The Marked Ones - Arc 0: Chapter 2 - Discovery and Mystery
#2 of The Marked Ones
Alright, people who actually are reading this story ,
I'm finally posting the second chapter!
This is a lot more longer than Chapter 1 and I made sure of it.
Be Sure to read Arc 0 - Chapter 1 first!
ARC 0 - CHAPTER 2 - Discovery and Mystery
I slowly opened my eyes slowly and faded back into the land of the awake. It took a few seconds to realize it, but I shot up in an instant. "Tai!" I cried out, remembering our promised meeting. I looked frantically for the other wolf, but I saw nothing at all. I sighed and stood up, thinking it was about time to leave. As soon as I turned to the path leading to the apartment, I saw a figure in the distance sitting on the lake's edge. It looked very familliar in shape, so I decided to sneak closer to try and see their features.
When I saw the icy light blue fur color, I instantly knew it was Tai. I decided to keep sneaking and give a little revenge for all the times he startled me. I got into pouncing range and lept at him, screaming "HEY!!!"
Tai's reaction was being knocked down, yelping, then screaming "Holy Shi- KANTANO!!" My Reaction to that - Sticking out my tounge, wagging my tail, putting on my most innocent look ever, and saying "Heheh. Hey Tai". Tai just stared back unfazed. "You mind getting off of me? I'm not the bi one here." He said flatly. I obeyed after about a minute of waiting, and lept off of the icy wolf. As much as I hated it, that earned me a petting and an "Awww! Good Boy!".
We started to chat abut random things, like how our college classes are going and old times as kids. After a while, the conversation managed to get back on track. "When did you get here?" I asked my childhood friend. He paused to think and responded confidentally. "I got here around 6:30. When I saw you sleeping under the Great Tree, I just couldn't bring myself to ruin your sleep." Tai said. "Aww! How sweet!" I said, purposely getting close to him with a mock affectionate look. "ANYWAYS!" He yelled in my face to get away from me. "The reason I was late was because of... this!" He reached into his bag as he spoke and pulled out some stone as he finished his sentence. It wasn't ordinary though. It was glass-like and pulsing a bright blue color, like a crystal. "I found this near the lake's edge a few weeks ago." Tai explained "It also caused this". He held up his right paw and showed me the back of it. "I... don't see anything." I told him. He gripped the crystal tighter and told me to look again. There was nothing for a few seconds, but a blue mark appeared on his paw. It was pulsing blue, just like the crystal, and had an ember, an icicle, and a lightning bolt. "Whoa!" was all I could say.
"I don't know what it is or what it means, but I think it's important." he said unsure of his answer. I suddenly had a strange urge to hold the crystal as well. As if he read my mind, Tai held his hand and the crystal out towards me. I reached forward and grabbed to the blue stone. Suddenly, I felt a surge rush into me, like pure power and knowledge. It was followed by a light warmth, slight coldness, and another surge, but like electricity. I saw pictures flash before my eyes. I didn't know what they were of or where they were, but they had both Tai and myself in all of them. This rush was about 5 minutes, and when they finished I was very confused and shocked. I was in some sort of trance-like state, but Tai gasping snapped me back to reality. "You have a mark too!!" I looked down at my paw's back, and sure enough, there was a pulsing blue mark on it. It differed greatly from Tai's mark though. The symbol in the middle was a sword, blade-down, and was surrounded by the word "Enova" and Japanese for "mercenary outfit". "What the hell's goin' on?!" I yelled, shocked.
Meanwhile, two strange figures watch the duo. "Heh, they look like easy targets!" one said in a scratchy and vile voice. "I agree" The other nodded and said in a calm, more sophisticated voice. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's strike NOW!!" the first said, with extremely impatience. "Wait a little more. I'm almost done with my strategy." The second ordered, his golden eyes flashing in the darkness. The first figure just reluctantly agreed with a grumble. "Fine then!"
I was overcome with confusion and worry. What did this all mean? What was going to happen? I think I heard something but my thoughts took my attention away from it. A few minutes passed and I heard footsteps. and I heard the absolutely worst "CLANK!!" and saw Tai fall to the ground, unconscious and bleeding heavily. "TAI!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard the most awful laughter ever heard. It was like nails on a chalkboard doubled. "AHEHEHEHEH!!" The unknown assailant shreiked "Now that you're precious friend is down, what will you do?!" He appeared before me seconds later. The attacker was a hyena with black, spotted fur and crazy tufts of fur everywhere on his head. He looked completely insane. The hyena was also accompanied by a tall black-furred wolf, with a scar over his eye. The foe wolf's ear was also torn slightly.
I felt my entire being fill with rage. "What the FUCK DID YOU DO!!" I screamed at the two. I never got this angry, unless something bad happened to the ones closest to me. The hyena opened his mouth to spead but the foe wolf stepped forward and spoke instead. "We merely knocked out your friend, so that you would be easier to take out. He'll only die if he's extremely weak." he chuckled evily, as if he was getting a kick out of this. I bared my teeth and growled menacingly at them. "I swear on my life, I will-!!!" My head erupted in sheer pain, like it was being split open. "GRAHHHH!!!" I screamed and yelled in agony as I held my head tightly. Suddenly, everything went dark and I heard the most terrifying growl ever.
As I stood in the unknown darkness, I kept seeing the same thing over and over. It was me, but meaner looking, or a feral-version of myself. "I" was on all fours, and fur kept sticking out everywhere. The most noticible feature was the eyes. Unlike my light blue eyes surrounded by white, his were pure red. There was no blue or white at all, just red. We had a stare-down for what seemed like ages, as we just stood there in the dark unknown. After what seemed like an eternity, though, the other me started to growl, and in a split second, he lunged and attacked me.
"AAAUUGHHH!!!" I shot up instantly. I was panting hard, and sweating. I had to take a while to recollect my thoughts, but when I did I realized where I was. "A... bed?" I questioned myself. I tried to move, but my head felt like it would split in half in any second. I decided to just look around and guess where I was. When I looked right, though, I saw something that made my heart drop to the floor. Tai was in the bed next to mine, with a crimson-red, soaked, bandage around his forehead.
About a million thoughts shot through my mind at that time, and they were all the same. A sole whisper escaped from my muzzle. "Tai... Don't die.... Please..." I suddenly heard the door open, and someone walked into the room. I slowly turned my head towards the door, being careful not to hurt my head. A large doberman was standing there in the doorframe. He had piercing green eyes and was the standard dobie colors, black and brown. "Ah, you've awakend, Kantano" he said plainly. The doberman's voice was slightly deep and had a very formal tone to it. Wait a second... "Who are you and how do you know my name?" I asked the dobie. He smirked at me. "I wish to only be known as The Director, and we have been watching you since your birth. Through your childhood, through the incident, and through the time you spent in Reza after 16." He flatly stated, as if briefing me.
How much he knew about me was shocking. He knew about me since birth, and even through my parent's murder and my moving to Reza! I grew very suspicious of the dog and kept wary of what information I would confirm. "Why are you watching me? Are you a spy or something?!" I asked, obviously pointing out I was shocked from what he knows. "You could say that. However, Taisuke needs to be awake for all to come to light." The Director pointed at Tai. "What does Tai have to with what needs to be explained?" I started to think about the mark we both shared. Could that be it? "I'm sorry. All will be explained in due time. Come to the roof when you and Taisuke awaken." The Director started to walk towards the door. "The fate of our universes may depend on you two..." he whispered as he walked out.
The only noises in the room were Tai's machine, which was an indication he was still alive, and his soft breathing. So many thoughts rushed through my head, like "What the hell happened?" and "Why did he watch me?" and "Who was the 'we' he kept talking about?" It was too much for my current condition, and I fell to the pillow. My consciousness slowly faded and I slipped into the land of slumber.
Well, that's it for Chapter 2.
There's only one more chapter in Arc 0!
I plan on getting it up in the next few weeks, but it's still in planning.
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