Breakfast In Bed
Note: This was inspired by a picture by G2CutieX2 from deviantart. is the picture.
Hope you all enjoy.
The beach in the morning was cool. Not to cool though as the sun started to rise, giving the waves a sparkling blue. Birds awoke from their sleep, opening and stretching out their wings. One large bird who had been sleeping on the sand opened his dark eyes and looked around. His stomach already telling him it wanted breakfast. The pelican was the biggest of most pelicans. His feathers a grey color with some white here and there. He stretched out his wings and flapped around to get them awake. He turns his head and looked out to the sea. Fishing was all he could do. But sometimes he couldn't find any fish that made him full. One thing he loved though was the wiggling of the fish as they went down and still wiggled in his hungry belly. He landed on the beach again, close to the shore. His eyes did notice something coming toward him though. A young girl had went out of her home to go to the beach. She left her sleeping parents a note saying where she was so they wouldn't worry. She dressed in her tank top that was a peach color and her skirt that was pink. She walked along the sand on barefeet, loving the feel of the soft sand under her little feet. She looked up ahead and saw.. a pelican! She smiled and went on over. She had never seen a pelican before. And getting so close to one without it flying away made her more curious. The pelican looked at the girl. Human. So young and small to. He had seen a few and knew they could be dangerous. But this little one didn't look dangerous. She went right up to him and looked at him with such curiousity. He would usually just waddle or fly away but instead he stayed and looked at her. She was really small. She was an inch or so smaller then his head. His stomach made a sound only he could hear. He looked at the human again. Maybe instead of a fish, he can have something bigger. Yes. Still waking up, he yawned. The girl looked at the pelican with excitement. "So these are pelicans? Wow!" She said in her strange human language. She watched as the pelican yawned and looked in the large mouth. "Ohh lookie! Wow!! That's such a big mouth!! Wooah!" She said over joyed. Her head was sadly to close. His strong beak had moved closer and closed around her head! The girl was surprised and immediatly struggled and punched at the pelican's neck. The pelican accidently did that. He had moved his head closer and closed it around the overjoyed human's head. Her head in his beak. Her struggles. His own confusion was taken over by hunger. The way this girl struggled made him now know she was prey. He glanced around. No other humans in sight. She was alone. He felt pain as she punched her little fists at his neck, letting out a 'Raaa!' call he forced himself to tilt his head up to attempt to take her body in. It was hard sense she struggled so much. He kept tilting his head up, lifting her body up and pulling it into his pouch in his mouth. Her body disappeared into the pouch, making it stretch with her body in it. Her struggles continued and cries for help. She screamed for her mother and father. But no one could hear her. Her cries soon became more muffled as she was forced into the pouch that held her. She tried to turn and get out but every time she tried the pelican just took more of her in. Her legs were all that stuck out soon enough and he was easily forcing them into his pouch. The pelican continued his meal. The pelican way is: If you can get it in your mouth. Its food. He now knew he could eat these supposedly dangerous creatures if they were about this size. He got all over her in, pouch full and muffled cries in it. He looked around once more. No one. He liked the wiggles in his pouch. He let her struggle until eventually she tires. He tilts his head back, beginning to swallow her. Her head slide down easy but her shoulders stretched his neck. (That was still a bit sore from her punches moments ago.) He managed to get her shoulders swallowed and it became easier. She was forced to the back of the large bird's head and hearing a gulp made her cry more. He was going to eat her! No! Her struggles were weak but she sure was trying to put up a fight. Her voice was hoarse from her screams for help yet she continued to cry and scream. Her body wiggling only helped the pelican swallow her. He continued to swallow his larger but tastier prey. He continued to swallow her small body down. The odd cloths she wore stuck some to his throat at times but with a few gulps it was easier. He swallowed her down, getting her closer and closer to her final destination. His stomach which wanted the meal that was coming to feed it. Her legs were the last and he swallowed more. Finally with one final swallow of her feet. She was no more then a large bulge in his stomach. She struggled and was swallowed. She was forced into the stomach of the pelican which had little air but she punched and tried to struggle out but it was no use and with the last of her legs and feet coming into the stomach. It was all over. She wiggled but soon she grew tired and could no longer struggle. She finally passed out. The pelican sat down, looking and feeling the good wiggles in his now full stomach. He stretched out his wings again but didn't fly away. He couldn't sense he ate such a large breakfast. "So this is what they mean by: Breakfast in Bed" He would smile. Letting out a belch. He was pretty sure he had breakfast, lunch and dinner. The meal was so large it may take all day to digest or two. The pelican loved the meal. He would be sure to have some more of these humans in the future. And judging by how curious they are. He would get them easy. The parents would search for their little girl but there would be no trace of her. They did see the pelican but no one could ever think a pelican would eat a human child. So they left it be. The pelican was full and happy until the next few days he will be hungry again and certain prey will be on his menu.