Johnathon, introduction

Story by Fieval on SoFurry

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#1 of Johnathon

This story was written a very long time ago, and was one of the first stories posted to Proxima Centauri's Nursery Tales website, back in the day. Way back when I wrote it, there wasn't much babyfur fiction out there yet. It got a pretty positive response, and I still think it's pretty good, but it's not really the kind of thing I write anymore. It's a sweet and sad story. It's really more of a piece of babyfur history than anything else, at this point, but I hope you enjoy it, all the same.

Johnathon, part 2

There I was, on my hands and knees, diapered rear end pointed at the mirror (an obviously wet diaper I might add) waiting for Michelle to come in. I had just made the decision that I liked diapers (thank you, Mr. Narrator) and I was waiting to tell...

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Johnathon, part 1

"Johnathon? Can you come here for a second?" my mom yelled up the stairs. I was in the middle of a game of SimCity on the computer, so I paused it and came down. "Yeah, Mom?" I asked as I descended the staircase. "We have something to talk about...

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A Game of Scrabble

This is a silly little fetish story involving diaper wearing, diaper use, mild sissiness, embarrassment, puppyplay, and some sexual content, but no actual sex. It is very, very loosely based on true events that actually happened, and the wolf in...

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