
Story by NIGHTSTORM77 on SoFurry

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Isabelle stands and then sits in front of the grave, which read Tobias Moore. She wants nothing more than to scrape off that name and put Schaeffer, her fathers' birth name.

When her father died, she and her sisters suffered so much. So much hell that their mother and stepfather has put them through. Then again, that's what made them stronger.

She remembers her fathers' death clearly, she was only 8.

She remembers being by her mothers side, waiting for the streetlight to change. Her father left them for a moment to get a coffee, smiling at her mother and at her. She remembers her mother suddenly gripping her shoulder tightly and hen the streetlight was green, she pushed her into the oncoming traffic.

It wasn't until years later that Isabelle found out that her mother pushed her deliberately because she was jealous of her daughters' relationship with Tobias, despite the fact that was his own daughter. She pushed her deliberately so Isabelle could be killed and she could have Tobias for herself. But the plan backfired, because Tobias got hit instead.

All she remembered was a blur after her mother pushed her.

She remembered hearing a lot of honking, and brakes screeching. Above all that though, was hearing her father screaming. It was then she realized that her father was running to her at top speed from the store and he pushed her out of the way. What happened next was all in slow motion; his body suddenly went flying when he was hit from a speeding car. Then he hard against the pavement, his right leg crooked and blood all over his shirt.

She remembers her mother came to Tobias broken body and was trying to talk to him. Tobias, however, snarled at her and spat in her face. Isabelle remembers the blood spittle dripping on her mothers face and her shocked look. He then said with a growl that he hated her and hoped she burn in hell. That last statement seemed to break her mother's sanity because she then ran off screaming.

Tobias then looked at Isabelle and his gaze softened. He took her hand and smiled. She could remember what he said very clearly.

"You have to be strong,Isabelle. Be strong. Watch over your sisters. I love you...little one."

His eyes then glazed over and his grip on her slackened. That is how the most beautiful person Isabelle has ever known died before her eyes.

Isabelle nearly fell apart when her father died. But she remained strong to keep her sisters together and safe. She endured years of sexual and mental abuse from her stepfather and mother. When she was 16, she found out that her mother allowed him to hurt her and her sisters, so he could keep supporting them. That was the last straw for them, so Isabelle and her sister left the place that they called home

Isabelle's mind came back to the present when a large gust of wind mussed her white colored hair. She pulled it back and looked at the grave with grief in her eyes.

"Da-Daddy. I miss you." She whispered "I know you told me to be strong...but's so hard."

Isabelle's back suddenly stiffened when she sensed someone behind her. She looks around and see's a man about 20 years of age, with short black hair, blue eyes and has three earrings on his left ear. She sighs as she turns back to the grave.

"There's no one here, Raphael. You don't have to hide yourself."

The man smiled and he removed a beaded bracelet from his wrist. There was a white light and his anthromorphic wolf form showed. He walked up to her and crouched down.

"You ok?"


She stares at the gray headstone and sighs.

"He was my road map, Raphael." She said softly "He was always there for me. He constantly told me he loved me and he was there for me. He was also there for Carrie and Isabelle."

She then looks at Raphael, her blue eyes shimmering.

"I miss him, Raphael."

"Oh baby girl." Raphael said softly as he took her into her arms as she started to sob in his chest, gripping his fur tightly.

"I want my father back" she sobbed.

"I know, sweetheart. I know." He said, kissing her hair. He held her for a long time and during that time; he silently pays his respects to Tobias. For he was thankful that Tobias brought Isabelle into this world for him. For he would bear her sorrow and always love her, so Tobias will know that his sacrifice was not in vain.


Profile: Isabelle Schaeffer

HAIR: White, curly, thigh length EYES: Blue with white pupils, wears glasses SEX: Female HEIGHT: 4'11 WEIGHT: 112Ibs INTERESTING FEATURE: Grey prehensile tail that ends in a point and a wings tattoo on her back. RACE: Greek/German ...

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Profile: Ralphael Nakai

HAIR: Grayish Black EYES: Blue Eyes SEX: Male AGE: 20 Years HEIGHT: 6'7 WEIGHT: 245 Ibs INTERESTING FEATURE: He's an anthromorphic wolf and has three earrings on his left ear. RACE: Cheyenne FAMILY: Unknown PERSONALITY: Kind,...

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