Different Chapter 12
#12 of Different
Chapter Twelve: Down Time
I woke up. My body was sore, my head was pounding, but I was alive. I slowly opened my eyes, everything was blurry, very blurry . I blinked several times clearing my vision some. After a moment I could tell where I was. I was back in mine and Serra's Inn room. I had no idea how long I had been out, but I could tell that it was nighttime, the only light was from a small fire in the fireplace in front of the bed. I looked over to my right and saw Serra, she was asleep laying next to me.
"Se-Serra?" I said weakly.
"Uh..Drake, your awake." Serra said looking over at me.
"Yeah..how long have I been out?" I asked her.
"Three days, we called a doctor and he said you might die." She told me.
"Not this time I'm not." I said with a soft smile
"I'm glad, I was scared I was going to lose you." She said.
"There's no reason to worry over me, I'm nothing special." I said.
"Hmm." She said.
Serra moved closer to my and laid her head on my chest. I saw some tears running down her cheeks. Was she sad about what I said or was she happy that I was alive? I didn't know say I put my right arm around her shoulders and held her close to my body. She let out a soft sigh, more of a happy sight than a sad one. It made me smile some. We laid there like that for some time, Serra had fallen asleep, and I watched her face. The fire causing shadows to jump around, he scales lighting up and then dimming back down. She looked beautiful. I thought back to just before I passed out. Had she really said that she loved me or did I just imagine that? I thought about and realized, I didn't really care, because I knew then that I loved her. I could finally admit it to myself that I had feeling, strong feelings, for her.
"I love you too Serra." I whispered.
I knew she would not hear me, or anyone else for that matter. I smiled down at her then I laid my head back onto the pillow. I knew I would not be able to do anything for at least a week because of this stab wound. I thought about what had happened back in that room, but then banished it from my thought. It was best to rest, so I did. I fell asleep there with Serra in my arms. I loved her and I finally new it.