The Truth
#2 of (untitled story)
Soooooo here's the next one :)
Mike woke up and looked around. Where am I? He sat up and rubbed his eyes, then took another look around the room and smiled. "I remember now" he said out loud. He sniffed the air and he drooled a bit "French toast!" He pulled off the covers and jumped out of bed and walked over to a dresser he didn't notice last night. He looked in the mirror that was on the wall above it and sighed "My head fur never likes to stay down" He left the room and followed the smell to the kitchen. "Morning Mr. Kang!" He said
The vulpine turned around away from the stove, "Good morning Michael". He turned back to the stove and flipped a couple of pieces of bread. "And I told you to call me Daniel outside of school"
"Heh, sorry, I forgot" He sat down at the table "But please just call me Mike, not Michael"
"Why? You don't like 'Michael'?" "It's not that I don't like it, it's just it sounds like a name for an adult; I'm still a kid" "Your not a kid, you're a young adult" Mike sighed at hearing that again "If I was an adult, I'd have my own place." He muttered. "Hungry?" Daniel asked, turning around with a plateful of French toast. "Hell yeah...err...yes" The young canine responded.
Daniel just smiled and placed the plate onto the table, in front of the hungry wolf. "Do you have any syrup?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of the food. In a few seconds, a half empty bottle of syrup was placed on the table next to the plate along with a fork and knife.
The hungry wolf opened the syrup and poured a generous amount on each piece of French toast he saw. "I'm heading to the store, is there anything you need me to pick up for you?" The wolf swallowed "What are you getting?" "Well, I was going for some milk, eggs, bread, and more yogurt, but it seems like I also need more syrup" Mike looked at the almost empty bottle of syrup "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to use so much" "It's fine, I would have had to buy more eventually anyway." "I'll pay you for it when-" His teacher cut him off "That won't be necessary Mike." "But I-" "Don't worry about it." He grabbed his keys and coat and headed for the door "I'll be back soon; I trust that you won't destroy my home." Mike smiled "I won't, I couldn't ruin this beautiful place." "Alright, make yourself at home" and with that, he walked out the door. "I think I am at home" he said as he continued eating. After finishing his breakfast, he washed the dishes as a bit of a way to pay his teacher back for his hospitality.
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Mike was playing Star Fox when Daniel came back in holding some bags. "Need any help?" he asked "No, I'm fine" "You sure?" "Yeah, just relax" the fox said as he walked into the kitchen. Mike paused the game and followed him "you got a lot more then you said you were going for." "Well this way I wont have to go shopping for a while" Mike leaned against the wall "Can I ask you something?" "Sure" Daniel said as he put the milk in the fridge. "Why are you doing this for me?" "Doing what?" "Helping me, inviting me over, all of that." "Because I care about my students, and you need someone to talk to, I figured you needed some fun." He said as he started putting away cans. "Ok, but what about the kisses?" His teacher stared at a can of peas he was holding. "I knew you needed them" "Why would you think that?" "You didn't like it?" Mike gulped "It's not that I didn't like it, it made me feel a bit better; but it also felt awkward." Daniel placed the can on the counter "I'm sorry" "You said you knew I needed them; how would you know?" Daniel smiled and turned away, putting away the can finally. "I just know" Mike's ears shot up "Wait!" he walked over to his teacher "You of all people came to help me, you knew I didn't like my house, you asked me to come here because you knew I needed to get my mind off of it." Daniel turned and looked at him "I already said I knew you needed some help" "It's more then that; you're gay too!" The vulpine sighed and smiled "you figured it out, I guess I made it obvious." "You didn't make it obvious, I didn't figure it out till now" "Maybe the kisses were a bit much" Daniel blushed
Mike smiled "I don't think they were too much, just weird" "Weird? How so?" "Well for one thing, you my teacher. And two, they were very unexpected" Daniel sighed "Well now you know about me, but you can't tell anyone, got it?" "Of course" The wolf nodded "I mean it, I'll fail you if you tell someone" he said, not being able to keep a straight face, causing Mike to smile "You not allowed change grades based on personal feelings" "How would you know? Your not a teacher" "No, but I wanna be one, so I read about the job and the rules" "Interesting..." The fox said as he put the last can away
"What do you mean 'interesting'?" His teacher turned around "It's just that most kids... err...young adults don't want a job that has anything to do with school" "Well I'm not like most kids" Mike said as he returned to the living room and sat on the couch. "Did you call your parents?" Daniel called form the kitchen, putting the bags away. Mike sighed, he didn't want to leave this place; he was accepted here. At home, he was too different. So, he decided to stay another night. "Yeah, they said I could stay another night, I just need to get some clothes if it's not too much trouble" he called back Daniel walked into the room "It won't be any trouble, ill take you when you want me to" "Alright, cool" The young wolf said smiling and his tail swaying back and forth. But his smile faded. How could he get clothes without his parents asking him questions? Then he realized something: his parents are going to a protest later that night; he could get what he needed while they are gone! "I don't want to go yet"
"Ok, just tell me when you're ready" Daniel said as he walked back into the kitchen
A little while later, the two canines were in the car, on their way to Mike's house. "Are you ready for school tomorrow?" his teacher asked Mike sighed; the last thing he wanted to think of was school. "Yeah, my homework's done and everything" "Even the homework I assigned?" The wolf smiled "Yes, that was the first thing I did." "Why was it the first? You have a couple classes before mine" "Because it's the easiest" "Easiest? The quadratic formula isn't usually easy at first for people" "Like I said, I'm not like most people" As they pulled up in front of the house, Mike looked around for any sight of his parents' car, which he thankfully didn't see. "I won't take long" he said as he climbed out of the car "No rush" He walked up to the door and unlocked it, walking in and looking around again. "Good, they're not home" he proceeded up the stairs to his room and threw some clothes in his bag and went to write another note:
Mom and dad,
Staying over Chris's again, we couldn't finish the project last night, so we're going to finish it tonight.
He left it on the kitchen table and headed out the door. He dropped his nag and stared wide-eyed at the scene: his parents were talking to his teacher! His mom looked at him "You were at Mr. Kang's house? You told us you were doing a project at Chris's house!" Mike gulped "W-well I..." His dad pointed to the house "Get in the house" Mike didn't refuse, he picked up his bag and walked in with his ears drooped and his tail between his legs. He watched form the window as his teacher - his friend - drive away and sighed. His parents walked in and he headed up the stairs. "Where do you think your going?" he heard his dad asked "T-to my room..." he said, turning around, facing his dad "Not until you explain yourself" "I-it's complicated.." he said, looking away "Well we have time" Mike sighed "I knew you guys wouldn't let me stay at a teacher's house, so I said I was at Chris's"
"Why would want to stay at a teacher's house? Teachers don't teach you about God or morality! They support things that are against God! Like gays!" Mike clenched his fists Don't loose it, don't loose it he kept telling himself. His dad went on "Teacher's don't teach anything of importance, they just-" Mike cut him off "I wanted to stay with him because he's the only one who understands me!" His father just looked at him. "He's the only one I can relate to; who I can be myself around; who I can talk to!" "But you can always talk to us" "No, not about this. I could never talk to you about this" he turned and started up the stairs again "What's so special about this teacher? He seems like a fag to me." Mike stopped and was gritting his teeth don't loose it, don't loose it...don't loose it..._The voice faded away and Mike turned around, baring his teeth "What's so special? He's the only one that makes me feel at home!" "What do you mean? That queer-" "Queer?! You think he's gay?! Well he is. And so am I; THAT'S why he's the only one I can talk to! He makes me feel at home; you two just make me feel worthless..." He turned and walked into his room, slamming his door. His parents stood there for a while. Wondering what just happened, and what to do next. Mike dropped his bag on the floor and sat in his bed, staring at the floor. _What did I just do? He got up and started pacing back and forth No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! He picked up his clock and threw it against the wall. "Fuck!" he sat down again. "What do I do now?" he laid down, staring at the ceiling, repeating "I'm screwed" over and over again, until he fell asleep, not sure what was going to happen next.
yup...that was the second one. Any suggestions are still welcome :)
Extreme Catholic parents...not good with a gay son...not good at all. But the quadtratic formula is ok :D who doesn't love that?