Chapter 6: A Downward Turn

Story by Nathaniel Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Paul and Jamie's Story

Hi everyone! I've had this chapter done for a while, at least in it's rough form, but I wasn't sure how to wrap it up. I even finished the_ _next chapter before I'd polished this one up! It still feels a bit rough to me, but the story must go on. Sorry, no naughty- naughty in this one! ;D Hope you enjoy reading!

Chapter Six: A Downward Turn : by Nathaniel Nocturne

"Dad..." Kevin's heart was pounding painfully in his chest, feeling as if it were trying to escape his ribcage and the suddenly grim state of affairs. The young wolf attempted eye contact with his father, but quickly looked away, terrified of the poisonous look in his eyes. Keith didn't know what to do. He felt as scared as Kevin, possibly more. He had been caught in the advent of a homosexual act by Kevin's dad, and Keith had heard more than enough of the stories from his friend.

"Dad..." Kevin tried again, but couldn't continue.

"Just go. NOW." His father slowly moved closer. Kevin could feel the tears already rolling down his cheeks.

"Dad, please, it's­­--" He was pleading.

"Shut up! What is IT, Kevin? I know what I saw. Just get out. I won't tolerate IT in this household." He had spoken.

Kevin felt the painful grip on his arm, watched his house blur around him as he was pushed out the front door and falling on the step, Keith falling further down. The door slammed shut, adding a finality to his father's actions. Kevin moved to help his boyfriend up, still crying.

"Ow..." The leopard was holding his arm, blood staining his fur from a small cut. "We...we need to go somewhere...but my house is too far away..."

"L-let's go to J-jamie's...Paul's over there, I think..." They set off down the sidewalk, supporting each other, avoiding the stares of the neighbors that had witnessed the event. "How c-could he do this...How could he throw his own son out on the street!? How could he call us "it"..." Soon enough they found themselves knocking at Jamie's front door. Kevin quickly wiped his tears away, and the door opened, revealing a female fox.

"Yes? You're Kevin, right?" Her eyes widened as she noticed their condition. "What happened to you two?"

" Paul here? We n-need to talk to him..." Kevin sniffed, still feeling like something grotesque, something shunned.

"I think he's upstairs, in Jamie's room. But what--" They hurried past her with a murmured "thank you", and made their way upstairs to Jamie's bedroom door. Kevin knocked tentatively, in desperate need for consolement.


The knocking woke the napping pair within. Paul raised his head up, and looked down at Jamie.

"Just a sec..." The fox muttered, pulling up his shorts. He got up and opened the door. "What is...Kevin? Keith? Come in..." Kevin ran to Paul, catching him by surprise. He caught his little brother with a small "oof", looking completely bewildered as to what was going on. Kevin cried into his brother's protective embrace, his sobs muffled by Paul's frame.

"Kevin...what happened? Did someone hurt you?" He asked, slowly rubbing Kevin's back.

"D-dad..." He stuttered quietly.

"No..." Paul whispered.

"Yes... He threw us out." Keith sat next to the brothers, grasping one of Kevin's paws. The leopard felt tears rolling down his cheeks, but kept as much of his composure as possible. He wanted to stay strong for Kevin. Just then, the door slowly opened, Jamie's mother looking in.

" everything alright?" Kris asked quietly.

Jamie shook his head. "Paul's dad found Kevin and Keith...together. He threw them out of the house." Her jaw fell in shock; she couldn't imagine anyone acting so violently against their own child.

"Oh, no...That's terrible! Just because..." She trailed off, not quite sure about what to say. "If you boys need help sorting things out, or need some place to stay, our door is always open." She looked grim. "We should contact the police, or child services. What he did was unacceptable."

"No. I really appreciate your concern, but I want to confront him myself." A solemn aura permeated Paul's gaze as he stared blankly at the wall. "We're going to talk to him. Now."

"Are you sure that's what you want to do, Paul? I don't think it's the safest way to approach this. Someone better equipped needs to be involved."

"I... I need to talk to him, no interference. If he lashes out, I don't care. I won't hide from him."

"Well, if you're certain that's what you want to do..." Jamie's mother looked worried, but accepted Paul's decision. "Please, be safe. If you need anything..." She gave a slight smile, and backed out of the room, closing the door gently behind her. Quiet fell over Jamie's room for a moment, disturbed only by Kevin's occasional sniffle.

"Paul..." Kevin said quietly. He sniffed and looked up at his older brother. "I'm scared... I don't think I can go back...there..."

Paul's expression softened. "I know, Kev. But he has to face this. He has to confront the fact that his sons are gay. And if he can't accept that... Well..." His voice faded. He smiled at his little brother, then reassured him with a hug. "There's always mom. And worst-case scenario, they both throw us out, we've got each other. I'll take care of you, I promise you that."

Kevin wiped his eyes and steadied his footing. "A-alright... Let's go see him." His voice wavered, but he felt a sudden resolve settle in him. "M-maybe if we talk it out he won't be so bothered by it. It might've been the shock that got him. He has to face it either way, once you tell him. How could someone disown both of their children?"

Paul shrugged. "I don't know. We'll just have to find out." He sighed deeply. "Shit, this is gonna be hard..."

Jamie caught Keith's gaze; they looked at each other for a moment, then nodded. "We're going too, Paul."

"Guys, you don't need to--" Paul started to object.

"Yes, we do. We want to support you." Keith said adamantly. Paul's mouth opened to say something, but he closed it.

"Thanks, guys." Kevin's eyes were still wet. He wiped them again, smiling despite the tears.


A short time later, the group found themselves standing on the sidewalk, in front of Paul and Kevin's house. Paul gave the word, and they started forward. All too soon they were standing on the porch, ready to enter. Paul opened the door, keeping an arm around Kevin; Jamie and Keith followed behind the brothers. They could hear a heated argument echoing through the house. In the living room, Paul's mother was shouting at his father.

"--And now we don't know where he is! What the hell were you thinking, Steven?!" Martha had gone positively livid.

"It was sick, Martha! I couldn't just allow it to--" He looked away from his wife, suddenly noticing the small crowd in the doorway. Steven's expression simply dripped of simmering anger. "Paul?" He said unsteadily. "Would you kindly take Jamie and KEITH outside?" He venomously spat out the leopard's name.

"No." Paul set his stance. "I'm going to stay right here while you explain to everyone why the hell you hurt my little brother. And don't give me any of that moral bullshit that you've spouted for God-knows-how-long, I'm sick of it. We all are. Mom's right, what the HELL were you thinking?!" His eyes burned with defiance.

Steven hadn't expected this. He faltered for a minute, his rage flickering. "Kevin's a fag, Paul. I saw him wi--" Paul didn't let him finish.

"You think I don't know that?!" Paul cried out. "And do you think I care? He's my little brother, and I love him, no matter what. And, it may interest you to know, Dad, that he's not the only one. I'm a so-called fag, too." His eyes stung with infant tears, but he didn't waver. Steven looked like he'd been punched in the stomach. "That's right, Dad, your sons are gay. What of it? Do you think you can just disown us, abandon us? We're your children, for God's sake!" Paul choked back a sob.

"B-but it-- It's sick! It's just not natural!" Steven shouted back. He was now far less composed, and appeared to be floundering.

"GODDAMMIT, DAD, IT'S COMPLETELY NATURAL! IT IS NOT SICK! IT IS NOT DEPRAVED!" Paul roared, tears falling. "We were born, weren't we? You raised us, you loved us! We were always gay, but we didn't know it then! You l-loved us then..." Paul's sobs overtook him, and his mother rushed to his aid, hugging him tightly. Kevin rubbed Paul's shoulder, shooting his father a venomous look.

"So, what'll it be, Dad? Are you really going to throw everything away over something so unimportant? Are your backwater morals worth more to you than your family?" Kevin's face was chiseled stone, waiting for his father's answer.

Steven looked beaten. He worked his jaw, trying vainly to get a word out. "I... I..." He backed out of the room slowly, then left in a hurry. Everyone in the living room stood still as they heard the jingling of keys, the slamming of the front door, and ther rumbling of a departing car. Tires squeeled, then a silence weighed down on everyone as they tried to make sense of what happened. Paul looked around, red-eyed.

"He... He really left?" His voice was quiet and afraid, a mere fraction of its usual full, strong sound.

"Paul, honey, I'm so sorry..." Martha wiped a tear away and hugged both of her sons this time. "I'm so very sorry..." The remainder of the family held each other close, as if in some desperate hope to hold together what was left. They hesitantly let go, Martha sniffing a little. "That was very brave of you, Paul. I'm so proud of you." Martha made an attempt to smile. "I should have talked to him sooner. You know he always meant well, he just..."

"I know, Mom. Grandpa's no angel either, I've heard him rant. Dad couldn't help it, that's the way he was raised." Paul answered. "...But he didn't have to go and hurt Kevin." His face darkened at that.

"Dad... Will he come back?" Kevin asked tentatively, a worried fear choking his voice. He felt conflicted; he had always loved his father, he still loved his father, despite the abuse he'd taken not more than an hour ago.

"I don't know, sweetie... I don't know. I've never seen him quite like this... He may just need some time to cool off. I honestly don't know..." Martha seemed far-off, but focused back quickly. "So... Boys? You're both... um..."

"Gay, Mom." Paul smiled. "It's okay, you can say it."

"I know, it's just a lot to take in at the moment." Paul and Kevin sobered up, nervous. "I love you both, no matter what. Don't ever think I'd abandon you over who you love." She hugged her boys again. "It really is a strange turn of events, you have to agree. I really didn't see either of you being gay, let alone both of you." She turned her attention to the two boys left standing in the corner. "Jamie, Keith, you can come in! It's alright."

Jamie and Keith joined the rest of them, Keith obviously mortified to be in the same room as one of Kevin's parents, given the circumstances. However, Martha acted as though nothing had happened, smiling warmly. She was still quite beautiful, aging gracefully; her smile pronounced that beauty.

"So, I'm to understand you're the new boyfriends, then?" Jamie blushed, murmuring a "yeah." Keith responded much the same. Martha laughed. "I'm glad to hear it. You both have my approval!"

"Thanks, Martha. That means a lot to me." Jamie smiled and walked over and hugged Paul, wrapping his arms around his wolf. He felt himself become enveloped in a strong, comforting warmth, a hand rubbed his back. The living room, Kevin and Keith, and Martha all melted away, the world reduced to only the two of them. "You alright, Paul?" Jamie said quietly in the embrace. "That was so brave, how you stood your ground. I'm sorry about how things turned out..."

"I'll be alright. I'm just kind of shaken." Paul rocked the two of them ever so slightly. "Thank you, Jamie, for being here. I don't think I could've stood up to him if you weren't here. God... As pissed off as I am right now, I wish..." Tears squeezed from Paul's shut-tight eyes. "I wish he hadn't left like that..."

Keith and Kevin were in much the same position, Keith comfortingly whispering into Kevin's ear while the wolf cried quietly. The ambiance had sobered up again, but only temporarily; Kevin and Paul needed some catharsis more than anything else. These were tears of cleansing, venting.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour or so, boys." Martha said gently, she had quietly exited the living room to leave the teens to themselves, and popped in long enough to tell them.

"Thanks, Mom." Paul smiled. They gradually split from their embraces and took seats around the living room. Kevin was holding Kieth on the couch, and Jamie was sitting in Paul's lap in a large comfy chair. Things were winding down in the Michaels household. Outside, the day was dying; the sun, on its last hours, was tainting everything orange and gold where it wasn't casting long, dark shadows. Paul looked out the window, thoughtfully, his fur almost glowing in the evanescent evening light.

Jamie looked up and, noting Paul's contemplative look, asked quietly, "what?"

"I was just thinking about Trè. I hope he's doing alright..."