My visions-Ch.1(Worry)
"I've been meaning to ask something that I've been asking myself for a while.Have you ever had a dream or daydream of something and you never want to leave? There's kind of an obvious answer to that,but there's a catch: What if they actually came true? Freaky,almost as if you can read the future.When I dream,I'm surrounded by things,and people that make me happy.When I wake,and I find that it's not reality,I mourn for my dead thoughts.My name is Clarus. I'm trapped inside of this world.A world of promise,and regret."
It was pitch black outside of a school.From the looks of it there was a dance that was being held,and it lit up from the inside.Inside there were animals dancing,some were slow dancing,while others just hung out on the outskirts of the dance floor.In the corner there was a black wolf dressed in a tux just standing by himself.He was looking around as if he was looking for someone.He kept tapping his toes to the music that was playing.It was his favorite song:"Use Somebody"by the Kings of Leon.The black wolf continued to wait by himself and looked at the floor every once in a while.He sighs,and looks around some more.Then a male cat walks to him with a slight grin,assuring him that he was back.The wolf quickly stands tall and smiles at the approaching feline.The cat smiles and they leave the dancefloor together.They stood outside,and could still hear the music coming from the school.As they stood outside of the school together,looking at the stars,the wolf's heart began to race.The cat looks at him and sees that the wolf was a bit teary eyed,but still kept a smile on.The cat holds the wolf's hand to try and stop his slow flow of tears.The wolf may have been crying at that time,but it was the happiest night of his life.The cat lifts his hand to the wolf's cheek and pulls his face close to his.As their faces became closer,the image started to fade.
A black wolf's head pops up from the pillow.He looks around,then next to the side of his bed,and saw nothing.He sighs a saddened breath as he grabbed his face with his paw.He gets out of bed in his boxers and goes to the bathroom that was in his room.He looks he goes to brush his fangs,and to wipe down his deep black fur a bit to look presentable.(At least through his eyes.)He then starts to head to his closet to put some clothes on.As he searched for clothing he was speaking inside his head.
"That dream again.I keep having it over and over.I don't really see why,but it can't be good if I have it constantly.Oh well.I'm already late for band practice,I should head over to Roy's place,and fast."
He says as he finally picked out his wordrobe.He put on some black jeans,with a black t-shirt that was barely tight on his torso.In fact,it was a perfect fit.He always liked to wear dark colored clothing,with black being his favorite color.At this point,the only 2 things on him that weren't black were his eyes which were a bright green.He pretty much looked like a shadow that just stepped out of a dark alley.He headed downstairs to see his roommate sleeping on the couch.He looks at him with a grin,and goes to wake him up.He starts to poke him,but he just tossed and turned.He then pinches him,making him yelp at the sting.As the annoyed canine looked at the wolf with un pleasant eyes,the wolf smiled back in a joking state.
"Wake up Shaun.We got band practice today,and Roy,Michael,and Kim are already there,waiting for us."
The wolf says to his tired friend.Shaun yawns in an annoying sound and scratches his chest.He also slepped in his boxers,but at least the black wolf was covered up,and looked decent.The wolf heads to the kitchen to fix himself some coffee.Shaun sat on the couch,looking at the clock on the table in front of him.It was 2:00 pm.The smell of coffee flowed into Shaun's nose,forcing the lazy canine to get off the couch.He heads to the kitchen to make some himself.The wolf takes a sip of his and sighs with the reaction from the good taste.
"Nothing like fresh coffee to get you started."
He says.Shaun was already starting to make his.He turns to the wolf and grins.
"So,you think you're ready for the dance on Saturday Clarus? it's gonna be big."
Shaun asks.Clarus sipped his coffee again and grins slightly at his question.
"I'm not really gonna focus too much on that.We still need to get ready for our gig tommorow at the theatre."
Clarus responds.Shaun turns to him and sips his brewed coffee.
"Yeah,but I'm more excited about that than what we do almost everyday.Come on,you gotta be excited for a dance.Chilling,hanging out,and most importantly,seeing the girls shake their tails at the hypnotic beat."
The canine says with an eager expression on his face.Clarus just chuckles at the remark,and sips his coffee again.
"That's why I'm not excited.It's the same thing over and over.If I go,I'll probably just hang out in a corner somewhere like I always do."
Clarus finishes his coffee and heads to the couch and turns on the tv.He looks at Shaun who was still in his boxers,and grins.
"How long do you plan on looking like that? We've seriously gotta get going.You know how Roy is about rehersal."
Clarus says.Shaun notices and puts his coffee down on the counter and heads upstairs.
"You're just jealous cause of my rockin bod.I tell ya,when I get a girl,I'm gonna walk around my place like this for the rest of my days."
The canine says as he heads upstairs to change.Clarus chuckles at his remark,and focuses on the tv.
"Oh won't that be fun.IF you get a girl that is."
He says with a smirk.Clarus continued to channel surf,but then stopps at the news when he sees something horrible.
"On today's news,a young teenage boy was severely beaten to death by a group of thugs just outside of the Paramount skatepark.The police have yet to catch the ones responsible for this hanous crime.The victim was 16 year old Charles Fratman,a very young meerkat that lived in Paramount city."
Clarus' eyes was in shock at what he just heard.It was also full of rage as he looked at the picture of the crime done in by the thugs.He knew who Charles was cause he was a friend of his.he met him in elementary school,and have always been friends.Charles confessed to Clarus that he was gay and afterwards they didn't really talk much after that.Clarus tried constantly to talk to him to cheer him up,but he always gave him the cold shoulder.Clarus stopps to think for second as he stares at the ceiling fan.Again,full of rage.
"I can't belive that people still treat gays this way.Is it really so taboo to be different? Why? Why does society choose to hate what they don't understand? I don't get it.And I never will get it.I'm proud of who I am.But it's not east coming out.It's not."
Clarus says with a sad face.Shaun comes down with a white t-shirt and blue-jean shorts.He grabs the keys off the counter and heads for the door.Clarus follows him out.As Clarus closes the door,Shaun unlocks the door to his black volvo and gets in.Clarus gets into the passenger's seat and buckles up.Shaun starts up the car,and drives off.Shaun never even bothers to put his seatbelt on cause he feels there's no "need" to.Their friend Roy's house was pretty far,but not so much as 12 miles away.
"Whew,today's a pretty hot day.Glad I'm wearing shorts.I still don't understand why you where so much black.You're gonna get cooked if you don't knock it off.We're in San diego you know."
Shaun says,eyes still on the road.Clarus was resting his head on his hands,still thinking about his dead friend.he realizes after a minute or so the remark his canine friend says and responds.
"I like the color.Besides,my fur is black,so wearing anything lighter would just prolong the inevitable."
Clarus says.Shaun looks at him in an annoyed state.
"Man will you stop using big words around me.You know I hate that."
He says in a pleading voice.Clarus grins a bit.
"You're right.Sorry."
He responds softly.Shaun looks back at him and worries.
"Woah,what's up with you? You've never agreed with me on anything except us splitting the rent.What's on your mind?"
Shaun asks.Clarus just looks at him and continues to grin.
"Nothing.Still a little sleepy i guess."
Clarus responds.After some time had passed,Clarus starts to dose off.He was dreaming again.There were 2 animals running.It was a fox and a rabbit,and they were running as if their lives depended on it.There was big group of angery people that were after them,and they shouted hateful remarks at the 2.
They continued to shout as they the fox and rabbit still kept running.Evenyually they stopped and turned a corner and the mob passed them.The rabbit was shaking and holding onto the fox for dear life and was crying.
"I can't keep living like this.We have to leave this place.Please,I can't do this anymore!!"
The rabbit shouts in horror.The fox cuddles the young sobbing rabbit.
"Shhh..I know,I know.We'll leave..We'll leave."
The fox says.Clarus opens his eyes in shock to see that they stopped in front of a house and saw a tiger smiling at Clarus.Clarus waves,and smiles at him as he gets out the car.