put on a few days before. I slipped inside the leather seat and started her up before easing out of my driveway and onto the avenue. I wasn't in too big of a rush until I got onto the freeway, as soon as I hit the onramp I popped the clutch, dropping it from fourth to third and grinned widely as the turbo spooled and the tires lit up. Within six seconds I was doing 85 and only had ten miles to go, I would be on time for art no doubt. I sat back in my seat and relaxed a bit, enjoying the coffee I brought with me. I got into the left lane and got off the freeway, about four blocks from the campus. I pulled into the lot and parked in the closest spot I could find, about three rows from the school entrance. The deep exhaust rumble and bass from my subwoofers made sure I was noticed and my green paint made me impossible to ignore. I put it into neutral and grabbed my bag and thermos and started walking towards the school, smiling from the attention the car was getting me.
"I like my beats fast and my bass down low, bass down low...." I love this song I thought as I looked up and saw where the deep bass was coming from; a bright green Subaru. 'Spoiled brat, daddy probably bought it for him' I growled to myself until I saw him step out. He had a slim frame but he wasn't scrawny by any means, and he did have a great sense of style, however those eyes were what caught me. He pulled off his white sunglasses and I saw the most gorgeous ice blue eyes I've ever witnessed. I quickly looked back down at my iPhone as he passed so he didn't see me stare. 'God, Did I just say his eyes, were gorgeous?? I'm not gay so why would I say that?' I questioned as I turned to walk into the building.
I reached down to grab my phone to see the school map. "Let's see; Intro to Art, Room 305" I mumbled to myself and turned to climb the stairs. 'Hmm this coffee is almost gone, I hate coffee breath' I reached into my pocket, fumbling to find the package of gum I knew I had. 'Dammit I think it fell out when I went to grab my pants this morning. I turned around quickly to run back to the vending machine I saw in the entrance to grab a pack of gum and ran into the German Shepherd directly behind me. "Shit!" I yelled as I fell down, knocking my phone and mug out of my paws. "Aw god I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" He stammered as he bent down to pick up my phone and help me up. He was pretty cute, about 6'1 and looked to be about 210 pounds of muscle. He had the usual shepherd coloring but he had the most intense green eyes of any dog I've ever encountered before. "Don't worry about it, it was my fault. Sorry for making you late" I said quietly and offered him my paw for a shake "My name is Craig" "It's not your fault entirely, I should have been watching where I was going" He said warmly, chuckling a bit to himself "I'm Trey by the way. It was nice to meet you but I've gotta go before I'm late. See you around Craig" He said with a smile and a wave and continued up the staircase.
'Well he seemed nice enough and he is fairly good looking, maybe he's in some of my classes' I thought to myself, wagging my tail a bit as I grabbed the gum from the opening and ran back to the staircase; I was only about two minutes late so hopefully I won't be noticed by the professor. I walked into the classroom, closing the door as quietly as I could in hopes that I wouldn't be noticed; "Mr. Thompson, how nice of you to join us; please take a seat and let's get started." The small professor said warmly. She was a small mouse, about 5'1 but she knew how to take control of the class.; she looked to be in her late 40's so she probably had the experience needed. I quickly scanned the room and was pleasantly surprised when I saw Trey about three rows in front of me, seated at a table with one seat open on his right. I moved over as delicately as I could and pulled out the seat, smiling over at him as I sat down.
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