Kitty Rehab Chapter 2

Story by Toyloli on SoFurry

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#2 of Kitty Rehab

~ WARNING ~ contains kitten spanking, hallucinations, flashbacks, references to drug use and Adult Themes

Kitty Rehab Chapter 2

The cookies had been interesting, if nasty. Following the Innu girl downstairs Arean had been interested in seeing that Gloria had different flavours and not just plain unflavoured cookies like she had been expecting. Unfortunately for Gloria her kindness wasn't very well rewarded. The biscuit flavoured with 'Lemon' whatever that was had burned her nose when she tried to smell it, and the 'Chokart' one had made her new Innu sister sick. Not paying much attention to this, and seriously questioning the adult's ability to look after children who weren't human, Arean simply followed everyone around for a while, trying to keep quiet. Arean wasn't feeling well, and she wasn't totally sure why. She felt like she did when she hadn't had a fix for a day or three but this was feeling worse. Arean never used large amounts, she'd never overdosed or had to be rushed to the hospital, she knew what was safe and prior to her rejuve there clearly had not been that much drugs in her system but her body was starting to scream at her. Gloria and Ian accompanied everyone out to the back yard after snacks and a drink and Arean lay down on the back porch. She had to say this, the area was nice. Asgard was cool, cooler than she'd expected but with plenty of sunshine and the grass was interesting. With a questioning mind she snatched some of it and ate it, the taste wasn't as good as she'd hoped.

Lying on the porch Arean was watching everything that went on around her with half an eye. The Innu girl was acting strange, running around on the grass, along the fence line, jumping and pouncing on things in the grass. "Tuvu".. she said out loud, to Arean it all seamed to energetic but it reminded her of things.

Grioshi, Arean's Uncle, was a big man. Physically big, with ratty ears and a short bob of a tail Grioshi had been a hunter and a farmer in his heyday. Now only nineteen himself and under the new laws underage he was waiting for his adult year when he ceased to be a rejuve and would be permitted out on the sky-boats again. The inner Jungles were a rough place, but people needed to eat and in his previous adulthood, like now, he had been a hunter, fetching the rather aggressive predators that flew and thrived in the treetops of the tightly packed rainforests to provide a decent source of meat for the city folk.

The giant flying reptiles were a main source of food, more so that any of the farmed land beasts or sea creatures for the city cause of the sheer distance inland. The forest was a massive natural resource. And because Uncle Grioshi was a breadwinner and a so well respected a hunter he was the unofficial head of the house.

"Everyone is famous but me!" is what Arean thought personally. Grioshi the hunter, cousins Berra and Aleen and who were both TV personalities. Even her mum, rarely seen and always hiding in the basement working on her latest story was well known to her audience. The midnight Gariabs, nearly every member of Arean's family was descended from a clan of black furred mountain cats who had supposedly lived in the tribal northern region for decades. Black fur and even mixed markings weren't that uncommon now, despite much of the city still being tan or gold, but the Gariabs had been a famous family. Cousins Berra and Aleen were in their fifth rejuve and had in their past rejuve been news presenters. Virtually twins despite being born on either side of a family they had been famous, successful and the trusts they had left themselves prior to rejuvenation were responsible for supporting the household. Arean bit her tongue and tried to focus on the 'hunt'. Uncle Grioshi had brought a courabu into the yard, a small mammal about a foot long it was a common scavenger in the forests and, in Grioshi's opinion, a good starting prey for Arean to practice on.

Why was she hunting - because apparently she didn't take after her cousins, or her mum, or her rejuve sister. Arean was the ONLY Kindern in the Gariab household. And in her mind this was a mortal sin. "I can't dance, I can't sing. I'm not smart or famous!" she had told herself, "Everyone is better than me!" Arean had got as close as she could to the Courabu, a little spear in her hand. "I will become a hunter!" Arean made a move, and five minutes later was still running around the yard trying to even get close to the creature, the little spear embedded firmly in the trunk of a tree.

Arean was only 11 years old. Nearly twelve and the creature she was chasing was almost half her size so despite putting a lot of energy in and trying to go on all fours to get extra speed, Arean was rather disappointed to suddenly be plucked out of the air by her uncle and held up at eye level. For nineteen he was a big cat with a lot of power.

Arean had expected what came next, the reliable five smacks on her rump landing with absolute precision. It didn't really hurt; Arean had grown in much of her rump fur already, but ears and tail flat Arean took the admonishment as it stood. "Don't waste energy running around like a drat fool!" he chided. At the time Arean had been having fun chasing the animal but this was 'Training' and not fun. "If you don't start learnin a skill then you won't be good for nothing!" Arean had frowned at that. The little town Arean lived in was a Kindern neighbourhood, but born children were becoming less and less common. Arean's sister Kurri was only 16 and already working as a community translator for visiting aliens, her cousins were famous, her uncle a skilled hunter. So far the only thing Arean had found he was good at was playing games.

At least she found something when she left home, Arean thought coming out of the memory and back to reality. Miikan, the Innu, looked strangely soo much like Arean had back then. Chasing some little hoppy thing around the yard she seamed more concerned with chasing than catching and certainly wasn't putting any effort into it.

Arean stood shakily and went over to the dog, getting real low and sneaking up behind Miikan on her blind side. When she was almost on top of the girl Arean went "Whoof!" as loud as she could and managed a pleased little giggle as Miikan leapt and spun in the air to face her with absolute shock on her face. Arean scratched her arms, raking her claws through her fur. The sun was too bright, her body itched and sounds were coming to her much louder than they should. Her body was starting to scream for attention, she needed something, carnima, triage, anything! Something to take the edge off.

Arean refocused on a pouting Innu face. "What did you do that for, you scared me!" the dog was whining. "urusu ri '?xa oro'ed?" Arean explained, forgetting to use panglish then noticed the blank expression on Mikan's face. "You're stalking all wrong!" Arean seamed to fold up into a squat position on the ground. "When you're stalking something you're supposed to sneak up on it, quietly, low and so it can't see you. Then Pounce!" Arean sprung forwards and barrelled into Miikan, bringing the two children to the ground. The collapse of the two children into a heap wasn't violent by any means and Miikan giggled a little. Rough play for her kind was pretty normal. "I thought I was doing that though!" Miikan laughed but reflected on whether she could have been quieter.

As much as Miikan would have liked to play for a while with Arean though, this unfortunately wasn't going to happen. Trying to get to her feet, and needing Miikan to help her Arean was not pleased to see Ian coming out the backdoor holding a small paddle and a hairbrush. Freshly rejuved and bare underneath at the new age of six, Arean knew full well from her days working that people in penni neighbourhoods really liked spanking. Normally only reserved for the really really young outside of penni areas it had come as a bit of a shock to find most her clients wanted to spank her first and seeing her new so-called parents were also eager to spank upset her. At least the clients had PAID!

Miikan had to help her sister to her feet, the little Jalaxian seemingly having trouble getting up in response to Ian's call. "C'mon Arean." "She's still not stable on these legs!" Miikan replied, getting nods and concerned looks from the parents. "Ideally we would have given Arean her welcome home spanking earlier, but your earned spankings have delayed things a little!" "You should be paying!" Arean grumbled. "Now, that's enough. You're a Penny now, and penny children get spanked for their crimes. As your welcome home you're going to get a dozen from each of us!"

Arean frowned at this but wasn't sure how to respond, meekly approaching the adults with her tail low. "We'll head into the lounge room." Gloria explained, causing Arean to give her a confused look. Gloria must have understood the look instinctively. "The reason we're going inside Arean is cause Asgard is only a small colony!" the woman led the way. "The colony isn't actually large enough to warrant zoning for pennies or Kindern. Both of these are so rare that we just bunch them all in the same suburbs!" "Which means!" Ian put in, "Any punishments we give you are supposed to be out of view of other people!"

Arean was getting twitchy. Being punished out of sight of others was preferable to her, and even if the Bears were to do anything indecent she was more or less okay with that. Maybe she could cut a deal somehow.

Kitty Rehab Chapter 3

~ WARNING ~ Contains kitten spanking, drama, drug references. Lost Little Kitty Kitty Rehab Chapter 3 Gathering in the lounge room under the 6 low energy lights and the smell of 'Garden Fresh' deodoriser from a little machine on the top of the...

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Kitty Rehab Chapter 1

Authors Note: The following story takes place after "[Lost Little Kitty](%5C)" and continues on where the other story left off, post rejuve and meeting her new penny parents. The premise for the next few chapters is that Arean is suffering from a...

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Lost Little Kitty Chapter 8

Lost Little Kitty Chapter 8 * * * Arean and Cassier cuddled close to each other as they worried and fussed over each other. Neither one of them doubted what Missel said - with Gariab arrested and no doubt facing charges soon it wouldn't be safe...

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