Odd Circumstance
Okay so this is my first time writing a story for others to read :)
It's a little short story I wanted to write I hope it's not too terrible or repulsive i want to become a better writer so please criticize I really want to hear your thoughts peeps. Still getting used to the formatting on the site so hopefully nothing was destroyed :)
Looking for constructive and hard criticism (constructive prefered) :)
Enjoy (I hope)
It made absolutely no sense to me. Just a few hours prior I had been sitting in a classroom surrounded by many of my friends, and now sitting in an eye clinic waiting for my over-the-hill father to finish his eye examination and get even more drugs. But, shit happens.
Its not as if my father is a very sick old man. Its just over the past few years he has been getting sicker and sicker recently. I guess it started when he was about 45 and was offered a job at the Furona Hospital as head of the machine repair and maintenance staff. His jobs pretty cool I guess...Sitting around all day watching TV with his subordinates and searching the Furnet for whatever funny articles he can find. But as time passed he got sicker and sicker and now by 55 I've got no choice but to drive him around to pick up his medication and take him to doctors appointments. Its sad now when you look at him. When he was younger he looked like the muscular, Black Wolf, Alpha dog I remembered, right now he looked more like an Omega at most
It's not that I mind driving him around. It's just that it's unsatisfying to sit around listening to my Ipadd and playing games, waiting for him to finish yet another appointment. When I could be out with friends...but I do it because I love him.
I sat there at yet another appointment, "Shit its already 3:00..." I said to myself thinking about the latest episode of FurWatch I just missed. I had never missed a show. I watched it like a stalker watches his interest, I mean I was obsessed with this show, I loved the show's plot line and some of my favorite actors played in it or guest starred "*COUGH COUGH COUGH*" "ughhhh *gargling flem sounds*" I looked in the direction of the sound that made me retch and bring me back into reality. It was a withered, old bear, coughing up a bunch of flem, he was probably a grizzly bear when he was younger but as I look at him he looked more like a black bear with white hair, he had calluses and some sorts of growths on his right hand that looked like scars and fungus at the same time. I mean common EWWWW! I sat there squirming away before I realized that there was no where to squirm to. I had placed myself in the corner of this room filled with sick furs waiting for my father to finish his appointment. Im going to get sick from sitting in these places one day I said to myself as my eyes wandered around to see the many different furs around me. Old furs, tired furs, a couple of cubs, and...one very interesting husky, Hes cute I said to myself before he looked and I turned a way quickly. I sat there and tried to get a good look at the fur before I caught his attention. As I sat in my chair I angled myself to see the husky sitting across the room without catching his attention or staring. Alrighty. Perfect. I chirped to myself in happiness but as I looked up he was gone. "Damn...where did he...?" I said to myself when suddenly that same husky sat down next to me. "Hey there...I noticed you from across the room, you seem to be the only person here my age. Funny right?" the mysterious husky said to me "Y-yeah, weird right?" I said. Damn I stuttered. I thought to myself until I cut myself off when I took a close up look at this husky. He looked about 6 2" , he had a grey coat, with many tints of gray melding together to create a color I had never seen, from the Metallica shirt and dusty blue jeans he was wearing I could tell he worked out. He was buff, had well toned arms, from the looks of his shirt he had a 6 pack. And as I looked up to his face all I saw was a pair of beautiful neon blue eyes and a perfect white smile. Wait...hes smiling at me?
"You like what you see?" said the husky smiling at me "N-n-no wait, y-yeah, wait no I was just...looking at..." "Me? I get it, but I think I should introduce myself, I'm Sean, and you are...?" He looked at me grinning waiting for my reply. Still stunned by this charming husky I managed "My names Tyler" "Alright Tyler, nice to meet you, so how do I look?" I looked at him stunned by what he had said. He knew I had been looking at him. "Pretty good I suppose, you seem to work out" I managed to get out after carefully thinking of my reply. "Thanks. I have to admit though, You have a nice body too" At this point I was completely in shock, Had this guy just said what I think he just said? I mean I had an okay body I guess, but nothing to write home about. I was a black wolf, the only thing about me that changed was the tone of my fur which went from a darker black on my back to a slightly lighter black on my chest, forearms, and lower legs. I had hazel colored eyes, and I just recently got a piercing on my left ear. As for muscle tone, I ran so it wasnt like I was out of shape, I had a toned, more petite body, I was 5 7" so I was shorter then him, shorter then most furs. I was wearing a grey shirt and a pair of jeans, slightly worn because I had not thought I would meet anyone at the clinic.
I sat there blushing under my fur hoping he wouldnt notice when he came close to my face literally less then a foot from me.
"You okay in there?" Sean said grinning
"Yeah, sorry, spaced a bit there...thanks"
"No problem cutie, So, you like running Im guessing" Sean said still grinning, I couldn
t help but get lost in his eyes...Wait, how the hell did he guess that? And did he just call me "cutie"?
"How did you know?" I said in utter confusion
"Well, when I look at how firm your legs are, and the way your built I know youre a runner." Sean said "Also Im on the football team so I see you running all the time."
"Your on the football team?" I said, I knew every guy on the football team and I had never seen him.
"Yeah, I see you at school all the time." Sean said
As our conversation started to pick up I saw my father coming out of the clinic with his sunglasses on, obviously blind from the eye repair. I started to pack up my things and looked at Sean "Sorry Sean, I have to go thats my dad. Ill see you sometime? You wanna go for coffee sometime or maybe meet up at school?" I asked, hopeful he would say yes. "Sure, how about we meet on the roof of the school tomorrow?" He said softly, and with that I left saying goodbye hopeful to our next meeting. "Have fun Tyler?" my father said looking at me with eyes shut. "Yeah I met someone my age here and got talking, you know, whatever." I said shrugging it off so my dad wouldnt know. My day continued on horribly after that. Went home for dinner and found that my father had another appointment after school, which meant I had to skip running again, WHICH ALSO MEANT I WOULDNT GET TO SEE SEAN ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM. "Honestly such an FML." I murmured to myself as I sat in my room looking at the ceiling. So I shrugged it off and went to sleep, an awesome dream too, I dreamt about Sean.
The next morning I awoke to find my alarm clock busted so I had to run to the shower to clean out my fur, grabbed some toast my mom prepared and ran the hell out the door. The best part about being a runner was that I was fast. Just as I made it to school I heard the bell ring. Holy shit sticks I made it! I said to myself checking my time, 20 seconds shaved off my record...Im getting good at this.
The day went by slowly as I sat watching the clock go by until lunch came when I would see Sean. Each moment feeling like an eternity repeating over and over. Seeming endless in its ticking...I tried to distract myself but it didn't help that Mrs.Krundle ,the old badger with a mole ontop of her nose, was talking about vectors. It was easy as hell so I completely zoned out of class. Finally I made it out and I ran at full speed up the stairs but slowed down as I reached the top...Dont want to seem stalker-ish or desperate...calm down man, hes just a cute husky who seems to like you...relax.
I tried my hardest to calm myself down but as I opened the door to the roof I couldnt help but skip a heartbeat when I saw him slouching over the balcony already staring out into the sky. His smile growing gradually as the wind picked up slightly and kissed his cheeks, blowing his head fur around. Probably the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
As I got lost in his sheer hotness he turned to me and put on and ever more beautiful smile, a smile for me. "Hey, so you came!" "Yeah, I wouldnt miss it." I said trying to act cool, but its a little difficult if youre heart skips every fifth beat, which mine wouldnt stop doing. "Heh, funny wolfie, come here" he motioned me to come over and, reluctantly, I did. We sat there looking out at the football field, the portables behind the school, students walking around, talking, eating their lunches, It was a really nice view but as I looked at Sean he was looking up. I looked up and all I saw was the sky. "You know, the sky is by far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I could get lost for days looking at it. Nothing could bring me down from the clouds if I could fly." Sean said, looking at me "But, I hope Im not going too fast here but I think your more beautiful then the sky."
I looked at him turning completely red under my fur. What a pick up line...actually that was pretty good...but wait what???? "I dont know if you will say yes, but I really like you, I dont even know what im saying...bleh! right? Im getting all tongue tied and..." I stopped him with a kiss. I couldnt do anything else to express my exploding happiness. "See you tomorrow then" Sean said licking his lips "Definitely" I said pulling him back
Day after day we met up on the roof, sitting around, studying (well more like me teaching him...I soon found out he was clueless when it came to math), everyday sharing stories with eachother. And after dating for two weeks I started to walk up to the roof like I did every other day when my friend Everett stopped me "Dude! where you going? Cafeteria is this way!" Everett was a regular otter, nothing really out of the ordinary, he wore a black pair of shorts and a Led Zeppelin T shirt. But he was my best friend and he knew I was gay.
"Just going to the roof, Im meeting someone up there." I said to him smiling like an idiot "OOOOHHHHH whats his name?" Everett said joyful and expectant. "Heh, his names Sean." "From our school? Which grade is he in? Is he on any teams?" "Hes from our school, our grade, and hes on the football team." I said smiling at him "Sean? I remember hearing about him, alright then have fun lover boy!" Everett said slapping my ass as I walked up the stairs to see Sean sitting where we usually sat staring up at the sky. I sat down next to him and laid back looking at the clouds. Sean had a different face today though, more thoughtful. "Whats wrong?" "Nothing" he said smiling at me "I was just wondering, do you think if you could fly you could reach heaven?" "I guess" I said, thinking about it.
The days went by and I couldnt be more happy until one day on a wendsday afternoon Sean didnt show, I looked around and I could find him...Thursday came and once again nothing. Things were getting a little scary...Friday, nothing again. Theres a football practice after school, I'll find him and find out whats going on. So I went to the practice seeing all the guys practicing on the field, saw a couple of friends, waved at them and asked had they seen Sean. Everyone said they didnt know a Sean...What? I though to myself walking away...Its possible theres like 80 guys on the team, they probably dont all know eachother.
So the weekend went by and I talked to Everett, the only guy who knew my secret. As I sat on my bed I unloaded everything. "Dude, its okay"Everett said to me trying to console me "No its not, I have no idea where he is!" I said to Everett beginning to spazz out. "Look, Tyler, I think we need to talk about you and Sean." "What are you talking about?" I said confused to what he was saying. "I did some research on Sean and I found out some stuff about him, It hit me that I knew every guy on the football team and I barely knew him, so I looked into it and found something disturbing." Everett said in a monotone that was beginning to freak me out as he finished. "I dont care what it is, If hes into drugs or whatever Im fine with it, I love him, so tell me what?" "Hes dead." Within those single two words I stopped. Heart, lungs, mind, soul. "When." The only thing I could croak out. "This is why I am a little concerned...Hes been dead for about a month now" "T-t-then w-w-ha?" "He had cancer..." My mind was a in complete disarray. He was dead? Then who was that on the roof this entire time???? I went running, the only thing I knew how to do, to the school not really in control of my body. I sprung up the stairs and burst the door open. Into the night air on the roof, I stood there out of breath staring at Sean...still there, staring at the sky. "Hey." That one word. The only word I needed. I broke down, ran into his chest and cried, soaking his shirt with my overflowing tears. Soon I told him what Everett had said to me and how happy I was that he was still here. When I finished he looked at me and shared a passionate kiss. Its like he knew everything I needed from him. But after our kiss, he looked at me...seriously. "We need to talk" He said his mood lightening up "No need to...I know." I said smiling and kissing him putting my tongue into his mouth and sharing yet another passionate kiss. "You know?" He said, our foreheads touching, a pained look on his face "Yeah" "How?" "Me too" "What?" "Tonight" "I love you."
The next day Everett was exhausted looking for Tyler who had disappeared after the news. He went back to Tyler's house to see if he had gotten home last night. As he approached Tylers house police cars were standing out front. "Figures" Everett mumbled to himself. But as he approached Tylers mother and sister were crying. His father stone faced. "What happened?" Everett asked Tylers mother "Tylers was hit by a car last night. Honey hes dead!" Tylers mother said between sobs "No...How?" Everett asked in despair "He was hit in front of Furona High. Do you know anything about it?" Asked the bull dressed as a police officer "No."