Daisy and Boss: 2 - Oatbread (short update)
#2 of Daisy and Boss
Hello. Just a (VERY) short update on my Daisy Boss story. Just didn't want to go too long without putting something up. I'm still writing! lol I promise.
Warnings and tags are mostly for future chapters, and for the implied rape remembered in chapter one. If anyone felt like drawing Daisy that would be cool! She's a neat little goat. ;3
Daisy and Boss: 2 - Oatbread (short update)
"Are you alright?" Boss moved his paw in a small comforting circle on her shoulder and she tipped her head up to look at him. When had she become so comfortable with him? Even in the rain at the bus stop her instincts had been to trust him, and now here he was supporting her, touching her. Things she had not been able to tolerate from even her father's good friend, Jasper... And here he was....
"Daisy?" Boss craned his head to look at her closer. She was staring at him with a curious wide eyed wonderment. Her mouth was open slightly, dumbfounded with some thought or feeling and Boss wondered frivolously if she felt the same as he did. He cracked a nonchalant smile, hoping it didn't look nervous.
"You should call your folks." He nodded towards the phone on the desk. Cable gestured with the rag he held in his paw, pulled from a pocket to pick at and fidget with over the awkward silence.
"Oh, sure go right on ahead! I'm uh, just gonna go get your car and pull around front for you, Mr. Boss." He said as he darted through a side door, without a backwards glance. Daisy felt her ears heat up and she rubbed the bridge of her muzzle with one hand.
"He thought I was crazy..." She murmured, used to the reaction she got from other people when she had one of her episodes over the stupidest little things. But this time it had been in front of Boss. And she found that she cared what he thought of her. She glanced back at him in horror. "You don't think I'm crazy, do you Boss?" She said, her voice sounding pathetic to her own ears. Boss frowned.
"Daisy, I've only known you for less than a full day." He gruffed. "But I can tell you right now that you aren't crazy." He reached out to lift her chin, making her look up at him and see that he was serious. Daisy smiled, but it was a jaded sort of smile.
"Tell that to everyone else." She bleated, turning and reaching for the phone and dialing her home number quickly and effectively ending the conversation for the moment. After only two rings, Daisy heard her mother's voice, hasty greeting fraught with worry.
"Hi Mama, it's Daisy." Daisy wound the cord around her fingers as her mother launched into a breathless tirade.
"Daisy May! Why didn't you call EARLIER!? Your Father and I have been worried SICK, he's been sitting next to the front door for hours just watching the driveway and chewing his beard into tatters! I cant tell you how many pipes he's had just trying to stay calm.... The whole house smells like one big Prince Albert tin and I've baked sixteen loaves of oatbread and used every scrap of flour in the house, I just didn't know what else to DO with myself! Oh, Dear! Are you all right? Where are you?" Her Mother petered out finally, and Daisy could hear through the phone line her Father asking the same questions in a no nonsense tone. She could hear in the far background one of her sisters bleat out a greeting.
"I'm still in Portland." Daisy tucked her chin guiltily. "I got lost."
"But your not hurt? Your okay?" Her Mother was starting to sound a bit calmer.
"I'm fine. A Detective with the Portland Police is going to give me a ride home. His name is Lester Boss, and he's been a lot of help. Mama, really, I'm fine."
"Ah. I'm so relieved.... Well..." Her muther chuckled. "There's plenty of oatbread for when you get home! Fresh with honey. Tell Detective Boss we'll feed him for bringing our little goat home." Her mother sighed. Daisy sniffed at that and looked at Boss dubiously.
"I don't know if he eats oat bread or not, Mama." Daisy shrugged her shoulders and Boss smiled and mimicked the gesture.
"Oh, nonsense, kidling... EVERYONE likes oatbread." Her Mother sounded like she would have continued, but at that point her Father got impatient and took the phone.
"Daisy? It's your Father. Good to hear your all right Sweetheart, now... this fellow who's taking care of you, I want to talk at him a minute, put him on the phone." Daisy hesitated, knowing the tone of voice didn't bode well. But she knew it wouldn't be worth trying to talk him out of it, so she simply pinched her eyes closed and sighed.
"Yes, Daddy." She turned and held out the phone to Boss who walked forward and took it, slightly surprised.
"My Dad wants to talk to you." Daisy grimaced, her whole face speaking volumes in apology. Boss put the receiver to his ear.
"This is Detective Lester Boss speaking." He said formally.
"Detective Boss this is Kale Fields, I'm Daisy's Father. I want to thank you for keeping her safe, we were worried about her." The deep goats voice on the other end was gravely and rough but held such a note of relief that Boss felt a swelling of pride at the compliment.
"It's my duty, Sir." He said unconsciously standing taller. "And she's safe with me, I promise." He added, seeing Daisy covering her face in embarrassment without even knowing what her father was saying.
"She's fragile, our Daisy..." Kale gruffed reluctantly. "We worry about her more than the other Kids what with everything that's happened.... And well, never mind. But take extra care, now. And get her home. We'd be very grateful." Boss heard another female voice pipe up on the other end.
"Tell him about the oat bread!"
"Not now, Flossy, he doesn't care about oat bread, I'm sure!" Kale bleated shortly. Some indiscriminate grumbling in the background later and it was followed with Kale's bark of laughter. "I don't care if you made sixteen loaves! Put some in the icebox!" Boss had to try hard not to laugh and Daisy gave him a suffering look.
"I'm sorry." Was all she said.