My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 2 Chapter 2
#3 of My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 2
My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2 ...
Chapter 1
My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2
Chapter 2
I liked that I am welcomed back to the new book so well. Now I got good reviews and I would like to fully thank Opal Dragon 98 for helping with the new Spyro story and giving me ideas for this one so it's dedicated to him. Along with him is Strikeforce who is also been helping me with this. I would also like to dedicate this to another(bare with me) my dream mother. Subconsciously, she has been giving me ideas for this since I started writing. I am odd for saying this but I thank this, subconsciously and thank my dream mother for it.
(All characters belong to me, Heartless Dragon.) Also had no time to prove check so im sorry. i also suck when it comes to hisses and the lettering for it.
My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2
Part 2
Someone never truly dies, only their bodies.
Their legacy, memories and soul lives on.
Someone never truly goes to hell or heaven.
Their soul becomes what they choose it go to.
Everyone had awaken and I had started breakfast. My father had my siblings eat at the kitchen table while he brought down food to my mother. Mencor and Alaya sat on the same table, smiling towards my siblings. And the twins... well they stayed were they were. I honestly wanted to know a bit more about the two raptors. They remained so isolated and I never got a full chance to talk to them up close or when I have time, which seems to be a lot now.
I would go visit them when I had finished with everything here. But first, I began making simple breakfast which this time, I tried a new recipe. It was call 'Pancakes', which was odd as it sound, was really good. Especially when you added peaces of meat in it. I wanted to try it and let my family see if they liked it.
The time I have spent learning to cook with John again has been great. The week has quickly passed and its been one of the best ones yet. My mother had quickly overcome the weakness of the egg laying and had started walking around again. However she remained most of the time in the room caring for the eggs. They weren't do hatch till two more weeks, in total of nearly a month.
My siblings were now helping around the house now and with John. The house was now picked up constantly and I felt proud how much my siblings have been busy. John has seen this and has been more... attached to them, especially to Kila. Nliyn had also started becoming more attached to my little sister. She has been more careful with her actions towards my sister yet she is still playful with her.
Now and then I would see her make a small pass on my sister but nothing that is serious. I often wonder if that is something that she does purposely or it's an urge that she cannot get rid of. A simple love with my sister seems a little off but what do I know, it's not like they'll become mates in the future.
At weeks end, had brought everyone to a satisfying tiresome. My siblings had gone from energetic hatchlings of play to tired hatchlings of labor in less then a week. John had made it clear that he didn't want them to work around the house like other slave-owners did but my siblings did out of thanking John for letting him into the house.
Mencor and Alaya had their own duties and that was keeping the house heated, the backyard clean and... make sure that their daughter's shrine was left well and a few candles lit everyday.
For the raptors, well, I haven't seen them at all in a week and I start to worry. They may not be a big part of the family, yet. But I do care for those that live here.
It was a Friday night when I decided that I would go to their room. I knew that they were alive, for say. The constant sound of their large claws on the upstairs say their moving, especially after John had gotten them the biggest treadmill he could find.
I stood by the door and knocked on the door twice. At first it was silent but then I heard someone approaching the door and the door handle, switched by John, opened and Rava's head came out.
At first I was a little tensed, still not used to the fact that she was slightly taller then me and she could kill me at ease. Not only that but her diamond slit eyes seem to hide her inner soul that many creatures have. Dragons have the same type of eyes but they were more spaced out. I didn't say anything so Rava spoke.
"Yesss?" she asked in a soft hiss.
I blinked, startled after my confusion before giving a small smile.
"Hello Rava. I came to check on you and your brother."
She blinked once before lowering her head to meet my eye level.
"Forrr what reasssson have you come to check on ussss?"
"W-well," I stuttered. "I haven't seen you in over a week or so and none of you have come down to see any of us. I was beginning to worry and wondered if you two were alright."
She sniffed the air, almost sticking out her tongue like a snake before she narrowed her eyes.
"Why do you care for ussss sssso muchhhh?"
I now had the will to fully say it.
"Because... you are part of our family and family look out for one another."
Her eyes slowly widened a bit.
"Familyyyy?" she asked. I just nodded. She gave a small snort before she opened the door wide enough and turned back in. "Come in." she hissed.
I slowly turned in and saw that the room was quite dark. There was no light except from the black light in the corner and the hologram. I immediately smelled a heavy musk of male which was Rava's brother and something else that seemed foreign yet familiar. Had these two mated with each other?
Seeing and noticing that I had noticed the room and odd scents, Rava spoke to me.
"Yes, my brother and I do mate each other." She said without any hesitation or without regret.
I looked at her and couldn't help but blush at her sudden statement. I didn't care for it... much that they did. I just wasn't used to knowing that not only do dragons sometimes mate with their siblings but so do raptors.
Rava noticed my blush and hissed in amusement.
"Doessss it trouble you on what weeee do, Verderaaaa?"
Her brother, who was watching the hologram, came over and stood by his sister.
I quickly shook my head.
"No it doesn't Rava. I just.... Didn't know that raptors mate with their own siblings like us dragons do."
Carn also hissed in amusement.
"I ssssee that not only have weeee enjoyed our own ssssibling but it sssseemssss that so have youuuu."
I blushed a bit deeper before I began observing the room again. Carn went back to the hologram which had front row pillows while Rava motioned for me to follow her to her bed which consisted of giant pillows on the far back.
She laid down with her feet underneath and I sat down on the pillow with my feet out. I was still a little nervous of being next to Rava, especially since she was eyeing at me.
"Sssso," she began, "What isss your real reasssson for being here? You wouldn't jusssst come up here and asssk how weeee are doingggg."
I looked at her and gave a small smile.
"You truly don't believe that I just came to check on you two right?"
My question gave her a quizzical expression. I guess she did not expect that I would be telling the truth. I guess in the past, she was used to lies.
She gave a small hiss.
"I ssssuposssse that... I am not truelyyyy acusssstomed to your kindnessss." She inhaled deeply and her expression went from anything but scary to a calm, relaxed look. She looked down at her claws before she gave a small hiss of pain and turned her neck to her back.
The first time I never really paid attention, like I seemed to have not been doing lately, but when I saw the scars on Rava's back, an old image of mine flashed into my eyes and I cringed a bit. I was remembering mine and I guess I can feel how Rava feels now.
She turned back and me and really saw how I felt about the scar. She sighed and then turned her head to her brother. She gave a small hiss and a growl and immediately, he came.
She turned her attention to me now.
"It issss a nassssty wound that plaguessss me everydayyyyy." She said. Her brother quickly got a bottle at the corner on top of a table and quickly brought it over. I assumed it's the bottle that she asked for when she arrived. Her brother then opened the bottle and let loose a few amounts of white cream onto her back. He then put it down before he used his upper hands and began applying it all over her back. The scars are large so they do cover a large portion of her back. However I noticed that it is harder for her brother to do it since his arms weren't meant to do that much work.
I slowly stood up and walked to her side next to him. He turned to me and I looked at him.
"I can help her better. I have hands and it would make it a lot smoother."
He blinked before he looked down at his sister. She eyed him from her corners before giving a small hiss. He slowly backed away and watched me from the side. I looked at him before I turned to Rava. I slowly rubbed what she had on her back already and began slowly rubbing the large scars.
At first she gave a dissatisfying hiss before she began growling in pleasure. Her muscles were very tense I could feel that she was used to the burning or effect of the lotion. I did it ever slowly yet I made sure that I rubbed the right spots on her back. From here, could see that the scars were easily made by some form of metal strucking object or some kind of blunt object. Unlike mine, her scars didn't have the part of the skin in which the burning affect would make the skin inflate or have a deep hole. This seemed more like a whip but it was hard to describe since much of it was already healing.
I rubbed for a good ten minutes, she having her eyes closed and I could feel her muscles relax completely. She was hissing in small spurts, making me think that she was truly enjoying this. When I used up all the cream, the scars seemed less tensed now.
She gave a final hiss of pleasure before opening her eyes and turning her head to me with a smile only a reptilian could see.
"Thank you." She hissed. She slowly stood up and cracked her neck before turning to me. "It feelssss sssso much ssssmoother now."
I just gave her a smile.
"Anytime," Then my smile dropped. "Though I wish to know how you got it.
Her smile dropped as well and she looked towards her bother. He came by and sat next to her. She sat back down and I sat across from them.
She sighed, looking down. Her brother brushed up against her before she looked up at me.
"It issss a ssssad tale to tell."
"Not as sad as mine." I commented. This got them to both look at me.
"I bare scars on my back much like your only mine were given to me when I was a hatchling. Nearly died receiving them."
The two raptors eyes went wide.
"Hatchling?" Rava hissed. "At a young age?"
I just nodded before turning my whole body and lifting up my shirt. I closed my eyes and I heard them gasp or hiss as they would. I tried not to think about it and let them look. I felt one of them rub their snout against my fading scar between my wings. I sighed and lowered my shirt before turning back towards them. I could see that my scar seemed twice as worse then Rava's but on a smaller scale.
It took them a while to answer but Rava spoke first.
"What kind of being would harm a hatchling and leaveeee them like thissss?"
I lowered my head.
"One who is not so kind in heart and merciless. I suffered through a man so vile that to this very day, I suffer nightmares from him.
I began my tale of how I first became to the owner. Being born from my mother and father, having to work on at an earlier age and the eventual leading of my scars. They seemed shocked that I was beaten with metal whips that would have the raptors begging for death. I did and they seemed even more horrified when I told them when he heated them up and strike me, they cringed at the sudden image. When I told them I was left to suffer for a single day, they had some tears of their own.
Rava spoke out with an angry voice.
"I would have ripped that human to sssshredssss and make him ssssuffer the worsssst possssible death he could have never imagined!"
I nodded and gave a small smile.
"Don't worry I did."
I continued on, on how I got saved by the man's wife and how she became my angel. When I had returned, I killed the man. This got a satisfying hiss from the raptors and a little smile at that. I continued on and said that I got transferred, then my other siblings came and finally how I got here.
We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. I was still am still sadden by my own tale as the raptors but I think they were taking this to another level.
"You have the instictssss of a true killerrrrr," Carn hissed. "You gave that human pesssst what he truelyyyy deserved. I would neverrrr everrrr let anyone that I love or care forrrr bare ssssuch woundssss like that and...." He stopped when he saw his sister's wound and I sighed. "I would neverrrr allow it to happen again."
I looked to him, seeing that he believes that he caused his sister this scar. I would like to know how. I got my answer right away.
"Well my tale issss not assss painfullll.... Asss yourssss but I believe that it issss a ssssaddening one." She inhaled deeply before locking my eyes to me.
"My brother and I were born in a facilityyyy in which sssseveral other raptorssss like ussss were born assss well. From our egg hatchingssss, were weeee immediately given sssshotssss in our bodiessss to be accusssstomed to the breathing environment and to begin sssspeaking. Weeee raptorssss already know how to learn but they made us hunt not by inssstinct but by commandssss. Oh how weeee hated following their orderssss." She hissed in dismay before continuing. "When we were nearlyyyy full grown, they made ussss hold ssssome kind of weapon, assss they called it, and we began ussssing them ass our hunting toolssss. Then they sent usss on missssionssss acrossss the world to end livessss or ssssave them. That is when our time in the facility had quicklyyyy come in an end. Ourrrr time ended a few monthssss ago."
She sighed and shook her head.
"Weeee never would ssssusssspect that weeee would receive harssssh punisssshment for our failure. Our goalssss were ssssimple really. Kill a target before they found ussss and make ssssure weeee are never discovered." She lowered her head. "I failed in on a misssson and I wassss punisssshed for it."
"I sssshouldn't have allowed them to do it," hissed Carn. His looks went dark as he stared at me. "I loved my ssssisssster enough to care what happenssss to her. I would die protecting her."
"And you nearly did," hissed Rava a bit angrily. They both looked at each other before Carn sighed sadly and Rava's went back to me. There was a tension between them that I could see and I was just as confused yet curious onto what happened.
"When I allowed ssssome human to view me. An enemy for ssssay. The military didn't want to reveal ourrrr exissssstence for being ussssed as weaponssss to hunt the nation'ssss enemiessss. When I got caught, the human already altered his alliessss and weeee quickly retreated." She hissed angrily. "If I would have been a ssssecond fasssster, I wouldn't bare thesssse scars."
"But you would still be in the facility." I said softly. She looked at me, realizing what I was saying is true. If she hated the place like she said she did, then I am sure she would bare more scars to never go back.
She only nodded and continued.
"When weeee returned, I was quickly resssstrained and taken in. Myyyy brotherrrr began attacking those that had me ressstrained."
"I could have killed them all if I had the chance." He growled.
"And they would have killed meeee." she said.
He just stayed quiet and Rava continued.
"When they ssssaw my brotherrrr attacking me, they pointed a weapon at meeee and threatened him. If he didn't sssstop attacking, they would kill meeee for it. I ssssaw my brotherrrr and knew he would do anything to protect me, but he couldn't protect me from them."
Carn gently rubbed his snout on the back of Rava's head. I know that they had a strong bond but the way Carn would put his life for his own sister proved anything beyond that. I guess that not only is their love for each other stronger than siblings but they mate each other to prove it.
Rava hissed at the caress but stopped as she continued.
"When theyyyy took meeee in, theyyyy demanded whyyyy I failed my missssion. I told them whyyyy and theyyyy found it a great crime. Not only had I failed the missssion but I caussssed the facility to losssse itssss project to ssssend ussss raptorssss to become ssssoldierssss. They were upsssset about that and they had ordered that all raptorsss be sent to the island were other dragonssss are living."
'Wait, island with dragons? Is she talking about the one I keep seeing on the hologram were the dragons are set free? I didn't know of it yet but it seems odd that not only are there dragons free but sending the raptors there too is a bit odd. I didn't dwell on it as she continued.
"Assss a lassst requesssst, they had me punissshed for thisss and I was ssssentenced to be whipped."
I cringed at the words and Rava cringed at the memory.
"Becausssse of my thick hide, they had to tie meeee down and use a metal one. Myyyy brotherrrr tried to attack them but they ressstrained him down and made him watch meeee." A single tear fell from her eye. "I guessss that when you know you life issss about to get ruined, you think of all that you missss. They hit me at leasssst five timessss and each time had my blood dripping down to the floor.
I saw the anger in Carn's eyes. His teeth were showing and he was snarling softly. He dug his claws into the pillows and slowly ripping out the stuffing. Rava calmed him down by rubbing her snout against his. He stopped clawing at the pillows but remained angry. Rava laid her head against his and continued.
"When theyyy were done with meeee, I wassss in much agonyyyy. They didn't botherrrr with getting meeee to medical care. Myyyy brotherrrr jusssst took meeee to ourrrr room. The otherrrr raptorssss carrred forrrr meeee and decided to help meeee. They began attacking certain humanssss there and demanding that I receive help. They did and from there on, they healed what they could. When the word had been sssspread, theyyyy tried to coverrrr up much of what theyyyy could and had all the raptorsss sent to the island exept ussss for John had already been ordered to take ussss in." She sighed deeply.
"The raptorssss that got taken told ussss before theyyyy left that weeee are all part of a pack and that weeee would sssseeee each other once more. I knew they were right and I am glad though they we have actually been released." With that she finally stopped.
I sighed. I felt so many emotions go through me and I knew that she and I shared a difficult past. I felt tired now and I guess that since it was already way past the night time. I yawned a bit loudly before looking at the raptors.
"I guess I should be going to bed. I thank you for sharing your story Rava. I guess you and I have or troubled pasts."
I slowly stood up but was stopped as Rava had reached out with her small arm.
"You musssst resssst here Verderaaaa. I enjoy our little talk but you mussst ressst here. I would like for you to stay here for helping meeee a lot."
I was confused but gave a smile none the less.
"It's fine and I don't wish to intrude on you two. I could make it to my room."
"Pleasssseee," she said still holding my hand. "I would jusssst like you to stay here with ussss."
I didn't want to be rude so I just nodded and laid back down on the pillows. Carn went to go turn off the hologram and black light before returning to the pillows and laying by his sister. I laid on my own side. The room was quite hot so I wouldn't need a blanket. My tiredness got the best of me and I quickly was losing my self to sleep. However the last thing I felt before darkness took me was one of the two sniffing me before laying my head. My mind lost focus and I fell asleep.
Chapter 3