Atra gülai un ilian taught ono un atra ono waíse sköliro frá rauthr
#4 of (untitled story)
Well here's part four, hope you guys like it :)
Mike's lungs screamed for air, he didn't know how long he had been running, he just kept going. He didn't look back, didn't slow down; he just kept running. Finally he couldn't go any more and took a seat behind some bushes in front of someone's house. No one could see him there, unless they looked out the windows of the house. He lay down panting heavily, trying to slow his breathing, thinking of what had just happened.
His parents had pushed past Daniel looking at Mike. The look on their faces as they stared at him... he'd never seen them so angry. His heart was racing, what was going to happen? Daniel closed the door "Why don't we all sit down?" He said, motioning toward the couches. Mike's dad looked at him "This is all your fault..." "My fault?" Mr. Kang said "My fault? How is this my fault?" "It was after he stayed over with you that he acted this way!" "What was I supposed to do? Let him get attacked everyday by the other kids? Let him think of himself as worthless?" "You should have just stayed out of this; this doesn't concern you." "This is my house so it does concern me. And I don't appreciate you forcing your way in here and accusing me of anything."
While his dad and friend were fighting, his mom motioned for him to come over. "Let's go, your coming home so we can get you some help." Mike stood there on the stairs, frozen.
"Let's go!" Mike took a step back and in a low voice uttered "No..." His mom looked at him, now even angrier. "What do you mean 'no'?" "I mean I'm not going anywhere with you." His dad over heard that and ignored Mr. Kang and looked at him "Yes you are; you need help and you're going to get it." "You're right, I do need help. And I'm getting it from him" Mike said, pointing at Daniel with a shaky hand "He's not helping you; he's corrupting you more and more then longer you stay here!" "He's helping me. All you ever did was told me how worthless I am and how much I'm hated. No more...I won't go anywhere with you; I'm going to stay here where I'm accepted." His dad grabbed his arm "You're coming home to get help whether you like it or not." Daniel pulled his dad off "He doesn't want to leave" His dad punched him in the nose "I told you to stay out of this you damn queer!" Mike used this opportunity to run past them all and toward the door but as he was opening the door, his dad grabbed him again. "We're leaving now!" Mike struggled "Let me go!" His mom walked over "We're going to help you, don't worry, it's for your own good" Mike stopped struggling and just stood there. "You're right about one thing: we are leaving..." His dad smiled "and we're going to help you." Mike continued "but we're not leaving together. "What do you mean?" Mike put all of his might in one kick, hitting his dad square in the chest. He watched his dad fall down in pain and never enjoyed time with him dad more than now. He turned and ran out he door, nothing stopping him, he just ran.
Now he just lay there, catching his breath. How far had he run? How long was he running? He sat up and looked around "Where am I?" he asked himself. He didn't recognize the houses. He stood up and looked in the direction of Mr. Kang's house and a thought came to him: he left his parents with Daniel! He thought about running back there, but maybe his parents had left the house already. He climbed back over the bushes and started walking back, looking down as he walked.
How did he get into this situation? Why me? He thought. He hit his dad. There's no telling what would happen if his parents got him. They might send him away to a "straight camp" and he wouldn't be able to see his friends anymore. He wouldn't let them take him; he would fight back. He looked up and saw his mom standing in the way, arms folded. He stopped and gulped. "You hit your father"
Mike smiled "Yeah, I guess I did." "You're smiling, you enjoyed hurting him?" He thought for a moment then replied "Actually, I did. You both have done nothing but hurt me for years, now I had the chance to get him back." "So it was just about payback? You just should have been the bi-" Mike cut her off
"Been what, the 'bigger person' in the situation? Fuck that and fuck you both. I finally have a home and someone who cares about me and won't call me worthless." He glared at his mom "I won't let you take that away from me." "Too bad it isn't your decision"
Before he could say anything more he felt someone grab him from behind. "Your our son and we are going to help you!"
Mike struggled as much as he could "Let me go!"
He felt his dad bite his neck hard, almost broking skin. In that second of shock and pain he stopped moving and felt another sharp pain in his neck, not from his dad's bite but from a needle in his mom's paw. He felt the liquid shoot into his neck and his dad letting go. It's now or never he thought and took off running again but stopped when everything was getting blurry. He tried to focus, but nothing was getting any clearer.
"You'll be asleep for a while," he heard his mom say
He muttered a response before falling to the ground as his knees gave out. His dad picked him up and started walking. Then everything went black.
Mike woke up and rubbed his eyes. As the sleep wore off his memories shot through and he sat up and looked around frantically. He was in bed, his bed. In Daniel's house. "They drugged me..." he said and put his paw to his neck. How did he get here? Why wasn't he with his parents? They were taking him but he's in Daniel's house and..."Daniel!" he jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs and looked around. No one was there. "Daniel!" he called out
"I'm here" he heard him answer from the kitchen. Mike rushed in and saw his friend sitting at the table. Coffee in one paw...and a cast on his other. Mike looked him over- the cast, one black eye, and his shirtless torso wrapped in bandages. Daniel gave a smile "How do I look?" he said jokingly
Mike sat down across from him ""
The vulpine sighed "Your dad did this, it's just a few cuts and bruises." "A few cuts and bruises?! Look at yourself, you look like hammered shit!" "Thank you, that's really what I was hoping to hear" he said with a chuckle
Mike whimpered "I'm's just, all this...he hurt you." He had a confused look on his face "If they drugged me, and beat you, how am I here?"
"...let's just say I owe a lot to a neighbor and the second amendment" Daniel said and took a sip of coffee
Mike eyes started to water "What happens now?"
It was a few minutes before he got his response "We take it one day at a time. Whatever they gave you wore off, my body will heal and we'll just have to be cautious."
"...How did the fight go? What exactly did he do?" "I'll tell you some other time. For now, just relax. We won this time, that's what's important."
Mike gave a nod. Daniel was hurt because of him. His parents wouldn't stop and he knew it. He knew his friend was just putting on a brave face; they didn't win anything. They just angered their opponents more.
not sure when I'll write the next one. Oh and if your wondering what the hell the title means, its written in The Ancient Language from Eragon ^.=.^
it means "Let luck and happiness follow you and may you be a shield from misfortune"