Different Chapter 14

Story by blahman919 on SoFurry

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#14 of Different

I woke up, started to inhale but all I got was a lung full of smoke. I sat up, too quickly and slipped out of the bed. I landed with a thud on the floor on my back, coughing as I looked around. I realized the house was on fire. I looked up and the whole room was full of smoke.

"Serra!" I yelled, no knowing if she was ok.

"I'm here." Serra said coughing some." Are you ok Drake?"

"I'm ok. We need to get out of here." I called to her.

"Yeah I know, wait there I'll be over in a second." Serra told him.

I could hear her moving on the other side of the bed, then out of nowhere she landed next to me on the floor. She must have jumped over the bed. Serra grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. She led me out of the room and into the small hallway. There was a faint glow in the smoke from the flames which I could see coming up the stair well. The hall was full of smoke up to this point, Serra turned and led me down the hall and into a smokeless room. She closed the door behind us then turned to me.

"We have to jump out the window." I told her.

"No, if we jump you could reopen that wound of yours, and then who will patch you up?" She asked.

"We don't have a choice, it's that or get burned alive." I told her.

"Good point, fine I'll carry you down with my wings." Serra told me.

"Are you sure you can hold me up?" I asked.

"Don't need to, just need to slow us down enough for a soft landing." She told me.

"Right, well that's fine with me." I said.

Serra picked me up and cradled me in her arms. She moved over to the window next to up and opened it with her tail. She jumped out, and as soon as we were free of the window Serra opened her wings up and caught air. We slowly descended to the ground and made a soft landing, as we landed Serra folded her wings back up. I looked back up to the window we just jumped out of as flames burst out of it.

"That was close." I said looking back at Serra.

"Yeah, uh, where is the doctor and his wife?" Serra asked.

"Don't know, I have not seen either one of them today." Drake said.

"Let's go look for them, I hope their ok." Serra said.

"Lead the way." I told her.

Serra nodded and started to walk around the house, I followed close behind her. I heard the wood creaking in the house, then a section of the roof fell in. There was no saving the house. I continued to follow Serra, it was hard for me to see in the light of the fire, shadows were dancing all over the place. Serra stopped ahead of me and I walked up next to her. I saw them. the doctor and his wife were laying on the ground motionless. I walked up next to their bodies and looked at them. Both of their necks had been slit, and on their foreheads was the symbol of my master.

"Damn them." I heard Serra say over my shoulder.

"They will pay for this." I said, and then it hit me. "Wait, Blake and Alexis! They went out earlier."

"Shit, your right, let's go." Serra said.

"You know where they were going?" I asked.

"Yeah, down the road to the next town, remember?" She asked.

"Oh, right lead the way." I told her.

Serra turned and ran into the woods and onto a small trail. I followed close behind her.