The Ring: Prologue

Story by Albirea on SoFurry

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#1 of The Ring

Jack Sterling was a human wolf hybrid of slim build. He was close to six feet tall and about 150 pounds, and he looked almost completely human. In fact if you didn't look him in the eyes or inside his mouth you would swear that he was human, but as soon as you saw his golden eyes with their slitted pupils and his larger, and sharper, than normal canine teeth you'd realize that he is in fact a hybrid. A wolf-human hybrid to be precise.

His mother is one of the fifty or so percent of the human population that can bread with any species of fur, she chose a large timber wolf as her mate, and so is her eldest sister, who chose a horse as her mate.

Unfortunately when there are hybrids they often take parts from both family trees and mixed them all up, so most of them looked like a combination of different species. A little of this and a little of that. Immediately identifiable as a hybrid, and shunned from the high class because of their 'impure' pedigree.

Jack and his cousin were some of the lucky few hybrids that could pass as normal. If you got close enough to him, or saw his naked body and clearly canine sheath and balls, you'd be able to tell about Jack. His cousin on the other had was even luckier, because even if he was standing in front of you naked as the day that he was born you couldn't tell that he was a hybrid, he looked like a completely normal anthro horse.

Despite him being a little over a year older than Jack at sixteen his cousin Jason was close to six feet tall and weighed about 300 pounds. He was a typical horse, overly proud of his size. The only thing that made him stand out from other equines was that instead of having hard hoof like fingernails he had nails only slightly larger than that of your average human.

Jason's father is a very successful business man, and his mother is a stay at home mom. They live in a two story house with five bedrooms. One for Jason, one for the adults, one for Jason's sister Emily, and two for guests. They had a large backyard with a swing set and a sandbox for the six year old Emily to play with.

This was where Jack is going to stay for the next semester of school, or at least until the situation died down some in his home town, and to say the least he wasn't looking forward to attending a private school with his cousin.

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