Chapter 1: The Meet
#1 of Lintt
It was a lonely night in the bar for a red fox named Lintt Crotlong, until a grey wolf named Archie Greypaw came into the bar. He walked in and tried to get passed the others as they were drunk. He finally got to the bar seat and sat down next to the fox.
"Hello." said the grey wolf.
"Hello. What's your name?" said the fox with a slight smile.
The grey wolf called the bartender and ordered a drink an alcoholic drink and consumed it quickly.
"The name is Archie...Archie Greypaw."
The fox put down the glass that had a very alcoholic drink called a "Sex on the Beach" then put his paw out. "My name is Lintt Crotlong. Nice to meet you." He smiled as he knew his night was getting better by the minute. The grey wolf should his paw and smiled in glee.
"What's that drink you got in there?" "It's a Sex on the Beach. Want one?" Archie shrugged his shoulders lightly.
"Meh. I could go for one." Lintt called the bartender and asked for a Sex on the Beach as he had already had 4 and feeling quite tipsy. His head landed softly on his arm as he started to pass out slightly then woke back up.
"What? Oh. Here's your drink Archie. Charges all on me." He gave the beverage to Archie as he watched him drink his last one quickly. Archie took the drink and drank it slowly to get used to the taste. The grey wolf took a glance over to the fox as he looked like he was going to pass out.
"Lintt, you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm feeling alright. The drinks are getting to me." He replied playfully to him. His eyes started to get cloudy. Eventually, he passed out. The grey wolf helped the fox out of the bar seat and put his arm around him.
"Come on Lintt. Let's take you to my place."
"No. You don't have to." He said saying the sentence with gibberish accent.
Following little bit of convincing on the part of the wolf; the fox put a paw on his shoulder and stepped down from the stool. Although he may have been fine if the walk to the door was a straight shot, it wasn't, and he wasn't. Making their way through the crowd, he stumbled more than a few times, many of which resulted in the need to use various parts of the wolf to keep him from falling.
The wolf chuckled as the reached the door, "Here we are...".
He opened the door, and guided the fox through it. They began to walk on, the fox straying across the sidewalk and the wolf guiding him back. He giggled a little and looked into the wolf's eyes every time his paws landed somewhere on him for support. A one of two times, the wolf might have been offended at where the paws landed, but let them slide; this fox was pretty drunk. They walked mostly in silence as they climbed clumsily down the stairs to the subway and pushed through the turnstyles.
The fox stumbled towards the northbound trains, heaving away from him by pushing off of his buttocks and giggling. The wolf raised an eyebrow, exasperated and a little amused, but ran to pull him back. "No. You're coming home with me, remember?" the wolf said playfully, pulling the fox's now outstretched arm.
"I'm fine, you don't have to...", mutters the fox as he stumbled right into the wolf, breaking his fall with his paws on the wolf's chest.
"Oh yes you are." retort the wolf, helping the intoxicated fox towards the other platform. "There's no way I'm letting you go home on your own like that tonight!" he yelld over the sound of the approaching train. The fox chuckled and was guided through the doors and fell into a seat. "If you insist. What was your name again?"
"It's Archie. Now I'm sure that you needed to come with me." The wolf grinned, watching his new acquaintance lurch excessively with the train's movements as he stood in front of the seat. "I don't live too far."
A similar scene as before unrolled for the short walk to the wolf's building; in the elevator, the pair stopped at a few superfluous floors as the fox had stumbled into the panel of buttons on his way in.
The wolf unlocked his door, flicked on the light, and threw his keys onto a nearby table. He holds his arms out and waves them around the room. "Welcome to Casa del Archie. Sit here for now." He motions at the couch.
The fox moved, more easily now, over to the couch and fell onto it. "Oh. Thank you." He stretched out on the couch and the wolf busied himself elsewhere in the apartment. "So what do we do now?" The fox asked, sitting up and leaning over the arm of the couch, trying to locate his host. The wolf pulled his head out of a closet and came over to the couch, carrying blankets and a pillow. He threw them down on the couch's other arm sat on the next cushion. The fox turned and leaned towards the wolf, wrapping his tail loosely around him.
"Well, we could watch some TV before we go to bed." the wolf responded a little awkwardly and shifted a little further from the fox. He grabbed the remote and turned on the television. The fox stretched out and leaned his head on the wolf's shoulder.
"I don't really feel like watching anything (on TV)", the fox grinned at his sofa mate "right now." The fox laid down on the other end of the couch.
"That's fine." The wolf slid over across the couch and rested his head on the fox's shoulder. The fox looked at the wolf and put his arm on his stomach and rubbed it and snuggled him.
"Wow, does that feel good!" The wolf said as he licked his muzzle in appreciation. The fox giggled and rubs faster and starts to fall asleep continually.
"Are you tired? Here, you can sleep in my bed." He picked up the fox as he was very light, and put him in the bed. "You'll sleep here for the night."
"But what if I get lonely?" He asked with a sad face as his pupils got bigger.
"Well, I guess I could sleep with you." He smiled, went over to put on his pajamas, and got in the bed with him as the fox grinned as he got in the bed.
"Well, I hope you feel better in the morning." He turned over to his side and put his arm around him and leaned into him and said, "I know we've only met for, not even a day, but I know that you will be happy of what I'm about to ask you." He blushed slightly as he said it.
Lintt opened his eyes widely and asked, "What are you about to say Archie?"
"Will you be my mate?" He blushed a lot more and awaited his response.
He gasped slightly and shook his head. "Of course I will!" The fox said as he took him closer to him and nuzzled his chest.
"I already have fallen in love with you." The wolf kissed Lintt deeply afterwards and they both fell asleep.