War Within Part 2

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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#2 of War

Part 2. for avatar?user=142010&character=0&clevel=2 Subi


This take off from the last time last chapter right away, right after Subi gets ambushed and shot. Now you have to figure out, was the Delta or was it the soldiers? HEHE I'm evil! Guess you don't have to wonder anymore.

War Within Part 2


Delta was racing on the rooftops hurrying to last known coordinates of their sergeant major, Subi. They were jumping across huge gaps from roof top to roof top, not showing any signs of fatigue or even any strain from their all their weight from their armor.

Felix and Stephen stop jumping from roof to roof when they saw shatter ice on the floor. They stop and they could see dragon claw footprints on the floor.

"It the sergeant major! We gotta hurry if he using his ice breath."


"He doesn't like using it. He only uses it if he in danger," Felix started taking off following the ice shatters. Stephen was following close behind Felix, hoping they can catch Subi before it was too late. They were about a minute away when they heard ten gun shots going off followed by a loud thud.

"What was that?"

"Let's hurry!" Felix ran as fast as he could and he saw the ten guards and he saw Subi, laying on the ground, bleeding. Felix took out his M 14 and shot some of the guards in the head. The second they realized they were under attack, the guards fought back and shot there M 16 at Felix. Stephen showed up about ten seconds after Felix started shooting and got three guards down from the other roof.

Six of the guards were already died and the other four were struggling to take down the two on the roof. They were at a disadvantage since they couldn't hide at all. Stephen was able to get one of them and then cripple the other. Felix got the other two down over here very fast. They climb down the roof and Felix walk up the the guy on the floor and shot him in the head before he walked to Subi.

Stephen flipped Subi over and saw that his eyes were closed and he was bleeding badly. He placed his fingers on Subi's neck and waited for a heat beat.......There was none. Stephen put his head down and sighed and Felix knew that Subi didn't make it. Felix grabbed Subi and carried him on his shoulder.

Stephen got on the radio and contacted command.

"Command, this is Private Stephen."

"Command here, what wrong Private?"

"Sergeant major gone. KIA. We need a pick up to get out of here. There no way we can survive this mission without him. I'm sorry command, we failed."

"Roger that private, be outside the city in five minutes and we will get you all out of there."

"Thank you command, Delta out."

The sound of the helicopter could be heard as it get closer to the city walls. Felix was still carrying Subi on his shoulder and Stephen kept watch in case anyone came by. The helicopter landed and Felix took Subi over there and put him in. Felix climb in and Stephen followed.

As soon as they got back to base, Felix and Stephen took off all their armor and returned to their rooms.

"Man, I can't believe sergeant major died. He was too good of a solider to just be killed by those guards."

"I know but we don't know what happened. He could have been ambushed for all we know."

"I know but I known him for a long time and he been in far worse situation and he came out alive. How would he have died now?"

"I don't know."

"I feel like we should at lease finish the mission, for sergeant major."

"Yeah, we need to, but command will never let us leave on our own. We are just private, we need someone in charge."

"What about me," both Felix and Stephen looked at the door and could see their sergeant major Subi at the door.

"Subi your alive!" Felix yelled excitedly.

"How, I checked your pulse? I didn't feel anything."

Subi walked up to Felix, "That sergeant major Subi private and Stephen, I can stop my heat from beating for a long period of time so the enemy thinks I'm died."

"You are a lucky son of a gun."

"No, I'm just that good."

"That our sergeant." Felix chucked and gave Subi a pat on the back. Subi groaned softly as Felix pat his wounded wing.

"So are we going back now?"

"We would but I have to recover. I have bullet holes in my wing and a sprain ankle. I wouldn't be able to help much."

"But the enemy know we are coming, we need to take care of them now."

"I know, private but it my job to make sure you are alive."

"We can defend our self sergeant. We can do this."

Subi thought for moment and then finally said, "Fine but if we are going through with this then we need a plan."

"Yes sir!"

~Inside the City, Subi~

"Delta, this is Subi, I'm in position, are you two ready?"

"Yes sergeant. We are waiting for your orders."

"Alright, let me check for anyone before you go in."

"Yes sir, we be waiting. Delta out."

Subi looked through his Remington seven hundred scope and kept a look out for any one. At first he didn't see anyone but then he saw someone. He was ready to take a shot when the person turn around and Subi saw it was a teenager, no order than fifth-teen years old. Subi couldn't find it in himself to shot the child, and just watch through the scope.

"So you are just going to let him go? That it Subi? Come on, you aren't going to risk this just for a teenager are you?"

Subi shock his head, "Kurai get out of here."

Kurai was Subi's darker side, and rarely came out, "I'm only here cause you need me and you know it. I can't leave, only you can make me leave."

"What do you want me to do!"

"You know what you need to do Subi."

"I can't kill him!"

"Who said you need to kill him?"

Subi thought about what Kurai had told him but he didn't understand.

"What do you mean Kurai?"

"You know what I mean, Subito Kurai," with that Kurai slowly started to fade away from Subi mind. Subi thought hard about what Kurai meant as he continue looking through the scope.

"Sergeant Subi, are you there?" Felix asked, still waiting for the word for him to go.

"I'm here, and don't go yet. I see someone in the street."

"Okay, so you are gonna take him out and we can go?"

"I'm not sure."

"Not a clear shot?"

"No it not that. It a fifth-teen year old boy."

"Oh, do you see anything on him?"

"No, nothing at all."

"It your choice."

"I know, I decided, get ready."

"Yes sir."

Subi made the shot and then Felix and Stephen rushed through the streets, before their target could get away.

"You did the right thing Subi."

"I couldn't have done it without you Kurai. Thank you."

Kurai smiled and looked at the street, "You may want to get down there and join them."

"I will," Subi stood up and opened his wings, flying down to the street carefully. He wasn't used to flying with bandages. As careful as he was, he crashed into the side of the building and fell down to the floor.

Subi leaned on the against the wall and steady himself before he walked down the alley. He could see Felix and Stephen taking cover by the warehouse door. They were waiting for Subi to get there and signal them to get inside.

Subi ran over there, biting his lower lip with every other step because of his leg. He got there and got replace his Remington 700 with the M 16 he took when he was being held as a P.O.W. He looked and Stephen and Felix and nodded before he kick the door down with his left leg. Subi used his shadow breath too make it almost impossible, besides him, to see in there.

The moment Subi was happy with how dark it was inside, he rushed inside. The moment he did, he felt someone grabbed his pony tail and was about to slice but then Felix and Stephaen got inside and killed him but as the solider fell, he cut off Subi's pony tail. Subi looked at the ground and picked up his red bow along with his hair. He pocketed the bow and stood up.

"Get out of here."

"But sergeant major Subi, we don't want to abandon you."

"That an order! This just got personal."

"We aren't leaving sergeant major!"

Before they could react, Subi pushed the both of them outside and locked the door from the inside. As they were trying to get the door open, they could hear loud grunts and sounds of gun fire, being followed by bodies hitting the floor. They was screaming inside, and the enemies inside were begging for their life.

By the time, Felix and Stephen got the door opened, Subi was finished killing everyone inside. He horns was dark red, covered in blood. He once white scales were stained red and his purple scales were much darker. What was left of his hair, was now covered with red highlights, and Subi overall appearance made both Felix and Stephen jump from fright.

Subi signed and looked as he pulled his red bow out. Stephen looked at Subi and said, "Sergeant Subi, what wrong?"

Subi looked at Stephen and signed, "I made a promise."

"A promise? That why you kicked us out?"

"You don't understand! I lost just about everything...."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you on the way back to command. Lets get out of here."

"Subi, please tell us now."

"Fine... I join the Marines to make a difference. I quickly rose up the sergeant major, and I felt like my family was proud. Just three mouths ago, my family was assassin so they could get to me. The last gift I got from them was that red bow for my pony tail. It the last thing I have to remember them by and now this bow is cut in half.

"I lost just about everything, I lost my parents, my cousin, my aunts and uncles. The only thing I have left now is my life and this bow. I promised I will avenged them, even if it mines my life."

"Is there anything we can do to help?"

"No, this is a battle I have to fight on my own."

As soon as Subi finished that sentence, there was gun fire coming from the roof shooting at them. They quickly started to run away, while Subi was shooting back at them as they ran away.

Felix contacted command and requested a pick up as son as possible, and then Subi stop running and stayed in the street firing back at them. Felix saw and ran back towards Subi, "We need to get out of here, command coming for us now."

"I'm not leaving, I'm gonna finished what I started."

"I'm not leaving with you. We already lost you once, we aren't going to lose you again."

"That an order, now get out of here!"

"No, I'm staying this time. If we are going down, we are going down together."

Subi smiled and looked the what looked to be the final solider in the town. There was only five left but because they were on the roof, they had the advantage but Subi quickly took care of that, flying both him and Felix up to the roof. Subi was shot in the wings multiply times but fought through the pain and landed on the roof.

Felix threw a grenade at them, while he check on Subi, making sure he didn't push himself. Subi slowly stood up and used his ice breath to freeze some of them but while he was using his ice breath, one of the solider that wasn't being frozen, shot him in the ice, knocking him back a bit because of how weak he was. Felix tool him out and watch the last four fall and shatter to prices on the ground.

Subi was badly injured, in his wings and he looked down at his leg and saw that there were bullets holes in there as well. He quickly pick him up and placed his weight on his shoulder, walking towards the city limits. He could see Subi coughing up blood and he saw that the he had the bow in his hand.

Command had just showed up in the helicopter as Subi and Felix walked outside the small town. The second the copter landed, the paramedics in their quickly took Subi and help him inside.

~Hours Later~

The doctors walked outside of the operating room and sighed. They did their best but Subi was gonna have lots of scars. His wings were stitched up, and he had a cast on his leg. His scales and horn were forever stained with that blood, making him look darker and more deadly. When he woke up, he found himself surrounded by all the nurses who were are trying to make him feel better.

Subi smiled when he saw that red bow was hem back together and was attached to hospital gauze. He only had one more battle and he smiled when he realized what it was....

War Within Part 1

This story is for [![avatar?user=142010&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=142010&character=0&clevel=2)](https://tomarou.sofurry.com/) Subi's Hatch day, on the 14. Posting part 1 today. part 2 tomorrow since i wont have...

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Revenge Edited

Well this is now the edited version, changed the intro, made some difference into the yiff scene as well as the ending. Enjoy. Again not for anyone under 18. Drake and Manuel Copyrighted by me. Revenge I was riding on the bus, going home from...

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I was just writing this for fun, since school been stressful, but then [![avatar?user=103073&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=103073&character=0&clevel=2)](https://keurinnerim.sofurry.com/) Keurin persuaded me to...

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