The Last Journey

Story by Ahndeleck on SoFurry



This work was inspired by a picture by VampirePrincess007 of FurAffinity. The original graphic can be found at this address:

The Last Journey

By: D. C. Henry ("Ahndeleck")

"Come on Leanna, we don't want to keep Centoris waiting do we? He told me he really wants to see you today."

"I'm coming daddy!" Leanna huffed as she labored up the side of the mountain, "These rocks are really big."

"I know honey but you can do it. We're nearly there, see?" Pedwin pointed towards the side of the mountain, "There's his den, right there."

"It looks really far away though, are you sure we're almost there?"

"Leanna," Pedwin laughed then helped his daughter up the next stone, "it's just around those trees, no more climbing up big rocks I promise."

"Alright! I can't wait to see Cen. It's been so long since I was last here."

"That was only last week though, it wasn't that long ago."

"It feels like it was a long time ago."

Pedwin let his daughter skip further ahead of him. He knew the paths through the whole mountain, and now that they were this close to the dragon's den, there wouldn't be anything dangerous near the path. Centoris kept a close eye on the land near his den, never letting anything dangerous to his few visitors come even close.

He wished that the circumstances of his visit were better. He really didn't want to even think about it. Centoris had asked to see Leanna one last time, and Pedwin wouldn't let his old winged friend get away from him without seeing him before he went on another wild journey.

"Daddy, why do dragons live in caves? Why can't they build big houses to live in? It would be so much cleaner than a cave wouldn't it?"

"Oh honey, I think its because a really big house would take so long to build. The Deesin family has been working on that house of theirs on the other hill for the last two years and it's a small house right?"

"I think its really big. They have a whole room for Sashia, and I don't even have my own room."

"If their house is really big, how big do you think Centoris's house would be? How would he make such a big house?"

"With his magic," Leanna spread her arms and spun around as she danced down the trail, "he'd flap his wings and make the trees dance and come to make a castle! A castle with lots of rooms, and a stable for horses. Maybe if I ask he could make me a room all to my own too! He made me the necklace last year for my birthday, so maybe he could make me a room for my next birthday."

"Maybe he could honey, you might have to ask him."

Pedwin wondered if Centoris would even be there for Leanna's next birthday. The last time Centoris traveled though, he had been absent for nearly a year. No matter how much he pried, Pedwin could never get Centoris to tell him where he went. Maybe this time would be different; he'd get the old dragon to spill his secrets for sure.

They neared the den finally, a huge cavern that looked over the valley and beyond. Pedwin always loved to look over the hills on the other side of the valley and to the hills beyond. From Centoris's den, he could see beyond any place that he had ever traveled. A gust of win blew the smell of water and healthy trees past him as he stood in the clearing for the cave. The summer's breeze made the trees around them sway slowly, a whole sea of green life crawled below them.

Pedwin turned back to the cavern and shielded his eyes from the sun. Sometimes the dragon would be sleeping in the mouth of the cave. Today though he couldn't see him. Pedwin knelt beside his daughter.

"Leanna, I'm going to go see if Cen is inside. I'll come get you if he's there."

"Alright daddy. I'm going to go play."

"Just don't get out of the clearing honey."

Pedwin walked around the small boulders that littered the mouth of the cave. A few moments later he stood next to the large rock that Centoris used to lay on at the mouth of the cave. When he was just a boy, Pedwin would sit on one of the rocks with his father and listen to Centoris's stories about his adventures and history of the past. Now he enjoyed watching his daughter listen to them. He wondered if they'd hear another performance today.

"Cen," Pedwin called into the depths of the cave, "are you awake? Leanna and I made it if you're around."

"Ahh, wonderful," he heard Centoris's deep voice deep in the cave and heard the thud of his feet walking closer, "I'm so glad you both came so quickly. I'm quite surprised actually, and more so that Leanna came with you. But I am so glad she came."

Centoris stepped out of the shadows and the sunlight illuminated his bronzey gold scales. The frills on the sides and top of his head shone like gold foil in firelight. The twisting tattoos on that covered his head neck and horns suddenly began to glow further, making his already bright body even more brilliant. Pedwin smiled up at the dragon that was easily four times taller than he was.

"Cen, Leanna and I had to see you. You always take so long when you go wandering about. She loves you, you know? I couldn't let you sneak off without seeing her before you went."

"That's quite so. I'd hate to leave without seeing her. She's quite dear to me as well. Where is she? I don't see her."

"She's outside playing right now, you know how she is about playing outside."

"Then I'll just have to go see her then. Come."

Centoris walked quickly forward using the boulders as stepping stones. Pedwin turned and jogged towards the mouth of the cave, careful not to get in Centoris's way. When the dragon reached the mouth of the cave, he hopped into the clearing and landed with a thundering thud.

"Where's my little Leanna? Playing in the grass again?"

"Cen! Cen!" Leanna leaped from the grass at the edge of the clearing holding a large white flower, "I'm over here."

"Ah ha, you are! Trying to sneak up on your dragon now are you? Trying to catch me again?"

"No," Leanna said through a giggle. She held up the flower in her hand as she skipped to the dragon, "I was looking for something for you. I found this flower in the grass just now. I think it's very pretty and would look really nice on you."

Centoris laughed a deep rumbling chuckle. He laid his head slowly on the ground and smiled. Leanna stopped just in front of his nose and held the flower up for him to see. Pedwin smiled, knowing that Centoris couldn't see the flower well so close, but pretended to see it clearly anyway.

"Leanna," Centoris said with a breathless wonder, "You found me a Snowy Lace. Such a beautiful flower too. I'm honored to have such a flower, thank you."

"Let me put it on you!"

Leanna walked up to the first curvy frill on the dragons head, and carefully tied the stem of the flower on it. Pedwin covered his mouth to keep from laughing; he'd never seen Centoris wear a flower before. The simple, common flower clashed slightly with the twisting tattoos, but he wore it with a grace only a dragon could possess.

"Thank you Leanna. How does it look?"

"I like it Cen."

"Good, good. What do you say we go and play at the river today? With this hot sun that would be very fun wouldn't it?"

"Yes! Oh Daddy, can we go to the river?"

"I suppose we could." Pedwin nodded, "It's a long way to walk though."

"Leanna," Centoris tilted his head slightly to whisper conspiratorially, "What if I carry you there and we make your father follow? Would that be fun?"

Leanna laughed and nodded. Pedwin guessed that's what they would do. He was used to jogging after Centoris when he would carry Leanna on long distances. The dragon stood and held out a paw upturned for Leanna. His daughter sat easily in the dragon's palm. Without any effort, Centoris kicked away from the ground and was flying slowly, the magic on his wings keeping him aloft.

"Pedwin," Centoris pointed with his empty claw, "South of here, at the shallows."

"Alright, I'll be there soon."

Pedwin took off jogging, and the other two flew quickly beyond the clearing and into the woods. The jogging slowed slightly through the first few yards into the woods, but then the underbrush cleared out some. It wasn't long before Pedwin caught up with the dragon and his daughter.

Leanna was already running up and down the bank chasing something. Soon he saw that one of Centoris's enchantments had made a squirrel out of water, and he was making it dance and play for Leanna. The tricks that dragon had were always amazing to him. He hadn't found another creature that was as skilled as Centoris. Soon Pedwin sat beside his friend, panting.

"Made the run alright Pedwin?"

"Oh yes," he said quickly regaining his breath, "its not very far or rough. I'll be fine in a few moments."

"That's good. While she's playing, you and I need to talk."

"What is it Cen? Is there something you need me to do while you're gone?"

"No, not really, but it is about this journey that I'm about to go on. I know you always want to know where I go and what I do. Normally I don't tell you to protect you. There are things that I have done in the past to protect these lands from creatures far worse than what you protect your village from."

"You mean all this time you've been fighting and protecting the village? Why didn't you tell me Cen, I could have helped with that. You know I'm good with the trusty old bow. My father used to fight off bigger stuff than what I usually see."

"No Pedwin, I'm talking about dragons, giants." Centoris sighed and shuffled his wings, "There have been a few of the Ancient creatures as well. Of course not all of my journeys are fighting and war, some are more pleasant. But this trip is..."

Pedwin waited. Centoris had trailed off as he watched Leanna playing with the water spell, splashing around the trees nearby. There was a sense of worry in Centoris's words, Pedwin could sense it easily and he couldn't remember his friend being worried before.

"This trip is what Cen? What's different about this trip?"

"It will be my last journey Pedwin."

"What? What do you mean? You're still younger than me in dragon years aren't you?"

"Oh yes, I've got many years ahead of me." With a pained frown, Centoris turned to look back at him directly, "This will be the last journey for many dragons. Perhaps all the dragons that feels as I do about the world. Just last night, a prophecy began that foretells of a great doom that will walk the land."

"Then if you're going to go fight it, I'm coming too. Every bit of help could change the tide, even small help. I'll get the whole village to come if you need it, I'll raise an army, I'll-"

"No Pedwin. The prophecy says that when the moons stand upon each other, and a star falls to them both, one of the oldest makers of the land will reawaken and consume its own creation. Nothing can stop it, except for the selfless giving of all the wings that love the land. Only then can the true sacrifice be made to seal the madness away forever. The wings, are us, the dragons of the world. Not all of them will go, but hopefully enough to seal one of the great creators will arrive to stop this catastrophe."

"What will happen to you Cen? Will you ever come back?"

"No. That is why this journey will be my last. I will be a piece of the seal that keeps the old creator from returning. That means that I won't be returning, as much as I want to."

"You're certain about this?"

"I've already seen many other dragons today fly past headed to the site. But I already know it in my heart."

"And there's nothing else that can be done?"

"No, not a thing Pedwin. I wish there was. I'll miss you and Leanna. That's why I wanted to see you both today, because I'll be leaving tonight."

"Gods Cen, what am I supposed to tell Leanna? She loves you like a grandfather."

"I know that Pedwin. I love her like a granddaughter. Just as I still love you as a grandson, and miss your father even now. But this isn't something I can avoid."

"I'll say I understand, even though I don't Cen. You've known what's best for us all for years." Pedwin laid a hand on the dragon's large paw, "and I'll miss you, you old dragon."

"I'm not saying my goodbyes yet Pedwin, there are a couple last things I need to do. But first, I think I'd like to play with Leanna some more. I know she'll miss me, and I want her last day with me to be a good one."

Pedwin smiled up at Centoris. The dragon smiled back, large and toothy, then turned his head to Leanna, as she petted the squirming spell of water. Pedwin watched as they played their familiar games. Then when Leanna was tired, she sat next to him and they both listened as Centoris told them a story about a courageous gryphon fighting an insane wizard.

"Then the gryphon returned home and lived happily with his family, the end."

"Aww, that was a great story Cen." Leanna stood and stretched, "I'm a little hungry though, should we go home?"

"Actually tonight Leanna," Centoris whispered, "I thought maybe you two could stay the night at my den. I've got a little bit of a surprise for you."

Leanna's eyes lit up as she clasped her hands. Centoris smiled as she danced in place.

"Daddy, can we stay? Can we please stay?"

"Of course we can honey." Pedwin stood and waved back towards the den, "Of course we need to get there first don't we? Are you going to run back with me?"

"Umm," Leanna looked up at Centoris, "Cen, could you take me back please?"

The dragon laughed and nodded as he stood. Pedwin knew Leanna would ask something like that. He didn't mind, and knew that Leanna wasn't ready for such a fast long trip. Within a few minutes, Centoris and Leanna were back in the air headed back for the den. The jog back to the den took slightly longer for Pedwin, since most of the trip was uphill this time. By the time Pedwin made it to the den, the sun had sunk low on the horizon; the first colors of the sunset had begun in the clouds.

Neither of the two were near the mouth of the den. Shrugging, Pedwin started into the den. Centoris normally wouldn't even let visitors into the deeper parts of his den, but this time must have been an exception. He wasn't happy about the exception either, but he knew better than to try and talk Centoris out of his journey. He wasn't sure it was wise to try and talk him out of it, but he couldn't be sure his old friend had made a wise decision to do it either.

After he passed Centoris's large boulder, he heard his daughter's voice further inside the cave. It must have been fine to go further in if his daughter had already ventured in. She knew not to go deeper inside unless Centoris let her. A short stroll through the near pitch black gloom, Pedwin came to the lit interior of Centoris's den.

There were treasures inside, Pedwin knew to expect it. The mound as large as his old friend was more than he was expecting. Gold shown from everywhere in the mountain, and other precious gems laid scattered through the pile. His daughter stood before it, happily talking with Centoris and ignoring the pile of treasures before her.

"Ahh, we beat you again dear old father," Centoris lay on the edge of the pile of gold grinning at him, "but I'm glad you figured to come in this time. It's the first time my little place has had visitors in a very long time I think."

"You have a nice place Cen." Pedwin said as he looked around him further.

On one side of the large cavern, there was a pile of books. Some looked old, some newer, but all of them were well kept. On the other side of the cavern was a large pool, still and casting a reflection of the cavern back to him. Above were great spires of rock hanging from the ceiling. The most impressive thing was his old friend laying on the mountain of treasure.

"Where did you find this collection Cen?" Pedwin waved a hand up at the mountain behind the dragon, "I've never even seen a fraction of that on one place before. You never said anything about it."

"You never really asked either. I found it here and there, over a few years. Those journeys usually end up with a few extra things to add to the collection too." Centoris looked down at Leanna and smiled, "This time though, instead of getting new things for me, I'll be giving things to you both. What would you like Leanna?"

"I'd like another squirrel like at the river."

"Oh I don't think I'll be able to do that. I haven't quite figured out how to make the squirrel stay for very long. I'm sorry my little flower. Maybe I have something else here though that you might one day find a pleasant gift."

Centoris stood then, and turned towards the mountain in his den. Pedwin went to his daughter and stood beside her as they both watched. The dragon dug with one paw through the mound of gold, coins rattling down the pile. Finally the dragon pulled out a curved piece of metal and held it out to look at. With a laugh he turned around back to Leanna and held out, what Pedwin recognized as a bow.

"Leanna, I'd like you to have this, to keep forever. It's a very special bow that some dragons, long before I was around, made for some very special human friends. Just like it was given from a dragon to his friend, I give it to you, one of my closest companions. You are a wonderful girl Leanna, and I know you have a good heart."

"I don't know how to use it though Cen," She took the oversized bow then gave a shout of surprise. "It's shrinking Cen!"

"Yes I know. That bow is full of magic, hidden magic. There is a lot about that bow you will come to learn, and I'm sure you'll find it very nice. I want to give you one more thing though, something pretty for you."

The dragon turned and reached out with a wing. With the talon at the palm of his wing, he caught a loop of metal from near the top of the pile and brought it down. He held the ring out for Leanna to take from him.

"Here Leanna, I've always thought this was the most beautiful ring I've ever found. See, when you move it in the light, the inside of the gems shine."

"Oh, it's beautiful! I can't wait to show Sashia!"

"I bet she'll be really jealous too. Now Pedwin, I have a few things for you." Centoris leaned his head closer to Leanna, "While I give some things to your father, would you like to play on my bed?"

"Yes, I love beds, your bed is pretty hard though Cen." Leanna said as she set down the bow and put the ring in her pocket, then skipped and started climbing the mountain of gold.

"Children of any race are so precious," Centoris said as he watched Leanna climb. Then he walked towards the piles of books and dug one out. "Pedwin, I need you to have this. This is more for her than it is for you I suppose. This is the best primer of magic that I've ever found. I've been far beyond this book for many years, but I kept it for just such a time. I want Leanna to learn. Show her, teach her. You might learn a few things yourself as you help her on her way."

"Thank you Cen. I'll definitely try." Pedwin said as he took the book from Centoris's claw, "You know that no one in the village really knows magic though. I don't know how much of this either of us will understand."

"You might surprise yourselves. Make sure though that when she is ready, you teach her."

"I will Cen."

"Now," the dragon turned back to his treasure and waved a wing towards it, "I want you to have some of this. Use it for the village, but keep some for yourself and Leanna. There is a chest there near that one side. Take just that. I might return one day, I don't know."

"What will happen to the rest Cen? Is there another dragon that will gather the rest?"

"I plan on sealing my den, or rather you will seal my den when you leave tomorrow morning. There is a spell on the den that after you both have traveled on your way back, the entrance to the den will collapse."

"Cen," Leanna walked up to Pedwin's side, "why are you giving us all these things?"

"Well Leanna, it's because I have to go on a journey. I wanted you both to have a few things to remember me by until I got back."

"When will you be coming back Cen?"

"I don't know Leanna; it might be a little while before I come back. It is a very long journey."

"I don't want you to go Cen. I won't have anyone to tell me stories then."

"You'll still have your father won't you? He's good at telling a story or two."

"You're better." Leanna took Pedwin's hand and stood closer to her father.

"Don't worry my little flower; your father will get better."

"Where are you going Cen?"

"Well," the dragon looked around his den slowly, then sighed, "I'll show you, if you'd like. Just come with me."

Centoris walked slowly out of his den and Pedwin followed holding his daughter's hand as they went. Pedwin knew that Leanna could tell there was something wrong, and he worried about what the rest of the night would be like. Then he worried how she would handle the next several days. He guessed, poorly.

The three of them reached the mouth of the den and looked out over the valley. The sun had nearly set, and the two moons shown brilliantly. Above them the thunder of wings rolled and echoed off the nearby, nearly black trees. A pair of dragons soared over them and headed towards the setting sun.

Pedwin looked back to Centoris and he turned his head back to them. The light shown off his scales, warm and golden, as he smiled. He stretched out his wing toward the sun, and pointed with the talon.

"I will be going that way, far beyond the mountains. If you look, you can see many other dragons will be going with me, so I'll have lots of company and I'll be fine."

"But I don't want you to go Cen. I want you to stay."

The dragon folded his wing and sighed. He sat and shook his head slowly.

"Leanna, I don't want to leave you, but I really have to go. Your father leaves every day to find food and protect the village right?"

Leanna nodded silently.

"I'm doing something like that now. I'm going to go and protect the village. With all the help in the sky, that won't be hard at all now will it?"

Leanna nodded again, and Pedwin saw her eyes glisten as tears welled.

"Don't cry my little flower, you'll be just fine. Besides, you have all these things to remember me by too."

"I don't care, I don't want you to go!"

Leanna ran forward and put her arms around the dragon's wrist and held him tightly. She sniffed as her tears started in earnest, washing down the scales of the dragon. Centoris closed his eyes, and then looked pleadingly back at Pedwin.

"Honey," Pedwin touched Leanna's shoulder, "Cen really needs to go now. We can't keep him waiting much longer."

"I don't care."

"Come on, honey. I know you don't want him to go, he doesn't want to go. But he's got to do his job, just like daddy does his. So let's let Cen do his job alright? He'll be proud of us both if we can wish him luck and send him off with happy faces right?"

Leanna nodded, and reluctantly released the dragon from her imprisonment. The both stepped back from Centoris. The dragon looked down at them and smiled once again. Then he spread his wings and kicked away from the ground. He flapped his wings and turned himself in the air until he was flying directly into the sunset.

"May the winds keep you both safe, and the stars keep your way!"

Pedwin waved with one arm, and held his daughter tightly with the other. They both stood at the mouth of the den as they watched their friend fly slowly towards the sinking sun. Pedwin felt his throat tighten, nearly choking him as he realized his old friend was now gone. It felt as if Centoris was purposely flying to his own death, and there wasn't anything he could do.

Leanna gripped her father's hand tighter as the silhouette of Centoris shrank into the distance. Pedwin barely heard his daughter as they watched.

"Cen, I will bring you back home one day."

"I hope you do, honey. I hope you do."