A Better Life Chapter 1 (Revised)
"What are you?" James yelled at the shadow that had appeared infront of him. "I am something you will become in the future if you choose to walk down my path, so tread carefully." replied the shadow. After saying that the shadow flickers out of James sight. "What path are you talking about." cried Jamess angrily. You have been warned. replied the shadow's voice that seemed to surround him.
James Inferno slowly opens his eyes to burning light. He groans as he realises that its morning. He is a 17 year old fox who lives alone since his parents died in a mysterious accident and all of his relatives are dead as well. The only thing close to family he has is his best friend Sasha Redwood who is like a sister to him. As he walks out the front door of the house he had recieved from his parents will, he trips over a blood red stone that seemed to pulsate with a weird energy. James thinks about leaving it, then realises he could use it to smash one of the windows of the school, so he stuffs it into his poket and walks of to Sasha's house. "Good Morning James." said a rather cheerful Sasha. "Mornin Sasha, you sleep well." asked James with a yawn. "Yes I did, how did you sleep." asked Sasha. "Just fine." James replied. Sasha knew that it wasnt the truth since James had gotten a slight case of insomnia since his parents had passed. "Well we had better go, or else we'll be late... again." said Sasha with a hint of anger in her voice. "Oh, come on I said I was sorry." whined James. After five minutes, they heard the warning bell that meant they had ten minutes to get to class.. "James, we have to hurry." cried Sasha. "I know but i'm just not fast en... whoah." James cried as he suddenly felt a pulse of energy and instantly shot forward. Sasha gasped as she saw how fast he was going. "Holy crap." she thought. James was at the school in a matter of minutes. Five minutes later Sasha arrived panting hard. "Since when were you able run that fast?" she yelled. James however was wondering the same thing, then he remembered the strange dream he had about the shadow and him walking down the same path as it. "No, it couldn't have meant this, could it?" he thought. As soon as they arrived at school, they were told to go to the detention area where they have two rooms. One was for the males while the other was for the females. As James walked into the room, he was instantly grabbed and thrown into a wall. "What are you doing here, faggot." growled Luke Panzer, who happened to hate James for hanging out with Sasha all the time since she was apparently his girlfriend. "I was late coming to school today." said James with fear in his voice. "Were you with Sasha?" asked Jacob Schneider. "Depends, what would happen if I said yes?" asked James. "You either get pounded into this wall or we throw you into a pool filled with kerosene and light you on fire". replied Wes Jager. "So either way, I'm dead." retorted James. "Yup." replied Luke. "Then no, I wasn't with Sasha." said James. "You fricken liar, I saw you two walk in together." yelled Jacob. "Shit, I'm screwed now." thought James. "Say goodbye, Mr. Inferno." said Luke as he readied his famous left hook. James closed his eyes, then he felt that pulse of energy again and opened his eyes. Jacob blinked as he stared at James eyes. "Uh boss, I thinl you should look at his eyes." said Jacob. When Luke looked at James eyes he gasped, James eyes were now a molten gold and silver color. "What the hell." yelled Luke "How did that happen. his eyes are supposed to be brown not gold and silver." "What are you guys talking about?" asked James. "Just go look at that convenantly placed mirror." said Wes. James did look ito the mirror and the look of shock appeared on his face. "How did this happen, what is going on." cried James.
To Be Continued in chapter 2