Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 9
#9 of Harry Potter
After what seemed like an eternity to Harry, the Hogwarts Express finally made it's way into Hogsmeade Station. The trio grabbed whatever belongings they had with them and made to exit their compartment. Unfortunately, their way was blocked by the last person Harry wanted to see this early into the year: Draco Malfoy.
"Hey, Furface. You better watch yourself this year. I hear there could be trouble for you! If only you knew, Potter, if only you knew. If I were you, and thank God I'm not, I would be very angry with a certain someone who has discovered where you are."
"What are you on about, Malfoy?"
"Of course you wouldn't know. I didn't expect Dumbledore to tell his precious pet anything to do with the past. Personally, I'm hoping you go out looking for him and never coming back! But you'll probably get lucky again, like always." With that, Malfoy turned around and headed off the train.
"What the hell was he talking about? Who would I want to chase after?"
Don't worry about it, mate. He just wants you expelled before school starts so they can actually win a Quidditch match," said Ron. Harry smiled and followed Hermione off the train with Ron behind him. Harry looked around and quickly spotted Hagrid, who was too busy organizing the first years to notice Harry's wave. Harry just shrugged and followed Ron and Hermione to the waiting carriages that would bring them to the school.
The rain was falling hard and Harry was thankful not to have to ride in the open boats to Hogwarts. The three friends climbed into the next available carriage and was joined by Ginny and Neville. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny shook themselves dry, causing Neville to cry out.
"Sorry Neville," said Harry. "It's just our new, natural instinct." Neville just smiled while Hermione used a quick drying charm. The ride to the castle was uneventful and eventually Hogwarts came into sight. All of the windows were blazing with a welcoming light, and Harry got a warm feeling just by looking at the castle. The carriages stopped at the main doors and the students ran inside, hoping not to get any wetter than they already were.
While waiting for the Great Hall's doors to open, Harry turned to his two closest friends. "I wonder if Dumbledore has found anything out about what happened to us. He is one of the greatest wizards of all time, after all."
"That's true," said Hermione. "But what happened to you two and Ginny has never happened before in history. Of course there are Animagi, wizards who can transform at will into an animal of their choice, but there aren't any records about them becoming hybrids. Whatever happened must have been a very powerful, very old Dark curse that has rarely been used." Harry and Ron nodded, hoping that Dumbledore would be able to shed some light on the mystery.
The doors to the Great Hall finally opened, and the multitude of dripping students entered, headed toward their designated House table. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat in the middle of the Gryffindor table, and were joined by the Weasley twins, Neville, and Ginny. Harry automatically looked up at the staff table. He saw Professor Dumbledore talking to Professor McGonagall. He wagered a guess that they were talking about him and Ron, judging by the quick glances McGonagall kept giving him.
After what felt like an hour, the doors opened once again and the first years entered, lead by Professor Snape. Harry could tell just by a quick glance that they were wetter than any other student present. The Sorting went by rather quickly, and before long, food appeared in front of the students. There were sounds of clinking silverware and the buzz of dozens of different conversations.
"So where do you reckon the new Defense teacher is," Fred asked Harry.
"I'm not sure. He was on the train, but left our compartment when the dementors boarded. I haven't seen him since." Harry once again looked up at the staff table and noticed right away that Hagrid was back. He was waving enthusiastically to Harry, who waved back.
After the food had disappeared from the plates, Dumbledore stood up to make his announcements. "First, I would like to say welcome back to another year. For the first years, and some older students, the Forbidden Forest is forbidden, hence the name. It really can't get much clearer than that. I would like to welcome this year's new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin." A polite smattering of applause rose up from the students. "Right now, Professor Lupin is feeling a bit under the weather, and has graciously declined to attend tonight's feast. And now, perhaps the most important announcement. As most of you can guess from what happened on the Hogwarts Express, the school will be hosting some dementors from Azkaban Prison. They are here for your protection from the escaped convict, Sirius Black. I implore you not to antagonize the dementors, as they are unable to tell who is Sirius Black and who is an innocent student. They are able to sense people hidden with invisibility spells and Invisibility Cloaks, so do not try and sneak past them. They have been ordered to stay off the grounds of Hogwarts and will be stationed at every conceivable entrance to the grounds. Now, I realize you are all eager to dry off and climb into your warm beds. Chop chop!" Dumbledore clapped his hands twice and students began exiting out of the Great Hall. Just before the trio exited, Professor McGonagall stopped them.
"The Headmaster would like to see you three and Ginny in his office before you retire. Please follow me." Harry looked at Ron and Hermione. Both mirrored Harry's anxious expression. McGonagall led them to the stone gargoyle that hid the entrance to Dumbledore's office. It sprang to life once the password was given and the group stepped onto the moving staircase. Upon reaching the door, McGonagall knocked three times and the door swung open. Surprisingly, Dumbledore was already seated behind his desk, lightly stroking Fawkes, his phoenix.
"Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, Mr. and Miss Weasley, welcome back to Hogwarts. Please, have a seat." Four chairs appeared from nowhere and the group sat down. "Now that we're all comfortable, I have some very important news regarding your current condition."