Heart of Ice Ch.2
#2 of Heart of Ice
Here's the second chapter of Heart of Ice.Enjoy! :D
I desperately wished that it some apparition in front of me, playing with my mind. Why couldn't it have been a jock or Markus! Either one would've been better than having to face my ex! My whole body was trembling as that one painful night replayed itself in my head, toying with me. Luke walked up to me and was about to touch my cheek when I slapped it away like some deadly disease.
"What are you doing here!?" I yelled, backing away from him as his face remained expressionless.
"I wanted to see you after what happened last time, but you kept avoiding me. Can't you just forget that night and come back with me, please?" Luke pleaded, opening his arms as he moved closer to me.
"No!! Stay away from me!! I can never forgive you after what you done!!" I yelled, getting backed up into the wall. Luke was only a foot away from me when he pressed his lips up against mine, sliding his tongue in as he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I tried to push away from him, but his hold on me was too strong. I didn't want to do this, but he gave me no choice. I bit down on his tongue, making him jump back in pain as I quickly pushed him away and ran for the door.
"Hey, Silnis, you okay? You've been in here for quite a while now," Markus asked, opening the door just as I rammed into him. I sent the both of us falling to the floor, me on top of him. I would've been embarrassed out of my mind, but I heard Luke call out my name as I quickly apologized and grabbed Markus' hand, making a mad dash to the club room. I pushed Markus in and slammed the door shut behind me, locking it as I heard Luke banging and calling out my name through the door. I was in too much shock to do anything but go into the fetal position and cry softly.
Why...why did I have to see him now? I've been doing everything I can just to avoid him...but he kissed me just a minute ago. Maybe...I just wasn't trying hard enough to avoid him. Or maybe I've been trying too hard that I thought that everything was going okay. I don't know...I can't think straight anymore. I felt a hand on my back and looked up to see Markus smiling down at me, trying to comfort me. I snapped back to reality and shrugged his hands off, wiping away tears as I got to my feet.
"I...I'm all right. I was just...shocked that's all. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself," I said, moving to a corner of the room and going back into the fetal position. What am I going to do?
I couldn't just do nothing while Silnis was sitting in a corner, looking all depressed and gloomy. I moved toward him when the panther Silnis was talking to earlier stopped me, shaking his head.
"I'd leave him be. You'd just make things worse for him if you tried to comfort him. He'll be back on his feet in no time, but just give him some time and space, okay?" he explained, looking back at Silnis. "He wasn't always like this, not since last trimester,"
"Why? What happened to him?" I asked, curious. Everyone gasped as they saw Silnis' ears perk up, hearing the topic of the conversation.
"As much as we like to tell you, we can't," someone chimed in.
"Silnis doesn't like to talk about what happened between him and the tiger outside the door," another added in.
"The point is that Silnis gets upset and irritated every time something about him and his ex is brought up. Not everyone in the entire school knows about this, except everyone in this room, though we swore to Silnis to not talk about it," the panther summed up, glancing back at him. Suddenly, a cellphone went off and Silnis was instantly digging through his backpack, pulling out a slim blue phone.
"Hello? Oh, Aaron, what is it? Yeah, sure, I'll stop by the store and pick up some groceries on my way back from school. Make sure the house is clean when I get home, okay? All right then...bye" Silnis slipped his phone back in his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.
"I'll be leaving now everyone. I'm sorry I couldn't stay any longer but I have to get home, and sorry about what happened earlier," he apologized, looking at the panther for approval.
"Sure, go home and give yourself some time to relax. Just remember that you're performing for the end of the year party," he reminded, waving goodbye as Silnis unlocked the door and looked around before heading out.
"I guess I'll be leaving too," I announced, making my way to the door just as the panther called out to me.
"I know you have a thing for him, but keep in mind that Silnis may seem tough on the outside but he's actually a real softy on the inside. He just needs to reacquaint with his old self, something he can't do alone," he told me, giving me a thumbs up as I went after Silnis.
That was as close as I have ever gotten to him in weeks. I felt so much resistance and hate when I kissed him, feeling no taste of love. My tongue was still sore from when he bit me, thankfully it wasn't bleeding. Boy, could he hold a grudge. I thought of him as someone who would forget sooner or later and make up with me, but I was sadly mistaken. Also, he was...different from before. He seemed more independent, stronger, and cold.
I sat down under the big maple tree in his yard, resting my eyes as I heard footsteps approaching the house. I looked and saw Silnis carrying several bags in his hands, having a hard time but was acting like he wasn't. I was about to come out of hiding and offer to help him, but I knew that he'd do something worse to me now that we were in his property and not at school. The door to his house opened and two young wolf pups came running out, chasing each other around Silnis. An older, but younger wolf, stepped out of the house, giving Silnis a hand with the bags.
"Thanks Aaron, just put them on the kitchen counter," Silnis told him. "Come on Jack, Alicia, it's time for dinner," The two wolf pups ran in as Silnis gave a small chuckle, shutting the door behind him. I moved out of hiding and made my way to the backyard, peeking through the back window and into the kitchen where everyone was helping to put the groceries away. I saw Silnis smile as the pups jumped on his back, wanting a piggy back ride, making my heart melt. I've haven't seen that smile in such a long time. What I do to be the one making him smile. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Silnis went to answer it as the others finished putting the groceries away. I wondered who it was?
The doorbell rang as I got Jack and Alicia off my back, going over to get it. I brushed myself off before opening the door, stiffening at who it was.
"Hey, Silnis," Markus smiled, waving at me.
"What are you doing here!? Are some kind of stalker now!?" I shouted, my brothers and sister hearing me.
"Silnis, who's that?" my brother, Aaron, asked, peeking out from the kitchen. As if things couldn't get bad enough, my little brother and sister started screaming, pointing to the back window.
"There's a stranger in our backyard!" my little brother shouted. I went back to the kitchen and saw a blur of black and orange running from the back window. I groaned and ran outside, Markus stepping out of the way as I looked around for our so called "stranger". I heard a branch snap as I looked up to where our maple tree was and saw Luke hiding behind a tree branch.
"Great, I have two stalkers following me at school, but now at home! Get down from that tree Luke and get out of here! The same goes for you Markus!" I yelled, going inside and slamming the door in front of both their faces. I grabbed a couch pillow and was about to rip it to shreds when I saw my brothers and sister looking at me, worried.
"Um...I'm fine. Just having problems with friends, that's all," I lied, going back into the kitchen and digging through cabinets for a pan. "Let's just forget about that and make dinner. Who wants to help me mash some potatoes?"
Soon, dinner was ready and we were setting up the table when we heard the front door open and my mom walked in, looking tired as always. She dropped her keys into the bowl by the door and walked into the kitchen, smelling the meatloaf I was taking out of the oven.
"Oh, that smells divine! Silnis, you really didn't have to go through all this trouble to make meatloaf," my mom said, taking a seat at the table with everyone else as I set the hot tray down.
"It wasn't any trouble at all mom. Besides, you need to get some sleep after dinner. I'm worried about your health," I said, slicing a piece of meatloaf for everyone.
"Don't worry about me Silnis. I'm stronger than I look, but I'm more worried about you. Aaron called earlier and said two boys were here earlier and you chased them out. Was one of them Luke? Who was the other boy?" she asked, wanting to know.
"Yes, "he" was here, watching us from the back window," gesturing to the window where Luke had been watching from, "and the other boy was some jock who followed me around all day at school. He even followed me to the club room, asking me about it," I said, taking small bites from my plate.
"What was his name?" my mom asked, noticing that I didn't give a name.
"Markus, he's a brown wolf and a junior from what I can tell," I told her, taking a small sip from my glass.
"Markus...what's his last name, do you know?" she asked. I shook my head, my mouth full and not remembering him telling me his last name. "Hmm...okay. What's he like? Is he nice? Mean? Is he cute?" If it had been anyone else asking these questions then I would've walked away from them already, but this was my mom. She saw how I had changed when I got back home during the night I had come back from Luke's place. She was worried about me because I wasn't my old self anymore; the once sweet and innocent boy she raised was now a cold and independent wolf. Plus, there was no point in lying to her. She knew when anyone was lying and tried to make them feel guilty about it.
"He's nice, not like the other jocks at school, and I wouldn't call him cute, but handsome," I told her, receiving squeals from her. My mom was still a lot like a high school girl, talking about boys and fashion.
"He sounds like the perfect high school crush! Are you two together?!" she asked, getting more curious. My brother chuckled at my mom, seeing her start to shift into high school girl. My little brother and sister didn't pay any attention to the conversation and kept on eating, grabbing seconds.
"M...Mom how can you just assume that?! I haven't been a relationship ever since what "he" did to me?!" I half-shouted, stopping myself before I got out of hand.
"I know sweetie, but one day you'll just have to forgive Luke for what he did and move on. I don't want to see you all alone for the rest of your life, still holding a grudge against him. I just want to see you happy with the boy of your dreams that's all," my mom said, giving me a sad, yet warm smile.
"I...I don't know if I can mom. We'll just have to wait and see if I have a change of heart," I said, doubting myself. Dinner went by silently and quickly, not a single word about me was spoken. After dinner, I retreated to my room, letting out a sigh as I was in the only safe haven in this world. I plopped down on my bed, wanting to forget the events of today. Out of any other day in the school year, this day was more exhausting than any other day. I wonder how the rest of my high school year was going to be like with those two following me around. Luke was no doubt in love with me and trying to regain my love for him, but I doubt he get it back. Markus, I wasn't so sure about. To me he was just some jock who wanted to kill time by annoying the heck out of me, but I wasn't so sure what I was to him. I remembered those dreamy staring eyes back in the club room, sending shivers up my spine. Was it possible that he...liked me? No...impossible. I've only met him just today! He was just teasing me that's all...right?