My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 2 Chapter 3
#4 of My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 2
My Life as a Dragon Slave:...
Chapter 2
My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2
Chapter 3
I'm sorry it's been awhile but I had many problems and had to deal with other writing issues like writers block. I will say that it will be a long while before the other ones come into play. Along with this is please ( again) no more questions about John, Draco, etc. All will be revealed at the end of this book.
(All characters belong to me, Heartless Dragon).
My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2
Chapter 3
Love is an unbalanced force of nature.
It can tip from one side to your favor,
Or it could leave you broken and gone.
Love is an unbalanced force of life
You can enjoy it from one point's end
Or fall of off it and lie dead.
I had no idea why I felt so warm but when I did, I could feel a nice feeling at my belly. I felt something moving around on top of my belly but it felt gentle which made me purr. I do enjoy giving myself a belly rub but I felt my hands towards my sides and I knew that I wasn't doing it.
I then felt that I had nothing covering my lower belly and then felt warm air wash over it, like if someone was blowing a small fire over it. It felt nice and soothing but I knew something is wrong. Well two things felt wrong. One was that I knew it was one of the raptor's who had their snout over my belly and two was that I.... I felt inner warmth that dwelled within me. It felt familiar and almost like an ache that I wish I could rid of...
My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up, hitting the snout with my gut and causing one of the raptors to jerk back in surprise. I quickly saw that it was Rava who had her snout on me.
She was slightly rubbing her snout before her large eyes focused on me. I stared at her before shaking my head a bit and looking at her.
"G-good morning," I said a bit, nervously. "Sorry about hitting you."
She blinked before bowing her head.
"Good morningggg" she hissed. "I sssshould be the one aplogizingggg. I sssshould not have sssstuck my nosssse were it dossssn't belong."
I blinked at and she still stared at me.
"Why were you... sniffing at me?" I asked a bit uneasily. I felt odd knowing that it was her and not her brother who was sniffing me. I thank the gods it was her but still.... It felt odd.
She cocked her head to the side a bit before lowering a bit. Her odd expressions and movements makes it's a bit hard to understand her.
"You are approaching your heat." She stated.
I blinked before my eyes went a bit wide.
"How can you tell...?"
"Whyyyy do you think I have been ssssniffing at you?" She said before I could finish. She moved her snout lower to between my legs and sniffed deeply. Even through my lair of clothes, I could still feel her hot breath. My shirt was a little bit over my lower belly and my shorts were a little bit pulled down. I shuddered a bit from the feeling before she stopped and looked at me. "I am warning you to beeee careful around my brotherrrr. He will find it intoxicatinggg and he will be unable to ressssisssst."
If anything, my heat is this week and I am going to have to find a way to isolate myself for a bit. I hate being stuck in the room for a whole week. For the most part though, I don't really have a choice but nor do I have to worry much. It will only be Valqro and Carn I have to worry about. My father has been used to mine and my little brothers are unaffected by females yet.
I just nodded before slowly standing up and stretching my arms along with a soft yawn. Rava looks at me before standing up and walking to the bathroom and closing the door. I guess this is where I part. I quietly walked to the room door and opened it before quietly leaving and closing.
I walked downstairs and headed to the outside backyard. I haven't been outside in a while and I needed to get some fresh air from this place. The second I opened the door, a fresh smell of morning mist entered my nostrils and it was in fact a beautiful smell. I dared not fly up onto the roof and worry John, so I just walked to the shed.
The sun wasn't out yet but some parts of the sky are starting to clear up. I laid against the shed and sighed. There was something enjoyable about being outside and feeling the mist hit you. I guess Water Dragons would love the feeling too.
I didn't know how long I stayed outside for I already felt the morning sun clear the fog away and the warmth peeking through and hitting me. Oh to the gods, we were meant to be free, not enslaved! How had thought of us being used as slave labor? We are sentient beings, not mindless animals!
The fresh air was helping a lot. To the bright side, I had the computer chip which Dana said would help us be free. Though if I knew anything, Dana figured that John had money and that he loved dragons to help them be free. He would support us and do anything to keep us safe.
However I knew that there would be those, like Dana's sister who would try to stop that from happening. But then again, she was just an old hag. Though something kept troubling me.
John was rich and he would help us but I felt like it really wasn't John who was going to set us free. I don't like to forget that John was helping us out know but I honestly don't think that he will help us in the future, much.
I tried not to dwell on it. I focused on the fresh air that was pulling in. I inhaled deeply and exhaled softly. I let my mind wonder a bit. Not a few seconds later did the warmth from my belly enter my subconscious that the sudden heat between my legs, did I suddenly become aware. I felt so odd now. Before it didn't bother me that I was in my heat but because I had more open space to have it and the males that roamed in the house was I completely nervous and a bit frightened. Without a second thought I quickly went back into the house, feeling a bit unsecure out there.
Inside I felt a bit safe but not fully safe. Mencor and Carn were still a little threat to her. She quickly headed downstairs to her living room where she hoped that she would be safe till her heat passed. She walked down the stairs to see that her family was slowly beginning to awake. My brothers, Zen, Myan, Nervol and Fahn and along with my sisters, They saw me, yawning softly before waving and each saying their own, 'Good mornings' to me. I smiled and gave them each a hug and a 'Good morning'.
I then went into my parent's room. I first knocked, then heard a 'Come in' and opened the door. Inside, my mother was in bed while my father was in the shower. I closed the door behind me and looked at my mother who gave a smile as I approached. She had the eggs with her in the bed.
I sat on the edge of the bed, next to the eggs before running my delicate paw over the smooth surface.
"There're amazing, aren't they?" she said with a smile. "Two hatchlings in a single egg. A rarity that happens only when the female has gained a most of her elemental abilities."
"Abilities?" I asked. She just nodded before running her hands over the egg.
Abilities. That is a subject my mother nor my father have talked to much about. Four dragons that have been brought back. Four dragon types of dragons that been brought back by scientist to have us be studied.
Wind dragons had abilities over the air. They had the ability to summon wind from around them and use it to attack our enemies and seize control over the skies. The most powerful of our kind could summon up a tornado and make it rip a vast area of land.
Fire Drakes had abilities of fire. The very meaning is why they are dangerous of dragon kind. They have fire within their lungs and can release it with great strength power. The fire is what gives a Fire Drake its true power. Fire manipulation along with fire claws allows them to scorch their enemies and leave ashes behind. The most powerful of them could ignite a sea of flame and have it burn miles of land in a single blast.
Earth crawlers, the toughest of the dragons. These dragons were or.... Are the strength of the dragons. The power over the very land itself its was makes them a powerful breed. Earthquakes, landslides, avalanches..... all are by their doing. The power to hurl rocks or making them as a projectile weapon has them also with the toughest skin. As strong as diamond and stronger with their claws. The most powerful of them has them creating earthquakes none stop or a wave of earth coming to crash down on an entire city sized area.
And last were the Water walkers or as most of us like to call them, Sea Serpents. As the kindest, most gentle of dragon kind. They rely on water manipulation to heal or to attack. The way they attack is rather beautiful for they attack through almost type of dances. They swing their bodies, moving their arms from side to side, their hips from front to back. It's almost like a form of attack. Along with their healings and attack, they can breathe underwater. True Water Walkers are called Sea Serpents cause they become powerful enough to create huge waves that can cover a large part of the land.
And that was it. The only four dragons here on the planet. I guessed I most of dozed off. My mother was staring at me, a bit confused.
"What are you thinking about?" she asked, looking at me.
I blinked, regaining my focus before looking at her.
"Oh.... I was just thinking about the four elements. How they are all powerful and how only four live here today."
My mother just sighed.
"There were more," she said softly.
My eyes suddenly refocused on her. She had a soft, hidden sadness in her.
"What?" I asked, not sure if I heard her right.
"What do you mean 'there were more'?"
She sighed again and hugged the eggs closer to her.
"There were more dragons then the four of us now."
I looked at her wide eyed.
"More? How many more? And why didn't the humans bring them out?"
She just shook her head.
"When I was born in the facility," she began. "The scientist there saw that there were more dragons than the original four. Four more dragons that were with us before the humans."
I stared at my mother, a bit scarred that she was starting to mention this now. I saw closer to her, looking into her eyes.
"What were there elements?" I asked.
She looked into my eyes. I saw sadness but also some sort of fear in them as well.
"Electricity, Metal, Lava, Ice. Four more elements in which the scientist didn't want to bring back. They feared that.... That we would be efficient for their... slave labor. The other four would pose as threats. They didn't want to create things that are more powerful then the humans can control. As they are more powerful than the original four, they didn't want us to get any hopes of becoming free."
I blinked at my mother's words but then a new question arrived.
"Why do you keep saying, 'The Original Four'? Why are Fire, Water, Earth and Wind dragons the 'Original Four'?"
She closed her eyes and exhaled a bit softly.
"The 'Original Four', us are the first dragons that were here on the planet since the beginning of time. We had been here before but that was in till a great change in the planet had turned nearly half of the four original dragons into new elements. Fire Drakes became part of the earth itself and merged with the eternal fire that lies within.
Earth crawlers were fused to metal that was within the earth and are now stronger then diamond.
Water breathers endured the coldest parts of the world and became the ice now.
And us.... Wind Dragons.... We been struck by lightning and became it. They became the storms of the night."
She exhaled and opened her eyes.
I just stared blindly at my mother. It took awhile before I could finally think and speak.
"Why are you telling me all this now?"
She looked at me.
"You have yet to learn to control your abilities. Not once have I showed you anything of them, only flight. Even then when you learn that... you must learn to control the air around you."
"Why must I learned this now? Why didn't you tell me any of this yet earlier?" My voice was a bit high on end. I was pretty annoyed that my mother came out of nowhere and begins telling me this.
She rubbed the eggs as and began talking once more.
"As you approach the age to take a mate of your own... you must learn on how to defend yourself and your hatchlings. I had to learn this as well as your father. We both didn't have a Sire or Dam to teach us both on our elements. Since you do have a Sire and Dam, you will learn how to do it."
"Mother how could we? We are slaves.... Not to John but to the world. How could I learn anything and not be in trouble by doing it?"
My mother didn't answer. She swirled hand above her before flicking her wrist towards me. I flinched at the reaction but then I suddenly felt wind hit my face. I then felt a sudden sensation wrap over me. It was almost like a feeling rather than the air itself. It's like if the wind was talking to me.
I looked to my mother who had a small smile on her face.
"You will learn that to control the air around you.... You must first breathe."
I blinked and gave a confused look at my mother.
"What do you mean breathe? I already breathe." I said, making it sound like a dumb question.
The smile stayed on her maw.
"In order for you to breathe, you must first get rid of any feelings of remorse, fear, hate and especially love. If you must learn to control the air around you, allow yourself to become peaceful." She sighed heavily and looked towards her eggs. "In time you'll see but for now. Please stay in your room... I don't want you to leave our place. Don't want Mencor and.... Ehh the raptors to pick up on your scent."
'To late,' I thought in my head. "Yes mother. I'll try to remain here. Though I still have to do breakfast."
"No!" she said a bit loudly, making me jump a bit. She steady herself. "Sorry but I don't want you to make a mistake and be taken by one of the males. I know that you can't control yourself but please stay here. If you must... I'll help you my daughter."
Sounds like I don't have a choice. But while I do have a small choice, I don't have other opinions on what I must learn.
To control my abilities over air, I must rid of my feelings. My feelings of remorse, fear, hate and... love. Dose it mean that I have to forget my love of John? And what about the other feelings? I feel remorse.... For what? I don't know. Fear? I fear all lot of things but I have to abandon them? And hate? Who do I hate? I hate no one, except for that man who ruined my life. Why did my mother what me to rid of these feelings. Are they in the way of learning my abilities?
I didn't get to figure it out for I had just realized that I left Kila the whole time on her own. I quickly left my mother's room and headed to my room.
As I opened the door, I was met with a very upset hatchling. At first she looked kind of cute that way; almost like a grumpy puppy. But then I saw the seriousness in her eyes and knew I was into trouble.
A rough but cute flare from her nostrils and crossed arms made it all the more for me to actually fear what Kila might say.... Or do. I softly walked to my bed where Kila was laying down on. I was about to speak but a rough pout from her throat.
"You left me again!" It wasn't so much of the yell that surprised me but the anger and sadness that dwelled within her. Never have I seen such emotions from my sister. I wanted to say something but all of a sudden I was talked on to the bed with Kila on top.
I was no pinned (Not really) by Kila. I saw the true anger in her. I tried to lift my arms up but she just growled at me.
"You left me alone again! Why do you leave me alone?" she growled.
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came. I tried to tell her why I didn't come but I just couldn't speak. She then soften her eyes as she sniffed a bit. She must of smelled my heat for she removed herself from on top of me. She then moved herself down to between my legs and inhaled. I gasped and quickly sat up holding my sister.
She was just as surprised I was by the sudden reaction. I was shaking all of a sudden and couldn't help but feel a bit of.... Remorse for what I just did to my sister.
She spoke softly but no longer with anger or sadness. She just spoke like an older hatchling.
"Do you want me to help you with your heat?"
Chapter 4
Again i apologize for the shortness and the time it took to get this one done.