too much time on my hands.txt

Story by superhiro220 on SoFurry

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Sleepless night

Endless days

Still the sands of time pour slowly to taunt my weary mind

The sun shines

The others rest

I have yet a small solace to find

Not long ago I had little time to myself

Now I drown in the new over abundance

The beauty and awe of the written word brings little joy

Even in my admittedly perverse thought and desires I find little comfort

It is like my most favorite foods lost their appeal and flavor

I yearn for something to distract my wits, what I wouldnt give for even a small toy

Yet nothing comes though I pray and wait

Looking for a broken bobble to fix or a small problem to solve

So lost and bored, this strange furry

Some unseen hand forces me from writing a story

A tale of happiness, sorrow, strangeness, and other worlds

I ask it to leave and to please do hurry

life changes part one.txt

My boyfriend is coming home soon and I want to give him a very special night... That Collie at the clinic was very nice in helping me pick out the right surprise. He said the founder of Black Labrador wanted people to show their truest self without...

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