A New Home
#3 of (untitled story)
Aaaaaaaaand here's number 3! This is all I have written so far. Hope i haven't bored anyone yet :P
Mike rolled over as light filled his room "Please tell me it was all a dream" he sat up and looked at his clock, checking the date "Of course it wasn't; of course I would do something so fucking stupid!" He knocked over his lamp and watched it shatter on the floor. He checked the time - 6:08
"Maybe I could get to school before everyone else; I could talk to Dan...Mr. Kang" He threw off the covers and walked over to his dresser, taking out a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He quickly got dressed and walked to the door leading to the hallway. He grabbed the handle but quickly let go; what if his parents are downstairs? He took a deep breath and opened it, going down the stairs. He peeked into the kitchen. No sign of his parents. He walked and looked for something to eat.
After eating some cereal, he walked upstairs to brush his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror. 'Fag...queer...' his father's voice echoed in his mind. He turned on the water as hot as he could make it, not taking his eyes off of this pitiful image - his reflection. He watched as the mirror was slowly covered with steam, making a barrier between him and that abomination looking back at him through the mirror. He quickly brushed his teeth and went to grab his bag from his room. He saw a note on his door:
We went to another rally, by the time we get back, you should be packed and out of our house and lives for good.
Mr. Solters
He looked at it "Mr. Solters...not 'signed dad' anymore I guess" He balled it up and threw it, not caring where it landed. "They want me packed and gone?! Fine!" He threw open his door and pulled out a couple of duffle bags from his closet and placed them on his bed. He took all his clothes from his drawers and closet and threw them all in the bags. "I knew this would happen" he mumbled to himself as he picked up the as and headed down the stairs. He placed his bags by the front door and looked around I'm sort of glad I never felt home here, it would have made it harder for me to leave.
He turned and saw a picture of himself in his graduation gown from 8thgrade. "What are you smiling at?" he said as he picked it up and threw it, watching it as it hit the wall, broke, and fell to the floor in pieces. A smile grew on his face and he started picking up and throwing every picture he found.
When he couldn't find anymore, he picked up the pictures from the broken glass. He looked through them and another smile came across his face. He took the pictures to the backyard and dropped them all into a pile on the grass. He walked back into the house and returned with his graduation gown and threw it over the pictures. He grabbed a can of oil from the garage and poured it on the pile, smiling.
He struck a match and watched the flame flicker. "Such beautiful memories....such beautiful pictures...created to last forever, but destroyed by one little flame" He dropped the match and watched as the pile burst into flames. He watched it for awhile, then heading back inside.
He grabbed his bags and the keys to the second car and kicked open the front door, not bothering to close it. He opened up the driver side door and threw his bags onto the passenger seat and climbed in. He sat there for awhile, watching the smoke rise from the backyard. "All good things must come to an end...even memories..." He started the car and headed to school. Should I be going to school? Maybe I should go to Mr. Kang's house. He shook his head He'd be at school; I need to talk to him.
He parked the car a block away. He turned off the car and held the keys in his hand. He sighed and put them in the glove box and grabbed his bags, getting out of the car. He walked in to the school and wondered if Mr. Kang would talk to him. What if he doesn't even want to see me? The thought made his ears droop. He shook his head again I have to try anyway. He turned and headed toward the classroom.
Mr. Kang looked up and saw Mike standing in the doorway. "Can I help you?" he looked at the duffle bags but thought it best not to ask. He watched the wolf put his bags down and slowly walk up to his desk. "A-about yesterday-"
He was cut off by Mr. Kang "You don't have to explain anything if you don't want to; I'm sure you had your reasons."
Mike gulped "My parents...I...they..." The young canid's ears drooped as he looked at his feet.
The fox was getting worried now "They what, Mike? What happened"
"They know; I told them about me..."
"Well-" Mike cut him off
"I also told them about you" Tears started rolling down his cheeks "I'm sorry, you told me not to tell anyone, but there was yelling and I..." He trailed off.
Daniel got up and put his hands on the wolf's shoulders "its ok, things just come out, I'm not mad."
Mike looked up "Y-you're not?"
"No, I'm proud that you were able to stand up to them, although I think coming out to them while you were all calm would have been a little better."
Mike gave a weak smile. Daniel sighed "Do you have anywhere to stay?"
The smile faded "No, my parents would have told my whole family by now, no one will take me in..."
"You have nowhere to go?"
"I might be able to stay at a friend's house"
"Would you feel at home there?"
Mike gulped again "there aren't many places I fell at home anymore..."
"Name one place"
He hesitated "...Your house..." he looked down again
The fox sighed "Why my house?"
"Because you understand me, you know what I'm going through..." tears began forming again "...you care about me"
Daniel hugged him "You shouldn't be at school in your condition, you should be at home"
Mike stepped back and looked at him confused "Home?"
"You can stay with me, you should be somewhere you feel safe."
Mike hugged his teacher - his friend. "Thank you so much"
"Keep in mind, you will have chores to do"
The wolf smiled and stepped back "Of course, as long as I can stay there"
"Well then..." Daniel said as he grabbed his car keys "I'll take you...home" and he walked to the door, waiting for Mike as he grabbed his bags. "I need to stop by the front desk first." He said as he locked his room
Mike just nodded and followed his teacher down the hall and into the main office.
"My, the school day hasn't even started and there's already a student in trouble?" The voice came from a chunky tigress sitting behind the desk.
Daniel smiled "No, he isn't in trouble, I'm taking him home; I might not be back for awhile."
"But classes start in 10 minutes; will you be back in time?"
Neither Mike nor Daniel ever bothered looking at the time. They couldn't guess it was close to 8 o'clock since hardly any kids walk in until there's only 2 minutes left. Daniel sighed again "I guess I wouldn't be back in time... I'll use a sick day"
"But you don't even look sick"
The two canids stated walking out and Daniel called back "I didn't say I was sick; I said I'm going to use a sick day." And with that, they left the school and got into the car. The car ride was filled with silence; neither of the two canids was sure what to say.
After they pulled up to the house and walked inside, Daniel headed for the kitchen. "You can put your bags in your room while I get lunch started."
Mike gulped "M-my room?"
"Sure, if you're going to stay here, don't you think you'd need your own bedroom?"
"Well, yeah I guess..."
"You can have the room you stayed in before, you know where it is. Go ahead and unpack."
"Y-you don't need the extra room?"
The fox shook his head "I don't get many guests so no."
"What if someone does happen to come and stay?"
Daniel smiled and looked at his student "You're just thinking of reasons not to stay aren't you?"
"I-it's not that, it's just that I don't want to be in the way"
The older canid sighed "Don't worry, you're not in the way. You shouldn't think things like that; you have enough to worry about. Not go get settled in."
The wolf just nodded and headed toward the spare room - his room.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~
Mike spent the next couple of hours in his new room. After unpacking his clothes and putting them in his dresser and closet, he just laid in his new bed, replaying the events of the past couple days in his head. He didn't even leave when he heard Daniel call him for lunch; he wasn't hungry.
The older canine was getting worried; Mike hasn't come out of his room in hours, hasn't eaten anything, and hasn't said anything. He decided to go check on him. He climbed the stairs and walked to Mike's room. He raised his paw and knocked a couple of times.
"Come in" he heard from the other side. He opened the door and sat in the chair next to the bed. "Is everything all right?"
Mike gave a slight smirk "That's kind of a dumb question to ask; I've been getting my ass kicked because I'm gay, my parents disowned me because of it, and the only person I can talk to is some teacher who's class I never really cared to pay attention in."
"Well I'm glad you think so highly of my class."
Mike sighed and sat up, crossing his legs "I didn't mean for it to sound like that..."
"You wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it"
Mike opened his maw to speak but Daniel kept talking "I don't blame you, everything that's happened hasn't exactly been the best things ever."
The wolf looked at him "Why do you seem so calm about all of this? Don't you even care that I can't see my parents again?"
"Well since we're being honest: I seem so calm because these things aren't happening to me so it's not like I can feel the exact same way you are. Now, I don't mean that in a mean way, I'm just explaining why. And your parents always made you feel horrible and they didn't accept your homosexuality so let me ask you this: Do you care that you might not be able to see them again?"
Mike just looked at the bed now; he didn't know how to answer that. His parents did disown him, but they also took care of him when he needed them...but not this time...he needs them now, but they pushed him away; they abandoned him when he needed them most. So, he turned to the older canid and gave his answer "Not one bit."
Daniel let out a sigh "I was afraid you would say something like that"
Mike looked confused "But the way you worded the question made it seem like that was the answer you were looking for!"
"I just wanted to see how much you actually cared to see them again."
"What did you want me to say? 'I need to see them'? How about 'I would die with without them'? Were those the answers you were looking for?!"
"I wasn't looking for any answer in particular; I just wanted to know."
Mike watched the fox stand up and head for the door. He noticed his ears drooping. "Mr. Kang?"
Daniel stopped and looked at him.
Mike looked down "I didn't mean to get angry. I'm sorry"
The fox put his paw in his shoulder "You don't have to apologize; I know your going through a lot."
"Thanks Daniel, for everything."
The fox smiled "Your welcome." He walked to the door again "I'll be downstairs if you need me." He walked out of the room, leaving Mike again alone in his new room.
The wolf lay back again and sighed. Not too long after, his ears twitched when he heard the doorbell. "I guess he has a guest now" he said with a slight smile. Then his smile quickly faded when he heard his name called. It wasn't just hearing his name called that made him feel uneasy, it was the voice that called it.
He got out of bed and walked down the stairs and looked toward the front door. He gulped at the sight of two furs looking back at him "Mom? Dad? Oh shit..."
I wrote these stories a few years back and rereading them now...i had some anger problems. Thank God that's over.
I'm still open to suggestions :) I really really really really want to know what you think about my story so far. if people like it I'll write more