Taggart Ó Cuagan Prologue

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#1 of The Tales From Zion

    "I'm so hungry." I whimper silently to myself as I limped along the trashy...

"I'm so hungry." I whimper silently to myself as I limped along the trashy back passages of Doen. I've been having this sharp continual pain for the past two years and each passing day it gets worse. Had it not been for my parents shunning me and booting me out of the house, I wouldn't have to go through all of this. I stopped, leaned up against a building, and just shoke my head. "No, that's not fair. I put my neck out on a line when I came out to them and lost."

My voice started to squeak, in need for something to drink. While my throat hurt, there were some options that I wasn't desperate enough to take. Yet, at least not now. I thought shuddering slightly and try to push myself off the wall. The moment I pushed myself of the way, my legs gave out below me and crashed into the ground. I didn't initially pass out; I tried crawling out of the alley, so someone in the city could find and help me.

I can't remember passing out, but the next morning I woke up in a nice bed. My splotchy paws pushed the silken covers off my lithe body. I suddenly felt a sharp pain surge from the back of my head. I winced as my right paw came in contact with some bandages wrapped around the back of my head. Beside the sheets, nothing else was notable about the room. Where am I and who brought me here. I wondered staring out a window. I was about ready to lift my legs over the side of the bed when a knock came from the door.

"Hello, you awake dog? I'm coming in," My ears flattened back and pulled the covers back over my legs. Slowly the door opened and entered a plump, elder ocelot. "Good you're awake, glad that my efforts didn't go to waist," The old man chuckled as he shut the door behind himself. "Are you doing alright hunting dog?"

"I'm doin' a lot better. Thank you for bringin' me into ... umm ... where are we?" My ears remained flat as I mumbled softly. Please don't let this man be a rapist. I silently prayed as the ocelot sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You're in my home. Found you passed out in the back when I went to take out the trash. Brought you in and took care of that gash on the back of your head," The elder laughed happily and patted my legs. It took every ounce of my self-control not to growl at him.

"Do you live here by yourself?" I asked leaning up a bit, pulling my legs up towards my chest.

"Nah, it's been me and my wife for the past twenty years. She is down stairs making breakfast; are you hungry for some grilled salmon?"

"Very much so, I haven't had a decent meal in..." My voice stopped dead in its tracks, realizing how much time had really passed since I was kicked out. "A very long time," My paws tightened around the silk covers.

The ocelot was about to get off the bed when he stopped and extended a paw to me. "Oh where are my manners. My name is Aeron Woodbury," Not wanting to seem rude, I took his hand and shook it gently. I almost squeaked in surprise as he pulled me up to a sitting position. "Come on now, pup. The food is awaiting."

As soon as we left the room, I could smell the intoxicating aromas of spices and cooked fish. My stomach lurched slightly by the powering smell. When we got into the his kitchen my eyes imeadiatly focused on who I guessed was Aeron's wife. The male ocelot went up to her and kissed her neck softly. "Are the fish almost finished cooking sweetie?"

"They finished just a few minutes ago. I was cleaning up while I was waiting for them to cool down," The female ocelot said as she was about to return the kiss, but then she saw me standing by the table. "You must be the boy Aeron found last night. I'm Rain, pleasure to meet you."

"My name is Taggart Cuagan. Thank you both for bring me in last night." I said shyly, slightly embarressed in how ashamed I was for thinking that the male ocelot was up to no good.

Aeron sat down at the table bringing over a plate with a pile of fish on it. He motioned me to sit down at the table in between him and his wife who took a seat without me seeing happen. I did my best to smile my brightest. I picked up one of the fish and after a quick glance at the two felines next to me; took a bit out of the much needed meat. "So Tag, if you don't mind, why are you out on the streets?" The ocelot asked as I was about to swollow.

I gulpped down that bit before I started to tell them what had happened and why I was in this perdicument. I told them about my attemt at coming out to my parents, my time in Bannihar after being kicked out, how it was traveling through the wild lands, and being in Doen. "That was the last thing I remember before waking up in you bed."

The two ocelots silently communicated for a few moments before nodding their heads. "If you need a place to stay, you can live with us," Aeron spoke patted me on the back softly.

What, they don't care that I'm gay? I stared dumbfounded at Mr. Woodbury, shocked even further by their gestures of kindness. "H..how can I ever repay you?" I managed to finally spit out.

"Well, if you think you're up to it, we could use some help at our pub." Rain offered putting another fish in front of me. "Unfortunatly, we can't have children. And, well, someone needs to inherit it."

I placed one of my paws over my muzzle and closed my eyes tightly; trying my hardest not to cry. "I... I'd b...be happy to." I finally muttered out after calming down. Finally, if things go right here I might have a chance to have a stable future. I mentally started crying happy tears as I started eating another fish.