The Collision Part 2: Day in the "Jungle"

Story by Albirea on SoFurry

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#2 of The Collision

Several hours after Alex had woken up inside the hospital shi was in a traveling party con...

Several hours after Alex had woken up inside the hospital shi was in a traveling party consisting of five other refugees, the two doctors and nurse from the hospital, and six guards. Two of the guards were hir self proclaimed "rescuers", even though they were the ones that caused hir the most harm.

The party was traveling through a forest that was full of surprises for Alex. The first surprise was how similar it looked to something that would be found in hir world, and when shi voiced that fact it was the nurse that answered.

"That's because it is from your world hun." she said from behind Alex and then she walked faster to walk beside hir.

"When the worlds collide the very center of the collision zone is taken from the present day, and the rest of the zone is taken from before people settled there. For some reason only plants survive the transition in that area, the animals are all vaporized like we're going to be if we don't make it outside of the zone before it goes off." she said as she gestured around at the scenery.

"Okay. I have a couple of questions. First, if the vegetation is taken from the past then why doesn't anyone on my side notice it?" Alex asked as shi glanced at the lynx.

"That one is easy!" she said with a smile "Your people do notice. Have you ever wondered why there are clearings in the woods all around the world, and why there are vast areas of lush land that trees won't grow on?"

"Actually, no. I hadn't. But if those are collisions then what goes over to my side?"

"Usually a person from this side. They don't often survive the transfer though. Those aren't really collisions either."

"Then what are they?"

"They're like our two worlds rub together instead of a collision like this one."

"Oh, okay. My next question is how are we going to tell when we are outside the collision zone?"

This time it was one of their guards who answered.

"Around the zone there is a ring about twenty feet wide that is bare, and then the woods from this side start. My names Robert by the way." he said as he offered his paw to Alex.

"Hi. I'm Alex."

Robert was a grizzly bear that stood at close to seven feet tall and looked like he could bench press a car with little effort.

"Robert I have a question for you now." said Alex as shi caught a flicker of motion to their left, and then another to the right.

"Okay, shoot."

"What's following us?" shi asked as they rounded a bend in the trail to see a clearing where the path they were on intersected a twenty foot bare patch that continued to both the right and the left.

Sitting on it's haunches on the other side of the intersection was the biggest cat Alex had ever seen. Sitting down it looked to be about six feet tall. It was calico with black and rusty red fur and golden eyes.

As Robert saw the animal he uttered the word "hellcats" under his breath as he glanced behind them.

"Shit! We're surrounded." he yelled as he settled into a ready stance.

Of all of the people in the party the one person who wasn't worried about the large felines, and in fact three of the "guards" looked like they were about to soil themselves, was Alex who had gotten a telepathic message from the cats that they just wanted to talk.

<Keep coming and join us in the clearing> whispered a feminine voice inside of Alex's head.

Alex at once started walking slowly towards the intersection, only to be stopped by Robert grabbing hir shoulder.

"What are you doing? They're dangerous!"

<No we aren't... Not yet anyways. We want to talk first, before anybody fights.>

"No, they only want to talk... Then they'll decide whether or not to fight."

The big bear's face went from showing fear and concern to a look of utter astonishment as it dawned on him that Alex was communicating with the cats.

"Are you sure?" asked the bear obviously still worried.

"Yup! Come on!" was Alex's answer as shi smiled and kept walking towards the clearing waving the rest of the party to follow, and they reluctantly complied. Foot by foot the rest of the party followed Alex into the clearing and turned left to see Alex walking towards another cat, this one slightly smaller and more stream lined than the other two.

This was the cat from which the feminine voice was emanating from and was the leader of the pack.

When Alex was about halfway to her the cat stood up and slowly met with Alex, who put hir hand out and slowly made contact with the cat's head. The fur was thick, soft, and possessed an inner heat as if there was a fire inside.

"Why are you called hellcats?" shi asked the large feline like shi was expecting it to answer hir.

<We're called hellcats because we are full of fire silly.> said the big cat with a giggle.

At this point in time the other refugees were getting very anxious and wanted to know what the cats wanted. It was one of the only two fully female women in the entire group that asked the important question.

"You said that they want to talk to us, and since they are communicating through you, maybe you should ask what the hell they want!" said the agitated human.

<We're here for justice!> was the alpha's answer, quickly followed by several growls from the surrounding pack. The growls were quickly silenced by the alpha, but not before the refugee party did the impossible.

They became even more afraid and pushed closer together, and Alex could have sworn that shi heard a whimper or two.

<Two nights ago three of our cubs were tortured, raped repeatedly, and then murdered. We want the ones responsible!> said the alpha.

"She says that they are here for justice against those who raped and killed three of their young." Alex translated for the others.

One of the guards took offense at this, a large polar bear with his head fur dyed blue, and made his opinion known.

"Why did you come to us?!? Why do you think that they're with us!?" he yelled at the cats around them "For all we know you are lying to get us to drop our guards!" he said gesturing to the alpha.

<Tell the loud one that we don't need you to let down your guards since we have twice your number surrounding you and waiting eagerly for the signal to rush in and take the ones we want. Killing anyone that gets in their way in the process. >

Alex translated for the others and then asked the cats how they knew that the people who'd done it were with them.

<We've been following their scent, and it lead us to your group. We know they're in your group but we cannot pinpoint who it is.>

"Is it possible for you to send me their scents? I can then move among them, figure out who they are , and hand them over to you." Alex whispered just loud enough to be heard by the cat. "I don't want the innocent ones to be killed."

<I can try...> said the big cat as a series of senses flooded Alex's mind through the telepathic link, and then the three scents separated from the rest of the images.

The first scent had a musky under tone with a spicy like overtone, it also made an aurora of blue hues dance in hir mind.

The second had a sweet undertone with a bland overtone, and a musky after tone. It made an aurora of red hues.

The last scent had an extremely strong musky smell that almost overpowered the earthy smell at the end. It also had a red hued aurora, but this one was dominated with reds close to the crimson red of blood.

Once all of the chaos in hir head had died down some she asked the cat what all of the colors meant.

<Those are what elements they are dominant in. Red for fire, blue for water, green for nature, brown for earth, white for lightning, black for shadow, and if it is vague and hazy like smoke then it's wind.> sent the cat as Alex was walking back to the group.

"She said that they are going to give us half an hour to decide what we're going to do, and if we haven't turned over the culprits then they will attack and take them by force." shi said as shi met up with the anxious group.

"But what if we don't know who the culprits are?" asked the nurse.

"It's up to us to figure it out or they will." Alex said as shi tried to catch everybody's scent.

All of the humans had an aurora that would flash from color to color randomly, so they were out. Darius' scent was musky but with an earthy high note, and a white aurora. The nurse had a musky sweet scent with a little bit of spice thrown in the mix, and a brown and green aurora.

The next person that shi caught the scent was the anxious polar bear. His scent matched that of the culprit with the blue aurora.

Then came Robert whose scent matched the scent of the culprit with the duller red aurora.

The two doctors were next, but their scents were all over each other and all that Alex could identify of each of them were their auroras. One was brown and the other was green, so they were safe.

Finally Alex came to a ferret standing a little away from the rest of them. He had a confident air about him and seemed unconcerned with the situation on the whole. His scent was a dead on match for the crimson aurora.

"I've figured it out." shi said calmly.

The others in the group instantly stopped their arguing and turned towards hir, some with eager hopefully expressions. Two of them however were not hopeful but slightly afraid and one was still completely unconcerned.

<Good who is it?>

"These three did it." shi said while pointing to the grizzly and polar bear, then the ferret.

"So bitch, how did you figure it out?" asked the ferret with a smirk on his face. "What did you expect me to deny it? Of course I did it, and guess what? I'm not sorry! I did what I did and it was fun!" said the ferret with a truly gruesome smile.

The other two were clearly scared out of their minds as they both were hunched over shivering. "W-what are y-you going to d-do to us?" asked the polar bear.

<We are going to do to you what you did to our cubs, and then you are going to bear us new cubs. Before you die.> said the alpha with Alex translating for the three.

"Oh that's all? They're going to rape us, get knocked up by us, and then kill us?" said the ferret with a smile "Doesn't sound too bad. At least we get some tail before we die."

"She said that you will bear them new cubs. My guess is that you guys are going to experience the miracle of child birth firsthand." said Alex with a glance at the alpha.

<That's right, they are going to give us cubs from their own bodies.>

Once shi translated the fact that the three males would be giving birth to hellcat cubs shi watched as the smile slipped from the ferrets face, for the first time, and was replaced with fear of the situation that he'd found himself in.

The three culprits didn't know it but as they were hearing what their future entailed the remainder of the hellcats had crept up behind them, cutting off any means of escape, and were starting to circle around the group in order to herd the three off into the woods

After watching the three get herded away Alex started walking back to join the rest of the group, but stopped when shi felt a large wet nose bump into hir elbow.

<Come, I wish to talk with you for a while. I think that I can help you.> sent the alpha as she waited for Alex to accompany her.

"Help me? With what?" Alex asked as shi stopped walking and faced the cat.

<Your new body.> said the big feline with a little giggle and a predatory gleam in her eye.

The Collision Part 3: Night in the "Jungle"

------------------------------------- This is my new standard disclaimer. This story will feature depictions of violence, scenes of explicit sexual content, or other content meant only for adults. Please do NOT read if you are under the legal age...

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The Collision Part 1: Changes

There are an infinite number of dimensions and each is slightly different, in one you might be a girl and in another a guy, but they are all mostly the same. On Earth there was a collision of two very different yet similar dimensions. One had a people...

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