Kitty Rehab Chapter 1

Story by Toyloli on SoFurry

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#1 of Kitty Rehab

Authors Note: The following story takes place after "Lost Little Kitty" and continues on where the other story left off, post rejuve and meeting her new penny parents.

The premise for the next few chapters is that Arean is suffering from a form of rejuve sickness where-in the chemicals in her body prior to rejuvination are still present. (A concept established in other fictions).

As such Arean is currently High as a Kite. She will be coming down hard.

~ WARNING ~ The next few chapters contain spanking, hallucinations, flashbacks, under-age sex, references to drug use and Adult Themes

Kitty Rehab Chapter 1

Arean awoke from the rejuve chamber feeling, well. Funky. Strange. The doctors had cleaned her out completely, metaphorically and physically to make sure there wouldn't be any hiccups when she was rejuvenated. Now, being conveyed from the hospital, she was surprised to see she they didn't have a rejuve chamber at corrections, Arean was being schooled by the corrections officer who was watching over her.

Apparently the reason rejuves felt so strange after processing was cause all the chemicals that were present on the adult body were still there in the smaller body. The rejuve only filtered out diseases and injuries. Chemicals in the blood stream remained in the body. This was the cause of what they called 'Rejuve Sickness' which meant the body was flooded with more chemicals than is was old enough to process. The result was the same as making yourself sick from too much Vitamin C or D. Arean listened with half an ear. Apparently she would be pretty dependant on her new parents. This was not something she was looking forward to and, if Arean had any say in this she didn't plan on being dependant on anyone. Arean was six years old by human standards and it seamed strange being so small again.

"I suppose I'll get a good price if I find someone." she muttered to herself, drawing the officers attention. "Did you say something!" Arean sighed. "Look, how much of this do I have to go through. I know the Penny system roughly - we DO have it on Jalaxia after all! But I was only sentenced to four cycles! Surely things won't be as horrific as your making out!" "Arean, you don't understand. This is the Probationary period of your sentence. During the first six months they determine what kind of a child you'll be, how often your spanked, what your Special Days will be and how harshly they need to treat you. A LOT of what's about to happen will be up to you!"

Arean made a face. "Well, I don't intend to stay here that long." she said. "If I have any say in this I'll be free and heading home within a year!" The officer stifled a giggle. "We'll see how you go, somehow I think you've still got the wrong idea!"

The hover-carr crossed from the main Island of the capitalacross the freeway, a lane marked out acrossthe ocean about 5km up from the surface of the water, and marked with nice hoverbars that gave the car something to travel aacross. Arean felt under wealmed by the architecture of New Asgard. Everything looked foreign and straight. Everywhere she looked there were lines drawn across the countryside by streets and roads and paths and buildings and while the level of technology was similar everything was still somehow obviously different. All the straight lines were making her head hurt and looking down at that massive body of water beneath her made her feel sick. Everything was making her feel sick and, leaning over the door of the car, restricted by her seatbelt, her stomach decided to agree.

Seconds later after a very disconcerting sound the corrections officer panicked on noticing a nice pale slick of colour streaking down the outside of the door. "Oh Christ!" she declared, dropping the car down the lanes towards sea-level. "I you wanted to feed the fish you should have said!"

Half a metre above sea level the corrections officer climbed out of his seat with the car sitting in hover position and climbed over into the back where Arean was, popping the door open but keeping the little Jalaxian in her seat. "Dear me, your going to have a serious bout of rejuve sickness cause of all those drugs that were in your system." she explains. "Not to mention what comes later!" the officer rubbed Arean's back. "I'll make sure to let your new parents know what to expect!"

Arean threw up a couple more times before she felt steady enough for the car to get under way again, and almost fell asleep in the back seat. By the time they reached the Bears house Arean was not in a good mood, not even in any definition of a good mood. This was completely not helped by what greeted her when she got to the door. The officer had knocked, somebody had opened the door and two seconds later Arean was flat on her back and all that she could see was a pair of ears.

"HI SIS!" Something was hugging her. Arean tried to look down at it groggily, whatever it was it had ears and a tail, short and whiskery like an old man bobcat the tail was beating up and down excitedly. Fortunately an older woman helped the two up.

"Miikan, be careful of your new sister!" the woman looked kindly yet firm, Arean frowned on instinct. "I apologise, Miikan doesn't have much experience dealing with people and she's been really excited about the prospect of a new sister!" Arean was blinking. Her head still felt rattled but looking at the small blond furred girl that had greeted her Arean couldn't help but feel confused. She pointed at the girl and said "Dog!" Miikan made a face but grinned and replied, "I'm an Inu, we're a new race. My Name's Miikan and I'm going to be your big sister!" Arean was still pointing, she had never seen a dog person before but she knew about the dogs humans used. They were an introduced specie on her planet and had growing interest to young Jalaxians.

"What's your name?" Miikan asked. "Inu!" Arean replied. "I'm going to have an Inu as a sister?" The corrections officer frowned. "Her name is Arean, she's a Jalaxian who was caught trying to smuggle large sums of drugs into Earth Federation space! The officer turned to the woman named Gloria and a man standing nearby and quietly asked "Can I talk to you for a moment? Your new daughter is going to have a tough time over the next few days, you need to be prepared!"

As the adults left Arean and Miikan faced each other down. The enthusiasm that Miikan had been feeling upon getting a new sister was turning to wariness as Arean tried to get some facts straight. "I know dogs, we have them on our world. They're pets! Are you sure your not a pet?" "I'm Miikan!" the dog girl was getting rather annoyed by this. "Dogs are Slobbery, hairy, scratchy!" "I am not!" Miikan couldn't help herself, the arrogant little feline in front of her was pushing buttons on purpose. "I'm clean, I wash every day! And YOU have more hair than I do! You're probably going to leave fur all over the place with that much of it!"

Arean flexed her fingers, claws extending and retracting a little underneath her pads. "I am NOT having a Kanine for a sister!"

Arean was butchering half her panglish words. Having left school when she was only a child she had never tried to master human panglish and not all of her words were coming out so that the Inu could understand them but the last word had been clear. "I'm your big sister whether you l-like it or not!" Miikan yelled, crossing her arms.

When Gloria heard the raised voices from the lounge room she and the Corrections officer came out right away, immediately recognising the sight of two young children deep in the heart of a squabble. Gloria waded in in an attempt to keep the argument going any further. "Arean, Miikan in an Inu. Not a dog, not a pet! Just like your a Jalaxian and not a cat or a pet yourself!" Gloria indicates to the corrections officer who was muttering something about this house being a 'Lively' one. "Now, kindly say goodbye to the Corporal." Arean glared at the corrections officer and simply said "Narc" before turning back to the issue at hand.

Gloria's honey coloured eyes sparked at this, she'd been expecting it and before Arean could open her mouth Gloria had caught her by the hand. The dark skinned hand of her new mother impacted the back of Arean's little blue skirt with a quick and efficient five strokes, Arean bouncing up and down as though riding a pogo stick. "Hey, ow! Tariag, Karatergie!" Gloria heard the little Jalaxian say, and thought to herself "Yes, I know exactly what your likely saying!" she rounded it off with three more strokes saying "I expect you to respect your elders! That kind of attitude is not permitted in this house!"

"Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow! Okay, I get it!" Arean meeped and her ears and tail went flat as she was released from the older woman's grip. "I'm sorry." she grunts, then turns to the corrections officer - "Thank you for looking after me." she replies, ignoring her nod. As the officer leaves Gloria introduces herself, her husband Ian and asks Miikan to show Arean her room. Arean is shaking slightly, likely from anger or so she thinks, but she meekly follows, eyeing out the contents of the course and trying to get an idea of the kind of security that was in place. As Arean had yet to see a mirror she was not aware of the tracking collar placed around her neck. Oddly she would have been okay with it though as the collar was silver (to stand out against her black fur) and rather pretty.

Once inside her room Arean took off her 'penny for your thoughts' T-shirt and dropped it on the nearby bed so that she would straighten her fur. That and she was hoping there might be something a little less 'tasteless' lying around she could put on. Miikan watched with some interest and went over to her bed, pulling down the guardrail so she could sit on the edge. When Arean turned and noticed what was blatantly a babies cot sitting in the corner of her room Arean did a double take.

"What the heck, am I sharing with a baby now?" "Nope!" Miikan grinned. "I said we're sisters right, this is my bed!"

Arean stared for a full five minutes before she finally found some words. "So, what. Your a baby are you?" "No... I asked for this bed. I'm not used to those kinds!" "Cause your used to sleeping in a cot?" "No!" "Cause your a big baby!" Miikan's hackles were starting to raise in response to the arrogant kitten. "Do you still wet the bed at nights?" Arean jeered, she was having fun and it had been a long time since she'd been able to tease somebody like this. "I'm a fresh rejuve! You'll be wetting the bed too!" Miikan came back with the wrong words. "Jalaxians are born smart, we never wet ourselves!" the feline jeered, "You just do it cause your a widdly little dog!"

Arean was digging her barbs deeper and deeper. She was not, not at all happy right now. Her head was thumping, her teeth felt like they were on edge and her ears throbbing. That and her nose still wasn't sure what it was doing for some reason. She felt like she was coming down from a dose of Treage.

"I am not a widdly little dog! Besides, if we're talking about race what about you and your grooming! All that fur! And those claws!" Gloria and Ian had heard voices being raised again and had made their way upstairs, what they were hearing was not pleasing either of them. "After a week here the only thing I'll be able to smell is dog!" Arean insisted! "After a week here you'll have shredded all the furniture!" Miikan came back. "After two weeks here People will smell me and think I AM a dog!" "Well after two weeks here People will wonder if I was here at all!" Miikan was retorting not out of anger but out of hurt. Gloria looked at her and could see Miikan's joy at the thought of having a sister was now completely overshadowed by doubt and fear. Arean grinned. "Wouldn't that be better if you weren't here?"

Just at is looked like the two growling animals were about to pounce on each other Ian and Gloria bellowed in unison!


Both parents strode forwards with determination and took one child each by the ear, both Miikan and Arean howling - Arean substantially more since she didn't like her ears being touched. Bent over the bed both children were ungraciously stripped off.

"What did I do?" Miikan begged. Arean just yelled out - "You should be paying me for this!" Gloria gave Arean a strange look but answered Miikan's question. "Miikan, you have said some very hurtful things towards Arean today. And yes she has been, antagonistic, but I would have thought you would no better by now. You've been with us for several weeks and you were doing so well!" Ian continued. "As for you young lady, one of the first things you are here for is to learn respect. Respect for yourself and respect for other people! As a drug addict it appears you don't even know the meaning of respect!" "I respect those who do right by me!" Ian frowned. "Lady, the reason most recreational drugs are illegal is cause they HURT people. If you can't respect yourself enough to not take them then I wonder what kind of person you DO respect!"

Bare bottomed, Miikan's rump completely bare since her specie doesn't have fur, and Arean very thinly furred rump both sticking in the air, Ian and Gloria chose their implements - Miikan getting a twenty with the helper paddle and Arean a twenty with the hairbrush. Ian made sure to brush the fur on Arean rump flat before and after the spanking just to make sure it did it's job.

Arean wailed and struggled but didn't cry throughout this brief spanking. She had endured a fair share as a child before and while for some reason this spanking felt worse than her other ones she wasn't as willing to give the adults the crying that they wanted. Miikan did cry, honestly and hardly. She had not been spanked very often since coming to the bears, occasionally yes but not that often and it hurt her to know that she'd upset her new parents. Especially after all they'd done for her since arriving.

One, Two, Three, Four, all the stokes fell on the two penitent rumps one after each other in perfect synchronisation, the two parents calling out the numbers at the same time. At Ten Ian and Gloria changed Pennies and Gloria exclaimed. "One thing Both of you will learn. If your going to fight together you'll get spanked together!" The other ten fell with equal precision and dedication and once this was over both children were lifted up and laid on their beds where they were permitted to sob for a while.

"So you know, Arean!" Arean looked up at Gloria. "your spankings for today aren't over yet. Your going to get twice your age still yet with the helper paddle and the hairbrush from myself and Ian. That means you still have forty strokes remaining!" she told the penny. Arean shivered. Something was wrong she could feel it. It wasn't just the repressive nature of the parents, the spanking had left her physically shaken. Or was it something else. Arean buried her head in the sheets and barely cared that her new parents had left, her tail twitching in the air. After a while she turned and spoke.

"Hey Inu." "It's Miikan." Miikan replied. Arean ignored this. "You said you chose that bed. Can I ask why?" Miikan seamed to take an hour before she replied, though it was likely only minutes. In the end she said, addressing the wall, "Miikan used to live on the streets before coming here. Steeling food, sleeping in boxes. I don't like being open when I sleep. Unprotected. I'd used to boxes and crates where there's walls around me and I'm hidden away." Arean frowned.

"I almost ended up like that." she confided. "I left home when I was 12. Just a new kindern. Ended up in a bad place but got found by Cassier. My best friend. She gave me a home, and house and helped me get work and food. If it weren't for her I'd have probably ended up where you were."

Miikan seamed to think about this for a while and the silence hung between them. "Mum seams to think those friends of yours were bad people." she said at last. "What does Gloria know."

From outside the room Gloria's voice suddenly broke through the sullen air of the room. "Gloria Knows!" she said, "That I have cookies, and milk and juice down on the back porch for morning tea! Both of you come down if you thing you can behave!"

In an instant Miikan was on her feet with an energetic 'Yaay!' and bounding out of the room. Arean followed at a more demure pace, holding her head and saying "Ow."

Kitty Rehab Chapter 2

~ WARNING ~ contains kitten spanking, hallucinations, flashbacks, references to drug use and Adult Themes Kitty Rehab Chapter 2 The cookies had been interesting, if nasty. Following the Innu girl downstairs Arean had been interested in seeing...

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Lost Little Kitty Chapter 8

Lost Little Kitty Chapter 8 * * * Arean and Cassier cuddled close to each other as they worried and fussed over each other. Neither one of them doubted what Missel said - with Gariab arrested and no doubt facing charges soon it wouldn't be safe...

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Lost Little Kitty Chapter 7

Lost Little Kitty Chapter 7: First Experience Currently listening to: Rod Stewert, Great American songbook. * * * WARNING This chapter contains descriptions of sexual acts involving furry minors. And no there aren't any diamonds on this rough!...

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