Unplanned Adventures Part 1 with Foreward - Unexpected Good
#3 of Unplanned Adventures
The Unexpected, Unplanned and Unlikely Compendium of a Fandom Friendship
By Paul Calhoun
As the title suggests, I never really intended for these stories to go as far as they did, and I'm sure that I will continue to chronicle the progress of its characters even after this compilation is completed and distributed. Originally, I only wished to show what might have been after an event I'd heard about (a fursuiter at the zoo motivating a child to get out of his wheelchair). From then on, I tended towards showing what the generation after that was doing. Each story was supposed to be the last, and the final one in this volume probably won't stand as the final one of the series for very long. I personally was motivated a lot by praise and requests to keep the stories going. A lot of inspiration came from my childhood and adult watching of Daria, as might be noticeable, as well as a lifetime of being the strange one in a strange group. I was also hoping to make furry fandom and its membership a little more accessible to the average person who might only see the people wandering around wearing tails or the fursuiters at conventions. I hope that the people who find this appreciate it, but I don't ask them to learn anything. The point of the stories is - at its base - entertainment. I have never written with the express intent to inform or change opinions, and I personally despise authors who do. Any personal growth, therefore, is incidental and purely up to the individual reader. If, however, you have enjoyed this or found it in any way illuminating, please feel free to write comments in the white spaces or on the last page. Either way, the author and distributor would appreciate it if you returned this manuscript to the place where you found it or e-mail the author at [email protected]
These stories are here reproduced in their entirety and with only minor editing. Any inconsistencies in format and author's notes therefore are also maintained.
Unexpected Good
By Paul Calhoun
Dear reader:
The events of this narrative are based on a true story which has been extrapolated to a satisfying conclusion. When I heard the story of the furry whose mere presence brought a child out of his wheelchair, I felt compelled to reward him in prose.
Chapter 1:
An amazing recovery
Sal looked around, carefully taking in his surroundings to make up for his lack of periferal vision. His wide blue eyes didn't blink, but did move to always look directly at someone observing him. His white-tipped black tail swung gently as he turned, hearing a shout behind him.
It had been a relatively quiet moment up till then. The most recent knot of children had already moved on to another exhibit, running faster than Sal as he sedately paced the enclosures, pausing to watch each animal for minutes on end. He had been watching the Leopard Cats, a particular favorite when he heard the shout.
He turned to see a young boy in a wheelchair, grinning and pointing at him excitedly. As Sal began walking towards him, the boy rose, paling with the effort, but still stumbling towards Sal with the same joyous look on his face. Sal ran forward with his arms outstretched and knelt, the boy meeting him in a tight hug. Sal's black and white furred body nearly enveloping the child and even through the fur of his suit he could feel the boy shaking; whether with exertion or happiness Sal wasn't sure.
As he let the boy go, he looked up straight into the eyes of the woman who had been pushing the wheelchair, probably the boy's mother. He rose and they helped the boy back into his wheelchair. He held onto Sal's arm the entire time and never took his eyes off of Sal's. When he'd been situated, Sal stepped back to let the boy and his mother pass. She seemed about to, but stopped right next to him and said, "I ought to thank you. That's the first time he's gotten up since the accident."
Sal smiled, his expression of course blocked by the similar grin of his suit's head. "You're very welcome, madam." He replied, the jaw of his suit head moving with his words. "It's moments like these that make me do this."
The woman stuck out her hand, "Nora Brooks, you must be bloody hot in that thing."
Sal offered his own, startled by the strength of her statement and her grip, "Sa - Victor Falkner, sweating buckets and hardly minding."
The boy shifted his attention to the woman, "mom, can the kitty join us?"
Nora looked down at her son, "now, Mike, we don't want to be rude. I'm sure Mr. Falkner has plenty of other kids to hug today."
Sal said, "I think that I can walk with you for a little while if you like. It's gotten quiet around here anyway," he knelt down in front of the chair and leaned in close to the little boy, "besides, I think that Mike's the most recepetive audience I've had in a long time."
Mike cheered, "yay."
Nora smiled maternally, "thank Mr. Falkner."
Mike cried, "Thanks, kitty!"
Sal gave Mike a quick hug before straightening up, "you're welcome."
They toured the exhibits for hours, Mike talked brightly and constantly to Sal, who replied occasionally, or told him some animal lore he knew. Otherwise, Sal just walked along, enjoying the look of happiness on the boy's face and on his mother's as she listened to his happy monologue. Sometimes they'd stop so that Sal could interact with some of the other children, and when he came back, Mike would look even happier than before. He obviously considered himself quite special for having Sal as his constant companion.
They stopped at the food court around midafternoon and Nora said, "you must be extremely thirsty. I'll buy you a giant drink."
Sal replied, "You don't have to."
Nora looked down at Mike, "I think that it's the least I could do to repay you."
Sal nodded, "if you want."
They sat down, Sal sitting close to the edge of his seat to give his tail room. When Nora returned, he swept his long white hair away from the cup and worked the straw up his muzzle. Mike giggled as the 'kitty' drank. Nora watched him take a long sip before saying, "that's an interesting character. Does he come from anywhere?"
Sal replied, "Thanks, and yes he does. He's based off of the main character of one of my favorite book series, the Chronotis Cycle. Saliaven Chronotis, perhaps you've heard of him."
Nora shook her head, "I have, but I've never read any. I don't read much fantasy."
Sal said, "You ought to, it's great." He'd had to lift the straw partway up in the cup to get it into his mouth, and now he was stuck with a quarter of the liquid left and no way to get to it. "Would you mind if I took my head off for awhile? Some people mind."
Nora laughed, "of course not. I can't imagine its easy to drink in that."
Sal tugged on his neck fur and worked his head off, "no," Victor replied, "but I like to keep in character as much as possible. It makes me feel more like I am Saliaven."
He looked around for somewhere to put the fursuit head and Nora said, "you can hang that on the chair if you want. I'm sure Mike wouldn't mind sharing."
Victor said, "Actually, if Mike wouldn't mind having it in his lap, I think that would work better."
Mike said, "Cool! Can I put it on?"
Victor smiled, "well, if you clean your face off, sure." Mike began vigorously wiping his face with a napkin. "Just be careful, and don't be surprised if it's a little smelly in there. Oh, and don't let the hair trail on the ground."
Mike took the head very carefully and put it on with no difficulty as it was quite large on his ten-year-old body. "Wow!" He exclaimed. "How does the mouth move?"
Victor replied, "You have to work the strap over your jaw. It might not work, since you're so small."
While Mike took the head off and began trying to find a way to fit the jaw strap over his own smaller frame, Victor began to sip from the drink. "Well, Ms. Brooks, I'm surprised you haven't asked the standard question: why do I do it?"
Nora shrugged, "I figured you'd been asked that a lot, and besides, I can see a very excellent reason sitting right next to us."
Victor looked over at Mike, who had given up and was now just stroking the fur on his lap, "yeah, the kids make it really worthwhile. Still, that wasn't the reason I started. It began with curiosity; I was young, after all. Then it turned to true interest, and the more I got into the idea, the better it sounded. Eventually I got my first suit and the feeling of the fur all over me, of seeing that fuzzy face in the mirror, convinced me that I had made the right choice. It's expensive, but I'm well employed and no family as of now. My expenses are few otherwise, and I count saving for retirement in those expenses. Everything has gone right since I got out of college, so it was no great sacrifice to get into fursuiting seriously."
Nora nodded, "sounds like you've done well for yourself. I wish things had gone that way for me. Husband dead, and now with Mike's medical bills to pay, I'm pretty well broke half the time. I have to work nights now, but luckily I make more than I pay the sitter. If Mike weren't disabled, I wouldn't need one. He takes good care of himself." She sighed, "if he weren't disabled, I wouldn't need the extra shift at work."
Victor looked over at Mike, "tell you what, Ms. Brooks. I really like you and Mike. How about you have him come to my place afternoons, and I'll watch him for free. I could use the company."
Nora smiled, "much as I'd love to take you up on that, I wouldn't want to impose. Besides-"
Victor held up a paw, "you can hardly trust a man in a cat costume whom you met at the zoo and have known for only two hours. I can imagine that would be a problem."
Nora sighed, "It is."
Victor replied, "My offer still stands, however. If you want proof that I'm not a homicidal maniac or some kind of kook, I'm sure we can work something out."
Nora nodded, "sounds good. I'm glad you understand my need for caution. I couldn't bear having anything more happen to Mike."
Victor said, "of course. What if both of you came to see me weekends? I live in a nearby suburb; I'll give you the address. Once you're confident I'm an otherwise well balanced individual, we can make further arrangements."
Nora took his card, "you're awfully gung-ho about all this."
Victor smiled, "let's just say that I've met a lot of kids who want to pet the kitty, but very few who want to take him home." He gently took Sal's head back from Mike and put it on. "Next week?"
Nora looked down at the card, hesitant for the first time since Sal had met her, "sure." She said at last, "we'll be there at noon."
Chapter 2:
Building Trust
Victor made a final check to make sure his house looked properly respectable. He'd run his Roomba and vacuumed with an upright to make sure the living room was as clean as possible. He'd even dusted the bookshelves, something he'd meant to do for ages anyway. Rolan, his black tom, watched him from one of the shelves. Victor was saved from further worry about the state of his abode when the bell rang.
He'd worried that Nora would change her mind over the last week, but there she was at almost precisely noon. Mike was in front of her and when he saw Victor in a shirt and slacks he groaned, "aww. I liked it better when he was a cat."
Nora sighed and smiled, "now now. Mr. Falkner was very nice to invite us over. Don't be rude."
"Sorry, Mr. Falkner."
Victor smiled, "call be Victor, please. And if your mother decides I'm trustworthy, maybe I can come over some time as Saliaven."
Nora looked around, "you certainly weren't kidding about the disposable income."
Victor looked embarrassed, "yeah. I was lucky. My family could afford to put me through college as an engineer. After I got out, I was hired and promoted immediately. I sometimes wonder what the company saw in me. I'm just happy I haven't screwed up yet. Can I get you two something to drink?"
Nora wheeled Mike over to the couch and said, "Cokes?"
Nora sat down as Victor got the drinks and he could hear Mike admiring his television aloud. Now that he'd gotten this far, he realized that he hadn't actually expected things to go this well and was now stumped as to what to do next. He hoped that matters would take their own course.
"Thanks," Nora said as he handed her the glass. "I'm still not sure if I fully understand why you're doing this."
Victor smiled as he sat down. He gave Mike the remote and turned to Nora, "I like you and Mike, and I feel like I can really make a difference to him. It feels like ages since I did something nice for someone else without expecting anything in return and I want that warm fuzzy feeling again. If by doing so I provide a similar warm fuzzy feeling to Mike and some happiness and relief to you, so much the better for all of us. Speaking of which," he took a box from one of the shelves and handed it to Mike, "I made this for you."
Mike opened it and immediately put on the cat ears he found inside. "Neat!"
Victor continued, "like I said, I have very little to do afternoons and evenenings. I may as well spend them doing something good for somebody. Since I need only come home as I always do and then entertain Mike for a few hours before you get off work, it seems hardly like I'm actually doing anything that I need to be payed for anyway."
Nora shook her head, "I'm going to end up accepting in the end anyway, so I may as well just give in now and save myself the time." She reached out and shook Victor's hand, "you're on. I just hope you don't spoil Mike too much."
Victor looked over at Mike, who was now splitting his attention between the television and feeling his ears every couple of seconds. "I don't think that's possible."
The next Monday, Victor spent part of the afternoon after work preparing for Mike's arrival. Nora had told him that Mike would be dropped off the schoolbus, but Victor would have to be there to meet him. Taking that into account, Victor decided that it would be less than ideal for him to spend his first evening with Mike trying to convince his busdriver that the large anthropomorphic cat was in fact Mike's designated caretaker.
Mike was mildly disappointed when he saw Victor in normal clothes again, but nodded when Victor explained it to him. "But we'll be inside until mom gets here."
Victor smiled, "that's true."
"So we can do whatever we want."
Victor shrugged, "within reason."
Mike looked up, "kitty?"
Victor looked down at him, "if you want."
Victor wheeled Mike over next to the couch and sat down next to him, "so, do you want to see how I put Saliaven on?"
Mike looked at him with surprise, "sure." He said eagerly. "I hadn't thought of that."
Victor smiled at him, "you really want to see?"
Mike nodded, "I want to know everything about everything. Of course I want to see."
Victor replied, "Curiosity is good. I'll bring him in here."
Mike began to struggle out of his chair, "I want to come with."
Victor looked worried, "are you sure you're up to it?"
Mike smiled and gestured down, "If your entire home is carpeted, I don't think I have much to worry about."
As he rose, Victor said, "don't you have a cane?"
Mike looked at him, then slowly pulled at his sleeve. Underneath, bone showed very clearly through the skin. "The doctor said there's less left of my arms than of my legs. I do exercises, but they say I won't be lifting anything heavier than a jar of peanut butter for weeks. Your kitty mask was light enough that I could manage, but it was actually a challenge. I don't think a cane would help me much. If you could bring my wheelchair with and help me back in if it's too much, that'll do."
As they slowly made their way to Victor's fursuiting room, he said, "You seem a lot more mature than you did before?"
Mike looked at him and shrugged with difficulty, "mom doesn't like it when I talk that way. She wants me to stay hopeful and happy all the time. I think the accident was worse for her. I'll recover my strength in time, but I don't think she'll stop worrying even if I do. I try not to be too glum myself, but I think I ought to be at times." As they walked in, Victor helped him back into his chair, "after all, I'm stuck in this thing. Possibly for another six months, maybe even a year. It could have been a lot worse."
Victor nodded, "the way you talk, it could have been."
Mike shook his head and smiled, "I ought to be excited. I'm about to see something amazing."
Victor smiled back, "I wouldn't call it 'amazing.' "
Mike leaned back, "let me judge that. Oh." He fished in the bookbag strapped to his chair and pulled out the cat ears. Putting them on he said, "OK, now I'm ready."
Victor pulled down Saliaven's box. "Do you mind if I change into something else before I change to Saliaven? What I'm wearing isn't exactly good for this."
Mike said, "Do whatever you need to. I want to see this done properly."
Victor, somewhat embarrassed by Mike's earnest attention, stepped into his closet and disrobed quickly. He emerged wearing a skintight unitard and tights. "It works better like this," he explained.
"The first part is the bodysuit, naturally." Victor pulled the black-and-white suit out of the box. "I have the tail attached on this one, so it's pretty easy to put it on." He pulled the zipper down in back and stepped into the suit, pulling it up once both legs were in. He then put his arms in and zipped it up in back. "So that's already most of my body done. The feet come next because they're pretty easy." He pulled the feet on and pulled the legs of the suit over the overlapping sections of foot. "And then the head."
"Why not put your gloves on first?"
Victor picked up one of the handpaws, "take a feel of this paw. It simulates a feline well enough that manipulation is tricky. See how the fingers are thicker and harder to bend?"
Mike handed the glove back, "I get it."
Victor picked up Saliaven's head, "right. As you know, my suit has a moveable jaw. I also worked in some of my own electronic components so that I can talk and hear more easily. All that is pretty much invisible from the outside, but you can see it here on the inside." Victor tipped the head so that the light caught the innards and Mike could see.
Mike nodded, "did you make this?"
Victor shook his head, "no. I'm not that talented. All I could do was upgrade it with what I knew how to do, electronics and mechanical parts. I've been working on a fully cybernetic tail attachment, but that runs into real money."
Mike looked around, "you have real money."
"Not several million, I don't. Stuff like a cybernetic attachment doesn't come with a price tag less than that. I'd need a laboratory and help and custom parts. I'd have to prove that my work also benefited human prosthetics, and what practical use is a tail? I tried working in tentacle attachments for soldiers in the field, but no one is buying it. Anyway," he continued on the suit, "I just move the hair aside like this and sort of work my head in." His voice began to be muffled, "then I adjust the strap so I can move the jaw and flip this switch." His voice began to sound clearer, "and then tuck all the flaps into the neck." He did so. "That leaves the handpaws. One isn't hard to get on, but the second is annoying." He put the first paw on and pulled the bodysuit's arm over the seam. The second handpaw went on with more trouble.
Sal turned around, showing Mike the finished product, "there. Now, what do you think-" He would have been knocked over by the force of the hug had Mike not been so weak. As it was, he kept his balance and put his arms around Mike.
Mike had the side of his face up against Sal. "Yay! Kitty is back."
Sal petted Mike's head, "is this role play, or do you actually think I turn into a different person?"
Mike returned to his chair, keeping one hand in Sal's paw. "A little of both, Uncle Sal. After all, life's no fun if you don't let your imagination run away every so often." He looked up at Sal with a flash of that unnerving perception Victor had noted before, "Besides," Mike said slyly, "I think you do. Change into a different person, that is. Don't you feel different? Like an expectation of how you ought to act is not there? Like you can do anything? Isn't there a desire to act like the character you appear to be?"
Sal looked down at Mike, "I really need to get you a copy of the Chronotis Chronicle. You'd love it!"
Mike laughed, "I do enjoy fantasy more than my mom. I've actually read some of it already. After all, do you really expect a ten-year-old to just pull all that psychological stuff out of thin air?"
As Sal wheeled Mike back into the living room he said, "at this point, I think I'll believe a lot about you."
Mike laughed, "now there's a complement! Thanks!"
Sal brought Mike over to the couch and sat down next to him. Mike reached out tentatively towards Sal.
Sal turned to Mike, "go ahead, it's fine." Mike began to rub his shoulder and Sal said, "so, what do you want to do? I've got a boatload of video games we could play."
Mike grinned, "I think I can manage that. Walking around is pretty tiring."
Mike proved to be almost as enthusiastic about competitive fighting games as Sal, though not quite as skilled. Playing using paws, however, was challenge enough to Sal that the difference wasn't noticeable. They almost didn't notice the doorbell and knock when Nora arrived to pick Mike up. When she saw Sal, she gave him an odd smile, "I hope you didn't get Mike off the bus looking like that. I'd have to insist that they fire the driver."
Mike shouted from his side of the room, "he looked fine, mom! He showed me how to put the kitty suit on."
Nora's expression softened seeing Mike and she said to Sal, "I haven't seen him so happy since the accident, and it's only the first day. Thank you."
As Nora wheeled Mike out the door, he turned in his seat, "I think we should work something out for the next few times. There has to be a way to spend more time with you, Uncle Sal."
Sal smiled, "with your mind working on it, I'm sure we will."
That Friday, Nora found the door unlocked and opened it after knocking and being invited in. The reason Victor hadn't come to the door was that Sal and Mike were on the floor wrestling. "Well, Mr. Falkner," Nora said, "you are full of surprises. Am I going to find you like this often?"
As Sal helped Mike up and back to his chair, he asked, "do you mean roughhousing with Mike or being Saliaven?"
Nora smiled, "try both."
"Well," Victor replied, taking off his head and putting it on the couch, "for the first, Mike wanted to show me how much progress he'd been making in physical therapy. The carpet is soft, I'm pretty soft myself, so he figured he wouldn't come to any harm by pitting his strength against mine. As to the suit, Mike really enjoys it when I wear it, and I'm happy to find someone who likes me to wear it as much as I like wearing it."
Nora laughed as she turned Mike around. "I just hope you don't turn my son weird."
Mike snorted, "I was plenty weird already, mom. Victor just makes it so I have a place to be weird without people giving me odd looks."
Nora smiled, "if you're enjoying yourself and getting less teasing, then I'm content. Well, Mr. Falkner, you've proved yourself a good influence. I hope we can keep doing this until Mike is fully recovered."
Victor put a paw over her hand, "so do I, Ms. Brooks."
Mike added, "don't give me too much of an incentive to stop recovering."
Nora bent down and kissed him on the cheek, "if I say we can stay friends with Mr. Falkner after you're well, is that enough?"
Mike said, "I'll heal twice as fast!"
Victor laughed, "I'll hold you to that."
Chapter 3:
Learning More
The next week, Victor picked Mike up from the bus and told him he had a present for him in the apartment. Mike pestered him for details, but Victor just smiled and told him to wait. Mike saw it immediately, and almost leaped out of his chair before he remembered he was disabled, instead struggling out at a more sedate pace. Victor reached out to help him, but Mike waved him away. "I can manage," he whispered.
Mike reached the gift and slowly sank into his new electric wheelchair. He looked at Victor with surprise and joy. "It's so soft!"
Victor smiled, "I furred the seat and the arms."
Mike rubbed his cheek against the head rest, "wow."
Victor said, "I'm glad you like it."
Mike looked up, "but why? I mean, thanks a lot; this is absolutely amazing, but why bother? I'll be up in a few more weeks, and there's hardly any point in getting me such a brilliantly awesome gift. Not when I'll stop needing it before the year is out."
Victor shrugged, "I didn't like that you were so dependent on others for mobility. Besides, you can always give it to someone who'll need it longer when you're recovered. I won't mind. It'd be good to see it put to permanent use."
Mike turned his chair as Victor walked by to go to the kitchen, "and why go to the expense? I know we're great friends and all, but we've only known each other a week."
Victor emerged with two glasses and handed one to Mike, "time, money and nothing to do, remember? I just want you to know how serious I am about staying friends with you. Don't worry about it. Hey! Want to see a new suit? I know you like Saliaven a lot, but I think we can have a lot of fun with this one."
"Sure," Mike said, about to get up.
Victor put a hand gently on his shoulder, "follow in the chair. Trust me, if we end up having as much fun with this as I think we will, you'll be glad to have conserved your strength."
Mike followed, getting used to the controls of his new conveyance. He looked with interest at what appeared to be a giant plush cat that Victor was lifting out of one of the boxes. A giant striped Mau, to be precise. "Wow, that looks really great."
Victor smiled as he pulled off his shirt. It had been Mike's idea that he wear his undersuit beneath his regular clothes. "That's Thrakmon from the second trilogy. I'm really glad the author let me use his characters."
"You've met him?"
"Online only," Victor replied, removing his slacks, "I always wanted to see him in person, but I've never been able to make the conventions he goes to." He began to take the Arctic Tiger suit apart and then started in on putting the main body on. "As you might have noticed," Victor said as he pulled the zipper up, "Thrakmon is built quite differently from Saliaven. Saliaven is anthro or zoomorphic while Thrakmon was made to look more like the actual Arctic Tiger, including the fact that he's quadrupedal." Victor sat on the bed and pulled the footpaws on, smoothing the fur of the legs over the top of the feet. "That means that you'll have to help me with the front paws. As you can see, they're built to allow me to run around on them, but that also means that I have no dexterity in them. I can get one on fine, but you'll have to help me with the other." He picked up the head and put that on. He then put one arm into the top of the first front paw and with his other hand pulled the sleeve of the bodysuit over it. Mike rolled up and helped him get situated in the second front paw and pulled the sleeve over that himself.
"I always meant to make it possible to manipulate in these paws," Thrak said, his voice blocked to near inaudibility from inside the head, "but I never got around to it." He settled down on all fours and said, "so. Ready for a ride?"
Mike clapped his hands, "of course!"
Thrak padded over to Mike's chair and settled his haunches on the floor, "can you climb on like this?"
Mike carefully maneuvered himself onto Thrakmon's back, wrapping his arms around Thrak's neck and his legs around the big cat's middle. He took a moment to enjoy the feel of the soft fur and padding beneath him before saying, "I'm on, but not too fast. I've been getting stronger, but my grip isn't that great yet."
Thrakmon rose carefully, "then I'll take it really smoothly this time."
Nora had to let herself in again, and though she had expected the scene to be unusual, she was not adequately prepared for the sight of her son riding what appeared to be a large predator cat. They were facing the other direction, the cat sedately pacing down the hall with Mike laughing and cheering so loudly that he hadn't heard the door open. She quickly realized what had to be happening, but still had to say, "is that you, Mr. Falkner?"
The cat turned quickly but carefully to face Nora. Mike laughed and said, "no, mom. This is Thrakmon. He's an Arctic Tiger."
The aforementioned tiger sat on his haunches and Mike slid off of him onto only slightly quivering legs. The cat then stood on his hind legs and put his front ones out angled downward. Mike sighed and fiddled with one at what looked to be a joint. It loosened and came off, revealing a hand. Thus freed, Victor got the other front leg off and then the head, shaking his own and saying, "good evening, Ms. Brooks."
Nora laughed, "good evening! I see that you haven't run out of surprises yet."
"I thought this might be a fun thing to do with Mike."
Nora watched Mike stagger back to Victor's room, "yes, I can see it was a success. I didn't know you wore multiple characters."
Victor replied, "Thrakmon is harder to do because I need another person to help me when I'm in him."
Nora said, "Can I see one of the front legs?"
Victor handed it to her and she looked it over inside and out, "this must be quite strong. Mike isn't that light."
Victor smiled, "yes, they are. It was almost as fun to carry him as it was for him to be carried, I think."
Nora nodded, but was silent for a moment. Finally she said, "I'd better go get Mike."
Victor replied, "Don't worry about it."
Mike rolled out of the door, "I forgot, mom! Victor bought me this electric chair. Isn't it great?"
Nora looked from Mike to Victor, shocked, "that must have been expensive!"
Mike said, "I said so too, but Victor told me it wasn't a problem."
Victor added, "It was hardly a problem for me to do so, and I think Mike will do much better now that he doesn't have to rely so much on other people to get around."
Nora took a deep breath and let it out, "I would guess so. I don't know how to thank you, Mr. Falkner."
Victor smiled, "maybe it's about time to start calling me Victor, Ms. Brooks."
Nora smiled back, "I'll take the liberty if you do." She turned to leave.
"See you tomorrow, Nora." Victor called after her.
Victor had given Nora a key for when he and Mike were too engaged to answer the door, and she'd taken to entering with only a short knock to announce herself. That Thursday, she walked in to find Thrakmon sitting on his haunches next to Mike, both watching TV. Mike was absently stroking Thrakmon down the back, and as she neared, he scratched the big cat on the side of his face and behind his ear.
Mike turned around in his chair and saw his mother standing there. "Hi, mom."
Nora swallowed, "hi. Victor?"
Thrakmon got up and Mike helped him get out of his front paws and head. "Hello, Nora," Victor replied.
Nora said, "Could we talk a moment in the kitchen?"
Victor shrugged, "sure."
Nora led and when Victor arrived she said, "I'm uncomfortable with the idea of my son petting you like that."
Victor nodded, "ah, yes. It might look a little odd. It's totally innocent if you think about it, though. Mike is acting as if I was any other cat, and I admit that it feels good. Besides, a hug is a lot closer than being scratched on the back through several layers of fabric and fur."
Nora replied, "yes, but it's still a little unusual. I'm his mother, and I hope you understand if it makes me nervous."
Victor nodded, "of course, Nora. If it is your wish, I shall try to make sure he doesn't anymore. Still, you may want to talk to him about this. I wouldn't know what to do if he got insistent about it."
Nora nodded, "yes. Much as I hate to say it sometimes, Mike is a very responsible ten-year-old, and headstrong as well. I'll talk to him about it, and if he still wants to, then I trust both of you not to do anything worse."
Victor smiled, "of course we won't. I reaffirm to you that my intentions are honorable, and my behavior as innocent as that of the creatures I portray."
"Thanks for understanding, Victor. I'm glad we can talk like this."
Victor smiled, "I ought to be thanking you, Nora. You trusted me to take care of your only son and didn't lose your cool when you saw him physically stroking me. You came in here, allowed me to explain and even accepted that our behavior was that of a boy towards any other housecat. You're a very remarkable woman."
Nora laughed, "And you are a very strange man, Victor Falkner. I can't believe I just had a serious talk about child care with a man who is wearing most of a cat costume, and that I only really noticed now. In less than two weeks, you've managed to change my entire perspective."
"You're welcome."
Mike rolled in, "are you ready, mom? Did we do something wrong?"
Nora smiled at Mike, "I'm ready. And no, I don't think either of you did anything wrong."
Chapter 4:
Nora has her turn
Nora watched as Victor, dressed as Thrakmon, trotted around the room with Mike happily cheering him on from on top of him. Nora sat on the couch drinking a soda, and as Thrakmon passed her, she reached out and put her hand on his side, stroking him as he passed. "Mike's right," she commented, "you really are soft and pettable."
Thrakmon turned around and padded up to her. Looking up, he said, "getting in on the fun, are we?"
Nora smiled, "just trying to find out what my son sees in all this."
Thrakmon sat and Mike slid off and slowly walked back to his chair. Nora watched him, "Mike's been getting a lot stronger."
Thrakmon climbed up onto the sofa next to Nora and curled up like a cat, "yes, he has."
Nora looked at Victor, "it's still a little weird talking to you like this."
Victor sat up and adopted a more human position, "better?"
Nora reached down, "I think I'd rather talk to a human face." She helped him out of his paws and head, and his posture looked a great deal more natural without his front legs reaching almost to the floor. "Better." She laughed, "I must have been crazy to let Mike convince me to take him here on a Saturday and then stay. Still, I like how you showed me how it all put together."
"You're welcome."
Nora smiled, but stayed silent. Mike began watching TV and Nora finally said, "the old sitter has been practically begging me for another job. I broke down and told her she could watch Mike tonight. I figured it would be nice to get out for a little while. I've saved enough from not having to hire her all week to afford this much. How'd you like to join me for dinner? My treat."
Victor smiled back, "I wouldn't feel right having you pay for everything."
"You can pay half."
"You're on." Victor absently brushed the fur on his leg, "I guess this isn't the proper attire."
Nora laughed, "Not unless you know a place I don't."
"Well," Victor said speculatively, "I might. I also might have something that would fit you if you want to try it."
Nora punched him lightly on the arm, "let's try something more traditional." She put a hand on his arm, "yes, indeed, Mike's right. You are really pettable like this."
Victor's eyes shone, "I might take that the wrong way."
Nora's expression mirrored his, "I assure you, Victor, that my intentions are as innocent as the animal I portray."
Nora arrived precisely on time as usual. She greeted Victor and then paced around him, examining him from all angles. "Very good. Nice suit jacket, no visible ears or tail. The jacket's a little fuzzy, but that's all right because it's velvet." She stepped back, "Black jacket, pink shirt and black pants. Yes, quite acceptable."
Victor leaned over to the side, quickly surveying Nora's black skirt and pumps. "I suppose it's considered bad manners for a man to check for tails on the first date."
Nora laughed, "so this is a date now?"
Victor replied, "I'm dressed up, you look absolutely amazing. We're going out to dinner. Sounds like a date to me."
Nora said, "I thank you for the complement. It's interesting to hear what your concept of 'dressed up' is."
Victor offered Nora his arm, "shall we?"
Nora took his arm, smiling. "Let's."
Dinner went well, and as they conversed, Nora realized that Victor was both more and less strange than she had thought. Sometimes they'd go for half an hour of conversation in which Nora would forget Victor was abnormal, and then he'd say something that she found absolutely weird. Oddly enough, however, Nora found herself laughing, agreeing and even sometimes replying in kind. She had been afraid he'd be awkward, but she had to admit she was enjoying herself.
For his part, Victor was ecstatic. He'd never been much for dating or romance, although he always wanted to try. The fact that he was now having dinner with a charming female, and that she had actually asked him often left him feeling like something had to be wrong. Things this good just didn't happen to him. He tried not to blow it by saying anything too odd, but even his occasional slips seemed to be taken well, and he eventually stopped worrying.
Nora had insisted on driving, so when she dropped him off, Victor felt required to offer some hospitality. "Would you care to come in for a few minutes? I know it isn't exactly a short drive back home."
Nora got out of the car, smiling, "you don't even know where I live. I never told you."
Victor shrugged, "it can't be so close that you wouldn't want to take a break before continuing."
Nora said, "Well, the sitter isn't expecting me back for another half hour, so I suppose I can join you for five minutes."
Victor smiled and offered his arm again, "shall we?"
Nora laughed and joined him, "let's."
Five minutes turned into ten, then to fifteen. Nora was enjoying Victor's company so much that she almost didn't get up when she noticed what time it was. Her thoughts turned to Mike, however, and she decided she'd better go. Victor accompanied her to her car and before she got in, he bent and kissed her hand. "I hope we can do this again soon."
Nora kissed him on the cheek, "so do I."
Chapter 5:
A fun little secret
Mike showed up at the front door, standing up without any sign of weakness for the first time since Victor had met him. "The doctor says I don't need a wheelchair anymore," he announced.
Victor hugged him, "that's great news!"
Mike walked slowly to the couch and sat down, "yeah. I still can't run much or anything, but it's a great improvement over being stuck going everywhere by ramp and elevator."
Victor smiled, but his voice betrayed some sadness, "does that mean you'll be taking care of yourself now?"
Mike smiled up at Victor, "not yet. Mom wants to make sure I'm completely recovered first, and I'm not going to argue. I love coming here."
Victor smiled back, "I'm glad you haven't gotten bored."
Mike shook his head, "it's been longer than I'd thought, but I can never get bored with you around. Even after a year, you still manage to surprise me. With your help, I'm done with my homework in record time and then all the things we do together never get old."
Victor shrugged, "well, then. I was going to show you something new today, in celebration of this landmark. But if that's the way you feel-"
Mike nearly jumped up, "oh no you don't! What is it?"
"Follow me," Victor replied.
As they entered Victor's room, Mike asked, "Is it a new suit?"
"Not exactly new," Victor replied, "just something that I'd like you not to tell your mother about. She might get the wrong idea."
Mike snorted, "You two have been dating for almost a year, you know. I doubt there's anything strange enough to make her change her mind now."
Victor pulled out one of the boxes, "don't be so sure." He pulled the suit parts out and laid them on the bed.
Mike looked at the bodysuit that was keeping much of its shape despite not having a wearer, "you naughty man. I didn't know you went in for crossdressing too."
Victor smiled, "see? There's plenty you don't know about. This is Jamina, book-"
"Book four," Mike said, "I know. I thought I recognized her there. Nice."
"I've also got Marlene, but I don't want to scandalize someone so young."
Mike wolf-whistled, "Marlene! You pervert."
Victor began to put on the bodysuit, "that may be the first time you've ever called me that."
Mike said, "It's the first time you deserved it. Jamina's one thing. I can see enjoying some time as her. But Marlene's a bit on the oversexed side, isn't she?"
Victor laughed, "Only a little." He reached back and zipped up the bodysuit. "What do you think of this one so far?" He sat and began on the footpaws.
Mike replied, "You've certainly got a good figure now." They both laughed. "Really, though, from what I see it's a pretty close fascimile of her. I always imagined Jamina went in for a really big fluffy tail, and the bright coloration is about right." He grinned, "You've added some to the chest, however. As I recall, Jamina was not a very curvaceous vixen. Quite the opposite, she was always complaining about being underdeveloped."
Victor began on the head, "well, when one is doing drag, one has to make changes sometimes. My natural body needs a bit of extra help to pass properly."
As Victor put on the handpaws, Mike said, "I note that this one doesn't have a voice booster."
"Actually it does," Jamina replied, putting a claw to her neck, "I just didn't want to turn it on yet," she said, her voice now the tones of a shy teenage girl.
Mike whistled low, "that's good. I assume an addition of your own."
Jamina nodded, the features of the head and her own gestures making it seem like she was embarassed by the praise.
Mike said, "If I were a couple of years older, I'd probably be attracted to you. As it is, I'm- well hell, I'm attracted anyway."
Jamina replied, "Thanks I think."
Mike looked at the clock, "I'm not exactly sure what to do, but if you want to change back before mom gets here, we'll have to do it fast."
Jamina laughed, "It's a good thing I'm not Marlene, or I might have taken that as a proposition."
Mike put up a finger, "you can't pull that one. Marlene herself said she doesn't rob the cradle."
Jamina said, "True. Well, I actually just wanted to show you what a pretty girl I am. If you'd rather have Saliaven or Thrakmon, I understand."
Mike replied, "And pass up the chance to hang out with an attractive female who just said she only showed up to show off? I think not. Come on, we'll go to the living room and see what we can do."
Nora walked in and didn't even slow down when she found her son sitting next to a sexy vixen playing video games. "Well, Victor," she said, "why has this never come up on a date?"
The vixen nearly leapt a foot in the air. Jamina spun around, her black hair spreading out behind her and her tail thumping her chest as she stopped, "Nora! We didn't expect you to be back so early."
Nora looked at Mike, "you didn't tell him? Shame on you, Mike."
Jamina looked at Mike, "you knew she'd be here early today? You little sneak!"
Nora held back a laugh, "and how long has this been going on?"
"Just today, mom," Mike said, "isn't she adorable?"
Nora looked into Jamina's wide green eyes, "yes, indeed she is. Victor, I can't believe after all this time you'd think I'd find this anything more than a new development. She twined her arms around Jamina, "you're a furry, Victor. Exactly how can you put 'crossdresser' as a higher offense?" She dug at Jamina's neck, raised her face slightly and kissed Victor on the mouth, "you really are adorable." She stepped back, "I think I like this one best." She pronounced, and as Victor attempted to find something to say, she took Mike and left.
Much later
Mike put his latest test down on the coffee table, "another '105'. This is really all too easy."
Victor looked up from his book, "yeah, well. I hope college challenges you."
Mike grinned, "I hope you remember our agreement, dad."
Victor replied, "You mean about the prom. Well, I suppose since you went to the halloween dance male, you can do this. I still can't believe they're making the prom fancy dress." He snorted, "Good god I envy you, young lady."
Mike laughed, "so I can go?"
Victor said, "tickets on your bed, you mom's been out shopping for a dress all morning."
Mike hugged his father tightly, "thanks! You're the best. I'm such a lucky young woman."
Victor said, "You can be the second, but try not to achieve the first. Prom night sex is overrated."
Mike laughed, "Like you'd know!"
Victor closed his book, "I'll have you know that I- look, I'm not getting into that. Who's the young man?"
Mike shrugged, "Sean."
Victor nodded, "your best friend. He knows about all this, I assume."
Mike rolled his eyes, "he wouldn't be my date if he didn't, dad. I think he wants a suit of his own, actually."
Victor looked up, "hoping for a matching pair, are we?" He sighed, "he's a responsible enough young man, I suppose. He can borrow Saliaven for the night."
Mike clapped, "yes! Don't worry, either. I picked him because he's that responsible. He'll have me home by midnight and no funny stuff unless I ask for it."
Victor closed his eyes, "I'll try to ignore the qualifier there." He sat up, "want to go cheer some kids up at the zoo?"
Mike smiled, "yeah, dad. That sounds great."