new year, new life chapter 4

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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#3 of New year, new life

Told you the next one would be up quickly, to be honest i've finished the story as a rough draft but i'm waiting for feed back before i do each section. Also check out my nice fancy tags! Becuase i'm awesome, lol jk i'm not

Oh well enough from me, here's the next section for ya'll

The district they were in was unfamiliar to Cynder, there were a few apartment buildings and the houses were a reasonable size. She was used to the scummiest places imaginable, it was easy to steal there and there were often rats; She hated stealing but and knew she had to survive and it often tasted better than the rats.

Compared to where Cynder usually slept, it was like she had walked into the rich estates. The streets were quiet and there were no drunks, no sex shops, no gangs and there was no constant whirring of police sirens. The quiet actually scared her a little, She nudged Spyro was spoke in a hushed voice.

"Where are we? Why is it so quiet here? Where are you taking me?"

"Please just be patient, you will see"

He began to jog to one of the towering apartment buildings, Cynder tried to catch up but he was too fast. He flew up the stairs and Cynder desperately tried to catch up. She eventually reached him, he was fumbling about with a set of keys. Eventually got the door open and he beckoned her in.

The apartment was small and had everything that you would expect from a cheap apartment. A small kitchen, 1 bathroom, 2 bedrooms and a small sitting room. To anyone else, it seemed like a reasonable but small apartment. But to Cynder, it was like a miniature palace. It was clean, well furbished and there were proper beds, not a few bits of dirty cloth which she normally slept on.

Cynder looked at him with a astonished gape.

"How many people do you share this with? it must cost a fortune"

"No-one it's only me here."

Cynder kept her look of bewilderment

"Only you? how can you afford this?"

Spyro grimaced and spoke flatly

"I can't, my job barely covers it and what my parents left me is running out already. I can't ask for anything off Ignitus after all he has done for me. I really need to get a roommate... I have an idea for one, but I don't know whether she would accept"

Cynder looked around again.

"Whoever she is, she is lucky to be sharing such a place. I wouldn't mind sharing the pay, I have a little bit of money... I'd love to live in a place like this"

Spyro felt a sly smile curl the corners of his mouth.

"Really? well, when do you want to move your stuff in?"

Cynder spun round, his smile was grow larger by the second and Cynder she looked staggered.

"What?... Did you just say I could move in? You meant ME about being your roommate?!"

"Yep, I won't let you waste away in some scum hole, you deserve a place you can call home."

Cynder shook and gave a little jump, she was like a small child being given a present they've always wanted.

"Oh-my-god-oh-my-god-oh-my-god! This is the best of my life!" she suddenly stumbled backwards and she swayed alarmingly. Spyro caught her just as she fainted, the past two days had been too much for her. Spyro picked her up softly and carried her to a bed.

"I think that means she wants to live here." Spyro chortled to himself and he placed her down the bed, he carefully tucked her in and watched her for a bit. She seemed so peaceful and it made Spyro feel complete to give her a home, something in his heart told him that she was perhaps the best thing that's happened to him, and he agreed. He couldn't put a claw on it but the little voice in his chest spoke the truth.


Cynder's head span as she came round, for a minute she smelled cooking and she thought that she was back by the run down pub, She panicked and she refused to open her eyes, she feared that if she did then the whole day could have been a dream and she would still be homeless and not in the house of the most perfect dragon she knew.

She moved her head and instead of a school bag acting as a pillow, there was an actual pillow. She hesitantly opened an eye and she saw a warm sheet covering her, she relaxed and thanked god it wasn't a dream. She was actually there, she was actually in his house, she was actually living with him.

She heard the clacking of footsteps and a shadow fell over her. She opened an eye to see Spyro gleaming at her, carrying a tray of something which smelled delicious.

"Hey there, you fainted so I put you up in the spare room. You might as well have it, I was going to save it for guests but I couldn't think of anyone better to stay there"

He pulled up a chair and placed the tray in front of her, there was a large bowl of soup and Cynder's stomach rumbled loudly.

"I made you this, I'm not the best chef. So if it's not any good just tell me. Oh! by the way, your school bag is by the bed."

He stayed sat and watched her begin to slurp the soup down. Cynder had never tasted anything so good, the school meals were her nicest meal of the day and they were nothing compared to this. She was so desperate to keep the wonderful flavour she accidently scolded her throat. She coughed and spluttered, Spyro instantly caught the soup before it was spilt everywhere then turned his attention to Cynder, her eyes were watering and she spluttered.

"Are you ok? what happened?" Spyro's voice was deeply concerned but Cynder just wiped her eyes and spluttered her words out.

"I'm ok, I just burnt my throat a bit. I'll be fine. You make the smallest problems seem huge... but thanks anyway"

Spyro seemed nervous still but Cynder patted his arm.

"That was some of the best food I've ever tasted. Do you mind if you cook the meals, I mean then there would at least be something we could both enjoy"

He looked at the bowl and spoke.

"Sorry that it was too hot, I'll be more careful next time"

Cynder sighed and looked almost pitifully at him

"You shouldn't beat yourself up over these little things. I'm fine and I feel better than in a long time"

Cynder got out of bed and stretched like a cat, she saw Spyro have a little glance at her and she felt smug. Maybe she wasn't that bad looking, Spyro had checked her out twice now, and she really didn't mind.

"What do we do now then? I'm happy with absolutely anything"

Spyro had a thought but he squashed it instantly. He wracked his mind for something to do but nothing came to him. Cynder looked the look on his face as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Well that's helpful" she said in sarcastic tone, Spyro just looked at her sheepishly and she soften a bit.

"I was joking... OH!! wait here!"

Cynder dived for her school bag, and Spyro watched as she stared to search through it franticly. She eventually produced a small pouch, it chinked as she walked. She gave it Spyro beaming.

"Here, take this. You deserve it after what you have done to me"

Spyro took it and opened the pouch, it was full of gold. Spyro's eyes widened and he looked at Cynder, She kept beaming at Spyro.

"Cynder! how did you get all this? I thought you were homeless"

Cynder's grin turned into a scowl and Spyro thought he had offended her. But when she spoke she wasn't angry, but there was definite emotion in her voice.

"I... worked at a strip club for a bit. It was the only place which was hiring girls."

Spyro's looked of shock turned from surprise to anger.

"What?! you were a stripper!"

Cynder panicked a bit and shook her head frantically

"NO! I was a waitress! but the whole time the people who went there and even the manager tried to make me show off more. The outfit they gave me was slutty enough, one day the boss came to me and said if I didn't get on stage I would be fired."

Spyro was in a disturded silence. Cynder kept on going, she mindlessly recited the tale, she was living through the events in her mind.

"I turned to leave but them he grabbed me! He said nobody left on him, he grabbed me and pinned me against a wall. He grabbed a knife from the side. He said if I wouldn't show my slit.... he'd make another one!"

She shuddered violently and held out her left forearm, there was a diagonal slash mark, faint but visable. Spyro took her arm and looked at the scar, he trembled as well. But he wasn't upset, he was angry.

"Where can I find him? I'll show him what happens when he DARES to hurt a friend!"

Cynder looked at him and moved her hand, so she was holding his. Spyro looked from the arm to her again, something lurked behind his eyes but Cynder spoke still.

"Please... just leave it. It was a couple of weeks ago now, it's in the past. I'm here and I couldn't be happier, please just forget him"

Spyro's eyes still showed something dark inside of him, but that soon faded. He looked at the money and handed it back to Cynder.

"I couldn't... you keep it, I can pay the rent."

Cynder thrust it back into his hands.

"And I can help! What about food? who would buy that? There is enough there to last a couple months."

He put the money on the side, speaking as he did.

"Why did you save it? you could have had a meal everyday and lived a slightly more comfortable life."

"I wanted a place I could call home, I saved up for a couple months rental of an apartment. But now I'm here I want to help pay"

Spyro took one last glance in the pouch before turning back to her.

"How much was in there?"

"Roughly 3,000. That's been saved for years though, some coins have been in there so long I have sort of lost count"

Spyro froze

"3,000?! Oh my god!" He punched the air and gave a small whoop and Cynder took a small step back.

"What's so good about 3,000?"

Spyro looked at her excitedly

"The owner said if I get him 3,000 and my months rent that he'd sell me the apartment! Normally it would be worth thousands upon thousands more! He said he liked me and that he needed the money to help his wife out!"

Cynder tilted her head sideways as she tried to process the thought.

"You mean... this would be your home... not some rented apartment"

"YEAH!!! OH please Cynder! Help me buy this place! Please!!"

He was bouncing on the spot but Cynder picked up the money, she looked at him and she had the same childish look on her face also.

"Well... you may have to convince me. You might just kick me out after I give you the money"

Spyro could tell she was joking but he still got on the floor and begged.

"Please! I won't kick you out! In fact you could kick me out, you'd be the one paying for the place"

Cynder looked at him and put on a fake thinking face, Spyro leaned in and he trembled like a small child about to be given a present.

"Well. I guess if you annoy me I could always kick you out"


He yelled in happiness, he got up a jumped. He looked at the black dragoness, who watched him with joy. He ran up to her grabbed her head and kissed her on the lips.

Time stood still for Cynder. Spyro, the one who had sat next to her, the one who had defended her when she was insulted, the one who had comforted her when she was upset, the most handsome dragon that she had ever met was kissing her. She knew that it was because of the joy of the moment but that didn't stop her stealing every last millisecond, trying desperately to keep the contact between their lips. To her dismay Spyro broke away, it was over too quickly for her. He was grinning like a madman, Cynder was in a daze and she felt like she was going to faint again.

Spyro gently took the money and Cynder didn't argue, he spoke in a rapid voice.

"I'm going to pay him now!!! I'll tell him the rent will be at the end of the month like always! Thank you!!!"

He dashed out, Cynder heard a door slamming and she touched her lips. She sat on her bed again and she dreamily stared out at the setting sun. It was just dipping below the hills in the distance, the sky was ruby red and she saw the faint wisps of a cloud. Inside Cynder she held a special spot, it was where she would retreat to when under attack from the students at school. It was also were she would just relax and watch the world, the beauty of the surrounding valley was unparalleled in her mind. The way the distant mountains added a stark contrast to the predominantly flat ground around the city. She would often watch the sun go down, but she never stayed in the same place for too long, watching a sunset was nowhere near enough an important enough risk. If she stayed to long in one area, either a gang or the police, who were just as brutal as the gangs sometimes, would find her.

She had heard rumours that if the policemen catch a young dragoness on the street and find out that she was an orphan, they would have their way with her then dispose of the body. This rumour had scared her for years, but Cynder actually stopped to think about it for a minute. Ember had told her that, Ember had told her that she would never feel loved, Ember had told her many things.

A flare of anger at the pink dragoness sparked in Cynder's heart, but then she thought of Spyro. The purple dragon was complete contrast. While Ember attacked, he defended, While Ember insulted, he complimented, while Ember said she wouldn't be loved, Spyro...

Her thought trailed off and her conscious spoke to her.

"Don't say that! What if he doesn't? Be glad you are living in his home. Do not push for anymore off him, he WILL resent you if you do! You have already been pushy enough!"

Cynder mumbled quietly and she smiled as the pessimistic thoughts that circled like harpies began to shrink

"It's not just Spyro's home... It's ours!"

She squashed any doubts in her head, she knew how she felt about the purple dragon, she loved him. She knew that she had known him for two days but they had already came so far, he had invited her to stay with him for a bit. Now she was full on living with him! Ever since she laid eyes on him, she knew he was different. No-one else would have been so kind, any other person would have left her as soon as she threatened them. But Spyro fought to stay her friend, he had fought to stay with her and in the fight he had won her heart.

She wouldn't be able to shake her mind away him from, but she didn't want to. She finished the soup on the side and thought about Spyro, he had made that for her, he cared enough to cook for her. She lay down on the bed and thought deeply, it was more than just a schoolgirl crush, she wanted to lay by his side, to grow old with him. The part of her head which she was so used came back again.

"Don't set yourself up for a fall. Do not love him, what if he doesn't like you? What if he finds someone else? you will only hurt yourself."

It was right, her voice was right. What if he didn't like her? She had to control her emotions, if she was to let herself fall for him now then he just reject her later, then there would be little point to life. She curled up and she continued the argument in her head. But if she pushed him away, he wouldn't fall for her because she'd seem colder and distant. But if she was too open, he would get a bit intimidated, she was lucky enough as it was after today and yesterday.

"Thinking deeply are we?"

Cynder's eyes snapped open to Spyro staring down at her, a tender smile on his face, soft eyes gazing upon her. He grabbed the chair and sat down near the bed, Cynder watched him as he faced her again.

"What's wrong?" his voice was so mellow and the tenderness expression made Cynder forget her inner conflict. She made up her mind for a second time, she had no doubt about him anymore.

"Nothing now you're here." Cynder replied in a similar voice.

"Sorry, I took so long. He insisted on checking the cash wasn't fake. Then he started asking how I got the money, probably thought I stole it or something!" he gave a chuckle and shook his head slightly

"I explained about you, that you helped pay and the fact you're living with me. Then he started questioning me about you!"

"What did you tell him?"

Spyro face turned slightly red and he spoke in a slightly embarressed tone.

"Well... I said I was living with a kind, smart and beautiful dragoness and I was lucky to have her... living with me! hehe... I was lucky have her living with me, that's what I said"

He was slowly turning crimson, Cynder could only snicker a bit as the purple dragon turned from purple to red.

"Anyway I headed back down as quick as I could... Getting dark quickly huh... it's because we're getting towards winter... you know and..."

He started to babble to try and cover himself, Cynder got up and put a claw on his lips.

"Spyro... calm down. It's ok, I'm lucky to be living with you also. I'm lucky to have even met you"

Spyro shut up and looked and Cynder, inside his own mind he was having the same dilemma as she was. She was kind, clever and so pretty. But he had only known herfor a day and a bit, should he really be feeling like this, should he really be feeling such deep thoughts about a girl after less week let alone 2 days? He felt sorry about the way she had been treated, Was he only feeling this way through pity? But here she was happy and smiling, her smile was breath taking to behold. When she was happy, he was happy, When Cynder was upset, he felt upset. This bond he felt with her was controlling him but he liked it, it kept him close to her.

Cynder removed her claw and Spyro watched her eyes flutter a bit, he could barely control himself. If he had his way, he would hold her close and never let go.

"I'm going to turn in for tonight. it's been quite a day..." He said and he turned away and began to walk out the room.

"Spyro, wait!"

Spyro glanced back and Cynder seemed a little upset.

"Goodnight..." she seemed like she had more to say but nothing came from her mouth.

"Goodnight Cynder, it's fantastic that you are living here. Thank you for helping me buy this house, and for just being such a great person to be around."

Spyro left the room and he swore he heard something else, a whisper, almost completely inaudible. He thought he heard 'I love you', he went to his room and clambered into bed. He was thinking deeply at what he thought he heard, he smacked himself and he convinced himself that it was his mind playing tricks on him, but his heart told him that the girl in the other room was more than just a friend. He slumped and shut his eyes, tomorrow would bring a new day, and a new opportunity to see which part of him was right.