Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 15

Story by Canis90 on SoFurry

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#15 of Harry Potter


A/N: It has been one hell of a bad month for me! Financially, I'm not doing too well. I'm in quite a bit of debt for someone my age, and there's no relief in sight. Emotionally, I'm a wreck. I've been in a deep pit of depression for the past couple of weeks, due to my fiancee breaking up with me from out of nowhere, losing my two closest friends to jealousy, losing hours for work, and other shitty reasons. But enough about me. On to the story. Please review, it helps!

Hermione waited until the two other girls left the private dormitory. Slowly, she stood up, her rear throbbing in pain from the spanking. It felt like someone was stabbing her with needles with every step she took. Determined not to let the pain get to her, she gathered her clothes for the day and made her way to the bathroom. She stopped in front of the mirror and turned around. Looking at her reflection, she instantly noticed how red her rear end was. Luna was right, it was the same color as Ginny's fur. Shivering slightly from the fresh memory, she stepped into the shower. When the water hit her backside, she unintentionally yelled out in pain. She quickly turned around to let the water run down her front. Wondering how she was going to wash her entire body, she decided to forget her back area and just wash the front.

The warm water felt terrific as it ran down her fur. It's funny, she thought. I'm part cat, yet I don't mind the water. Deciding not to complain about it, she continued washing herself. Her hands slowly roamed her body, lathering the special shampoo into her fur. As her hands moved across her breasts, she felt tingles run down her spine. No, I don't have time for that. Rinsing off her body, she turned off the water and stepped out. The air was cool against her fur, and she quickly wrapped herself in a towel.

After ten minutes, she was ready for whatever the day would bring. Her rear end was still stinging slightly, but she was becoming used to the pain. She had put on a longer skirt than usual so that she could hide the markings better. She grabbed her bag and headed into the common room.

"Took you long enough," said Ron. Hermione scowled at him. Flicking her tail irritably, she walked past him, hoping him and Harry wouldn't notice her slight limp. She made her way down to the Great Hall without incident. The biggest problem came next: sitting down. She waited until the two boys sat before she gently followed suit. As soon as her bottom touched the bench, she winced slightly. Harry noticed.

"You alright, Hermione?" You looked like you were in pain."

"I'm fine, Harry. Just accidentally sat on my tail." Ron snorted into his pumpkin juice, not noticing Hermione's dark glare. "I'm still trying to get used to it being under me. It's really quite inconvenient." She began gathering food onto her plate before anymore awkward questions could be asked.

Halfway through breakfast, the morning post arrived. Harry instinctively looked up and noticed right away that Hedwig was apart of the flock. She landed gracefully between his plate and goblet, not messing anything up. Harry took the letter that was tied to her leg and offered her some bacon and a drink of his juice. He opened the letter and read through it.

Mr. Potter,

Your presence is required in the Headmaster's office as soon as breakfast is completed. Please inform Mr. Weasley, Ms. Weasley, and Ms. Granger that they are to come as well. Please be aware that you will miss your first lesson, and possibly your second lesson as well. A note has been sent to both professors, informing them that you will possibly miss their lesson.


Healer Donovan, Specialist, St. Mungo's

Harry gave the note to Hermione, while Ron read over her shoulder. "We're going to miss our first two lessons?" shrieked Hermione. Ron just rolled his eyes and went back to eating. "Why couldn't this wait until after lessons were done for the day, like last time? What if we miss something really important?"

Harry just shrugged and went to inform Ginny. He came back, Ginny trailing behind. She looked slightly nervous. After they had finished, the four students gathered their things and headed towards Dumbledore's office. The gargoyle guarding the entrance stood aside without anyone giving the password. They stepped onto the moving staircase and knocked on the door as they reached it. The door opened on its own and the four hybrids entered the office.

"Welcome, children. As you may recall, my name is Healer Donovan. I'm pleased that my letter found you. Right smart bird you have, Mr. Potter. Now, onto the reason you are here. Professor Dumbledore has requested that, as of this time, all tests are to be conducted within his office instead of at St. Mungo's. This is for safety reasons, mainly concerning one Sirius Black. However, I do not mind in the slightest. We shall make do with what we are given. Now, these tests require nothing on your part except to just stay still." He looked at the four faces, noticing a small flicker of fear in each. "Do not worry. These tests are completely painless. You may feel a slight tickle, but nothing else. Now, who would like to be first?"

Ron, Ginny, and Hermione all stepped back at the same time, leaving Harry alone at the front. "Alright, Mr. Potter, we shall start with you." Harry gave his "friends" a nasty look before approaching the healer. Now, Mr. Potter, I want you to stretch your arms out as far as you can. That's it." Healer Donovan waved his wand in a complicated fashion and said "Ostendo Vomica." Nothing happened. Healer Donovan didn't seem the slightest bit perturbed, however. Once again, he waved his wand and said "Ostendo Praevius Alica." Something happened. Lights and colors were flying off of Harry. None of the students had any idea what the colors meant, but it seemed Healer Donovan did. He began writing in a small notebook that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. After a couple minutes, the lights and colors disappeared, leaving the office bathed only in sunlight. "Thank you, Mr. Potter, I am finished with you for right now." Harry let out a small sigh of release before joining his friends.

"Ms. Granger, please step forward. Professor Dumbledore has informed me that your condition is slightly different than the other three's. Please, tell me exactly what happened." Hermione gave a nervous look at Dumbledore, but noticed a twinkling in his eye, as if he already knew how she became a hybrid. He gave a slight nod, as if to confirm her suspicions.

"Well, During the Christmas holidays of last year, Harry, Ron, and I had brewed a Polyjuice Potion. We wanted to use it to transform into three Slytherin students and sneak into their common room. We had some suspicions about a certain student and wanted to question him about the events that were happening last year. Harry and Ron turned out fine, but I realized a little too late that I had made a mistake. Instead of adding a hair from a person, I accidentally a added a hair from a cat." Healer Donovan contemplated her story for a while before nodding.

"Ms. Granger, please hold your arms out like Mr. Potter did." Hermione did so. Healer Donovan waved his wand and said "Ostendo Consilium." Only one color came out of Hermione. Healer Donovan looked momentarily surprised before jotting the result in his notebook. "Thank you, Ms. Granger, you are done." Hermione stepped back and joined her friends.

"Mr. Weasley, please step forward. I understand that it was your wand that caused your transformation. Is that correct?" Ron nodded.

"That wand was nearly snapped in two, though," said Ron. "I tried using a completely different spell when it backfired. Unfortunately, Harry was standing right beside me, so he got hit as well." Healer Donovan nodded his understanding.

"Please hold out your arms for me." Ron copied Harry and Hermione. Healer Donovan waved his wand and said "Ostendo Adsuesco Assuesco Alica." Hundreds of lights and colors shot out of Ron. Healer Donovan was looking intently, as though searching for one in particular. Many reds, greens, golds, and blues were present. However, Harry briefly saw a black color. The healer must have seen it too, and he quickly jotted it down in his notebook. "Thank you, Mr. Weasley, that will be all." Ron also stepped back next to his friends and sister.

And now, Ms. Weasley, please step forward. According to Professor Dumbledore, you were in the Hospital Wing when your transformation occurred. Is that correct?" Ginny nodded. "Do you remember what happened right before you transformed?" Ginny shook her head.

"All I remember is Harry, Ron, and Hermione visiting me before dinner one night, and then nothing. Next thing I knew, I was on the floor, looking up at Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Madam Pomfrey."

Healer Donovan nodded. "I assume you know what to do, after watching the other three?" Ginny stretched out her arms and waited. The healer waved his one last time and said "Ostendo Radix." Like Hermione, only one color shot out of Ginny. It was a murky white, almost like eggnog. Healer Donovan looked confused for a moment. "I have never seen this color come out of a person before. Professor Dumbledore, I believe this is a job for the Department of Mysteries. There's really nothing I can do for these children. As far as I can tell, they will be stuck like this until the Unspeakables figure it out. Children, thank you for your time, you may leave."

The four students headed out of the office, looking very relieved. Harry, Ron, and Hermione said goodbye to Ginny as they separated to their different classes. The trio headed to the North Tower for their Diviniation lesson, while Ginny headed to Transfiguration.

Unbeknownst to them, Luna was watching the trio walk down the corridor. The look of pure relief was clearly written on their faces. Well, I think Harry and Ron will be a little easier to persuade than Hermione and Ginny. Luna skipped down the hall, headed to the Ravenclaw Tower in order to prepare for the upcoming night.