Beginnings Ch. 3

Story by Skye1998 on SoFurry

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#3 of Beginings

I walked in and went up to my room and lay in bed. After I had stared up at the ceiling for about an hour, my cell phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID. It was Max. I picked up the phone. "Hi" I said dully. "There you are!" Max replied. "I was so worried!" I woke up and you were gone. Do you want me to come over?" "That would be nice." I said. A while later, i heard the door open. I walked downstairs to see Max standing with a DVD in his hand. "Hi," He said. "I brought a movie we could watch. It might make you feel better." He down on the couch and I put the movie in the player. It was The Princess Bride. I smiled. It may seem like a total chick flick, but it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. "I love this movie!" I exclaimed. I hugged Max. "Thank you." I leaned up against him and started the movie. Surprisingly, it did make me feel better. At the end of the movie we sat there, all snuggled up under a blanket. I placed my paw on Max's. "Do you want to stay the night?" "Sure." Max replied. "I'd love to. Do you want to watch another movie?" "I'll make some popcorn!" I yelled as I went to the kitchen. Half an hour into the movie I took Max's hand in mine. I pulled him close and kissed him. I wanted to stay like this forever. After what felt like an eternity we broke from each other. "I've wanted to do that for so long." Max whispered. "Me too." I replied. For the rest of the movie we were silent but I kept Max's hand in mine. Sometime I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed. I went downstairs and Max was asleep on the couch. "Wake up, sleepyhead! It's a brand new day!" I said with a smile. "Mmmffgg. What time is it?" Max mumbled. "Around seven." I told him. "I made waffles!" We went to the table and started eating. I coudn't stop smiling. Max had wanted to kiss me! He had wanted to kiss ME! "Hey, there's a party at Jace's tonight.

I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." Max said. "Of course I will!" I replied enthusiastically. "Great!" Max replied. That night we got on the bus. It dropped us off around a block away from Jace's house where the party was being held. When we got there, I could hear the music pounding in the distance. Jace was at the door to greet us. He brushed his long black fur out of his face. "Hey Max. Hey Skye. Glad you could make it." He turned to me. "I heard about your mom. I'm so sorry." "Thank you." I said. His apology sounded genuine. We went inside. I heard a voice laugh behind me. It was Haru. He was the biggest bully in the entire school. "Oh look, it's Skye the orphan. Where's your mommy now, freak?" "Shut up Haru." Max said. I saw his paws curl into fists. "No." I said gently, "I can deal with this." I walked up to him. "Listen Haru, you don't scare me. I'm fed up with you picking on me. Now stop. Stop hurting people for your own enjoyment. That's right. I know you like hurting people. So go away and leave me alone." I backed away. "I mean that." I walked away with Max. Max looked at me a look of awe. "That was amazing." He said. "And I was all ready to sock him in the face." "Well I'm glad you didn't. We don't want to ruin Jace's party." I got two glasses of punch and gave one to Max. "Well, here goes. I hope this isn't spiked with anything." I took a tentative sip. "Nope, It's fine." We sat down on a couch. I touched Max's hand. "Not here." Max whispered as he moved my hand gently. "Let's go downstairs." We went down to the basement, which was empty, because everyone was upstairs. I held both of Max's hands in mine. Our noses were touching. "I... I think I love you." I whispered in his ear. "I love you too." He whispered back. We kissed. I had my arms around his neck. He had his hands on my back. Somewhere upstairs someone turned on a slow song. We danced, moving slowly, gracefully. "You're a great dancer." I said. "Thanks, you aren't too bad yourself." Max replied. We continued dancing until the song ended. We heard a slow clapping from behind us. It got faster as we turned around. Someone was there.