Heart of Ice Ch.3
#3 of Heart of Ice
I was expecting Silnis to kick me out when I came over to his house yesterday, but I never expected another visitor. It was the same tiger from yesterday, the one who was with Silnis in the bathroom when I came in. I recalled Silnis running into me and falling on top of me, the thought making me chuckle. I had to admit, I wanted to wrap my arms around him that time but he was too fast for me before I could react. I also thought about what that panther told me yesterday before I left and Silnis' reaction to that tiger at his house. What was his name? Luke was it? Something bad went on between them and Silnis didn't want to share it with anybody. The only people that knew were the ones in the club room yesterday and a few out of it.
"Hey, Markus, who was the wolf you were talking to yesterday?" my friend, Josh, asked. He was a stallion and played football, a sport that I didn't really like.
"Silnis, the kid who sits just two rows in front of us," I told him, pointing to the empty seat where Silnis sat.
"You mean the kid who said he liked to sing? That one?" Josh laughed and pounded the table, finding something funny.
"So?" I questioned, wondering what was up with him.
"A guy, singing, can you imagine that?" he asked, laughing even harder now and grabbing the attention of the whole room. Thankfully, Mr. Sawyer wasn't here.
"I don't see anything wrong with that," I muttered.
"Hey, Silnis, they're talking about you," someone said just as Silnis walked in and looked to where we were, giving us a cold stare, especially at me.
"I've got better things to do than argue with you guys today," Silnis said, taking his seat and pulling out a sheet of paper. "John, Caprice, Adam, come here for a minute. Garrett wanted me to go over the performance list to you guys. He gave me copies for you guys so come up here and get one," Everyone was silent as the three students walked over to Silnis, discussing something I couldn't hear but knew it was about the club they were in. The bell rang and they returned to their seats, whispering last minute words before taking a seat.
"Good morning students. How are we this fine Tuesday morning?" Mr. Sawyer boomed, walking into the class room. Class went on as usual, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Silnis like yesterday. Once, he glanced back behind him and caught me staring at him, doing nothing but breathing an annoyed sigh and going back to work. I expected him to give me his usual glares but I guess he did have better things to do.
Art ended and I went to all my other classes, my mind always wandering back to Silnis. It was my last class, Algebra II, and I was distracting myself with Silnis' performance from yesterday. The way he smiled and moved his body while singing that song was breath-taking. Suddenly, I was interrupted by the crackling of the intercom and the voice of the principal.
"Good afternoon students and staff, excuse the interruption, but a student from the Music of Today club would like to make a special announcement to you all,"
"Good afternoon everyone, I'm Silnis Hearthglen, a member of the Music of Today club. I'd like to announce a special performance by a few of our members after school outside at the football field. This is a promotional for the end of the year party. We hope you will come and enjoy yourselves. A sidenote, those who are coming and are planning on doing any funny business please know that you will be removed from the performance immediately whether you like or not. So please, keep that in mind, thank you" The intercom clicked off and all of us were left whispering amongst ourselves about the after school performance. I was busy wondering if Silnis would perform. Most likely, yes, as he was an admired singer in the club.
As soon as the bell rang, we all jumped out of seats and made a mad dash for the football field, the teachers yelling at us to slow down. As I made my way to the football field, I noticed someone from the corner of my eye, a tiger who just as anxious to see the performance as I was, Luke. I could tell trouble was going to happen if Silnis saw him.
Only one thing was going through my head when I heard that announcement, go and see Silnis! I was the first one out of the door in my class and planned on getting there before everyone else, but I got caught up in the crowd, forcing me to slowly make my way to the football field. Soon, everyone was at the football field sitting on the bleachers, while the the performers were on a stage down on the field, going over last-minute checks. I searched everywhere for Silnis but couldn't see him anywhere.
"Performance list anyone!?" someone shouted, noticing a handful of students were hadning out lists.
"Over here!" I shouted, having a list passed to me. I quickly studied it, looking for Silnis but I he was no where on the list. He was the best singer! How could they not put him on the list! I got up from my seat and went down to the stage, spotting the panther from yesterday. He looked like he was the one in charge so I marched up to him and tapped him on the shoulders.
"Is there something wro...?" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw it was me.
"Yeah, there is a problem. How come Silnis isn't anywhere on this list?!" I asked, pointing to all the names on the list. The panther sighed and rubbed is temples.
"You think I've tried to convince him to sing, but he wouldn't. He said he couldn't sing when two of his stalkers were out in the audience, said he break down in the middle of the performance and make a fool of himself," the panther told me, shaking his head. "Well, the performance is about to start in a minute so I suggest you get back to your seat," I was shocked as he left to take care of other business. Silnis...didn't want to sing...because of me? I went back to my seat, knowing that this performance wasn't going to be anything special without him.
"Is he gone Garrett?" I asked, poking my head out from behind a speaker.
"Yeah, he seemed pretty bummed out when I told him you weren't going to sing, poor guy," Garrett said.
"He's so gullible. I can't believe he actually believed you out of all people," I said, chuckling.
"Yeah, that surprised me too, but you ready? We have everything all set for your performance," he asked me.
"I'm ready," I said, looking out into the crowd as the first performer started.
I was shocked to see that Silnis wasn't performing, kind of dissapointed. I saw Luke get up from his seat and march down to the stage, looking pissed off. He must've seen the list too and overreacted about it. Soon, he came back up, looking all depressed and took his seat. I wondered what they had told him to make him like this?
"Good evening everybody, my name's Vince Smith," a cougar announced.
"And I'm Vanessa," a lion said.
"For our first performance, we'll be singing "I Need a Doctor" by Dr.Dre, featuring Eminem and Skylar Grey. I will be the voices of Eminem and Dr.Dre, and Vanessa will be the voice of Skylar Grey," Everyone cheered before the cougar gestured for the music to start.
I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long, I'm running out of time
I need a doctor, call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor to bring me back to life
Vince was an amazing rapper, and Vanessa always had the voice of an angel, the two in sync perfectly. The song was coming to an end I watched Jack get himself ready for his performance. He looked nervous so I thought a few words of confidence would help him to calm down.
"Hey, Jack, you nervous?" I asked, walking up to him.
"Yeah, I've never performed to this many people besides you guys," he said.
"Hey, just remember, breathe and relax. Don't think too much about what other people think about your singing, but think about how you sound to yourself. So, how good do you sing?" I advised, giving him a warm smile.
"I think I sound pretty good," he said, starting to sound more confident.
"You think?" I asked.
"No, I know I sing good," Jack said, his head held high.
"That's right. Now go and put on a show they'll never forget," I encouraged, him thanking me before stepping onto the stage.
"Hello everyone, I'm Jack Winbur, and I'll be singing "I'll Just Hold On" by Blake Shelton. Jack may not be from the south, but he could imitate a southern accent pretty well. The music starting playing and a few girls from the audience whistled and screamed after Jack gave a playful wink.
I can taste your kiss on my lips
And I'm wrapped around your fingertips
As I watch the moonlight dancing on your skin
Your green eyes and the sweet red wine
Go to my head girl everytime
And I get drunk on you
_I lose control and then _
Here I go again
"I love you Jack!" some girl shouted, cheering. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I heard more girls scream out their love for him. Suddenly, at the corner of the stage, I saw Silnis smiling as he watched his friend perform. Wow, was all I could say. His smile was beautiful in everyway. That's the first time I've ever seen him smile. He's was always in his cold and I-don't-care-about-you state, but this was something new to me. The song came to a close and everyone clapped and cheered, especially the girls.
The rest of the show went on perfectly as planned, everyone performing their songs just they way they wanted. Soon, it was the last, and secret, performance. The one that Garrett said would make everyone want to come to the end of the tear party. Garrett went on stage, clearing his throat before annoncing the last performance.
"Thank you all for coming, everybody. I hope you enjoyed all of those spectacular performances by our fine singers. Now I know some of you are anxious to get home now, but we have one last special performance from one of the best singers in our club. Please give your applause to Silnis Hearthglen!"
My heart missed a beat when I heard Silnis' name. He was performing! I wanted to jump out of my seat and dance around like some insane person, but I kept my excitement in. Silnis stepped onto the stage, a smile on his face.
"Hello everyone, yes it's me, Silnis. You all don't normally see me smile like this but today's an exception. My name isn't on the performance list because I am the "secret" performance that is suppose to amaze you all and make you wanna come to the end of the year party. The song I'm going to sing is "Crazier" by Taylor Swift. I'd like to ask the young lovers out there to sit together and cherish this moment with each other. If you're here alone then cherish this moment with me or your closest friends," The entire audience shuffled and moved, wanting to sit next to their loved ones or friends for this performance. When Silnis said that, I wanted to run down to him and be on the stage with him, but I knew he'd just yell at me.
"If you don't have any friends then I welcome you to come up here on the stage and stand with me," Silnis added, several students getting out their seats and moving down to the stage. The moment I heard that I sprinted down to the stage, jumping on the stage instead of using the stairs. Silnis looked like he wanted to kill me for doing that, but he put on a fake smile for me before turning back to the other students on the stage. I saw that wolf who was with Silnis yesterday at school and at home. He made his way closer to Silnis until he was only two feet behind him. If he's trying to steal Silnis from me then I wasn't going to play easy. I moved in closer to Silnis until I was by his side, making Silnis move away from me.
"I'm trying not to freak out on you two today so keep a limit of two feet from me, please," he whispered loudly, gesturing for the music to start.
The music started to play and I stood where I was, along with Luke who was giving me dirty looks. I didn't want to spoil this evening for Silnis so I kept myself cool and in control, trying my best to focus on Silnis instead of him. Silnis placed the mic near his mouth and was about to sing, taking a breath before the first words came out.
I've never gone with the wind
Just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
Till you open the door
There's so much more
I've never seen it before
I was trying to fly
But I couldn't find wings
Then you came along
And you changed everything
You lift my feet off the ground
Spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier
Crazier, crazier
I was so captivated with the song that I forgot about Luke. I moved closer to Silnis until I was standing right behind him, him not noticing. I heard a soft growl from beside me and looked to Luke was glaring at me, warning me not step away from him. I was about growl back when the next verse of the song started, sending me and Luke into dreamland.
Watched from a distance as you
Made life your own
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know
How that would feel
And you made it so real
I was holding Silnis in my arms, him smiling happily. This was the Silnis that I saw just a while ago. When he was like this he was so much more warm, happy, and comforting. We were on a open grass field and Silnis was resting on my chest while I laid back on the grass. I saw the look in his eyes and they were full of so much love for me, his heart only for me. I softly nuzzled him and wrapped my arms tigher around him, whispering words of love to him. This was how I wanted Silnis to be.
Silnis had his head resting against my shoulder as we watched the sunset, my arm around him to keep him close. The sun seemed to slow down, making this moment feel like it would last forever. I lightly kissed his head, making him smile as he cuddled in closer to me and gave me a peck on the cheek. I chuckled and we gazed into each other's eyes, I seeing him forgive me for my past mistake and returning his love for me. I moved my head in closer and pressed my lips against his, feeling no hate or resistance as our tongues moved around our mouths. I want my Silnis back, my sweet and loving wolf.
Baby, you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore...more
You lift my feet off the ground
Spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier
Crazier, crazier
Crazier, crazier
The music came to a slow end and I look around to see people wiping away tears and holding each other close. I looked behind me and see Markus and Luke staring at me with those same dreamy eyes. They both wore smiles on their faces and looked like they had been in some other world.
"Thank you everybody and I hope you enjoyed our show this evening," I said, walking off the stage as everyone cheered louder than before. Everyone was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs and surrounded me, giving me flattering comments and cheers.
"Silnis that was amazing!
"I almost cried!"
"Best for last!"
"Thanks everyone but I can't take all the credit. You all did an amazing job out there and we should all be congratualing ourselves, not just me. So cheers for the Music of Today club!" I shouted, clapping with everyone else.
Soon, the stage was disassembled and put away, the audience having left a while ago. The only two that didn't leave were Markus and Luke who were helping with the clean-up, always giving me a smile when I looked at them. I admit, I was thankful they didn't mess up the show, Luke especially. I decided to give them my word of thanks, walking up to them.
"Markus...Luke...I'd like to say something to the both of you," they both stopped with their work and looked at me, expecting me to yell at them for no reason. "I'd like to thank you guys for not messing up the show. When you guys came on up on stage, I was expecting a big fight to go out between you two, but you two surprised me. So, again, thank you," I went up and hugged the both of them, making their eyes go up in shock.
"Dont expect me to get another one from me, especially you Luke. I'm just being nice today, that's all. Well...I gotta get home now, bye," I said, shouting bye to everyone else before running off. I glanced back behind me and blushed at what I saw. Markus and Luke were smiling at me, waving goodbye. Note to self, don't give those two hugs or anything else anymore. You'll just cause more trouble for yourself.