Different Chapter 13

Story by blahman919 on SoFurry

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#13 of Different


Chapter Thirteen: Recovery

For the past week and a half I have been stuck on some small farm that Serra had carried me off to. Apparently one of the best doctors in the land lived there. With the help of both the doctors medicine and Alexis's healing magic I was able to move around within two days. After three days I was able to leave the small farm house and walk around outside. Serra never left my side, she was always there in case anything happened to me. A week into my stay at the farm house I had to take a bath, my still blood drenched self was starting to smell bad. The farm house did not have a bath, so I went to a nearby river. I was able to get Serra to wait for me about a hundred yards away from the river so that I could bath in privacy. By that time the cut had almost healed completely. After I had my bath, Serra decided to have one as well. I sat a few feet away while she bathed. After that we went back to the farm house.

Three more days passed, the wound was not fully healed, but close enough for me. But, still not enough for Serra. She would not let me leave, she said to give it another day or two, so that it would not opened back up. I agreed with her, not like I had the choice to go against her wish. So there I was laying in the bed I had been stuck in for nearly a whole week, Serra sitting next to me looking down at me, Alexis standing next to the door watching us argue about whether or not to leave.

"Ok Serra, I will stay here." I said to her.

"Thank you Drake." Serra said to me with soft smile.

"Well, you two stay here, me and Blake are going to go the town down the road and buy some supplies, we will be back by tomorrow." Alexis said.

"Ok, you two be careful, and keep an eye out for those assassins." Serra told them.

"We will." Blake said walking into the room.

"Keep her safe now Blake." I said with a grin.

"Right, come on Blake." Alexis said walking out of the room.

"Wait, before you go I want to talk to you Alexis." Serra said getting up. "Blake, you wait here."

"Um, Ok?" Blake said confused as Serra left the room.

"So, Blake, you going to try and make a move, or anything like a move, on Alexis? I can tell that you like her." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked me.

"Well, you are only looking at her most of the day." I told him.

"Oh, right." He said sitting down on the bed.

"So, do you like her?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. She's fun to be around, and she's really cute. But, I'm just a thief, what would she like in me?" He asked.

"There's plenty to like buddy, you just got to find out if she has found something in you to like." I told him.

"Well, do you think you could ask her for me, or something?" He asked.

"Sure, I will ask her, if I can ever get alone with her, Serra is always hanging around me now." I said.

"Yeah, I saw that. You know, a dragon is not really my type, but still she is quiet a, uh, catch, I guess." He told me.

"She is great. But I feel like, if I go with her, I will just drag her down, you know what I mean?" I asked him.

"I think I do, but trust me, she likes you, a lot, and I know you like her, you would be an idiot to pass her up. You should go with her, if not for you, then for her. I mean, I don't think she would like it if the person she likes, does not like her. " He told me.

"Yeah, I guess not. But, I think I will keep whatever feelings I have hidden from her, for now at least, until we can get over this whole thing with my guild trying to kill us." I told him.

"As you wish, just be careful with that, you don't want her thinking you don't like her and then have her start liking someone else, you know?" He asked.

"I would not like that, maybe I coul-"I started.

{"Come on Blake let's go!" I heard Alexis yell.

"Coming." Blake called back to her. "Good luck."

Blake left the room leaving me to my thoughts. After a while Serra came back into the room with dinner to eat. I sat up to eat and she sat on the other side of the bed. We ate in silence. When I finished, and Serra did as well, she took the plates and cups back to the kitchen then came back. She once again sat down next to me in the bed.

"You know Drake, before I met you, and Blake, my life was boring. I never did anything, I stayed at my house most of the time, I went on a walk every morning, and once a week I would go to the town near my house to buy food. But, now I'm happy, I have something to do, I feel like I have a meaning." Serra told me.

"Really? Before I met you, I was just an assassin, I would kill people without a second thought about it. I'm glad I met you, now that I think about it I hate the way I used to live, but until now I never thought about what I did, I just did it." I told her.

"I know what you mean Drake. Before I met you I felt like I had no meaning to live, but now I feel like I do. I feel like I matter to someone, like I matter to someone special." She said.

"R-really?" I asked looking over at her.

"Yes, I, uh, I really like you Drake. I know just a couple of weeks ago you were going to kill me, but I still, well, I have fallen for you Drake." Serra said, I saw her cheeks redden as she looked over at me.

"Wow, really Serra?" I asked her.

"Yes, I, uh, I love you Drake." She said.

"I-I love you too Serra." I said.

"Really? You do?" She asked.

"Yes. I knew you were different since I first met you, back when I was going to kill you. When I first saw you, I felt something. I didn't know what it was, and I still don't. It made me hesitate, then Blake showed up along with the guards, I couldn't hurt you." I told her.

She didn't say anything, she just laid down next to me. I laid down on my side facing her. She smiled and moved closer to me. I smiled back. I laid there watching her, she had closed her eyes. After a while I could tell that she had fallen asleep, I laid there for a little longer then closed my eyes and fell asleep myself.