A redemption of the soul Chapter 5
#5 of A Redemption of the soul
Sorry this chapter is a bit short.
It was either a slightly shorter chapter, or an extremely long chapter and i thought it this chapter could be used as a bridge for the next section.
You can make your own minds up whether you like it or not. As always, rate and comment!
Have fun reading :)
The rest of the day flew by, They talked none stop for the whole time. For hours they just discussed anything, content with hearing the others voice. Cynder talked about the town they were in, her new job teaching and the people how lived here, she only had positive things to say. Spyro however was constantly hesitant, every time he thought about his past he felt such hurt.
Cynder understood this, she had felt this pain as well. She could see that the purple dragon was unstable, he constantly twitched and he often grabbed his head in pain. But it all seemed to go away whenever she got close to him, she stayed next to him for hours, it caused her too much pain to see him in such a state.
However soon she began to feel hungry, and although Spyro didn't show it. She knew that the purple dragon must be starving. She said to him softly.
"Spyro... I'm going to get some food, we are both starving, I know it. Please just be patient, I will only be gone for a short while"
Even as she got up she saw Spyro twitch, she heard him say.
"Please come back..."
"I will Spyro... I'll be as quick as possible."
She hurried out the front door. Spyro just sat where he was, jittering slightly. He wanted to heal, he wanted nothing more to heal his mind for Cynder; but it was just too hard.
Everytime he thought about it, some horrific memory would be thrown up and he would panic. The corruption in his heart was not going to go without a fight. Spyro trembled slightly as he made his way to his feet, his energy was rapidly leaving him and crawled to the carpet, at least it was slightly more comfortable then the wooden floor.
He slumped onto it and let his eyes close, his mind began to flash and he felt the world around him disappear.
Spyro's eye's opened to a completely different room. Spyro looked around curiously and he remembered, he remembered before the turmoil in his life, he thought back to his youth.
"I'm in the chroniclers room..."
He whispered softly, he began to explore the room. It was vast and there were books everywhere, Spyro wandered blindly through it amazed at it all. He walked down corridors of shelves untill he reached a clearing, he saw a blue tail lying on the ground.
"Chronicler?" Spyro said and the tail shifted. Spyro wandered into the opening and he saw the massive blue dragon standing there, but it wasn't the same dragon as before. The face and eyes...
"Ignitus?..." Spyro asked dumbly.
Ignitus smiled quietly down at him.
"Yes Spyro... it's me"
Spyro ran and flung himself at the dragon, he held him so tightly it was impossible to break them apart. Ignitus slowly reached down and hugged his son.
"Dad! I thought... I thought..." Spyro stammered but Ignitus shushed him softly.
"It's Ok Spyro... it's all going to be Ok"
Spyro just held him tightly and muttered.
" Why are you blue?"
He muttered and Ignitus stroked his head softly, chuckling.
"It wasn't my choice... but I don't mind"
Ignitus let go of him and said in a almost teasing voice.
"I must say, fate sure has tied you and Cynder together, Not matter how hard you try you always seem to find each other, it's like those chains were never broken. But i don't think you mind that, do you?"
Spyro laughed slightly, but then he buried his head back into Ignitus's chest. His whole body was shaking with the strange mix of emotions going through him.
" This... it's all too much. First Cynder, now you and it's just..." Spyro said quietly but Ignitus lifted his head slowly to face him.
"Spyro... it's ok to feel confused, i can't imagine any other dragon feeling any different."
Ignitus slowly let go of Spyro. Spyro felt like a child again, he was confused and scared, but when ignitus spoke again he gave him his full un-divided attention.
"I have been watching you and... *sigh* what happened? You threw your heart out to the darkness and let it get consumed. When your mother died, I couldn't handle it either. But we have to be strong, we have to face it down like our enemies in combat. She meant the world to me, and she loved you even before you had been born."
Ignitus's tone was full of hurt and his voice shook, but he stood resolute and strong. Spyro leant on his father and he asked in a quiet tone.
"What was her name?"
Ignitus sighed slowly and said.
"Ariel... she had blue skin, a bit like mine now, but she was so beautiful, she was so caring... She meant so much to me. You have her eyes. You remind me so much of her."
Ignitus sighed slowly and he said in a strained voice.
"The last words she said to me were to care for you... I failed her, but you say you failed me... I guess we are all failures in a way, no-one is perfect. We all get things wrong, but the fact that you can see the wrongs you have committed, and the fact that you feel for the people you have wronged. You are a good dragon who let himself slip."
Spyro looked at Ignitus and Ignitus stared back. His voice was serious yet soft.
"Spyro, you have a chance to right your wrongs. You can do it... I know you can, your heart is in the right place. You are so much like your mother, You care too much... Help this town out, although It may not seem like it, you will need to be a hero once more, everyone will depend on you once again."
Spyro squeezed him tightly and said.
"But... what if I fail? I've already caused so much destruction, I've already hurt so many people"
"You won't fail if you follow what your heart says, because I know your heart is pure."
Ingitus let go of Spyro and he patted his head.
"Come on... umm... I can't call you little one anymore, you've really grown into a proper dragon." He smiled tenderly and Spyro grinned back.
"Anyway, don't worry about me. I'll be watching over you, you must look after Cynder and those near to you. There is trouble up ahead, but you can handle it, i know you can. Then, you will be at peace, remember the night is always the darkest before dawn"
Spyro tilted his head in confusion and said.
"You are speaking in riddles... what is that supposed to mean?"
Ignitus chuckled and slowly the room began to turn white.
"Good luck Spyro, remember I'm always with you"
"Dad! DAD!!" He yelled desperately as his vision faded to white.
He woke with a start on the carpet. There were no towering shelves full of books, and his father wasn't there.
Spyro punched the floor gently and he said softly.
"I love you dad..."
He felt relieved, he felt some of the weight on his shoulders get lifted and he gave a sigh of happiness. His trembling stopped, his muscles loosened up and he felt so much more free.
Slowly he clambered to his feet, he could hear a scuffling from the other room. Quietly he snuck round the corner and see Cynder desperately trying to start a fire underneath a pot.
"Need a hand?" Spyro asked and Cynder leapt out of her skin, she growled and bared her teeth but then as soon as she saw it was Spyro she stopped.
"Spyro! Please don't scare me like that again. I thought you were still asleep"
Cynder panted slightly as she relaxed, Spyro slowly walked up to her and lent down besides the wood. He breathed a small bit of fire onto it yet all it did was smoke.
"Cynder next time... I'd get dry wood" Spyro said, Cynder just scoffed and said in a scolding voice.
"I have walked through snow as high as knees to get this, this is the driest stuff I have found! And I'm not allowed to store wood because the council says I could have stolen it... There's a massive forest outside the town and yet people are still worried about me stealing wood!"
She sighed a little and calmed down.
"Spyro... please could you help me get this started, it's a real pain in the neck"
Spyro nodded and gently he breathed yet more fire onto the wood, slowly the water evaporated and the kindling caught fire. He breathed a bit more forcefully and soon the fire danced merrily in front of him.
"Thank you Spyro... *groan* what a nightmare! I had no money so I had to hunt for the food, I spent ages looking for something but of course everything is hibernating! All I found were a few rabbits, I had to scare them out of there hole... but I managed to find a bit of sheep in the store room, I'm sorry it's not a lot."
Spyro said happily, a smile on his face.
"It's more food than I have had in days, thank you"
Cynder looked at him and she smiled gently, Spyro's mood had suddenly changed and she liked it. She nuzzled his chest and said.
"It's good to see you smile"
Spyro grinned at her and he licked her nose.
"I'm just so happy to see you"
Cynder blushed a little and she gave a small childish giggle. Spyro smiled at her and he felt better than then he had in years.
They waited for the meat to cook in silence, quietly content with each other's company. Soon the smell of cooking was too much for Spyro's stomach and it let out a long rumble. He looked at in surprise and Cynder took the hint.
She grabbed a couple of slabs to put the food on and she carried it to a small table. Spyro followed and he sat himself down in front of a steaming plate.
"It's a bit over the top isn't it? I mean, I would have just eaten the meat back there." Spyro said bluntly, Cynder gave him a look and said.
"Well, I have manners and I prefer to stick to them"
Spyro grinned slightly.
"You really have changed"
But soon Spyro's stomach took over and he couldn't wait any longer. He devoured the food in front of him. Cynder took her time and she was only half done when Spyro stifled a burp and gave a satisfied sigh.
"Ugh... you are just gross sometimes" Cynder groaned and Spyro looked at her with a slight grin on his face.
"Sorry..." he said but he was still smiling, Cynder shook her head disapprovingly and continued to eat.
Spyro watched her the whole time, she was so much more mature now but she still held beauty of her youth. The diamonds on her skin shined so brightly, she looked so delicate. Yet Spyro knew better than to under estimate her.
She finished and looked at him, Spyro gleamed at her and Cynder said softly.
"feel better now you've eaten?"
Spyro nodded and replied.
"Better than in a long time"
The sun was quickly setting and the house began to cool down. Cynder headed straight to her bed, wrapping herself up tightly in the blankets, shivering as the temperature dropped. Spyro stood around and didn't know quite what to do, He called out to the cocoon of sheets which Cynder hid in.
"Can I sleep on the carpet? I don't have anywhere to go"
A slightly muffled cry came in response.
"You can sleep on my bed in you really want, I don't mind. But I get all the sheets"
Spyro gave a small laugh and an idea came to his head, he started up his internal flame which he used to breath fire with. He felt his stomach, it was nice and toasty.
She lay down next Cynder and she gave a slight purr.
"Spyro? is that you that's so warm?"
"Yep, I guess being able to breathe fire does have other benefits."
Cynder broke the cocoon and threw the sheets over the both of them, she snuggled up next to Spyro's belly and purred softly.
"I could get used to heating like this..." She mumbled and she smiled sleepily.
Put an extra surge of heat through his stomach, not too hot but enough to make Cynder give another cute purr as she fell asleep.
Spyro felt not just the warmth in his stomach, but the warmth in his heart run through his veins. He fell asleep and for the first time he didn't dream of awful memories and hurt. He dreamt of a better future and of the dragoness by his side.