Shifters: Chapter 14; A Legendary Intervention

Story by RozWolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Shifters Series

<Authors Note>

Yay! Finally new Kai and Hope coming your way. Hope you all enjoy :)

As always- please comment and rate- opinions are always welcome

Shifters: Chapter 14; A Legendary Intervention

Kai had no idea where he was. Standing amidst fields of wildflowers he would have guessed somewhere near Floaroma town, but there was something wrong, something missing from the world around him. It was quiet; the only sound the flowers rustling in the light breeze. He glanced around, but on all sides he was met with the same picture; endless fields of flowers in every direction stretching as far as the eye could see. Shrugging, and with absolutely no idea where he was, or how he had gotten there, he started walking.

But he had barely taken three steps when the wind picked up, and suddenly a gale was raging, pushing him from three sides forcing him to go back, to follow the winds direction. When he turned to face this direction though, the wind died down, and again he stood in the midst of a quiet field of gently rustling flowers. Again shrugging, he set off in the direction the wind had indicated, and this time he walked unhindered. Within minutes, and seemingly from nowhere, the ground in front of him rose into a steep mountain of sheer cliffs and rocky outcrops. When he tried to change direction, to go around the mountain, the wind blew again and he was forced into the perilous climb.

The mountain was large, the cliffs daunting, and it took several long and arduous hours of climbing to reach the summit. On more than one occasion the rocks beneath Kai's feet would shift, and twice he almost fell, saved only by his determination and plain luck. It was worse when he reached the summit. Cresting the top of the last rise, Kai's heart had soared at the achievement, but on setting foot on top of the mountain, he found himself once again standing amongst the flowers on the plain. Looking back Kai could see the cliffs behind him, could see his progress, but looking ahead, nothing had changed and he felt a surge of disappointment as he again began walking.

After what seemed like hours of walking, his feet numb, his breath panting from the long period of exertion he finally stopped and risked a look backward. To find himself standing at the peak of the same mountain he had climbed hours ago, with not one step of progress made. It was nearly enough to drive him to tears; he had walked so long, but had not taken a single step of actual progress. Gritting his teeth he howled in protest, his frustration overcame him and he launched himself into a run, again looking back to find he still hadn't moved a centimetre from his starting point. Slumping to the ground, his will crushed, Kai stared numbly out over the plains.

"Now there's a lesson to be learned here young one"

Kai froze, the voice had emanated from no one place, permeating the air around him, a hauntingly beautiful voice, one as powerful as the heavens above. He froze, and the world around him melted away. He was standing now amongst light. More than that he was light, his physical presence melted away and he was lifted up, cradled in a mass of brightness and calm. The presence he had heard speak was with him too, all around him, and it spoke again. Remember this; it said when you encounter hardship in your life. Remember this because sometimes, despite all assumed progress, nothing will amount of your efforts. You will encounter many such times in your life, when surrendering will seem so appealing an option, that all hope is lost. This is my advice to you young one; never give in. Uphold your virtues and pursue your dreams with all of your strength and they will become reality.

"Who are you?" Kai finally asked, "How do you know so much about me?"

The voice seemed to pause for a moment before answering; I_have been called many things, but the name you may recognise would be Arceus._

Kai's mind went somewhat numb at this point. What on earth could a being such as Arceus want with him? Voicing this question received a surprising answer; the reason I have brought you here young one, is to set you a task, one that can only be achieved through your cooperation.

"And what task would that be?"Kai questioned.

To uphold the virtues of Justice and Equity, Arceus answered To help those in need, those who are oppressed and in danger at the hands of others. I need a strong right arm, one that can act to prevent wrongdoings from affecting the lives of innocents. You would be that arm, if you agree that is, and assist me in my crusade against Darkness.

Kai didn't think for long. The feeling he had experienced when he had saved that child's Whooper, the feeling when he had unlocked the cages of his new companions, these were feelings that he longed to experience again, and if he could make it his job to help others, well then, all the better. That was a cause more deserving than mere badges and power.

"I'll do it" he said confidently "I will help others in any way I can, and I will fight those who cause the innocent to suffer".

That is all I can ask responded Arceus Fight with the honour, and the courage necessary to change this world. I will contact you again, but for now I bid you farewell, And with that, Arceus's presence disappeared and Kai was floating again among the light, moving now, lifting up, up and away from the peaceful fields, and back into his own body. Opening his eyes, he glanced around.

The entrance hall of the compound greeted him, and the calls of his friends, old and new stirred him to his feet. Amazingly, no time had passed, and it was the aftermath of his destructive outburst that greeted his senses. Smoke, and the smell of burning flesh assailed his nostrils and he retched, staggering over to his friends hiding place, the marble staircase that still stood at the far end of the room. With no time to talk, the group made their way to the entrance, stopping on the way only to grab Kai's belongings, which were stored quite helpfully behind the still burning remains of the front desk.

Staggering outside into the bright light of the forest they ran as the compound behind them burned, the sound of alarms and sirens could still be heard, even hours later as they staggered through the thickly forested woods. Kai Shifted into Ninetales form, pack still slung across his back as the undergrowth became more and more dense.

Jet took to the skies, and it was his scouting that saved them on many occasions from the constantly apparent guard posts and sentries scattered throughout the woods. Eventually though, they were in the clear, and leaving the compound well behind them, pressed on through the light meadows surrounding Floaroma.

The Shifters stopped at last in a large clearing just north of the town, Jet flying down to meet them as they came to a halt on the edge of the meadow, soaring out of the sky and alighting on a fallen stump nearby.

"There's nobody nearby" Jet said, preening his ruffled feathers as he spoke "And Floaroma Town is quiet, I think it would be safe to go into town".

The whole group looked to Kai, who briefly considered for a moment. "Maybe" he said slowly "But not now. We'll do some closer reconnaissance in the morning, but for now we need to talk.