zen (teaser chapter)

Story by Larry the cat on SoFurry


hi, and welcome to the sofurry.com exclusive teaser for my story currently titled "Zen" as of date this story is incomplete and i do plan on trying to get it published as an actual book someday. this will be the only chapter uploaaded anywhere on the net, unless i can't get the story published. the only reason i'm really uploading this is because of how proud i am of this chapter and i really would like some feedback on what you think. the book is mainly a an action mixed with horror and tries to comedic at most parts. this chapter tries to capture the horror of the medical field, try to picture yourself in this situation. so yeah, enjoy.

Ever feel a pain, not normal pain, but a pain that is so horrid, you can't help but just, scream. I felt a pain like the before, but in my case, I couldn't move.

It was a dark room, I could slightly tilt my head to look around bit, but even then my eye lids where almost completely out of my control, I could see a massive light above me and little devices hanging around it. I looked at my body, I saw some covers over me, and there was a section around my legs where the covering didn't cover. I tried to move but I was feeling all wonky.

I heard a door open, I saw several figures walking into the room with a table, one of them greeted me, introduced himself as Dr.Gremmel, and said he was the best at what he did. "Mr.Apula, this will not be a pleasant experience, you must remain awake during this series of operations, we have some to learn that you will have severe reactions to any drugs we normally use and lack any alternatives, and I would like to say before we start this, I'm sorry."

He and the other doctors gathered around my right leg, Gremmel turned to me and said "We are transferring the muscles masses from your legs and groin, to do this we must separate them from your bones and replace them with, what we call 'Rot' a form of synthesized muscle that decays into harmless waste that is replace by natural muscles, the waste is remove through defecation and urination."

He picked up a scalpel and started cutting along the traced lines on my legs, I felt pain shooting up everywhere, they numbed me to the point to where I couldn't even move, but I felt everything, the cold steel and the blood trickling down my fur, Gremmel stopped at my bone, he cut along more of the lines, and then he stopped "I'm going to peel back the skin of your leg to reveal your muscles, and again, I'm sorry." When he pulled back the skin I felt like, well, that the skin of my legs were being peeled, I felt like I was going to go unconscious, but for some reason I wouldn't pass out.

"I'm now going to sever the muscle from the bone, with the saw." Gremmel put down the scalpel and pulled out this saw which was used to cut up the meat for animals, He started cutting and the first thing that happened was me bursting into howls of pain, some of the doctors hurried to hold me down, but I passed out a few seconds later.

I came to; thankfully I missed the procedure on the other leg. "Ah, he's awake, congratulations Mr. Apula, you are the 'what I presume' proud owner of fine pair of 'Rot muscle' legs, give it about a month, maybe two, and you'll have a pair of fresh ground stompers. But, It is my greatest displeasure to announce that we are not done, we still have several more surgeries to prepare you body for the chemical, we still have the heart, eyes, and almost all you vital organs to replace with more 'Rot' in fact by the end of this, you will be about %60 'Rot muscle', the only things really left intact will be your brain, bones, and your skin. Sadly due to the current medical technology we have in this world, we can't just construct you body from scratch and transplant your brain, but we can keep your brain from reaching a state of disrepair, meaning we could basically take you apart and rebuild you, without you dying. The problem is severing the brain from the spinal cord."

I turned my head away from him and fell back to sleep. I awoke in the middle of a procedure on my heart. My chest was wide open and I could see, everything, working, I saw my own heart beating in front of me, I didn't feel sick because they had already removed my stomach. I turned to my left and noticed this machine that was keeping me alive, it was feeding my brain everything it needed to remain functioning. I wanted to scream, but I had no way to breathe, that machine was doing everything, giving oxygen, fresh fluids, there was no need for me to do anything, I couldn't do anything, but look around. I think at some point I my arm was unstrapped and I started poking at my, insides.

I looked over in the corner and saw the labeled barrel saying "Zen Apula's blood" they had drained all my blood out, at that site I thought it the time to pass out again, and have nightmares about this for the rest of my life.

I was woken by Dr.Gremmel "Mr. Apula, our surgery on your torso is complete and was a success, we have hooked up your head to your new torso and you can breathe, eat, hell, you may even be able to whistle. We are going to work on your eyes and arms next, we are going to do the operations right after the other, for time's sake, first your eyes, then your arms, and you should be ready for your shot."

I didn't sleep that time, I waited, I was in too much pain, every single thing hurt, my head hurt from the stress, my new body hurt because it was adjusting to me, and my eyes were sore at know what was going to happen to them.

It was several hours before the surgeons began the operation, during that time I wondered how long I had been there, if anyone had missed me, what happened to Desmond, did he leave thinking I got a ride back and ditched him, did he suspect something and start riot against the company, and what would I tell Alley for missing the concert, but then I remembered I was about to have my eyes taken out and replace by ones made out of a synthesized muscle.

For this operation they numbed my head, so I couldn't move my eyes, I couldn't look around this time, I had to watch at my eyes sight was forcefully yanked out by a device invented for the soul purposed for ripping out eyes.

They device was lowered over my left eye, and slowly carefully slid around my eye and pulled it out of my skull, I could still see out of the eye, I watch Gremmel's face as he cut off my sight, I felt sick and wanted to start crying, but as you can guess that was a tad difficult at the moment.

Gremmel put my eyes into a little tray laid with ice; he then pulled out the replacement eye from a little bag. He sew the eye onto the little string thing that was dangling out of my head. He did the same thing with other eye.

After that, I had trouble seeing; I was strange seeing through another set of eyes, not to mention that the muscles spaz out from time to time. The arm surgery was pretty quick but no less painful. They said in a few days they would start work on my back.

Through those days, I had dreams, strange dreams, and dream concerning strange things and things that would be called.....strange. Like in one, I go on an adventure with some psycho-fox, who did, silly....things...and...blah...it was dream ok so it's a little fuzzy, and all nmmah.

The back surgery, that was maybe the worst, I have to lay my front, this time they had to go very, very, slow, sense they were working around my spine in all, my spine was apparently very important in this surgery, oh yeah we can take your heart out, we can remove all your vital organs and replace them with flipping synthetic organs, that decay over time, for whatever reason.

"So Mr.Apula, this the last time I'll have to cut your body into little bits. Cause after this, your done and you can start to heal, well, after you take the chemical, oh, and thank you, for volunteering for this, your saving a lot of lives you know, making this sacrifice, oh, this may pinch." He cut something off the upper part of my back and let me tell you, it hurt; it really, really, hurt. "Oh, I may have severed cut a vein, this is not good, uh, nothing to worry about, Mr.Apula." at that time I honestly thought that guy was trying to kill me, I started screaming and struggling. "Mr.Apula, we are almost finished, don't go and kill yourself!"

I screamed throughout the rest of the surgery.

A few days later, someone woke me up, but I wasn't were I normally was, I was in some bath of goo, I looked around, no one was in the room, I climbed out of the bath and slipped on the floor, I crawled to the nearby counter and pulled myself up. Kaday walked in through the door with two nurses and one of her men. "Someone get him a chair, he slipping around like someone who just got a full body surgery and tried to escape their little bath, you know the one that keeps scars from forming." A nurse grabbed a wheelchair out of the closet and helped me into it. "What do you want from me?"

"We only want to co-operate Zen, anything less and I'll kill you."

"Fine then, what do you want me to do?"

"We want to take a little drug, but this very special, and very, very old. This drug, if it works, will change your life forever. Despite you just passed experience, we aren't trying to hurt you."

"Ok, I'll take the shot, but please, promise me, I can go back to home and see some familiar faces."

"Of course, in fact, when we're done, I was going to send you home anyways."

The nurse wheeled me through the door and we turned left. We went inside the elevator and the other nurse pressed floor 37 on the panel, the elevator ride was nice and smooth, but when it stopped the push up gave me a huge jump, I wasn't ready for that. We headed down the hall to this room titled, "injection room".

This room was in the shape of a circle, and on the walls had shelves containing thousands of vials of this glowing orange liquid, "Well, of course it glows, wouldn't look completely deadly if it wasn't." I told myself.

The nurse helped me into the little table thing that they strap you to. A nurse went over to one of the vials and took a syringe and filled it with the glowing orange juice. While she was getting the juice the other nurse was prepping me for the injection, you know, slap on the arm and a strapped down to the table you know, the usual treatment when you go to the doctors. The nurse with the syringe walked over and slid the needle in my arm and pushed in the liquid. For a few moments I felt this strange feeling in my arm, then it spread all over my body, after a minute it began to hurt, and then it began to really hurt, and then a started screaming in pain. After ten minutes of screaming, I passed out.

Then I had this dream, it was a dream with a sludgy monster thing, and I rode around the universe to save the world from "Rainbow foxes."

so this is the chapter i hoped you liked it.