Moon Fire - Volume 1 - Chapter one

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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Some have asked me how the three of us came to be. I laugh and tell them.

"The normal way a romance would begin," And I began to tell them the real story of a perfect romance that would soon unfold into a true relationship between three individuals..

It was on one of those hot summer days where you just wished you had no fur at all. But I was use to it, unlike some of the other guys that complained about the heat. I was a junior in High School and school was slowly coming to a close for the Summer for it was May. But it felt more like June then it did May which was kind of odd. Yesterday we had our first thunderstorm, and it almost produced a tornado, but we got lucky. I recount memories of TV specials about tornadoes being the most deadliest national disaster in the planet outside of earthquakes and a few others. Before I lived here I lived in the coldest climate known to furs. Alaska. It was the best place in the world for people who enjoyed the cold, and I was one of them. But my family unfortunately had the idea that we should move where we lived closer to our family, but now they are beginning to realize that was a major mistake. We had plans of moving out after I graduated the next coming year.

Anyway where was I, oh right school. Anyways on that fine summer day I was sitting by myself as normal at the lunch tables nibbling at a meal that the lunch ladies provided. Some days the meals were good, while others they were bad. Each month different classes were allowed to pick their favorite meal and this month the seniors got to have their chance in consideration it was their last year here, thank god. Why do I say that? Because there were a few furson's that I hated in the senior class, for instance some female vixen was a total bitch to me in my foods class, always making a smart ass remark. I always pointed out to a friend of mine that is why I'm gay, because bitches live up to their names some times.

I was glad that next year was going to be my last year in this countryside hell hole. But saddest part is we plan on moving to another countryside place again..I wanted to live somewhere where there was mountains and a big city where I could maybe meet a few guys or something in that matter. But little did I know that on this very night I would meet two people who would forever change the ways of my life forever.

I glanced around the lunchroom, seeing all the students talking among themselves about the latest gossip, I of course paid no attention for I hated school gossip. I glanced at the clock that was placed near the boy's locker room and under the water fountain watching the minute hand tick slowly and teasingly onward towards the next class period. Suddenly I spot two men, one was a white fox, and the other a red dragon. They were new I knew that for sure. The scales of the red dragon glistened within the dim gym lights that flickered above him. The fox was younger then the dragon, he had pure snow white fur with streaks of silver along his shoulders and a tad bit of pink between his twitching ears. Both of them obtained the most beautiful eyes that I could have ever seen. One was between gold and emerald, and the next was sapphire blue, a timeless ocean that stretched onward, an endless sea of emerald green light.

The fox notices me glancing at him, I could see a hint of blush across his muzzle for I was staring without me even knowing. I shook my head to get myself back into reality and pulled out one of my books that I carried with me and tried to lose myself within it's pages but sadly that did not work either.

The young fox glanced over towards my area, a smile crept over his smooth muzzle as he looked towards his friend and whispered.

"That lion over there is glancing at us, I wonder if he's gay as well, maybe?" He asked the dragon as he nibbled on his corn-dog.

The dragon stole a glance towards the lion that his boyfriend had pointed out and shrugged.

"Possible," He said stealing a kiss upon the fox's muzzle.

All right, that kiss gave me a huge clue. The both of them were a couple. I thought to myself for a moment, this would be the first gay couple in Arapahoe High. I sighed softly and thought to myself what it might be like to be able to be in a relationship with two men. That would be a dream worth trying to make come true. But surely they would not fall for him that easily. And what if I interfere with what they already had? I sighed softly as the bell rang and I rushed towards the nearest trash can and dumped my tray there and walked off with my bag and book heading towards my next class which was my math class, thankfully I was the only one in that general class so I would have some time to think about what was going through my mind.

After the tarty bell rang the young fox and dragon that I saw at lunch both walked into the classroom and looked around.

"Is this the Applied Algebra class?" The young fox asked me seeing that I was the only one in the room seeing that the teacher had not yet shown up.

"Yes," I replied looking at the two. Both of them had hansom features, I felt myself get a hard on. Damn it not this crap again, not during school!

I see the young fox hesitate a little seeing my expression. He smiled and took his boyfriend's paw and sat himself down in the front row of the rearranged desks and took out a notepad and pencil as if ready to tackle them problems.

The dragon glances at me, as if warning me ahead of schedule not to hassle with his mate. I grid my teeth slightly. No sign of the teacher odd. I take a deep even breath when a substitute walks into the room.

"I'll make ya three a deal, no noise, no humming no work okay?" The sub was a large male panther who wore gym shorts and had a slim tank top on that showed most of his hansom body.

We all three seemed to nod in agreement as I noticed that the fox was holding the dragon's paw. I gulped slightly and pulled out my book again and flipped back to the page in which I stopped at and tried to drown out the silence that was so awkward. I heard low whispers being passed from fox to dragon. They were barely audible for my hearing but I heard pet names being cooed softly and smiles displaying over both of their muzzles. I growled low making sure that no one noticed. I knew that the dragon was trying to make me jealous and to see my further reaction he pressed his lips to the fox's forehead in a gentle kiss.

Apparently the sub did not care weather they were gay which was rather odd. There was an odd vibration that flowed between the three of us. Weather they felt it or not it was hard to describe with words. But I knew that it might effect all of us later in the end. The clock ticked a while longer before the bell to the next class rang and we abandoned our seats and headed towards the next class.

"So what do you have next um..?" The young fox looked at me as if trying to figure out my name.

"Xan, um my name is Xan," I replied smiling a little. "I have American History," I also added as we all three walked together, I ended up being in the middle between the dragon and the fox which made me feel strange.

"Seems like we have classes together, might be interesting next year," Said the dragon.

"Now Zander be nice, my name is Owen and this is my boyfriend Zander, we've been together for just a few months, decided to come down here for a while and enjoy the nice summer," Said Owen with a smile. "Maybe you'd like to join us at the Fangs and Claws bar after school and have a few drinks?" He offered, he knew I would not resist such an offer.

"Yeah, um that would be nice," I said smiling softly as we all sat down by each other for the first time. The class lazily began with another stupid worksheet, and of course Zander and Owen had to go in front of the class and introduce each other. I sighed softly as I flicked through the paper, mostly guessing at the answers knowing that only half of them were probably correct.

The three of us got to know each other rather well. The dragon was a very nice man even though he did not act like it at first. The young fox was playful and very shy at times when it came to questions. I had no idea of what they thought of me. I dared not to ask. The bell rang signaling the last period of the day which was for me choir. Thankfully they took a different turn this time and headed for another class. At last some time to myself to think about what on earth is going on through my head. I was dizzy with anxiety that I could not think straight.

My class which consisted of almost 60 students, but within a few days time the class will downsize when the seniors leave. I sat alone in a corner as a movie Footloose played in the background. The room was dark and air conditioned for it was almost eighty degrees outside. I was thinking about asking them two if I could possibly join their relationship..I know it sounds stupid but I was passionately in love with the both of them. The dragon with his hansom looks, and the fox with his personality. But the only road block I faced was how could three men be in a relationship together?

Before I realized what was going on the others began to rush outward towards the free world for the final bell at last rang. I pulled out my cellphone and turned it on. Once it charged up I clicked onto my mother's phone number and pressed call and pressed the phone piece to my ear. I waited as the dial tone beeped and buzzed.

"Talk to me," came my mothers usual agitated voice on the other line.

I paused a moment and tried to think of an exuce for going to the bar.

"I need to stay late and serve tickets at the track meet today, and I'm going to be home rather late tonight," I lied through my teeth knowing that she'll fall for it for there indeed was a track meet today.

"Kay, just get home before to late," She said and the phone went dead.

I smiled and saw Owen and Zander leaning against the wall of the exit of the school. Other students glanced at us in curiosity.

"Ready?" Came the fox's hyper voice as he smiled up at me and then looked towards his mate.

"Sure thing, I've not had a beer yet," I admitted.

Zander gazes at me with shock in his eyes as if I was joking. "Seriously?" He asked me.

At first the walk to the bar was in silence. The fox seemed to hate the silence and broke it with a question. "So, have you ever had sex with another man before?" He asked glancing my direction. His eyes seemed timid as if he came up with a good question.

I hesitated to answer for it was stupid to say that I didn't. But then there was no sense in lying to a friend if maybe your future mates. "No, I haven't slept with one either, a few jerk offs in the shower is as close as I get," I said smiling a little. The both of them replied with laughter as we entered the bar.

A young panther stood behind the bar spitting into a glass and whipping it clean. "Good evening gentlemen, the usual..." He paused and saw me. He chuckled softly. "A new guest eh?" He smiled and came over towards me and gave me a slight hug. I hesitated but hugged him back.

"Sorry bout that, I always hug new guests, specially men." He winked sheepishly and then retreated back behind the bar leaving me, Owen, and Zander to sit ourselves down.

The bar tender handed Owen and Zander both their glasses and then looked at me. "So, what will it be?" He asked me.

"Fresh Manhattan," I asked smiling at the two as they looked at me with a bit of shock. I shrugged them off as the bar keep handed me my drink and I prepared myself for the first sip. When my muzzle touched the smooth glass edge I felt the drink slowly go inside my mouth. At first it tasted awkward but then I began to feel that bitter sweet taste afterwords as the drink ran down my throat. I forgotten how thurty I was and before I knew it a second Manhattan rested in front of me.