Relationships part 3

Story by crazy wolf on SoFurry

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The thrid part yea! Hope you like it! It a bit short but the next one will be longer.


"Max are you going to say anything. Come on I'm waiting. Max!" No word from Max.

"Well if your not going to say anthing then I'm leaving bye." Rex was about to walk away but out of no where Max grabbed Rex by the hand.

"Max! let me go!"still no word from Max

"Max!"Rex was trying to ecape struggling but it was no use Max's grip was to hard the fact that Max was stronger then Rex. Rex kept pleading for his hand's release. Max stood there not acknowleding Rex's actions.

"Let gooo! Max!" Thats when Max finally did something. He pulled Rex into a hug. Tears where running down Max's eyes onto Rex's fur. Rex felt them. Rex looked up at Max. Max started talking

"Rex....I love you! I dont want to lose you." Max was sobbing

"I just didnt now how to express my feelings for you. Please dont leave! I need you Rex cant you see that!" Rex was speechless still in Max's embrace.Max I love you too...even though we just met I have this connection toward you. But how are we going to do this?

"Max I.......lov"

"Yes Rex what is it?"

"Max I love you too!" Max pulled Rex even closer. Rex's muzzel was pressed against Max's chest. He took the scent in he was intoxiated with Max's smell. Rex looked up and saw Max with a smile and his awe striking emerald eyes.

Max leaned in and Rex could feel Max's wram breath as Max's muzzel closer. There muzzel met. Rex was lost in the kiss it was pure bliss. Max then streched his tongue into Rex's muzzel. Were there tounges wrestled with each other there was no winner nor loser they were both equally matched. Max's broke the kiss. Rex was breathless. He finally caught his breath.

"Max...that kiss was amazing. But Why is it wrong to love another male? It makes no sense." Rex whispered

"Whats wrong Rex?"

"I've been taught that being gay is wrong. Its a sin. My parents would kill me if they knew!" Rex was feaking out he was hyperventilating.

"Rex please calm down. Rex!" He planted a kiss on Rex's muzzel. Rex stood still all his troubles his worries all started floating away.

"Better?" Max said


"Listen Rex I wont let anyone harm you in any way shape or form. I"ll be there to protect you. Max gave Rex a reasuring look.

"Yea I'm sure you will."

"If your parents kick you out it wont matter you can always live with me and my uncle. We love company."

"Really! you would do that for me." Rex started wagging his tail vigorously

"I would do anything for you."