Different Chapter 11
#11 of Different
Chapter Eleven: Captured
I woke up, I felt something restraining my arms and legs. Everything was blurry and my head felt heavy as a rock. I looked around. The room was dark, and I could only tell one thing, and that was that I was tied to a chair. I heard someone walking around, then a bunch of torches lit up. I could feel the magic in the air, powerful magic. I looked around again, and it's when I saw her, Serra was tied up to a chair facing me, she was awake and her eyes were blood red. Then I saw him. The five foot eleven wolf. His fur was pitch black like always and his eyes nearly glowed yellow.
"Darko." I managed to say.
"Yes Drake, it is me." Drakes said.
"Wh-What are you going to do to us?" I asked him weekly.
"Well, for starters I'm going to kill you, then do as I please with the dragoness." Darko said with a grin.
"Don't you dare touch her Darko, I will rip you to pieces." I said the best I could.
"Come on Drake, you know you are much weaker than me. You always have been." He said walking around me.
"I swear if you hurt her in any way I will kill you." I told him.
"Please, you could not hurt me when we were puppies, you could not hurt me when we were training together, what makes you think you can hurt me now?" He asked moving in front of me.
"Because I have a reason to, not just for hurting you but for living." I said.
"Right, well looks like it's time for you to die. And what better way than to kill you with your own dagger?" He said pulling out my dagger from his cloak.
"Do it then." I told him. "But just to let you know you will regret it."
"I think I will do it slowly. Make you suffer, along with the girl." He said with a grin.
He grabbed my shoulder with his free hand and plunged the dagger into my gut, into a place where he knew he would hit nothing in portent. He was wanting me to bleed out. He let go of the dagger leaving it in m. Even though the pain I was in I never showed it, never made a face, never made a noise. He smiled, turned around, then turned back swinging his fist into my muzzle. I could taste copper in my mouth. I still showed no hint of being in pain. I looked over at Serra, she had tears in her eyes, which were a now different colors, her right was dark blue, her left was still blood red.
"Ok Darko, that is enough." I heard someone from the shadows say.
"Yes master." Darko said. He stood in front and to the left of Serra facing me.
"Good, now Drake, you are going to die, slowly. I shall not tell you why." The person said, I could tell who it was, it was my old master.
"Tell me master, tell me why you are going to kill me? It is against the oath to kill another assassin." I yelled.
"You are part of the royal prophesy. That is all I can tell you." My master said. "Darko, come back to the guild house we have much to talk about. Guards, stay until he dies, and leave the girl to her own fate."
Darko walked out of the room as six guards, all assassins from my guild, walked out of the shadows and stood looking between me and Serra. My vision started to get hazy, I was losing too much blood. I looked back over to Serra. Her left eye had gone from red to deep blue like her right one. I smiled the best I could, she did not smile back. I sighed, a tear ran down my face.
"I'm sorry I got you into this Serra." I said, my voice weak and quivering.
"Drake, you are not going to die here. You cannot die here." Serra said, her voice breaking up as well. I saw tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Serra, when the guards leave I want you to get out, you hear me? Get out of here." I told her.
"These guards will not be leaving!" She yelled.
Serra was a blur of motion. She burst from the ropes that were holding her down and attacked the first guard. I saw a splatter of blood fly through the air as Serra when for the second guard, having the first guard's sword in hand. The guard started to react but was too slow and was rewarded with a huge gash on his chest. The third guard swung his sword at Serra, she moved out of the way and stabbed him in the back. The other three guards surrounded Serra. My vision blurred as she fought them, I could not tell what was happing.
"Drake." I heard Serra say.
I felt the ropes on me cut, and I felt myself being lifted off the chair. After that I drifted in and out of conciseness. I could not tell where we were going, or what was going on. After what seemed like years Serra laid me down on a table. I could see Alexis and Blake standing over me, they both had worried looks on their faces. I tried to smile but I could not. Alexis held her hand over my stab wound, she pulled the dagger which had been left in out and placed her hands over the wound. I could feel the magic flowing thought my body.
"Drake, you can't die. Not now! I love you!" I heard Serra say. It was the last thing I heard before I passed out.