One night...
#1 of One night
Authors Note: 'Ello all! First I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this little slice of fiction. This was originally a project for school, but I felt like putting it here to. But enough of my blabbering, ON TO THE STORY!
Wind rustled tree leaves as I strolled through the forest one foggy October evening. Sensing something, I stopped, lifted my foxy nose to the air and drank heavily of the new scent. Something about it was different, almost like something I have dealt with before. Yet somehow, different.
Curiosity getting the best of me, I began to slowly pad my way through the thick brush and other undergrowth of the forest. Still blindly following my nose, I walked head-long into a briar patch. Realizing this fact too late; I had no choice but to continue forward.
Thorns and dead tree limbs nipped and scraped against my black fur and skin, causing scratches. Some deeper than others. The pain was beginning to give me worry, I was starting to wonder how much longer this nightmare of an area was going to continue.
Almost as if by my thoughts alone, the end of the patch is in sight. Taking a moment to gather my strength and check the air again for the scent, I was soon plunging as fast as I could through the brambles.
After what seemed like an eternity, I arrived at the end of the briar patch. I was almost afraid to look back at the damage I had endured through the recent trek. But, concerns arose within me for my own safety forced me to do so. As I turned my head, I could feel my neck burning like a bonfire in the middle of August. Finally finishing my head-turn I surveyed the damage. The first thing that came to my mind that instance was utter relief. The pain was thankfully severely grand-scaling the actual injuries. The worst of the injuries felt like they were the scratches on my neck, and even they did not feel that severe. Judging that the injuries to my body were not debilitating, I pressed on.
After a couple more hours of stumbling around in the dark with only my nose to follow, I finally found it. The form was hard to make out in the dark, but after some careful checking, there was no doubt about it.
The form in front of me was none other, then the fabled "Übergewicht Kaninchen" or "Fat Rabbit" as it is also known. The elusive creature is said to weigh more than one hundred and fifty pounds, and have the most succulent white meat that could ever be tasted. As I looked over the deceased rabbit I thought to myself with a wicked grin on my face.
"I, Kyle the fox, shall eat like a king until the day I die."
Authors Note: So, what did ya' think?