Scars of the Heart Part 2

Story by Shawn Wolf on SoFurry


Scars of the Heart/World Break-down

Disclaimer Thingy: Don't read if you are under the age of 18 and/or aren't into M/M stories.

"SHAWN! SHAWN!" a voice called out. A young wolf turned around to see his horse friend.

"What is it?" Shawn, a boy of 9 called out back to the horse.

"Me and Gene want you to come play football," the young horse answered back, cupping his hooves around his muzzle to amplify himself as he yelled across a few yards.

"Sure," Shawn giggled as he ran over to his friends' house. Then Gene, another horse, who was only a few days older than Shawn, walked out of his house with the football under his arm.

"Alright, let's play!" Gene said. With that the three friends went to the yard and began to play their daily games. They laughed and giggled as they played for hours. Shawn always played with his friends, the two brother horses a few doors away from him. They played video games and sports almost each and every day unless someone got in trouble for whatever reasons.

"Dude, I need to talk to someone..." Gene said over the phone to Shawn who had just awoken from his daydream trance. Shawn heard worry in his friends voice.

"Why, what is it?" Shawn asked with a tone of concern.

"I took some pills and I think I'm gonna go crazy unless I talk to someone," Gene said, shaking from the effect of the drugs.

"Pills?! So is that why you weren't in school today?"

"Yeah, I had a couple of friends come over today and we were taking some pills. I don't get it; I only took 12 while they each had, like, 20."

"So what do you want me to do about it?" Shawn questioned, somewhat angry and disappointed in the friend he had spent so much time with during their childhood.

"Just stay on the phone. I need to just talk to someone, hopefully I can get this shit out of my system before my mother gets home," Gene replied.

"Alright, fine," Shawn said, sighing with disappointment.


Shawn sat in the hall of his school, sitting with all his classmates as they always met there in the morning before class to chit-chat. It had been two days since he had stayed on the phone with Gene for 3 and a half hours and keep him calm.

"Hey guys!" Gene said as he walked around the corner to meet his fellow classmates. Shawn's ears twitched as he heard Gene enter.

"Hi," Shawn said in his usual sleepy tone of the morning.

"Hey Shawn, thanks for the other night," Gene whispered as he took off his jacket and stuffed it into his locker.

"Yeah, no problem," Shawn said, smiling as he knew he had helped his friend and knew that that experience had shone Gene that taking those pills aren't worth it.


Shawn walked down the hall filled with the faces of furs he's seen everyday. He came to his locker and opened it, taking out his homework for the night when he overheard a conversation just a few lockers down. Shawn looked down, his ears twitching, trying to hear more.

"So, did you like those?" Rick, a black dragon clad in the normal jeans and t-shirt attire, asked a smile on his face as he slid his arms through the arms of his leather jacket.

"Oh yeah! Dude, I was tripping out hard-core," Gene replied, stifling his voice so no authority figures such as a teacher or principal would hear them.

"See, I told ya," Rick said smugly as he slammed his locker door shut.

"Yeah, when are you going to get some more of those pills?" Gene asked enthusiastically. Shawn's ears perked up a bit more while twitching, the words rolling around in his head to see if that is what he heard.

"Well, Thorne and I are going into the city to go get some this weekend," the dragon answered.

"Sweet. Well, I'll see you Friday then," Gene said, walking away and past the confused Shawn.

Shawn watched with a thoughtful and confused look on his face as his childhood friend walked down the emptying hall way.

'Why would he take them again?!' Shawn thought to himself. Shawn zipped his backpack up with a worried look about him.


Shawn lay back in his chair, holding it up with his feet against the table to support the chair which he held up on just two legs. The wolf stared at the ceiling, just like he had been doing the last couple of weeks in study hall, a blank expression over his face as thoughts floated into his head.

'I can't do anything right now...Will I do my homework tonight? Am I going to make it to the club tonight? I haven't talked to Todd for awhile...maybe he'll be there...What's up with Gene? Why does he insist on taking those pills? Why would someone want to do that to their mind and body?' Shawn sat and absent-mindedly thought the rest of the period.


The silver wolf walked back to his locker after the long, almost unending biology class. He opened it and looked down the rows, noticing Gene and Rick weren't there.

'Hmph, guess it is Friday,' Shawn thought to himself, knowing of the juvenile furs' agendas. After that he took out his coat and slid it around him and walked out of the school, taking his empty bag along with him, 'I'm not going to do the homework anyway, why bring it home?'


Shawn walked into his house just like every other day. He dropped his bag in his room and just lied in bed for an hour or so. Shawn sat up in his bed, contemplating what he should do.

"MOM!" Shawn yelled down the upstairs hallway.

"Yes?" his mother replied back from the downstairs kitchen.

"I'm going to go out again, alright?"

"Fine, but be back before midnight."

"I know, I know," and with that, Shawn pulled on his coat, walked downstairs and left.


The wolf walked into his usual club, looking around for someone to strike a conversation with. He scanned the room, eventually setting his eyes on a male skunk sitting at a table near the corner. A smile came on his face as he walked over to the skunk.

"Hi there," Shawn greeted him.

"Hello," the skunk replied, a friendly smile on his face.

"Mind if I have a seat?"

"No, no go ahead," the skunk said as he took out a chair next to him. Shawn sat eagerly next to him.

"I'm Shawn, what's your name?"

"Shawn, eh? My name is Jubei."

"Oh, a nice and powerful name," Shawn admired.

"It's nothing special, just a name."

"Whatever you say," Shawn said as a waitress set Shawn's usual soda on the table, "So, what are you up to tonight?"

"Nuthin' special. Why do you ask?" the skunk replied with a grin on his muzzle.

"Well, I'm wondering if you're up for some fun," Shawn giggled.

"'Nuff said, let's go," Jubei said as he put on his coat.


"And here we are," Jubei said as he unlocked the door to his house, the two furs walking into the cozy living room. Shawn sheepishly took a seat on the couch as Jubei came from the kitchen with two steaming cups of coffee.

"Thought since it was cold, you'd like some coffee," Jubei said with a smile as he offered the lupine the cup.

"Oh, thank you very much," Shawn replied, taking the cup in hand, smiling back at the sweet fur.

"So...," Jubei said as he sat next to Shawn, setting his right paw on Shawn's. Shawn softly looked over at the cute skunkie as he sipped his coffee.

"So what?" Shawn asked, smiling as he set down his cup.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to get comfy," Jubei said as he took hold of Shawn's paw.

"I...I don't think so...not tonight."

"I see..." Jubei looked over Shawn's melancholy face, "Is there something wrong? If there is, I'm here to listen."

Shawn took the opportunity to let his heart flow, wanting to let go, even a little, of his pent-up thoughts and feelings. He laid himself across Jubei's lap slowly. Jubei started to stroke his paws through Shawn's head-fur to let him relax, softly swiping through the silky locks of platinum fur.

"I'm going through a hard time now...I'm lonely. I've got a gaping hole in my life and even though it's empty, it gives me pain. I've been going to the club, hoping to find someone, but love escapes me each time," Shawn laments as he lays there, cradled by Jubei.

"Trust me, I've felt the same way," Jubei said as he tries to comfort the sullen wolf.

"I'm the most pitiful sight just before I fall asleep. I just lay there and think, 'Why can't I find him? There has to be someone who's perfect for me, who searches for me even now,' right up until I drift into a lonesome slumber. I just hope that those words are true, but I'm beginning to doubt and think that it's just a far-off hope," Shawn explains as his eyes begin to glisten with fresh tears.

"There's someone out there, don't worry," Jubei said, smiling softly as he consoles him.

Shawn looks up to Jubei, tears streaking down his muzzle, "How can you be so sure? I'm scared I'll be alone forever...ever since Sieg left me."

"Sieg? Is he your ex?"

"Yeah, he's a great guy, but we just weren't right for each other. I realize that now, but the screams of loneliness echo through my heart every day," he sniffles as he tries to hide his tears.

"Just pull through, that's all you can do," Jubei said after a short pause to collect his thoughts.

Jubei thought as he looked at the now frail-looking form.

"Well, thank you very much," Shawn said as he got up slowly, wiping his tears as he put on his coat, "and sorry we couldn't have any fun tonight, but I promise we can another time, okay?"

"No problem. Take care, buddy."

"You too, laterz," Shawn said as he closed the door.


Shawn walked into his house quietly, closing the door silently. He tip-toed across the floor towards the stairs as he heard his parents in the den. Shawn froze, his ears twitching as he listens in on his parents conversation.

"I don't understand, honey," Marlene said as she sobbed quietly.

"Neither do I, but it just must be a hard time at school or something that we can't help," Ryan replied, trying to calm down his wife. Shawn stood in the hall, saying to himself that his problems ran deeper than school.

"He's a bright boy, but now his grades slip so much, and he's hardly ever home. What's happening to my little boy?"

"Calm down honey. We can talk to him tomorrow to see what's up."

Shawn frowned, knowing that he caused his parents so much pain. He tip-toed back to his dark room, climbing into bed, drifting off to sleep to face his demons in his dreams yet again.


That's it for chapter 3. Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for the lack of yiff, I just wanted this one to be completely serious this time around. I promise to deliver a yiff in the next chapter. Any response is appreciated. To respond to this story, just e-mail me at [email protected] . Thanks, and see you next chapter!

Scars of the Heart (First Love continuation)

Scars of the Heart (First Love Broken) Disclaimer Thingy: This story contains sexual acts between two males, if you are under 18 or not into this kind of stuff, then please go on to other things. For the rest of these stories, they're going to hit...

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First Love

Disclaimer Thingy: This story contains explicit scenes for those under 18. If you're not 18 and not into Male/Male, why are you here? This is my first story for so I hope it turns out okay. Read on! This story is dedicated to my soul mate,...

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