Those feelings are letting me feel...
Your kindness is great.
As well as your loyalty.
Sometimes you make me feel like royalty.
My trust comes back,
but it returns.
Even after so many of those lies that made my heart burn.
You have helped,
Me deal with issues I couldn't have dealt.
With on my own.
I dont feel so alone.
As long as I talk to you....
I feel happy, and that is true...
This poem was dedicated to a very special freind of mine... His name will not be mentioned.
If you read this. Thank you greatly. You have changed my life in more ways than one. And for those changes I have been more happy than I was when I was struggling with them. You have pushed me gently to the path I want to go on. I was lost but now I can actually seem to trust, hope, and actually seem to feel.
I may not believe in god, or anything else. But I thank whoever that we met.