The Guardians Shadow ch16
#15 of The Guardians Shadow
It amazed me on how long that that girl could hold out on one note. When I'd pulled the trigger of my gun, the girl let out a scream so loud that I thought that my ears were going to pop. I'd seen many a tamer yell out really loud plenty of times and if that Beelzemon were in any of his previous evolutionary forms, he most likely would've Digivolved into one of his higher stages/forms from all the raw energy that the tamer was pouring out and effectively into the Digivice which fueled the Digivolutionary process. Heck, I'd just done it earlier and Renamon had Digivolved into her champion, 'Youkomon form'.
Raising back my left hand, and brought it back around. A resounding smack could be heard through the woods as the sound of the smack echoed off many of the trees in the silence of the woods that we were in. "Would you knock that off!" I said in a very pissed off tone. "I haven't done anything to your Beelzemon."
"But you...the gun...the bang..." She trailed off as she looked up at me with a sizable red mark from my hand starting to appear across her left cheek.
"The...the...shut it. I didn't shoot anything. Other than that stupid snake that was about to bite you in the ass that is." I said as I returned my gun to my belt and pointed to the snake, with my free hand, that was behind her. The thing looked like that of a common garden snake, (Now with a decent sized hole in middle of it's head) but a few marks were off about it and I could tell that's it's bite was lethal. I picked up the snake by the tip of it's tail, shook it in front of her face, and smiled a bit inwardly to myself when I saw a look of total disgust slowly spread across her face.
"Then where's..."
"Beelzemon? He's over there." I said as I held up my fist to the side of my head and extended my thumb to indicate that she should look behind me. It could only be considered the most comical of moments as she saw that he was hanging by his belt, which was in Youkomon's mouth, but the look of utter pain at the massive wedgy that he was now sporting because of that could only bring a smile to my lips. "He honestly thought that I was going to shoot you and jumped into the line of fire. Fortunately for him, Youkomon snatched him out of the line of fire and darted away before anyone could've been hit by my bullet." Turning to look over my shoulder I nodded to Youkomon and she dropped him onto his face and then spat a few times. "I've got to admit though, your pretty fast in the Champion form of yours Youkomon."
She gave me a nod, then lay down on top of him so as to keep him from getting up again, as somehow he'd managed to slip his ropes somehow. "Just do not expect me to do that that often. Doing a jump like that takes a lot of energy to pull off and I do not think that I will be able to manage more than a few of those per day."
Giving her another nod I walked on over to the Beelzemon, picked him up by the front of his jacket once Youkomon got off of him when she realized that I wanted to do something with him, then tossed him over to his tamer where he promptly got up and started looking her over. "Are you alight Lucy? He didn't shoot you or nothing did he?"
"I'm alright Beelzemon. He didn't shoot me or anything. Though I'm still wondering why he's keeping us alive though." She slowly turned her head away from her Digimon and looked over to me. "Why are you keeping us alive anyways."
"Are you def and dumb? I've already told you. I want answers and I plan on getting them from ya." I said as I placed both my hands on my hips and stared down at the two. "And If you don't cough them up this time, I'll just see how much damage a Digivice like yours can withstand before it breaks and your Beelzemon becomes wild," I paused a bit to let that sink in. "And since he'd be a wild, by law of that of the Hunters, I'll have to hunt him down and dispose of him."
"Wait a minute. You're a Hunter?" The girl asked in a disbelieving tone as she looked me up and down. "You don't have the jacket of one. Where's your jacket you wana-be Hunt..."
I didn't give her the chance to finish the question/statement as I reached back and was about to slap her across the face, but stopped when she stopped when she saw what I was about to do to her. "Enough of your pointless questions. I want to know why you ordered your Digimon to attack us back there." It must have been a funny twist of irony as just as I finished asking her that question that a cell-phone went off somewhere on her, playing something from AC/DC (Probably, Back in Black).
Both me and Youkomon just stared at each other then I quickly started to pat the girl down. "What the hell do you think your doing. I'm going too..."
"AH, HA. Found it." I said as I patted her on the side of her hip and found the cell-phone in a side/zipper pocket. Quickly removing it from the pocket I looked down at the phone and saw that it was one of those kinds that you can get at any local 7-11. 'Not going to get much out of this and I doubt that I can make her act like everything's okay on the phone with this other person.' So pulling out my wrist computer and attaching it to my wrist, I took out a single cord from the side of the computer, opened the back of the phone, connected the cord to the memory card, and opened the phone.
"What the hell Lucy. I've been trying to contact you for the past hour. What in the name of the old ones have you been..." Then the phone went silent for a while. "Lucy? What the hell, answer me!" The voice yelled that was almost loud enough to break the speaker.
Just then my wrist computer dinged after two minutes and a map showed up with a red blip pulsating at a building in the Las Vegas area. A second later some green text appeared under the pulsating blip showing the address and the phone number of the other person on the other end of the line. "Gotcha!"
"What? Who is this? Where's Lucy?" I didn't answer the caller as I started writing down the information on the screen on a small pop up window next to the map and call indicator window. "Answer me damn you. Who is this...I can hear you breathing."
"You sent a hunter to turn a Hunter into the hunted." I said simply as I snickered a bit into the phone that I'd brought up to my ear. "Though the hunter that you sent was not up to the task of taking on a true member of the Hunters." I didn't give the person time to answer as I dropped the phone, which slowly fell to the ground, then was followed with my boot that shattered the phone into it's many little bits. "Better luck next time." I said as a laugh escaped my lips.
A few minutes later and a phone call to the local Hunter outfit in the area, both the girl and her Digimon were loaded in the back of a black van, and were promptly driven off to a hidden bunker somewhere in the region to begin their interrogation. Most likely they'd just deal with them however they wanted and eventually they'd grow tired of the Beelzemon and delete his sorry ass. Meanwhile they rolled down a brand new motorcycle for me and handed me the keys. "For payment rendered." Said a man in a full blown hooded leather cloak that hid his eyes extremely well, as I handed him the girls Digivice as he handed me the keys to the bike. No words were spoken after that, as there didn't need to be, and he disappeared in the second vehicle that he'd rolled out the bike from.
After a quick inspection of the bike, I nodded to it and straddled the thing. "Not a bad fit, if I do say so myself."
"Just for her Digivice, they gave you a brand new bike?" Asked Renamon in a confused tone after she'd De-Digivolved back into her Rookie form a short time after I'd made the call to the Hunters in the area.
"A Digivice is a very valuable/pricy thing to us Hunters. It's not every day that we are able to come by such a thing," I said as I paused as I took out my own and looked down upon it with a look of uncertainty. "As tamers often guard them with, sometimes, their very lives. What's more, unlike the ones that we acquire after defeating a tamers Digimon, that one was still active. They will be able to do a lot more research on it as it's still attached, who knows how, to Beelzemon." I returned the Digivice to my pocket and looked up at Renamon who I could see was slightly shaken by what the implications of what I'd just said could mean to someone/thing like her.
"Then, does that mean...." She seemed to be stuttering with the words as I could see something in her head was obviously messing with her train of thought.
"Get it out of your head. It doesn't do well to dwell on things that aren't your problem." I said as I kicked over the bike in one go and revved the engine a few times before looking back up at her still standing over me. "What's more, you're my Digimon and, though it rare that a Hunter is partnered with a Digimon, those Digimon that aid those of us Hunters are given a, Free Pass."
"Free Pass?" She asked in confusion as she sat down upon the back of the bike where there was enough of the extended seat for her to sit down upon, and brought her hands around to hug me around my middle.
"Digimon that aid those of the Hunters are not to be touched by the organization. In other words, they're off limits to any of the scientists that would...never mind. The organization will leave you alone, that's all that you need to know." I said as I really didn't want to think of what I'd witnessed myself, a few years back before graduation, as to what they actually do to a 'live' Digimon that the organization captures. I placed my tech glasses on my face, hooked them up to my wrist computer, and then sent in the data.
"Where are we going?" She asked as I kicked up the kick stand and popped the thing into gear.
"Where else. To find out who that was that ordered that girl to attack us." With that I hit the gas as well as released the clutch, and we sped off to skid a moment as the bikes tires grabbed the asphalt, and the rocket us down the road to Las Vegas, the gambling capital of the West.
In an undisclosed location, somewhere in the heart of Lad Vegas, a girl, roughly around the age of 40 dressed in a business suit with a short skirt, drops the phone that she'd had to her ear and looks across the room with wide eyes, before she is brought back to the world with a laugh when the sound of the receiver hit's the floor at her feet. The quick laugh is slowly brought on by another, then finally she begins to laugh hysterically as she places her hand over her eyes and leans back in her chair. After a good few moments of mirth, she stops laughing, turns her chair around so that she's facing the window overlooking the Las Vegas strip from her high penthouse office, then stand up to place her hands behind her back.
"So. It would seem that the game has just gotten a bit more interesting." She says as she takes a few more steps closer to the glass. "It was a Hunter that Lucy went up against." She states simply as she rubs her hands behind her back before she shifts her weight so that it looks like she's leaning against a wall and places her hands on her hips. "And what's more, it would be safe to assume to think that he's on his way here right now." Another laugh escapes her.
"I do hope that he will prove more of a challenge than that of the last challenger that I faced." She then turns to walk over to a solo mirror, the only one in the room, and looks upon her reflection. Though it should've shown that of her reflection, it shows that of something/someone that doesn't/shouldn't belong in this world. The reflection seems to give her mirth as she slowly begins to laugh which grows in volume that could probably be heard from many miles away.
Though that in itself is creepy enough, it's only matched by the darkened/blackened figures that begin to emerge from the recesses of the mirror with their white hollow eyes. They too seem to be delighted by the laughter as their eyes narrow ever so slightly and several begin to shake in their own version/s of mirth.