Puppy Love - Chapter 3
#3 of Puppy Love
I groaned and stretched in my bed. Looking around and sitting up. I guess Jack must've carried me in. Looking over the side of my bed and seeing he wasn't there. Sighing to myself and groaning as I fell back onto the bed with my arms spread out. I blinked when I felt fur on my paw and gasped. Jumping back and falling out of the bed. Groaning and rubbing my sore rump and crawling back up. Who was on my bed? Did Steven follow me home?! I whimpered and peeked over the edge of the bed and sighed when I saw it was just Jack sleeping there.
But then I blinked and gasped. Jack was sleeping in my bed??? When? How? Why? I just stared at him and shook softly. I didn't do anything did I? I whimpered and stared at him then thought. There was no way I could've. He was still here after all. Plus we were still dressed in what we were wearing last night. I looked down and blushed softly as I saw his lucky shirt on me. He was so sweet to have lent it to me. I remember hearing before he would never let someone else touch it, let alone wear it. Thinking that'd make it lose its lucky ability. But here I was. Wearing it.
I giggled and crawled back up to the bed. Accidentally too close to him. How close should I be to him? If I was right next to him side to side he'd obviously know I was gay. But if I was all the way on the corner about to fall off the bed he might think I was straight; and I really don't want that. I settled on scooting over slightly. Not too close but not too far from him. Closing my eyes and attempting to go back to sleep, and failing. There was no way I was getting anymore sleep with him right next to me.
Eventually I passed out. When I next awoke guess what I was doing. I was cuddling Jack. I gasped and jumped off of him. Blushing a deep shade of red. Was he awake? I whimpered softly and turned to face him. Letting out a sigh as I noticed he was thankfully still asleep. Jack could sleep through anything. And I do mean anything. You know how they say that heavy sleepers probably can sleep through their house being burned down? Well Jack actually did that once. He didn't even wake up until a couple hours after his house was burnt down. It took a couple of firemen to carry him out. While his family searched for a new house they all stayed at my place. It was a little annoying sharing a bathroom with his two sisters; especially considering they left their underwear everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. But it was worth it to be rooming with Jack.
There was no school today. I wonder what we could do. Looking back at him and sighing. There was so much I wanted to tell him. Laying back down and staring at him asleep. I groaned to myself and tried to bring myself to say it. To tell him how much I loved him. But I couldn't. The words just wouldn't come out. This was pathetic. He was asleep and I still couldn't tell him. I groaned and growled softly before yelling out, "Jack I love you!" Seeing his nose twitch made me gasp. Bringing my paws to cover my mouth before running into the bathroom. Worried he heard it and was about to wake up and kill me or something. Opening the door slightly and peeked out, sighing as I noticed he was still asleep on the bed. Shaking my head and looking down at myself. Deciding it'd be best to get changed now. Moving over to the closet and disrobing myself. It was obviously safe to change out here considering Jack would most likely be asleep for a while. I turned back to confirm he was asleep before looking forward and continuing until I was completely exposed. Reaching in and pulling out something to wear. Should I just wear my normal outfit? Or maybe something else? I groaned and looked over all my possible outfits. Considering I had no idea what I'd be doing today I didn't know what type of outfit I should wear. I could put on something cozy for some simple library reading time but end up going to the skate park and breaking every bone in my body. Or maybe I could dress in something sweats for exercise but end up going to a fancy restaurant.
I was so deep into thought I gasped when I saw Jack pass right by me and into the bathroom. Blushing furiously and staring at the door. Oh my gosh he just saw me naked. How long was he awake? Calm down Sam calm down. We've seen each other naked all the time in the lockers. I guess maybe the reason why I was blushing so much is because I have no idea how long he was looking. Or if he was looking at all. Maybe he didn't even notice me there? He did look half asleep when he walked past me. I gasped and realized he'd be out of the bathroom soon. Deciding it'd be best just to wear my normal outfit I pulled out a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and my underwear before slipping it all on as fast as I could. Worried that if he saw me again he'd make some form of comment. Although maybe he'd want to see me naked again. I blushed slightly at that thought but decided he most likely wouldn't so I should just keep my clothing on.
When I saw him exit he must've taken a shower or something because steam rolled out of the bathroom; and he was only in a towel. Thank goodness for the fact he kept emergency clothing in my room; I doubt anything of mine would fit him without ripping. I growled softly at myself. Why am I such a wimp? I should just tell him. He's right there after all. Looking up and watching him decide what he'd wear. I doubt he'd take as long as I did. I shook softly and could feel sick. I was so nervous I felt like I was going to throw up.
He could obviously see discomfort in my face. "Sam is something wrong?" He blinked and walked over to find out what was wrong with me. I looked up at him and whimpered softly. Feeling like a weak defenseless puppy about to run headfirst at a moving truck. I looked down and opened my mouth before saying.
"Jack. I love you."
Four simple words. They hit him hard like a brick. He just stood there; staring at me. I was worried we'd be like this for hours before something broke the silence. His expression looked confused and lost; even disgusted. It made me worry and drove me to tears. I thought to myself, "What have I done?" I was sobbing and shaking, ready to curl up in the corner. My tears had blinded me so much that I didn't even notice when he had come up to me and pulled me into his arms; embracing me. By instinct my arms wrapped around him; I never wanted this moment to end; I wanted to spend forever in his arms. He could be strangling me and I wouldn't care, so long as it meant he was holding me.
After what felt like forever I felt his gaze on me. I reacted and looked back at him. Staring into his deep emerald colored eyes. "Y-You don't hate me?" I weakly asked out; worried maybe I was just imaging this was a hug and maybe he really was about to choke me. He just shook his head softly and chuckled. "Hate you? I've been feeling the same way since the 8th grade." He smiled that cute smile I knew so well. I could've stayed like this forever.
This was the beginning of a beautiful puppy love.