A Lifetime of Forgotten Dreams

Story by Tiffany Umbreon on SoFurry

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A Lifetime of Forgotten Dream

All dreams must end, and everyone wakes up one day. Thankfully this is the start of a dream, not the end. So if you're willing to listen simply close your eyes and experience it.

Chapter 1: Death is the best way to keep someone alive.

Yucca stood in front of the window staring down at the city below "Where is he now?" she asked, tying her long blond hair into a ponytail. James answered softly "he's sleeping again; I'm not sure if he'll recover from it this time. You've pushed him to far this time. Death really is the best option for him, no matter how much you may dislike it." James turned to the nightstand and collected the tray of leftover food that his master Yucca had left for him to clean. "It's not like you can't wait for him" he said, "James you know as well as I do, I don't have the time for that. But I guess your right" she finished with a sigh, "as always my lady" he said walking to the door. "James?" "Yes? My lady" he asked. "Bring him to me, at least.I wish to enjoy my toy one last time before he leaves Me." she asked without ever taking her eyes from the window. "Not the last time, only the last in this lifetime, but I will bring him as you wish, my lady." shutting the door behind him. Yucca lifted her hand and set it on the window. The world seemed to be spinning around her, this had happened numbers times before, and now, when she thought she had found a perfect match, things start to go wrong again. She would do anything to stop it from happening again, even if it meant murder. "They say death is never goodbye, but, it is a life time of waiting, and so many things are forgotten in a life time." A second later the doors opened to a table as it floated in. It was holding a young boy, around nineteen or so, covered in blood. Yucca turned and moved to him, gliding with grace. Standing above him she stared at his once beautiful face, his long dark brown hair stretched down to lay across his chest covering the cuts and bruise that hide behind it. The cuts seemed to make up every part of him and blood poured in pools from him. Yucca smiled and giggled at him, the very thought of him made her happy. "Oh dear, Lenities what have you done to yourself now?" she said happily, placing her hand on him "wake up you fool." her hand began to glow with a red light as the blood seemed to pullback in fear, slowly moving back into their cuts, all until every drop was back in him and the cuts gone. Taking in a single breath he leaned up and turned to her "I don't know why you waist your power on me. Once it wears off I'll be dead again" he said sadly "and it's not my fault, you're the one who told me to do it, you're the one who wants a war". He said sharply, she lifted her hand and slapped him "don't talk to me like that you pig!" or she thought she had slapped him. As her hand had hit him, he had vanished. She must have hit him; she could feel the pain from it and see the redness on her hand. "Yucca, why are you doing this? Why are you turning the humans against each other? Do you hate them?" he asked now standing behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Oh, no reason it's just... fun you could say." She smiled at him. "You're lying again, what is it you saw?" He asked. She turned to look into his eyes and sighed, "Nothing that's the problem, I'm just so bored... oh, I have another thing I want you to do for me. Before your time is up, and by the way you're not dead, yet, you're only dying." She said. "Not much better... What is it you want me to do?" he said holding her tighter. "Well, there's a school in a small island town that's bothering me, will you go there and take care of it. And Lenities, it has to be all of them this time." She said stressing on the last part. "Another school? This is the same thing I just got back from, the thing that nearly killed me too. Why do you want these little children killed Yucca?" he asked fearing her for her dark wants. "Don't worry why I want this, that's none of your business, and this job will be easy now that Arrows gone. Hmm, what a shame he had to leave us. He was so talented, it's sad that Victoria had to kill him. Lenities, if you hurry and finish this maybe you can spend the last of your time with me." She giggled. "You're an evil witch you know. I don't know why I love you." he said turning around and pulling his jacket from the table. "Because, I make you love me and there's nothing you can do about it." She giggled. "Look, Arrow won't be there to get in your way so it'll be easy as pie." She said kissing him on the lips, "Now hurry up and get to it my knight" pushing him out the door " love you" he said pulling her to him, and kissing her goodbye one last time. "Love you too." She said, shutting the door behind him. She stood there for a minute, waiting until he was gone, then She slid down to the ground, tears starting to pour from her eyes. "Hurry and do it right... so that I don't have to kill you, like I have to kill Arrow... not you; I won't lose you to a human." Standing she turned to her window, hoping to busy herself with the light of the city. There she was, Victoria, just like she had know she would be, Yucca only wishing that she could be wrong, Victoria was the last person she wanted to see right now. But, here she was, with her long black hair touching the floor and her robe falling a little from lack of care to pull it back up. Her face was blank and her green eyes were dull. "There's another one already? Isn't there? That's what you saw. This is so important to you, now that it's your favorite that it affecting, right?" Victoria spoke in a sad voice. Yucca had to hide what she could "Yeah and this one couldn't have come at a worst time, right as he's so close to dying. I don't want to take any chances now. I won't let the same thing happen to him." Yucca moved next to Victoria, to stare out the window, the little city was so peaceful compared to where she was. Victoria couldn't stand it; the site of the happy city below made her sick "Let the same thing happen? Let the same thing happen! You didn't lose him like I lost Arrow! You don't sit there waiting for him to show himself, wandering if he'll even come back or not. I never thought he could hate me so much to leave! He hasn't given up on you for a chance to be human, Yucca! A damn stupid, selfish and ugly human!" she shouted at Yucca, the room began to shake around her as her rage began to grow. Yucca slapped her making her stop "Oh, get over yourself you selfish child, your no better than any of them." She said looking into Victoria's eyes. "You know why you did it; you know why we had to. You'll simply have to make yourself a new Arrow, and then maybe you'll know how I feel. Either that or you can join the little traitor. The choice is yours, sister." She said staring Victoria down "Now, leave me, I grow tired of you." She said pointing to the door. "Fine, have it your way you always do. Goodnight Yucca. Have fun playing your little mind games with Lenities. Sooner or later he'll get free... We'll all be free someday," She said as she walked out, slamming the door behind her. Yucca watched her leave only to turn to her city below. Just in time she thought, the moon was rising in the sky as the lights of the city lit up it a rainbow of color. "I'm afraid; you'll be dead long before that day, sister". All of the colors look so peaceful, but one, which stood out from the others, a bright red that began to grow and grow until the whole city was painted in a blaze of fire. And somewhere far above it all looking down from a window in some far off place giggled a little blond girl.

Chapter 2: Waking up to a dream.

"Wake up... it's over now." whispered a voice. Who could it be, I thought, they sounded so familiar but who am I then? I can't seem to remember, why? "You know if you just lay there you catch a cold, come on get up...hmm well, we'll call you Aaron. Yea that seems like a good enough name for a human. Now come, on get up." Aaron? I'm Aaron am I; well who ever this person was, they're starting to get pushy. Opening my eyes, I fully intended to yell at them, "who do you think you are bossing me around like this..." but no one was there, it was just me. Who was I again, baron? No Aaron, that's right. Ok next, where am I and what the hell am I doing here? Looking around I could see nothing but water and sand. "You came close Aaron, but not close enough, you failed I'm afraid, so much blood, maybe you...can...still start ... a... new" whispered the voice again, standing up I walked to the water, looking both up and down the beach for then "you... can ... start... new..." there was no one here but Aaron, me. Yet I could hear a voice, from some were. "Start a new Aaron," it said again. "Who are you?" I shouted in rage, and then I saw them. But how could that be? They were just a little girl; the voice had been much older. It was a little girl with dark hair covered in blood, that's when I hit me, everything was covered in blood: the beach, the water, the girl, even Aaron, I was painted red with it, there was so much of it "so much blood, maybe you can still start a new" repeated the voice, It felt more like a flash back rather that what it had been before. I couldn't take it all in, it hurt my mind, for some reason my mind was moving so slow, or it had been. The longer I stared at the girl the more everything cleared from my cloudy mind, like a little girl shaped key had unlocked the world around me. I could see it all now, it was more than just a beach; it was an entire island that Aaron had been placed on, or been on. The red water washed up behind the spotted sand and me as we stared into what looked like a school overflowing with sadness, and this little girl being the only thing that stood in between us. It was overwhelming as my mind took in each new detail of the place, each new body that lied on the ground, each with its own puddle next to it. The more I saw, the more I couldn't move. "Aaron? Can you hear me? You don't remember do you? Good, it's better that way." It was that voice again "we don't have time to let you just stand around and cry." I'm not crying, or is that what these drops of water are? Why can't I remember? "Aaron come here, go to her." Move? The voice expected me to move, listening to her was the last thing I wanted to do, and it hurt too much to even try. But... maybe she'll make the hurt go away, yea, she can wake me from this dream, no, not a dream but more of a nightmare. But, here was so much blood, how could I sleep through something like this. I had to move, I don't know how, but I found the will and soon I was there with her, the little girl lying on the beach, the only thing aside from myself without a puddle. She was... sleeping, but she was breathing thankfully, I wasn't alone, had I been alone before? Would she remember something when she woke up? "Aaron. This is Leana" it's the voice, but it's not coming from her. A hand placed its self on my shoulder, spinning in fear I looked into the most beautiful greens eyes I had ever seen, not that I could remember any other time having seen green eyes. She was the one who had been talking to me "don't give me that look Aaron. You're better off now this way. Here" as she wiped away a single liquid diamond. "Now, please listen. I can't go with you, so you need to protect this girl for me now. Got that, she is your responsibility now; you need her in order to live now. And she need you." She said with a smile. "You look so cute now, well when you're all cleaned up. Ok, once I'm gone, you need to carry her down that way along the beach. You'll find a town down there. Tell them that you were a new student here and your school was attacked, that you two were the only ones who made it. Maybe add some of those tears you seem to like so much." All the time she talked she was brushing my hair and making my torn up shirt look a little more cared for, she was totally crazy I thought. How stupid of her to sent two little kids like us off on our own after whatever might have happened to leave this place in piles of rubble. Had she had any care she would have come with us to see it to it that we were safe, but no? That's when she moved to mess with the girl hair, like she had to me, that I saw it. She was just as bad as the others around us, the only difference was that this corps was walking and ... talking of all things, she was covered in more blood that anything. She had long black hair that seemed to flow on and on, had I moved I would have stepped on it, and she was wearing some kind of white and red robe; she kept pulling one side up only to have it fall over shoulder again. And was that a... hole, yea she had a hole were her heart should be. There's no way in the world that she should be the one moving out of us. The pain was growing; I think I'm going to throw up if this dream keeps going on, I starting to think that this isn't a dream any more. It hurts too much. "Aaron? I know you're confused but as hard as it may seem things turned out for the better. You came close Aaron, but not close enough, you failed I'm afraid, but I guess it's a good thing your imperfect, you can start all over now, with her too. You two are so cute; I'm rather jealous to tell the truth. Only if ..." she stated coughing cutting her off. "Dam! Aaron I'm out of time go, get her to a cleaner place before she wakes up to this graveyard." I couldn't believe it, just when id thought I couldn't see any more, blood began to poor from her mouth turning her robe a darker red "Aaron! Come on, move child!" so much blood I couldn't think of anything but it. "This is not the time to grow a fear of blood" seeming to read my mind, she lifted her hand to the ocean and open and closed her hand, I couldn't believe it the water was... moving with her, as she opened it went out and came in as she closed it. "Now listen Aaron, you can't be like this or she's dead, and if she dies then so will you, only a thousand times more painfully thought." She quickly moved her hand in circles around us and as before the water fallowed, washing away more blood with each spin. "So from now on the only blood you're allowed to be afraid of is hers, ok. So, for the love god move!" the water was circling us and turning red of all things, but she was right, this girl, that I couldn't remember was right, I had to move and I did. My feet seemed light and powerful as kneeled to lift this little girl, Leana, and cared her off. The water had turned to a light gray now and began to fall in piles rather than puddles, ashes. "Start walking and don't look back Aaron." she said, I didn't have to look to know that she was gone by now, and that hopefully this nightmare was slowly turning back into a dream.

With each step I took the better things got. My mind slowed and so did my beating heart. And at one point the smell of her over power the intoxicating sent of blood, she smelt like peaches and cream with a hint of strawberry. Some of my memories came back, but nothing big I remember words and objects like cars, or swords, or dogs. I could remember colors and so on but nothing of who I was or why I was in a place like this. I figured that I was a child around six or so but I felt ten years older, what kind of six-year-old thinks like this? I had a very dark shade of brown, almost as if it had be a lighter color died black. Nothing really made any sense only that I was here like this with a girl around my age that I had no memory of. Hmm? She's string; NO, not now I was still covered in blood, I had to hurry and find that dam town, where ever it was, there that's it, right finely. "HELP! Someone come help please!" I shouted over and over until an older man came running at us. "Young man! Get out of the road!" he said as he pulled us one to the beach again. With all the confusion and screaming I must have lost were I was. "What do you think you're doing you... what in the world happened to you! Oh my god!" it's about time he saw it, any longer and I would have thought him blind, well a blind who could see children in the street. He quickly took the girl from my arms and began to lead her and me to a large building. Ok so I am I child because I can't seem to read the lettering on the side, darn I was so hoping I'd be normal. More and more people began to gather around me each one check us for cut or something, Leana was set on a counter, were she continued to sleep, one person was even kind enough to put a blanket over her. Everyone was talking around us but never to us, I guess they figured we were too young to talk and make any sense about things. "What happened to them Joe?" asked one guy, "oh the poor things" cried a lady. "Get them something clean" said the old man. "That's the Mr. Blossoms daughter. What she doing with this boy?" blossom was it, what a pretty last name to go with a pretty girl. "I don't know I've never seen him before" I had a chance to slip over to her now, everyone else was busy asking there pointless questions that no answers, well they would if they only ask me. She was a mess but she was still pretty, prettier now that I had a chance to look at her, her black hair was full of dirt and sand and her dress was red and blue with the bottom by her knees ripped off. Hmm I wander what color her eyes were, maybe a green like the one lady's or a bright blue. "Boy. Let her sleep," whispered the old man as he used his hands to move me away "ok, you're probably right." Wow the shock that went through that crowed as I talked, it was after that that I regretted it. I was hit by a storm of questions, not that I wanted to answer. "What happened", "why are you covered in blood", "are you hurt", "who are you", "what are you doing with miss blossom", "why weren't you two at school" what was it I was suppose to tell them? "Down that way along the beach you'll find a town. Tell them that you were a new student there and your school was attacked, and that you two were the only ones who made it." Whispered the voice again "my name is Aaron, I'm... new to.... To... the school. We were a... a... attacked by a Mon... Monster. No one else made it." For some reason I started to cry but it helped give it the little pieces of emotion it needed. "Oh the poor things scared out of his mind" spoke a lady "what your last name", "what the monster look like". More pointless question that I didn't have the answer to. "So it killed every one", "shut up don't say that in front of him", "someone goes to the school and check!" "don't worry safe now. I won't let anything happen. Thank you for saving" Hmm that voice, it was the little girl. Quickly spinning around I saw her standing behind me holding what looked like a small locket, "here gift. For my knight." She giggled, she really giggled "me princess, so that make you knight" here I was still covered in blood and she was giggling. I couldn't understand what was coming over me. I started to laugh and couldn't stop. "You funny" she said. The moment was so perfect for some reason I was happy, had I been this happy before had I had the joy of knowing her before? As fast as the moment came it was quickly taken away, a new person joined the crowd, one that stood out from the others. "Mr. Blossom! Every things ok, she's safe." Mr. Blossom seemed like a very powerful man because everyone seemed to move in fear for him rather than they would for a caring father. From the time Leana and I had entered we had both been the center of attention, but now it was only the father and his daughter, there was no time for a little stranger boy like me, would my parents come running through the door to hold me like Mr. blossom had, did I have parents, or was I truly alone again. Well at least I have my gift, looking down at it I did my best to take it in, this was no normal toy that a little girl carried around, it was a true gift. It was a little locket heart with a cross across the front of it, the ends of the cross twisted off like the roots of a tree and wrapped around the heart to hold it and serve as a hook to connect it to a chain. I would have been happy standing there staring at if for hours, just the thought of it reminded me of her. Looking up I tried to see her again be the other people in the room had moved their way to watch the blossoms, no one dared say a word, or at least no one sane "Mr. Blossom, this young man here is the one who saved the young lady" spoke the old man. "What really! Well bring the him here." I was quickly grabbed by the number of people, none of them truly caring if their grip hurt of not. There I was in the center of the ring, people surrounded me like walls the only person who stood out was Mr. Blossom and little Leana. "Why you're just a kid!" Mr. Blossom laughed. "A cute little thing thought, so tell me where are your parents little one." He said with a grin on his face, this might have been my first time meeting him but I could already tell that the smiling thing was not him. "I don't think that I have any sir, I can't remember anything that happened." I said, she was giggling again, and I was smiling, even if the thousands of people staring were starting to creep me out. A man ran in at that moment saving me from having to talk to him. "It's true! The whole school... is gone. Everyone's dead, the boy was right they are the only two who made it." Shouted the man as he throw open the doors. "What! How... how can this...happen, Joe come here, tell me everything you saw" I was truly shocked how easily Mr. blossoms face could hold the same shape it had had a moment. It only took a few seconds for the people to realizes what had happened before the door wasn't enough to stop the hoard of people that were trying to rush out, more than half were screaming or shouting about the resent news, others were still refusing to believe it. As far as I could tell thought everyone was leaving the room at the same time, leaving the place nice and quiet. Well it was nice until I started to overhear the so-called Joe as he gave his report. "There was so much damage to the place that along with the strange cuts the covered everything. In some spots the whole wall was cut in half and falling apart." He said, he was staring at the floor, and what looked like crying. Poor guy must have lost someone. I wonder if I lose someone, would I cry if I had? "I did find something strange though." Hmm, now something interesting. "There were large parts of the school that had really strange marks, like in some were from a blade others were bullet, some were even spots wear it looks like water exploded it, pips were ripped out and there was big spears of ice every wear. Almost like someone was fighting." Fighting? Oh I feel sick, why are the lights fading? I quickly past out on the floor...

... I could hear voices "Lenities! No Stop! I won't ...them." "boy you ok?", "lenities, I know ....you've .... Lied to." Who are they I can't understand them. "Mr.... First he.... Up and the... is destroyed... it's...his fault." Are they talking to me? It's not my fault, is it? Who this lenities person, the killer? What I can see it now. It's the green-eyed lady and some other guy dressed in black. All black, lenities" so you understand now ... hmm your good lenities, but you're out of time, and were still alive. And he's almost awake now. Lenities? Before you, go pick up your body and send it home, give. Another chance." No it's fading. "I'm sorry Victoria, it was only orders. So if he lives then everything... be better?" he asked. "That's right why do you think..." No stay with it just a little more. "He's waking up. What should I do?" "don't worry lenities, he won't remember you." They must be talking about me. "Wake up... it's over now." whispered a Victoria. Who could they be I thought, they...sounded so fumier... but, who am I then? I want to remember them, but why? "You know if you just lay there you catch a cold, come on get up, ummm" said lenities "oh be nice to ... you big Meany" giggled Victoria "well you should at least give him a new name." Lenities seemed confused "...hmm well, we'll call you Aaron. Yea that seems like a good enough name for a human, I've always wanted to be name Aaron. Now come on get up." Aaron? "You know lenities this kind of make you like his father." I'm Aaron, and lenities is a killer? You're the only one who might have known me and yet you killed them all, right father? It's gone now, the only memories I have left of my past. I hate him, all that blood, I won't rest till I find him.

Kiki sat there playing with a small dog, the world around her was so calm and smelt so sweet to her. As she would through the disk the dog would run off to bring it back, something wasn't right though, every time she through the disk it always went in the same direction landing in the same place each time, the dog even ran the same path, barked at the same time, and sat at the same place each time. Kiki when from total happiness to sadness the Moment she realized the error. "Kiki, are you awake? I'm back." Kiki swiped her hand in front of her and the world faded into a dark room. Kiki was sitting on the bed. "Yea, I was waiting for you. I got board so I started messing around with my memories" she smiled jumping up "Talon? Can you take me to see a dog?" she asked as the lights turned on, Kiki could see talon standing by the door his light brown hair a mess but his blue eyes still as bright as normal. "What happened to you?" she giggled as she when up and hugged him. "Oh, Yucca wanted me to go and find Lenities." he said as he picked her up and sat down with her in his arms "any luck?" she asked, "yea, actually he was walking up the steps to the building right as I left. The bad news is that he was already dead when he came in," he said trying to fix his hair a little giving up when it wouldn't work. " He was? How sad, so I guess it was Yucca's powers that kept his body moving then? She asked, "yup, he walked in and fell to the floor, James wasn't too happy about it, once he was on the floor his cuts reopened and his body bleed all over the floor. James is probably still down they're cleaning up." Kiki moved from her spot with him over to the door. "Poor guy, both of them... oh I made you dinner." She smiled "good I'm starving" as she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the other room. Oh, um, ops. I guess I was messing with my memories a bit longer than I thought" the food on the table was far from warm or even tasty looking. Talon laughed, "is ok, beautiful." Talon waved his hand over the table. The table was surrounded by a strange circle, everything inside seemed to move back words all of the food lighted up and even warmed up returning to what it had looked like the very minute it was set there. "Ok let's eat." Talon smiled