A World Beyond: New Beginnings Chapter 2

Story by Bundeku on SoFurry

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2: Strange Encounters And Heat

"Be my boy, be my man, I don't need you in my life again" I sang. I am horrible at singing, but nobody can hear me out here. As I swung around the house with my Mp3 Player on full blast, I was doing some cleaning. Seeing as how it was starting to become spring outside. It had been months since the Newscast. The thought of those creatures having a second chance at life. "maybe they need this new lease on life" I thought. Then I looked at my body and thought I am going to be among them soon. I went back to cleaning everything, fixing things, and singing. That's when my life went in a new direction. knock knock who could be out here? In the middle of nowhere?

I opened the door and there he was, that gray wolf guy I seen on TV. My Heart pounded so fucking loud I could feel it going through my chest. That's when I slammed the door shut and locked it. I ran out the back towards the next town. He chased me screaming "Wait, Wait" I don't care. I kept running...till he caught up with me. I knelt down and begged him not to eat me or hurt me, I didn't want anything to do with this experiment. He looked at me and laughed. I got up. "what is so funny?" I screamed. He looked at me and tried to hold back a laugh. "you know what I am, and you know about how we have our respective animal's instincts, except the ones where we maul each other and use each other as food sources." he tried to explain in his crude wolven voice. See he was fully transformed. That must mean his human voice was altered severely. "After all the excitement of the celebration of my creation, my ear drums hurt me. I went a little nuts. I started running and screaming out of the town of people. They thought I was going nuts, but..." I interrupted him"...The noise level of humans was too great for you, wasn't it?". He nodded at me. I didn't want to reveal everything to him, so I joked and said "That is the reason why I live out here." He laughed. He started asking questions like who created me, was I uncompleted experiment, the whole nine yards. I was lucky, Mr. Loomburgh never mentioned me. Maybe he thought of me as a failed experiment, but in my Eyes, I was going perfectly.

I lied to him. I told him I couldn't remember. The only truth I told him was the fact every 5 years a part of me changes into my furry form. He needed somewhere to live and I was lonely out here by myself. I felt bad, but so untrusting of him. Even if he did poor his heart out to another furry. There was something he had to prove to me. He had to prove if I could trust him. I didn't want that asshole finding me. I just wanted to live out here in peace for however many years I had left.

...As months went by this wolf and I seemed to trust each other more and more. He was also Misguided. Like me, I could see myself in him. First time being free, not knowing where to go or what to do. He was lucky to track me down. I could see he was going nuts being held by that scientist. Confession time everyone, no one knows my secret but me, and this secret wasn't me being furry. Him and I both knew that, but secretly I was falling for him. He was muscular, he was handsome, and only 2 years older than me. He was 21 and I was 19. Everytime I looked at him, I melted down into a puddle of mush. He was so kind, and loving, but still I wanted to know more about him. When I can't take looking at him anymore I would go outside and tend my crops, not much for crops. Some carrots, lettuce. With him being here, it seemed my crops got more attention and looked better. Mainly because I was always outside doing stuff and noticing a lot of stuff. I also had a new habit of calling him "Husk". Like me, He never knew of his Human name. He told me everyone that had this experiment done to them never had names, and like all the others I had him calling me Bun and that is How I wanted it to be....

To chapter 1: http://www.sofurry.com/page/277427/user

To chapter 3: http://www.sofurry.com/page/287109/user